Lost and Found


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Our legs were entwined and I knew that I was leaving as much of a slippery trail against Jo's thigh as she was on mine as we writhed against each other and suddenly I needed to taste her, needed to have her cum in my mouth.

I caught her by surprise as I flipped her onto her back, pinning her down with my own body weight and holding her arms still by her sides as I kissed from her neck, down onto the silky smooth skin of her shoulder where I sunk my teeth into her hard enough to leave a mark.

Her squeal of surprise and pain quickly turned into a lust filled moan and as I took one of her engorged nipples into my mouth and sucked hard, bringing my thigh up to rub against her soaked pussy she ripped her hands free, tangling them in my short hair and pulling my head tighter against her chest.

Jo has small nipples that look like jelly tots when they're hard and they get super sensitive when she's turned on. I covered them in kisses, coating them in saliva before blowing cool air over them and making her gasp.

I lavished attention on both of her breasts, alternating between nipping them with my teeth and sucking them as deeply into my hot mouth as they would go, my tongue working their way over and around them as her back arched up into me, urging me on.

I slipped my hand between our bodies and drove 2 fingers deep inside of her, cries of pleasure indicating her pleasure but turning to groans as I removed them just as quickly. Her eyes burned into mine as I brought them to my lips and sucked her essence from my hand, my own moans at her familiar taste driving me down between her thighs where I was confronted with a beautiful sight.

Her glorious pussy with its neatly trimmed and cropped light brown hair was glistening with moisture and I felt my mouth water at the prospect. I caressed the smooth skin of her thighs as I licked the creases between legs and hips; I kneaded her buttocks as I kissed just above her clit and I knew I was driving her mad with need; her lips swollen and slick with her desire.

'Oh fuck Vicki, please!' and she arched her back off the bed, forcing her pussy against my mouth.

I wrapped my arms around her thighs to hold her jogging hips as still as possible and speared her with my tongue, feeling her silky walls convulse around me as a small but unmistakable orgasm rolled instantly through her body, releasing a fresh surge of her beautiful ambrosia into my mouth.

Her taste was divine and brought back so many memories and emotions that I was lost in a sea of elation and my tongue was a blur of motion; licking and sucking her dark swollen lips, moans and whimpers spurring me on as I drove 2 and then 3 fingers back into her, stroking her magic spot repeatedly as I sucked her clit into my mouth and lashed it with my tongue until she unleashed a string of incoherent obscenities and soaked my face and hand in delicious nectar.

'Jesus Vicki, I'd forgotten how good you are with your mouth!' she panted, as I lay between her thighs licking my lips and wanting more.

'Now you need to bring that sweet pussy of yours here for me to play with.'

I knew exactly what she wanted; it had once been of our favourite positions all those years ago, so I climbed up her body until I was straddling her face with my knees, my pussy directly above her impatient mouth.

I looked down at her gorgeous face, eyes hooded with desire, as I lowered myself down onto her and my heart melted at her joyous expression as she took her first lap at my drenched pussy.

'Oh god; I'd also forgotten how much I loved this!' she moaned into me, sending shivers up my spine.

I caressed the hair away from her face as she took long, slow licks at me. I was so turned on that I knew I wouldn't last long, so I tried to pull up from her face a little in an attempt to slow things down but her hands grabbed my arse, digging her fingers into my cheeks and forcing me back down onto her.

As her tongue wound it's way around my clit I grasped the headboard to keep myself upright, bracing myself for the onslaught that I knew was about to ravage my body as she sucked my bud hard into her mouth and thrust her fingers deep into my sopping tunnel.

I rode her hand and tongue like a bronco rider with no conscious control over my actions, just pure unadulterated blissful response to the sensations she was causing within me and when I came, I came so hard I could barely breathe; so hard that I was afraid I might be suffocating or drowning Jo, but she didn't stop fucking me and I didn't stop coming until eventually I had to let go of the head board and I collapsed onto the bed.

We didn't get much sleep that night. We had 3 years to make up for and damn me if we didn't try to accomplish that all at once.

The next morning I woke to find Jo raised up on one elbow, watching me, smiling, as I found my way back into consciousness. We kissed deeply, the stale scent of our arousal heavy in the air and our skin.

We were both ravenously hungry so we reluctantly tore ourselves out of bed and walked Buster down to Jo's café, where we feasted on the biggest breakfast I've ever eaten.

We chatted endlessly about all sorts of things, we murmured how much we loved each other, we held hands, we talked about how lucky we were that Buster had introduced us again and yet we never mentioned the elephant in the room.

It was there, we both knew it. Like something just out of sight that could only be glimpsed out of the corner of your eye, something that you could almost ignore as long as you didn't manage to focus on it properly.

At some point I was going to get into my car and drive back to London. To my flat. To my job. To the life that I had there.

I thought about asking Jo to come with me and I actually think she may have said yes, at least for a visit, but she had things to do here. She was in the process of taking over a business and now wasn't the time to be taking a holiday.

So where did that leave us?

Would I be willing to uproot my life and move to Cornwall?

Did Jo really want me here?

As we walked back to Jo's house I felt the weight of insecurity descend upon me; a fog of doubt that enshrouded me in it's cloak and blocked the sun from view. We were going to have to have some serious discussions and I was terrified.

We were sat in her small, neat garden on a comfy swing chair, the sun warming our faces and making Jo's chestnut hair shine when she broached the subject. She snuggled against my side, with one arm tightly wrapped around my torso as she released an enormous sigh.

'What happens now Vicki?'

'I'm not sure I know, but as I see it there aren't too many options to choose from.'

She looked up at me curiously, her arched eyebrow inviting me to continue. I hadn't put too much thought into the logistics but I knew what my gut was telling me felt right, so I relayed my thoughts so far.

'Ok, so these are the available options as I see it, including the one's I don't really want to contemplate:

1 – We go our separate ways and try to carry on just as we were before this week. That's not an option I like the sound of much.'

The way Jo's arm tightened around my stomach and the small whimper she let slip told me that this wasn't a good option for her either. Good – looking positive so far.

'2 – I go home to London and we try to carry on a long distance relationship to see how things pan out. Personally I'm not very taken with that idea either as I know I'm going to miss you like hell as soon as I'm out of your sight.'

Jo murmured her assent and nodded slightly. So far so good!

'3 – You could give up your life here and move back to London with me. I can't really see that working either, especially as you've just found something you really want to do and are starting to build a nice life for yourself here and frankly, I would never forgive myself if you gave that up for me.'

Jo was absolutely still and silent now; in fact I'm pretty sure she was holding her breath.

'4th and final option – I quit my job and move down to Cornwall to be with you.' There, I'd said it; now it was my turn to hold my breath.

'Where's the catch with this option?' Jo whispered into my shoulder, obviously waiting for the downside.

'Well, there are several. It's going to take some time as I either have to sell or rent my flat and I would have to work an 8 week notice period. On top of that I wouldn't have a job when I got here and I don't know how long it would take to find one and I won't have anywhere to live.'

'But what about everything else?' Jo said excitedly as she sat up straight, grasped my hand and stared into my eyes. 'What about your friends and the life you have in London?'

'Babe, you know I've always loved this part of the country and I'm tired of London, I'd just be making a move sooner than planned. As for my friends – if they're real friends then they'll support my decision and will stay in touch and come to visit. My only concern is whether you really want me to be here?'

She didn't answer in words. She flung herself at me making the swing chair rock alarmingly, nearly spilling us out onto the floor as she hugged me so tightly I was fighting for air. Her face was buried into my neck and I could feel her tears on my skin, so I pulled away and looked her in the eye.

'Are you ok Baby?'

'I walked out and left you in the lurch and even when I knew it was a mistake I was too cowardly to come back. I broke your heart and you're still prepared to do this for me, for us?'

Jo had ended up laying half across my lap looking up at me with something close to incredulity on her face. I took her face in my hands and dried her tears with my thumbs, smiling down into her wonderful eyes.

'Yes I am. I Love you Jo and it's not often in life we get second chances and it feels right somehow. We only get one life and then we're a long time dead, so I refuse to spend the rest of my days wondering "what if" because I didn't take this chance.

I will need your help and support in making the move though ....... and maybe somewhere to live?'

'Oh god Vicki I don't deserve you! I promise I won't let you down again.'

Jo's lips met mine in a kiss that while searing in it's intensity was slow and sensuous. I felt like my heart would beat out of my chest I was so happy; I had my woman back and I had every intention of never letting her go again.

I groaned into Jo's mouth as I felt her fingers glide over my nipples. Only lightly, with just enough pressure to leave me wanting more as her hand moved to undo the buttons on my shirt.

My own hand was caressing Jo's upper thigh, dipping under the hem of her shorts and trying to head north but we were in a strange position and access wasn't easy.

I don't know if you've ever tried to make love on a swinging seat but let me tell you, it's not simple! As Jo sat herself fully in my lap and her tongue snaked it's way back inside my mouth we swung forward dramatically, effectively tipping us out of the seat. Somehow I managed to stay on my feet and found myself holding Jo in my arms as if I was cradling a very large child.

Jo giggled and tried to get down but I figured that now was as good a time as any to show her the results of my frequent visits to the gym and I easily carried her in through the back door and up into the bedroom, where I deposited the laughing woman unceremoniously onto the bed.

She reached out and grabbed my hands; tugging me down on top of her and her arms crushed me against her chest as her lips sought mine in a bruising kiss.

I'm not sure how we managed to get our clothes off so quickly without actually tearing them, but soon enough we were both buck naked and writhing against each other, trying to connect with as much skin as possible.

We each had a thigh between each other's legs and we ground against each other, arousal building to fever pitch as we left slippery trails on each other, until Jo suddenly stopped. I wondered where she was going for a brief moment but in no time at all she had manoeuvred us so that we were lying on our sides in at sixty nine position and her arms were wrapped around my thighs, pulling my hot, wet pussy against her hungry mouth.

I have no idea ho long we lay like that, bringing each other to the brink over and over again with lips and tongues that had forgotten nothing about each other in the 3 years we had been apart.

We all but mirrored each other's actions as we wrapped our tongues around engorged and swollen clits, sucking hard until we were both panting and struggling to concentrate on the task at hand, slowing down to lick and suck and nibble, gently lapping and fucking each other with our tongues until the immediate urgency had reduced slightly; not much – just enough to allow us to drive each other mad by repeating the process again and again.

Eventually we were too turned on not to come and as if my mutual consent we drove fingers into wanting cunts, the juices slurping as we pumped in and out as our mouths continued to assault sensitive bundles of nerves.

Jo came first but not by much. The sensation of her thighs tightening around my head and trapping me in place as she screamed my name into my sex triggered my own release and I was screaming with her as wave after wave of glorious sensation rolled over us until we were slack and replete.

As we snuggled under the covers, basking in a post coital glow, we held each other tightly, caressing gently and softly, occasionally drifting off into contented slumber.

I was roused by the movement of the bed and opened my eyes to find that Jo had left my side. I felt instantly bereft without her warm skin pressed against my side and got up to search for her.

As I left the bedroom she was just exiting the bathroom and the smile that leapt onto her face at seeing me had my libido doing cartwheels again, so I embraced her naked form fiercely and gently pushed her back into the bathroom as I kissed her, allowing my lips and gently probing tongue to convey the passion I felt.

Again, Jo anticipated me and reached into the shower to start the water running without her lips ever leaving mine; pulling me into the stall with her once the water was running warm.

I turned her around so her back was to me and washed her long, silky hair; running my fingers through it and massaging her scalp as her arse pushed back against me, trying to make contact.

I squeezed a large blob of creamy, slippery shower gel onto a sponge and gently soaped her back before kneeling down and running the sponge up her legs, massaging and caressing her thighs but avoiding the place she needed me the most for the longest time and when I did run the soapy sponge over her arse and dipped slightly between her legs I didn't linger despite her best efforts to trap my hand between her thighs.

I reached around her and started to wash her front, her soapy tits keeping me enthralled for some time as my free hand massaged the suds into which ever one wasn't being bathed by the sponge.

She was whimpering now and leaning back into me for support, her hands reaching back and grasping my arse, pulling us in tightly and melding us together as my soapy hands washed circles around her tummy.

Jo obviously expected me to tease further and when the sponge suddenly slid between her legs, bathing her sex in fragrant soap as my other hand tweaked her nipple her knees buckled and I had to grasp her tightly to stop her falling.

I massaged between her legs slowly and sensuously, whilst still maintaining the pretence of washing her until my resolve broke and I dropped the sponge to the shower floor as I slid my fingers between the satin folds that were glossy with her need.

I pressed myself against her back, kissing between her shoulder blades as my fingers slipped between her swollen lips, her breath coming in gasps and pants as her legs started to tremble.

One, then two fingers found their way inside her tight pussy, stroking firmly and stoking the fire that was burning within, the palm of my hand mashing her clit into her body with each upward thrust.

I knew she wouldn't last much longer so I spun her around and claimed her free nipple with my mouth as I continued to twist and tease and pull the other one in my fingers, crossing the two fingers that were fucking her and driving them into her G spot again and again as my thumb rubbed her clit.

Her eyes flew open and she stared down into mine as the sensations claimed her. She gripped my shoulders for support and babbled incoherently, flooding my hand and arm as the mother of all orgasms ricocheted through her body and the walls of her pussy gripped my fingers tightly until I gently removed them so that I could lower her carefully onto the shower floor, barely conscious.

I knew I was going to leave her soon, even if just for a little while and I wanted to leave her with something to remember me by. For me, the sight of Jo sprawled in the shower looking dazed and completely fucked was going to fuel my fantasies until I could be there with her again.

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Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai643about 1 year ago

Great story!

With a very happy ending!

okami1061okami1061almost 2 years ago

What was the point of the very short violation of 1st person PoV to have Jo tell us very nearly exactly what she told Vicki a couple of pages later? Not a "story" flaw (that is, it didn't damage the story), but it was definitely a craft flaw (violation of 1st person isn't always wrong, but it served no purpose to violate the PoV for that particular couple of paragraphs).

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyalmost 3 years ago

Your talent writing such beautiful stories is a gift and im happy to participate while reading them and feeling drawn into them and being touched by heart and soul ........ Thank you

RileyworksRileyworksabout 3 years ago

The intensity of the connection and raw eroticism floored me. Thank you for the beauty and the passion of the ride. Please come back and write more. We love you.

TheserialwaffleTheserialwaffleover 3 years ago

Loved this story. Really nice and brilliant. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Well this rather good, really liked Jo and Vicki and well done Buster.

maribel_fmaribel_falmost 5 years ago
Lovely start!

Sure there are bridges and hurdles to be crossed before Jo's and Vicky's journey can end well, but it has begun beautifully!


WaxPhilosophicWaxPhilosophicalmost 6 years ago
Nice story to discover

I admit I'm a little late finding your stories, and I after starting with The Watcher I'm beginning to read more. I thoroughly enjoyed this one as well and look forward to seeing how Vicki and Jo (and Buster the dog) fare in part two.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
So good. So good.

What a wonderfully sensual story.

DCohen2349DCohen2349over 10 years ago
I'm A Bit Torn

First, I'm happy that Vicki has found her love and happiness.

But part of me wanted her to get a bit of payback, to demand a better explanation for why she left. She said how much she missed Vicki, but she knew where she was, why not go see her?

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