Louise and the Huns Ch. 01

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Louise is gifted to a motorcycle gang.
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Part 1 of the 1 part series

Updated 05/05/2021
Created 04/02/2021
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction for entertainment purposes only. Neither the author nor this site condone criminal acts in real life.

Author's Note: This story is dedicated to Arcanon and a tribute to his wife, Louise, whom he has described to me in some vivid detail. May they have many happy years and fantasies together!

Chapter One: The Gift

Louise was startled when the doorbell rang. Her husband was due home any minute. Did he lose his keys? Certainly she wasn't expecting anyone else. She opened the door to see what it was, and a dark figure sprayed something into her face.

Louise woke up shivering and trussed. She was naked. Her arms and legs hurt, but mostly she was cold, deadly cold. Her right butt cheek stung like she'd gotten an extremely painful shot. She was hogtied: her wrists were tied, her ankles were tied, and then tied together behind her back. But it wasn't rope; it was thick pink ribbon. She tested it and she could not get it to stretch or break. Maybe it was nylon. Now she had cut her wrist. She lay in front of a metal door in a concrete building that looked like a warehouse.

Louise rolled over and saw there were about 25 high performance motorcycles parked in a neat line. She knew motorcycles. This was a motorcycle gang. She had been through some fucked up shit in her life, but nothing remotely as fucked up as this. She felt empty dread in the pit of her stomach. She felt like she should be crying, but she was too cold or dehydrated or fucked up to cry. All she could do is lay there and shiver.

Louise was startled vaguely awake when a piece of tape was roughly torn off her ass. She was quiet, without the energy to shiver. She figured she was nearly dead now. "Hey, it says, 'A peace offering from the Hellyons'. Those motherfuckers have to learn to spell their own name. She's got a tramp stamp with a skull in the middle; she definitely is or was some biker's cunt. Looks like a sweet little cunt, but I think she's dead."

Somebody else felt Louise's neck. "No, just hypothermia. Kick those fucking useless whores awake and tell them to soak her in a bath. Not too hot at first or you'll kill her." She passed out.

When Louise awoke she was laying naked on a dirty bare mattress on a metal bed frame. There was a needle in her arm, and it looked like they were pushing clear fluids into her. She must have been dehydrated as well as nearly frozen to death. At least it was warm in the room. Her wrists were handcuffed to the bed frame.

Then Louise smelt it. The mattress she was on was covered in stains: some shit stains, blood stains perhaps, other fluid stains, and lots of them. The mattress smelled like a dead animal. She leapt off the bed as if burnt, but she was yanked back and fell to the floor beside the bed, her arms painfully stretched above and behind her where the handcuffs had prevented further distance from the bed. The IV stand teetered.

Now Louise could see that the floor was littered with used condoms of different bright colors: some only days old still containing whitish but congealed semen, but most looking weeks old or even months old, with the cum yellow, brown, or black inside them. She flinched at the sordid condition of the floor and staggered to her feet in revulsion. One had stuck to her ass, but as she stood up, it slowly peeled off and plopped to the floor. She bent over and retched violently, but nothing came up. Her stomach was empty.

The door opened, and an authoritative grey-haired woman dressed from head to toe in black leathers came in. "I thought I heard you in here," she said gently. "Here we just bathed you, and then they handcuff you to this nasty-ass mattress. It figures. I'll bring a sheet and pillow at least." Louise noticed the cattle prod prominent on the woman's hip.

The woman left Louise standing next to the bed, handcuffed. She noticed a few other items in the otherwise empty room. There was a rickety little table in the corner with a pump action bottle of lube and a wicker basket filled with different cheery bright color condoms in neat square packages. Next to it was a wicker trash basket. Tied up used condoms lay around the rim of it like talismans. Delightful.

The woman returned with a fitted sheet, a very questionable pillow, and a matching pillowcase. "This is the best I could find," she said apologetically, throwing them onto the bed. "I'll be back in a minute." She left.

Louise, given something to do, clung to this and leapt right to the task, not wanting to think about anything but this perfectly normal task. She got the stinky pillow into the faded flowery pillowcase. She got the fitted sheet around the top corners of the bed, but couldn't reach down anywhere near far enough to do the bottom corners because of the handcuffs. She stood there and began to cry in frustration more than anything else. She had nothing normal to think about any more.

The woman came in and said, "You poor dear, of course." She put her things down on the bed and fitted the other two ends of the sheet for Louise. She then went to take the needle out of Louise's arm while the frightened woman stared at the objects on the bed. There was a pair of latex gloves. There were some leather straps and cuffs. There was a Magic Wand vibrator. There was an orange extension cord. There was a clear plastic tube. There was a black object that looked like a top, the child's toy, except it was black.

"Get on the bed, sweetheart," said the woman gently. Louise was too afraid to speak, but she shook her head and pulled at the handcuffs as if maybe this time they would give way and she could escape. "Get on the bed, sweetheart," said the woman more sternly. Tears rolled down Louise's face. She sat down on the bed. "Get on your tummy, sweetheart." She looked pleadingly at the woman. "I'm just going to check you," the woman said gently. "It's medically important. You've had a terrible shock."

Louise sighed resignedly and centered herself on the bed on her tummy, her hands still handcuffed over her head to the metal head of the bed. The stuff was still on the bed around her legs. She heard the woman putting on the latex gloves, walking across the room and back. A wet finger probed between her butt cheeks. She flinched when the woman's finger penetrated her anus. The finger departed, and cold goo splashed on her ass, the finger directing it around her ass crack and into her anus. Lube. She shivered in fear.

Then something cold and hard, not a finger, penetrated Louise's anus. It was the plastic tube. She felt certain she was shitting herself. She began to struggle, and felt the woman's knee immediately on her lower back, holding her down. "We can do this the easy was or the hard way," said the woman, less kindly than before. Louise stilled and sobbed once. The woman's knee stayed where it was. Cold goo poured into her rectum. More lube.

Louise croaked out her first word, quietly. It was, "Please."

The tube came out. The ordeal was over. Then Louise was stabbed right in her behind with terrible pain of the most constipated shit she'd ever had in her life times ten as something huge was shoved deftly into her ass. She felt incredible pressure back there, lingering pain, and she was surely shitting herself as well. This was her new reality. The woman had just mutilated her anus in some horrible permanent way. She felt sick. The bed stunk of fear and death.

While Louise was groaning in pain from the large butt plug, the matron undid one wrist from the handcuffs and cuffed the other onto the bed frame. She rolled the terrified woman over. She was all smiles. "You're not fighting anymore. That's wonderful, honey. It'll be easier for everybody." The matron strapped Louise's wrists to the upper two corners of the bed with the leather handcuffs and then strapped her ankles to the bottom two corners of the bed with the leather handcuffs. She actually felt good about this development. It would be awfully difficult for anybody to rape her very satisfactorily in this arrangement. Unless they had a long dick, she thought. She would not think about that.

The matron pushed the Magic Wand up against Louise's vulva and strapped it to her left leg with two smaller leather straps so it was fixed tight in place. Then the matron left the room. A minute later the massager sprung to life. A feeling of disgust coursed through Louise's veins. She felt her clit-hood piercing dance on the surface of the wand, yanking and tugging at her clit. Her whole pelvis began to be pervaded by the buzzing while the yanking tugging torture on her clit continued.

Louise strained her arms and legs against the cuffs, to no avail. As the buzzing spread everywhere and the yanking became a kind of torture, She felt her rear end relax, and the feeling that she was shitting herself subsided. She jerked experimentally, but the vibrator was going nowhere. Then she started to get angry. She strained and strained tight against the leather restraints. These fucking fuckers, she would get them. Fighting the restraints. She would get out of here, somehow, and alert the police, somehow, and these fuckers would get life in prison. Pulled tight against the restraints. She was suddenly feeling too good. Then she climaxed with a soft begrudging "Uh!"

Louise had cum on the stinking vibrator. Fuck God damn it, the vibrator was working. It was working on her. She'd just cum. These sick fucking rapists had strapped her down on this sickening bed in this sickening room and were getting her to cum. The torture was their fault, but the orgasm was her fault. Her piercing danced. She felt herself drip onto the bed. She strained against her leather cuffs, and held, and held, and held. They would break or she would break. "UUUHH!!" This time she came with an animal sound. Like a fucking barnyard animal. Honked like a fucking goose. She sobbed.

Five minutes of torture later, Louise climaxed with the cry of a wounded bird. Next time, she sounded like a wounded bird, but a little more shrill. The time after that, more from the belly, like "Help!" except she didn't say the word. The next time, it sounded like, "HUUUUH!" Orgasms were being crushed out of her like she was an orange in a juicer.

Suddenly, there was silence. Louise's body kept buzzing from the momentum of the buzzing, but the vibrator had cut off. She was floating in silent space. The matron came into the room and locked a collar around her neck. Then she unstrapped the vibrator and shoved a finger into Louise's pussy. "Ow!" cried Louise, more from the surprise. Then the matron brought over the pump bottle of lube and thoroughly basted her vulva and into her vagina a ways. God help her, it felt good. The cool balm. The slickness. The sliding. It felt very good. Then the matron unstrapped and took away the wrist and ankle restraints.

As soon as the woman left, Louise felt the collar. It was simple. It was locked with a padlock. It had a chain that led through a ring around the bed frame. It looked like it could hold a car, much less her. "Oh, fuck me, fuck me," she muttered. "No DON'T fuck me," she tittered, suddenly struck by the absurd nature of it, the world as she'd known it entirely swept away. All she could do was laugh. She was completely fucked.

An enormous biker, perhaps six foot eight, and wide, came into the room. He had white hair and a white beard and looked to be in his sixties. He started taking off his leathers and throwing them onto the foot of the bed. Louise immediately scampered to the head of the bed on the side away from the door and sat and hugged her legs. She looked down at the bed, not at the man.

As the burly hairy overweight biker continued to remove his clothes, Louise pleaded, "Please... don't do this... my husband... he's wealthy... he'll pay you... anything you want..." She was lying, but her mind was working overtime trying to think of ANYTHING, no matter how feeble, that might get her out of this. "Please the police... they'll find out... they'll know where I am..." her voice trailed off. She looked up. The giant man was naked, and his proportionate penis was already getting turgid and rising. From here, he smelled of cigarette smoke, alcohol, and piss.

The naked biker looked at her, grabbed her leg deftly, and dragged her down the bed until her neck chain snapped her head back and made her dizzy. "Fuck, she's magnificent," the man called out the door.

"It's your lucky day, sugar," said the matron from around the corner.

"Look at those luscious tits! The bright pink dye job! Look at that landing strip! The pierced tummy and lip, yum!"

"You don't even know," giggled the matron.

"You have pretty eyes, honey. How old are you, 25?"

Louise struggled against the collar to look at him. "Please..." she started.

The deadly dangerous biker yanked on her leg, jerking her neck and head taut in the collar and choking her. "I asked you a fucking question, cunt!"

"Th-thirty," Louise whimpered in terror.

"Well, you are sweet meat. You don't look any older than twenty-five. Let's see how you taste." Still pulling Louise towards him tight so the collar was choking her, the biker pulled her legs apart and sidled his giant white-bearded face up towards her slicked up vulva. "Holy fuck, her cunt is pierced. But Maggot," he said.

"What?" said the matron.

"You lubed her before I could have a taste."

"I'm sorry, sugar. Put a finger in her, you'll see. I was just trying to make it bearable for the poor dear."

The man's big stubby finger thrust into her, filling her. "Holy crap, you're thirty?"

"Y-yes," Louise whimpered.

"You're married?"

"Yes," Louise whimpered.

"Huh," the old biker said. He continued crawling up her body, grabbed her left DD in his meaty right hand and suckled it. "Holy shit!" he exclaimed, "She gives milk!"

"You're shitting me," said Maggot, coming around the corner. The delighted biker squirted a little milk in her direction, but it didn't shoot very far.

The terrifying biker grinned at Louise, who was looking down at him, her head and still pinned by the collar. "You have kids, then." He said.

"Please..." Louise started. "My little boy needs me. He's only two. Please." Tears streaked quickly down her sweating face as she thought of her little boy, who she might never see again. Who she might never want to face again. Battered. Disfigured. Addicted to drugs. Body and genitals ripped apart by hundreds of men. A horrific monster. Not his mother any more.

"You're a sweetheart," the old biker said, releasing the terrible pressure from her neck. She fell back onto the bed, body flooding with relief as she felt him pulling her legs apart and the familiar ripping pressure of a penis entering her. She grunted in pain and terror, too afraid to fight. The orgasms she had suffered through had only tightened her up. Even with the lube, she felt the familiar stabbing pain. But it was a hundred times worse. It filled her with a sick feeling of death breathing on her. She was terrified. This stinking giant vermin of a man was violating her. A place only meant for her husband. Her gorge rose quickly but there was still nothing there.

"She's tighter than a fucking Chinese puzzle!" the amazed old biker cried, he blotted out the overhead light with his bulk, falling on Louise and knocking the wind out of her. "I'm damn fucking lucky I took a pill." The biker continued to fuck her roughly as she grunted in pain with every stroke in the darkness under him and gasped painfully for air. Suddenly she was detached, floating in the light, painless. She looked down to see the old dirty hairy naked biker on top of her, his ass tightening rhythmically as he fucked her. She was hardly even visible, the man was so huge, crushing her. She saw her legs kicking out and her mouth crying, "UH!" Her body was orgasming.

"She is a hot little cunt! She just came, babe!" Suddenly she was under him, suffocating. The pain was gone as her body had adjusted to the fucking, but the sickening violation of the rape continued. Maybe she would die.

"She seemed to be enjoying herself earlier," said Maggot from around the corner.

The suffocating pounding continued. She couldn't bear to stay and floated free once more. Maybe she was dead now. She saw his ass tightening, tightening. It seemed to her that his excitement was building. "HUUUUUUH!!" cried her body as it orgasmed, and her legs flailed and flopped. She was just observing herself, a frog being vivisected, the legs flopping as the nerves were stimulated. Zap. Kick.

"Listen to her!" called Maggot from around the corner.

Pain was crushing Louise and suffocation and revulsion as she felt that the disgusting hairy old brute was very close to ejaculating. "HAAAAA! Huf. HAAAAA!" And there he went. "Oh GOD I'm in heaven." Stillness as she was slowly crushed to death, not caring. Yes, end it. She gulped air in blessed relief and was blinded by the ceiling light as he rolled off. As his disgusting serpent slithered out, her body shook in orgasm. She held her breath and gritted her teeth so not to make another sound. Not to give him the satisfaction.

She would remember every moment of this, every moment a still photo. His gasping face above her, giant white beard everywhere, his chest smashing her. The feeling of an unwanted wrong penis dilating her painfully. The feel of it and the smell of it would never leave her, never wash off her skin.

The man got up as if nothing had just happened. "Oh yeah this cunt is mine," he said. He started to dress. He whistled a Christmas tune. She had just been raped by fucking Santa Claus.

"Thought so!" said Maggot from around the corner. Louise lay there, cum dribbling from her burning twat. Completely still. Breathing. Still alive.

The man finished dressing and left, shutting the door. Louise was laying on something hard. She fetched it out from under herself. It was the black thing. She had shat it out as she was being raped, apparently. It stunk of her, all right. She had also shat the bed a little. She sat there, looking at the little streak of shit on her sheet.

Maggot entered the room. "You did so wonderful, honey, and you're so lucky."

"Heh," croaked Louise.

"I'm serious! Caddy wants you exclusively, and as things could go to you, that's heaven! Hold on to it." Maggot took the shitty butt plug out of Louise's senseless hand, got some wipes, wiped Louise's shitty fingers and tried to mitigate the shit stain on the bed. "You are in heaven, sweetheart, heaven. There is a hell here and you do not want to learn about it." Then Maggot left the room.

Maggot returned a moment latter with a tupperware bowl filled with lukewarm chili, a plastic spoon to eat it with, and a plastic cup full of room temperature beer. Louise ate and drank it ravenously as the leather-clad matron left the room, and she heard the metal fire door lock from the outside. Then the light went out in the room, and it was pitch dark except for a small crack of light under the door. The room had no windows.

(To be continued)

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Or Maggot will start training Louise into pleasurizing a woman! And Louise would have to start changing her attitude towards lesbians which would entail accepting a new hairstyle they prefer and become totally submissive to Maggot including admitting to all her sins to lesbians in high school, some who might be belonging to the Club. She would have to ask for forgiveness and work harder to create tearful sincere apologies to each woman while accepting their discipline.

KSweetumsKSweetumsover 2 years agoAuthor

I'm unsure whether there's an interest in more chapters. Thus, I've presently been focusing on other stories that are also unfinished. If you want more chapters of this story, please let me know in the comments.

AKajiraAKajiraabout 3 years ago

Agree with Anonymous. I'd be asking why me

KSweetumsKSweetumsabout 3 years agoAuthor

First of all, thanks to you both for your writing encouragement. I assure you that I remain undaunted by your constructive criticism, and I will continue my attempts, as Michel de Montaigne would say.

A woman is horribly abused in this chapter, and everybody is complaining about the poo. Interesting. Gives me an idea for an NC story in a hospital. No, wait, there's poo there too. In my defense, realism. This is an absolutely disgusting and dingy place. It's not like I glorify or dwell on the s-word or the material it describes here. People don't juggle it, for gosh sakes. Maggot prepares Louise's asshole for use in a pretty standard fashion here. Also, resulting slight mess is predictable. Also, the room she's in has a history. Poo is a thing that happens around critters, including humans. Ever heard the term "scared shitless?" There's truth in that. Also in the other direction. Look up the term "spend a penny" if you don't believe me.

As for Louise not asking about her plight, remember the Maggot's severe tone and the cattle prod on her hip? Terror has a way of having questions catch in your throat. Personal experience talking here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Agree with toy4. The story suffers because of the scat and writing goes bad when variations of the s word are used instead of proper writer's phrasing, such as emptying her bowel and and unnecessary description of stains over and over. The other weak point is the lack of detail on the why. Must the reader wait a few chapters until finding out? But keep writing! Also, the woman does not ask the old lady about why she is her and other whys?

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