Lost Love Ch. 02

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Concluding part.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/02/2021
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The Baywatch beauty, Cyn, ran towards me when she suddenly stopped and her mouth dropped open as if she had seen a ghost. I turned round thinking there was something behind me when she said. "Stephen?" and took a step back.


I had to take a second look. And then I realised.

"Tamsin?" my voice matching her surprise. Sam was running over smiling then she saw our faces.

"Cyn, you know Stephen?" to which a stunned Tamsin nodded slowly.

"Cyn?" I questioned. Sam nodded.

"Yeah, Sin short for Tamsin." Then the penny dropped. "Oh My God! Cyn's your ex-wife!" We both nodded. Kyle shouted for them to come back. Sam picked up the ball and threw it but Kyle was on his way over.

"Come on babe."

"Go away." Sam stated.

"Who's this guy Sin?" he asked bristling with ego. I stood up and walked to him.

"The name is Stephen." I turned and went to walk away when a hand touched my arm.

"Wait, please?" Tamsin asked. "I think we need to talk."

"Drop him Sin and let's party." Kyle made a grab for her. Sam stepped back as Tamsin turned and yanked her arm away.

"Leave me alone." Then turning to Sam continued, "I need to talk to him see you all later." Then walking past me she bumped her shoulder to mine to insinuate for me to follow.

Sam look at me and with a disappointed smile on her face said. "Go, talk." Then turning to Kyle she said. "Get back to the game will you, you're making the place look untidy."

I came back from the bar with a beer for me and vermouth and lemonade for her, her drink of choice we sat in silence for a couple of minutes just looking at one another.

"How have you been Tamsin?" I was waiting for a torrent of abuse or some rudeness. She was looking into her glass when she replied it was just above a whisper.

"Unhappy." She simply said. I had to bite back telling her that she was the one that left not me, or say I thought she was lying having seen her partying here. "What are you doing here Stephen?" she looked up with a sullen look.

"Well Tamsin, this is the first break I've had since we broke up."

"Really?" she asked looking shocked. "Are you dating anyone?"

"No I've been working or sleeping and that is all ever since. You seeing anyone?" She shook her head. "You've made a few changes, the hair and that tattoo."

"Yeah. The hair was Sam's idea to try make me feel a bit better about myself. The tats? Well I went a bit wild after we broke up." She extended her right leg upwards towards me and I could see it clearly, there was a scroll that was over the roses and dagger and in it was the word 'Stephen'. I was a bit shocked.

"You have my name in it." I stated the obvious as I was surprised.

"Yes. I got the roses and dagger done first, then a couple of weeks later I decided to put your name there."

"You went wild eh?" I wanted to know more.

"Yeah." She looked back down and lowered her leg. "Stephen, I can't talk right now." I jumped at the opportunity to ask her out.

"Let me take you to dinner tonight."

"I can't, I already have a date ... erm something planned." She stumbled over her words.

"Would that be the lad that came over at the beach?" I pressed.

"Yes, he asked me earlier."

"Have you slept with him?" I asked caustically realising all to soon that it would cause a bad reaction.

"What's it got to do with you? We're divorced." Tamsin was on the offensive not.

"Sorry, I don't want to row. Tomorrow night?" I tried to sound less rude. Wearily she agreed to a dinner tomorrow. "I'll meet you in reception at six tomorrow, we can go into town away from here and really talk. Okay?"

"Ok." She looked into her glass. "Stephen, I haven't slept with Kyle." She looked up with tearful eyes. I reached over the table and put my left hand onto hers. We sat for a few moments in silence until she withdrew her hand and stood up.

"Tomorrow. Bye Stephen." Before I could reply she walked away and I saw Sam walk up to her and put her arm around her before leading her away. Seconds later, Mary appeared and pointed upwards indicating for me to go up to my room.

As I walked along the hallway to the room I saw Mary standing outside my door. Without speaking I opened it and we both entered. As soon as the door closed Mary wrapped her arms around me.

"Stephen, I never knew Sin was your ex-wife." I pushed her away gently. She sat on the bed, and I sat on a chair opposite her.

"I've seen her around the hotel and beach, she's changed. Her hair, the tattoos even her clothes. She'd never wear a tiny red bikini like she's been wearing past few days. I was watching her and lusting after her all the time I never realised it was her."

"She's had a lot going on, Stephen. She's not happy." She began but I cut in.

"Well it seems she was happy while she was drinking, dancing and getting groped in the dark up the wall of a chalet. She was just short of taking him her room the other night and fucking him!" I almost yelled in anger. Mary flinched at the anger and swearing.

"Stephen!" She chastised. "Stop that now! Sin's unhappy. I've known for about two years, and in that time she's always saying about her regret about the two of you. When I told her I was getting married Sin sat me down and told me about the two of you, advised me even about the arguments after the honeymoon period finished. She told me that if Dave was working too much to not pick a fight but sit down and talk."

"She said that?"

"Yes Dumbo." She stared at me. "She regrets losing you."

"Mary, I know a secret of yours; the photos. Right?" she nodded and looked completely puzzled. "Well I have a secret too. Two years ago when I got back and found she had left I went mad, I got the divorce papers sorted and sent to her. When they came back signed and a note on them I lost the plot. I got absolutely hammered and smashed up the lounge. I stayed drunk for two days and when I sobered up I took loads of things and threw them in a box. Two weeks ago I came across the box that I hadn't touch since I moved into my new place. In it were the divorce papers. They were never submitted so it looks like we are still married."

Mary's face was complete shock. I knew how she felt because I had been that was since I saw the papers and even more so since I saw the new hot looking Tamsin.

"Are you going to tell her?" she asked looking worried. Shrugging I didn't know. "You should, she's got a date tonight and that Kyle has been pretty pushy and is probably going to try and get her into bed tonight."

"She's her own person now. She changed and probably had other men since me." Mary laughed.

"You're kidding right? She avoids dates but if she does go on them she never sleeps with anyone."

"Really!" I replied loaded with sarcasm.

"Yes you idiot! I've been out with her loads of time and whenever a guy gets close other than kissing she pushes them off. The longest she saw someone was three weeks and when he wanted to go to bed she dumped him."

"Mary, how do you know this?"

"You doughnut, she's told me. The furthest anyone got was a grope through clothes, she's not has sex with anyone, no BJs, not even a hand job. She's still in love with you!!"

Twenty minutes later, Mary had gone and I had laid back on my bed trying to take stock of what she had said.

Walking through the resort I heard the familiar sound of wild sex coming from one of the rooms, I looked through the window and the crack in the curtains and there was Tamsin on her back and Kyle pumping himself into her. Her legs around his waist, arms round his neck. Grunts and moans peppered her urging him on "Yes, fuck me ... make me forget that bastard husband." I stared at her face and she looked directly at me and smiled, I rolled away from the window and slipped and fell out of bed. Thank God it had only been a dream.

I would claim it was unintentional that I was walking past Tamsin's chalet after dinner but it wasn't. I hadn't seen her at the resort restaurant so I assumed that Kyle had tried to impress (and get in her knickers) by taking her somewhere better. The heath of the summer was getting to me, dressed in only a loose shirt and shorts and deck shoes I deliberately avoided the bar and Sam and the rest of the girlies. Although Sam knew that Tamsin and I had history, she didn't know that we were still married and I felt sure she would have tried to get in to my room for the night. I wandered along the beach and shortly before ten I found myself outside the chalet and by a window. The light was on and I could hear the groans of sex behind the window. Unlike the dream there was no open window and no gap in the curtains for me to look though. "UGH UGH UGH" came from the female voice behind the window and my stomach plunged and rose in seconds which forced my food upwards. I staggered away from the window to the next chalet and vomited against the side of it. Luckily the lights were out and no one appeared to be in. A wave of self-loathing came over me and I walked back the Tamsin's chalet and stood by the window. The pain of my throat from the sickness was no match for the pain in my heart as I listened to a male voice shout he was cumming and to take it all baby. Then silence. Painful, numb silence. Tears formed in my eyes, as I realised that seeing me here had pushed Tamsin over the edge and she had finally broken the spell that caused her self-imposed celibacy. I stumbled away and as I approached the front of her chalet out came Kyle with a shit eating grin buttoning up his gaudy Hawaiian shirt. He practically skipped off down the path to what I assumed was his chalet. It was now the tears began to flow. I stared at Tamsin's door and then at him and began to walk away towards my own place.

I passed the bar and glanced in seeing the girlies laughing so I rushed a little to avoid talking to Sam and especially Mary who I knew would ask why I was crying. I got to the banks of lifts and for once luck was on my side and no one got out or got in my one and would witness the tears. It pinged and the doors opened. Sightlessly I stumbled along the corridor to my room and it was not until I almost tripped over a pair of long shapely legs with red heels on and a tattoo that I saw her sitting with her back against my door. Tamsin.

She scrambled to her feet very unsexy and very unladylike and it caused me to see up the short red dress to the red thong underneath. Her face was the picture of upset then seeing the tears and red eyes she changed to concern.

"Stephen? What on earths happened?" she stepped towards me and threw her arms around me. "Are you ok? Tell me please?"

My reply was completely understandable as it was full of hyperventilation and sobs. I disentangled myself from her and dragged my keycard out of my pocket before falling headlong into my room. Tamsin walked slowly, shut the door and stood at the end of the bed. I turned to her and looked at her.

"Stephen, I have to ask are you drunk?" I shook my head. "What's gotten in to you?" She was sounding a little pissed at me.

"I heard you in your chalet."

"Heard me?"

"Yes I was passing and heard you having sex with Kyle!"

"Really? Stalking me?"

"No I have been walking all over this bloody resort mostly to get away from you and your friends noise. Couple nights ago I saw you kissing Kyle against your door. Tonight I was just wandering when I found myself there and I heard you."

Her face clouded. "So you heard sex noises in my chalet eh? Turned in to a peeping Tom have you? And how do you know it was me?"

"After throwing up, I saw Kyle come out smiling putting his shirt back on!" At this her face went almost as red as her dress.

"Kyle came out of my room?" she looked angry and yet amused. I never thought that combination was possible. "You idiot. You stupid loveable idiot. Kate shares my chalet."

"So, what does that prove?"

"That Kate shagged him!" she retorted

"Really, so you never went out on a date with him? You told me yourself were going out."

"Yes, I went out with him for a meal, then we walked along the beach he tried it on and tried to get his hand up my dress. I pushed him away told him that I wasn't going to sleep with him or anyone. He called me a prick tease and said I should 'F' off." Her voice softened. "Seeing you today was a shock."

"So, had I not been here you would have slept with him?" I asked dreading the answer.

"No. Since you and I broke up and since the divorce I haven't slept with anyone. Yes, I have been out on dates but the most I have done is kiss and got groped through clothes." She looked forlorn at the floor of my room and I took her hand and pulled her to sit on the bed next to me.

"Tamsin, or is it Sin now?" I asked.

"My new friends call me Sin. Tamsin ended when we broke up." That comment cut through me like a knife.

"I think I am going to be sick again and don't want you in here to see it. Tomorrow can we do lunch?"

"Yes, one o'clock at the reception." With that she got up to leave and before the door closed I heard Mary's voice talking to her but not what was said.

Before she was in the lift, I had thrown up again and begun to cry again.

The sound of the doors opening and closing in the hall woke me from my sleep. I felt dreadful and cold. The tiles of the bathroom floor were cold and I had slept on them all night, I must have cried myself to sleep. I dragged myself to stand up and turned on the shower and climbed in fully clothed. Leaving the water running I got out went and got soap and my razor and attempted to look less like a homeless person. Once washed, shaved and dressed in clean clothes I brushed my teeth I looked at the clock on the wall and it stated it to be only eleven am. I needed fresh air so I went to the door and opened it. I was pushed back in by a rather concerned looking Mary and she was followed by Sam.

"What on earth happened last night?" asked the rather forward Sam her voice was raised. Mary came out of the bathroom.

"Stephen, did you sleep on the floor in your own sick?" Mary's face was upset, concerned and slightly disgusted.

"Tell me you didn't drink yourself in that state!" demanded Sam. I shook my head and told them the whole story even admitting I was outside Tamsin's room listening to the sex. They looked at me. They looked at one another. Then Mary spoke.

"Kate was with Kyle last night. Sin came to my room and told me what happened. She told me she needed to talk to you and left fairly late and came to your room."

"Stephen." Sam's tone was not the brash lively girl I was used to seeing her like. "Sin and Mary, came to me last night. She was crying and Mary was doing her best to calm her down. She spent the night in my room so you have no worries. She asked me if I was serious about you and I told her until I found out about the pair of you I would have not just jumped in to bed with you but I would have wanted to see you on a regular basis. Sin told us she still loves you and she thinks you didn't believe her about Kate shagging Kyle."

"Kate told me she did this morning." Mary chimed in and was looking very red in the face.

"Look, you two are divorced and thinks you won't want her back because of him. Then Mary blew both our minds by telling us she put it on a plate for you one night and you turned her down!!" Mary looked distraught and Sam's revelation.

"Well it wasn't on a plate, but I knew the score had I wanted to."

"Look you two, I don't want to know the details. All I know is that Sin is ashamed you think she slept with him. Let me tell you a fact. Twice we went out and we pulled a couple of lads back home. They came back my place and when it got a bit too heavy Sin grabbed her bag and fled the scene of the crime with no more than a snog and a grope. She's not slept with anyone"!

"Neither have I." I responded quickly.

"Yes, we know." Mary and Sam said in unison.

They both talked some more about Tamsin, me and the situation until I saw it was almost one o'clock.

With five minutes to spare I was sitting in reception waiting for Tamsin. Kyle strode in full of himself and saw me sitting in one of the chairs. He gave a grin like he had spent all night with Tamsin but I smiled inwardly knowing he was full of BS. The sun was shining in through the doors and when they opened all you could see were silhouettes and this is how I saw Tamsin. The sun shone right through her long white flowing dress and it revealed her toned sexy body. I stood up and saw Kyle walk towards her she sidestepped him and strode towards me in her white heels shoes and I saw light glint off the anklet on her right leg. Her arms opened and wrapped around me and mine instinctively went around her and we held one another close. The fresh bath smell, the warmth of her body and the new look Tamsin had me hard in an instant. She noticed but never pulled away.

"So darling, where are we going?" she asked in a slightly elevated level of voice, undoubtedly for Kyle's benefit. Moving slightly back I said I had a car ready and we should go. Once in the car she gave a heavy sigh.

"It's ok. He's not here now." Looking over at her I saw her flinch slightly. "I know the darling bit was to get at him."

"It was a bit, but I meant it." She sounded genuine.

The drive was mostly in silence just punctuated with the odd pointing out of sights until we passed the turn off that I had taken Mary too recently and casually said that there was a lovely waterfall not far from here.

"So that's were Mary bared all is it?" remarked Tamsin. I was not able to gauge the tone in her voice as her comment took me by surprise.

"Pardon?" I stammered, she knew I was quite sure what she was talking about.

"Mary. You two went there to other day and she posed for you." Looking at her out of the corner of my eye I was speechless. "It's okay, I'm not jealous, after all it's not like we're married and from what she told me you were the perfect gentleman. I know you wouldn't have tried it on with her, it's one of the things that make you the man you are." She looked down at floor of the car and sighed.

"Tamsin, we're ... I ... No I wouldn't have tried it on with her. She's getting married and it just happened. The photos that is, nothing else. After all we're still ... SHIIITTTT" I slammed on the brakes as an idiot overtook an oncoming car and was heading towards us in our lane. The tires screeched and our seatbelts prevented us from being catapulted through the windscreen. The idiot laughed as he cut back in to his own lane with just inches to spare. Under her tan Tamsin looked pale. I reached over and put my hand on her left arm.

"You okay?" I asked breathlessly. She nodded then with her right hand stroked the back of my hand on her arm. Waves of emotions coursed through me. Anger at the idiot in the car, anger at her for leaving, fear I had over stepped by touching her, nervousness at being with her and finally but the strongest feeling was a warm feeling of love. She looked across at me with her eye wide and a fearful look of a scared and fragile heart. A blast on a horn behind us broke the spell and I shifted my hand to the gear stick and began driving.

We parked the car and both got out, no rushing round to open her door as I would have liked to do. Yes, old fashioned, but it's an old habit I can't break like holding a door and saying thank you to people. The sun shone brightly, and Tamsin's dress was floating around her in the gentle breeze. She was stunning in my eyes and to the other men in the street where we had parked. We entered the little restaurant and a portly chap showed us to a table and informed us Maria would be with soon. Maria, it turned out, was a curvy girl with a low cut top and very deep brown eyes. We ordered food and sat in silence.

"Tamsin, I have a lot of questions."

"Really? Do I have to answer them? After all we're both single now." she was getting a bit defensive.