Lost Bloodlines Ch. 02


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As she spoke, she trailed a hand along the curl of one of my horns. "We're powerful now." Her touch moved to run through my hair to my wings, running a fingertip across the upper membrane. "Majestic." I shivered at her touch. The back of her hand brushed against my cheek and across my lips. "Alluring." Her hands cupped my breasts through my bra, this time very much not in an educational manner. "Sexy." One hand trailed down my taut stomach, and my eyes nervously tracked its progress. This was a far cry from the timid creature that knocked on my door on Monday. She reached my groin, and softly grasped me through the cotton panties, squeezing my trapped shaft gently. "Potent," She whispered directly into my ear.

"Do you really think that 'Charles Finch' matches all these things you've become? Don't think about gender or presentation or anything like that. That will come. What does this body look and feel like to you?" Her eyes locked with mine through the mirror, challenging me to step beyond the limits I had put on myself.

I thought back to my old life. To the quiet childhood, the years of academic study, the boredom of my teaching career. With a stab of pain, I thought of Faith, of the love that we shared, but never consummated. And now never would. Her words echoed in my head. "Charles is dead! I saw him die! You killed him!"

Maybe I did kill him. This body, with its casual lethality, its sinful curves, and its demonic power, it wasn't Charles Finch, the mild-mannered academic. I felt the crimson tide swirl dangerously within me, and press in on the corners of my mind. I was something else now. Something better, stronger. Something beautiful. I smiled

"You're right. Charles Finch is gone."

"So, who are you now?" Victoria gently prodded.

Looking again at the demoness in the mirror, something deep inside me whispered a name, one I recognized from my own mythological studies. It spoke to the dark urges I felt roiling about inside since I woke: violent, threatening, seductive, and sinful. It was everything I had become.

"Lilith," I said. "My name is Lilith."


Author's Note: And thus, our protagonist is reborn! This chapter clocks in at around 11,500 words, or roughly 25 1.5 spaced Word pages, which is a length I will try to aim for in future chapters. I've got big plans for this story though, so I might end up going far over that goal in future installments. Please, let me know your thoughts on the story or writing so far in the comments section.

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WelcomingWorldweaverWelcomingWorldweaver11 months ago

Mate, you've outdone yourself. I'm not sure if you will take this as a complement but I really do mean it as one, youre right up there with dragoncobolt as my favourite literotica writers. I really, really look forward to seeing what else you have to write. <3

alleykat432alleykat432about 1 year ago

Just finished the 2nd chapter great read fantastic world building hopefully it will be a long story can't wait for the sexy bits thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love it! Can’t write more than that since I am desperate to read the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not everyone likes sex change and that's okay. Don't listen to the haters. Write for you, not for them. Those who enjoy will enjoy. 5 stars

OpenWordsOpenWordsover 1 year ago

Too bad. Really skilled writing ruined with more sex changing bullshit.

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