Louise Ch. 15


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"Where's Nadine?" Gene asked changing the subject.

"She's meeting us at the airport. I wanted to run something by you." Leon said. "The other night we were talking about the house and how it needed fixing up. I talked to Kevyn and Louise and we'd like to fix it up and keep it in the family. We would all go in and buy it from you and when it's done, you could live there."

"I couldn't help with the renovations." Gene replied.

"Don't worry about that, what do you think? You could stay at my apartment while the house is being renovated."

"I don't know what to say." Gene replied.

"Kev thought that maybe we could fix it up the way that mom would have liked it. Louise probably knows what mom liked better than any of us and agreed to supervise that part of it if you have no objections."

"What did Barb say?" Gene asked.

"She wants nothing to do with it." Leon replied, "Maybe she'll change her mind later."

"Leon, do you realize that the house isn't worth much? It's going to take a lot of money to fix it up"

"I know, but it has sentimental value. I don't know about you; but some of my happiest times were in that house. When I got out of rehab, it represented a new beginning for me. The house is in your name; the decision is yours."

"Actually, it was Louise's house until I pressured her into giving it to me." Gene said. "I say let's do it. I'll stand by any decisions Louise makes as long as I can do my own room. I also have another stipulation. I want all of our names on the paperwork and that includes Barb even though she doesn't want anything to do with it."

"Agreed." Leon said shaking Gene's hand.


Juliette made the kids check the suite several times. All of them did it, but with long faces.

The longest face belonged to Celeste. She hadn't spoken or smiled at anyone all morning. Juliette tried to explain why they had to go back to Pittsburgh, but they weren't convinced.

"You have school and your friends are there." She said.

"We can make friends here." Wanda said thinking about Victoria.

"What about your father, won't you miss him?"

"We can call him and we can visit." Victor replied, "Mom can't we please stay?"

"NO!" Juliette replied in a tone harsher than she had meant to use, "I'm sorry, but we can't stay now get packed."

"What about Mr. Hans?" Wanda asked. "Are we going to say goodbye to him?"

Juliette hadn't thought about it. As far as she was concerned, they already said their goodbyes. A lump formed in her throat when she remembered the way Hans had hugged each child and kissed them on the cheek. Of the three, Celeste was the one who clung to him as if her life depended on it.

"Don't cry alskling-sweetheart, I will see you again." Hans told her. "I promise."

Then the other two were crying. It was almost enough to make Juliette change her mind, but she stood firm. It took several minutes to calm them down and get them into bed. Hans didn't say anything to Juliette as he took her into his arms and gave her a kiss that left her breathless.

After he left, she wondered why he hadn't actually said goodbye to any of them. She stayed up in the hopes that she would sleep during the flight back and packed. As she packed she thought about the kiss and blushed. She finally admitted to herself that she didn't want to leave any more than the kids did; but she had no choice. She tried to think of something else instead.

The house.

She loved Leon's idea but like Gene, she couldn't contribute financially to the renovations. Leon had given her the same assurances as he had given Gene and she gave the project her seal of approval.

"Who's designing it?" She asked.

"'Nathan, but we have final say. I'm going to ask my friend Barry to oversee the actual work. Gene will keep watch on things and let us know if there are any problems." Leon replied.

Like Leon, the house held happy memories for her. She smiled when she thought about the things that her parents did to try to make them happy. Her all-time favorite were the fried biscuits rolled in sugar with hot chocolate on a cold winter night.

Along with the pleasant memories came a feeling of guilt that she hadn't been more active in the care of their mother and that to some degree, they had denied Louise the right to a normal life by letting her do all of the work.

That Louise had forgiven them and was now happy did little to assuage the guilt.

"I can't undo it." She whispered. "I'm sorry mom." She whispered and wiped away a tear.

She glanced at the clock, ordered breakfast for the kids and prepared herself for another round of begging to stay.


Hans double checked everything before he got ready to leave the house. He made one last call to his sister giving her the pass word into the house.

"I'll be gone for as long as it takes.... Yes... oh and I gave Noreen your name and number. She's looking for homes for me. If she calls, would you mind looking at them for me? Thank you... yes call me with your impressions... yes.... Check your email, I've sent my specifications to you... if either of them meet the specifications then yes buy it. No, don't start any decorating; I want to do that with Juliette and the children. Yes... thank you and we will speak again soon."

The next phone call was to Nadine. It was obvious that the revelation to Leon had gone well. He had to laugh when she told him that she just blurted it out.

"Well, if you had to blurt to anyone, he would be the one to blurt too." He said. He laughed again when she told him about the conversation about Elvira. "I'm sure that you gave him your honest opinion on that subject." He teased.

"I was just calling to tell you that I'm going to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for an indeterminate length of time... what? You're going too? Where are you staying? .... You can stay with me if you wish. The Sinclaires' have been kind enough to allow me to use one of their homes. Of course he can stay! He's your mate isn't he? I look forward to getting to know him better. Nadine, I'm happy for you. Leon is a good man.... Yes, I'll see you at the airport."

He made a quick phone call to the house in Pennsylvania to alert them to the fact that there would be two more houseguest. It was too early to leave for the airport so he packed the rest of the cookies that he made for the children and sat them with his bag. When that was finished, he took a moment to thank the fates for giving him Juliette and the children. As an afterthought, he said a quick prayer for whoever Barb's mate was.


"When do you think we should tell the others about Barb's pregnancy?" Kevyn asked Louise over lunch.

"I don't know." Louise replied. "I know that they would want to know but they have other issues going on too."

"I think that we should tell them and tell them that she isn't ready to talk about it... which is true." Kevyn said.

"But she doesn't want anyone to know." Louise countered. "I only know because I heard the heartbeat when I lowered my shields. She doesn't know that I know so what happens when one of them calls her? How do we explain how we knew? I think that we need to wait for her to say something."

"I guess." Kevyn replied. "Do you think she'll come to the airport?"

"I doubt it but I'll give her a call."

Louise dialed Barb's number, listened to it ring and then frowned when a message played.

"This number is no longer in service...."

Thinking that she had misdialed, Louise tried again only to get the same message.

"What's wrong?" Kevyn asked.

"Her number's been disconnected."

"Maybe you dialed wrong." Kevyn said taking out her own phone.

She dialed Barb's number and got the same result. She looked at Louise not sure of what to think.

"We could go over there." She said after a few minutes.

"She doesn't want to see us." Louise said quietly. "She's on her own now."

Kevyn started to protest but knew that Louise was right. There was nothing that they could do.

"Kev, Gene told me about Clay Robinson." Louise said.

"Yeah I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one." Kevyn replied. "It had never occurred to me that Gene was the one selling me out."

"But he's changing." Louise said. "And if he can, so can Barb."

"Change of subject." Kevyn said wanting to talk about something else. "Have you decided on a theme for the nursery?"

"Not yet but I was hoping that you would help me with that." Louise replied. "We have some ideas though."

"I would love to help!" Kevyn replied her voice full of excitement.

"We have some time." Louise said. "Nathan hasn't started the nurseries yet and I was hoping that Juliette and Barb would help too."

"I think that you can plan on Juliette." Kevyn replied.


Everyone with the exception of Barb stood around the jet, ready to board. Celeste was in Leon's arms softly crying into his shoulder while Wanda and Victor stood sullenly to the side.

Juliette had given up on trying to get them to see reason and had resorted to the "because I said so" card. None of the children had spoken to her since.

Gene stood off alone looking at his cell phone. He put it away and joined the group. Part of him was sad to be leaving but the other part of him was relived. California had been an unexpected source of pain for him and he didn't see himself ever relocating. On the other hand, his rebirth had begun here.

Nathan and Patrick stood back and let the family say their goodbyes only stepping forward when it appeared that they were finished. They hugged and shook hands with everyone including Gene.

When Patrick shook Gene's hand, he gave it a tight squeeze.

"I want you to remember that I do understand. If you ever need to talk, call me."

The offer surprised Gene.

"You don't like me so why would you make an offer like this?"

"Because we have something in common." Patrick replied. "We both hurt someone that we love and because there are times when you need someone who understands to bear the burden of guilt with you."

"'You aren't going to tell me what you did are you?" Gene asked.

"Not now." Patrick replied. "But one day I may."

As Patrick made the statement, he realized that Leon and Juliette would have to be told about the family legacy. He briefly closed his eyes and then opened them again.

"Here's' my card." He said. "I mean it; call me if and when you need to talk."

Gene took the card, looked at it and slipped it into his pocket.

"Good luck." Patrick said and walked away to join Kevyn.


Kevyn watched Gene and Patrick talk and knew that she couldn't send Gene away thinking that she hated him. When Patrick came back to her, she made her way over to Gene.

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that even though I don't understand why you did what you did, I don't hate you. I'm angry and hurt but I'm proud of you too. It took guts to tell us and to admit that you have a problem. I'm glad that you're finally getting help. Mom and dad would be proud of you."

"Kev.... I don't know what to say except thank you." Gene replied as tears ran down his face. "I can only promise to keep trying to be a better person."

"You'll make it." Kevyn replied giving him a hug. "Call us ok?"

As Kevyn walked away, she realized that they were slowly becoming the family that their parents would have wanted them to be. She had to admit that it was about time and that it felt good. The only piece of the puzzle missing was Barb.


Gene was the first on the plane. Dee and the pilots, Bruce and Ben's greeting was a much warmer one than the one he received on the trip out.

"Hello Mr. Yancy." Dee said with a smile. "I was asked to give this to you."

She handed him an envelope with no name on it.

"Thank you... Umm I would like to apologize for my behavior during the flight out." Gene said as he accepted the envelope.

"Apology accepted." Dee said with a genuine smile on her face. "I'm pleased that you're feeling better. Please make yourself comfortable."

"I wasn't....thank you Gene said and moved to a seat by a window. Curious, he opened the envelope. His eyes widened when he saw that it was a letter from Nathan.


Please contact my office at your convenience. I would like to discuss the proposal that you left for me.

Nathan Sinclaire."

Gene was even more stunned by this than he was when Patrick had given him his card. He looked out of the window and saw Nathan looking at him. When their eyes met, Nathan gave him a nod of his head. Gene nodded back still in a daze.

Leon and Nadine got on next. Leon still had a very upset Celeste in his arms when they boarded.

"Look Ben! If it isn't cutie pie!" Bruce exclaimed smiling at Celeste. When she didn't smile, Ben looked at her. "What's the matter darlin?"

"She's upset about something." Leon replied. "It's good to see you guys' again." he added extending his hand.

"It's a pleasure to see you again too." Bruce replied, "I hear that you'll be coming back in a couple of weeks."

"That's the plan." Leon replied with a big smile. "We'd better get moving."

They had just gotten to the cabin of the jet when Celeste began to struggle in his arms.

"Chill baby girl." Leon admonished as he tried to contain her. What's wrong with you?"

Finally, he put her down and she took off at a dead run.

"What?" Leon asked and then saw who she was running to.


Celeste's chest hurt. She didn't; want to leave the place where she had felt safe. She didn't want to go home where she could feel the feelings of everyone around her; she didn't want to leave the safety of Hans.

The problem was that she didn't know how to say what she needed except by crying and no one understood what she was trying to say. All she could do was hold on to Leon and soak up his warmth. In her anxiety, she had forgotten to shield herself.

She felt Gene's remorse and hope, the sadness of her siblings, Juliette's indecision and more. On top of it all was her almost over whelming fear. Not even the pilot's warm greeting could cut through the myriad of emotions that ran through her.

It wasn't until she saw Hans sitting in the back of the jet that she came to life. She struggled to get free of Leon, fighting until he finally let her go. Once she was free she took off at a dead run not stopping until her small brown arms were wrapped tightly around Han's neck.


Hans was on the jet an hour before Gene got on. He sat in the back not wanting to be noticed right away. Gene had been so preoccupied that he didn't notice him. Hans' attention riveted to the front of the jet when he heard Leon's voice.

Suddenly, a small figure was running toward him. He stayed where he was, waiting for her. The only one of the three children who had known who and what he was from the first time she saw him.

Hans caught her as she jumped into his arms and hugged him.

"I told you that you would see me again." he said as he kissed her head.

It was then that he understood something about Juliette. She had to be shown and not just told. He had done the right thing by going back with them.

"What are you doing here?" A voice filled with confusion and relief asked.

Hans looked up to see Juliette looking at him in disbelief.


"Come on." Juliette said to Victor and Wanda. "They're waiting for us."

Reluctantly, the siblings got on the jet only smiling when they were greeted by the pilots.

"How's the future scientist and future pilot doing?" Bruce asked.

"Okay." They replied in unison.

"We're glad to see you again" Ben said shaking Victor's hand. "Want to see the cockpit again?"

"Can I?" Victor asked not looking at Juliette for permission.

"Check with your mom first." Bruce replied.

"Can I?" Victor asked. "Please?"

"Don't touch anything." Juliette replied.

She made her way to the cabin and stopped short. She blinked rapidly not quite believing what she was seeing. She slowly made her way to the back of the plane and stopped in front of Hans who was holding a now calm Celeste in his lap.

Her heart pounded as she looked at him in disbelief.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

When Hans looked up at her and stood up still holding Celeste, her breath caught.

"I have finally figured out with the help of Celeste that you need to be shown and not told." Hans said as he stepped closer to her. "This is me showing you that I love you and these children. I told you that I would move to Pittsburgh if I had to I order to be with you and you didn't believe me. Do you believe me now?"

"Your job..."

"Will be there when we return." Hans replied. "Everything is arranged. We can now date if you wish."

"Mr. Hans!" Wanda and Victor screamed as they ran down the aisle of the plane. "Are you coming with us?" Victor asked.

"I am. Your mother and I have unfinished business." Hans replied as he sat Celeste down on a seat.

He took another step toward Juliette, took her by her arms and pulled her into him. Juliette put her hands on his waist and looked up into glittering gray eyes. She didn't object when he bent down and kissed her.

She didn't; hear the clapping or shouts of approval as she returned the kiss.

Gene watched and felt a longing that he hadn't felt in a long time. He had loved Dana even if he hadn't acted like it and he loved her now. He began to wonder if she had remarried or was involved with anyone. Both scenarios were a very real possibility but what if she were still free? Had he done too much damage to repair things?

He looked over at Hans and Juliette who were still standing. The kiss was over but they were still holding each other. Gene took out his phone and time instead of just looking at the number; he hit 'dial"

"Dana?" he said a few minutes later.


Kevyn, Patrick, Louise and Nathan watched as the jet took off. Louise interlocked her fingers with Nathan's to her right and Kevyn's to her left. Kevyn then took Patrick's in hers. They watched until the jet was out of sight and then each couple went their separate ways it had been a long, exhausting week both emotionally and physically. It was time for a respite.

As Nathan and Louise walked toward their car, Louise froze. She was paralyzed with a feeling of foreboding that was gone as soon as fast as it had appeared.

"Sweetheart? Are you alright?" Nathan asked. He had felt it too. Had Louise not felt it, he would have brushed it off.

"Did you feel that?" she asked seeking confirmation that she hadn't imagined it.

"Yes but it was gone so quickly that I didn't have a chance to process it. Are you sure that you're alright?" he asked concerned.

"I'm fine," Louise replied. "Maybe it was just a fluke." She added still thinking about the feeling of foreboding.

"Maybe." Patrick replied; but neither of them believed it.

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ariesgirlariesgirlover 11 years ago

Those that raped were wrong just like Barb is wrong for treating her family and everybody she believes that isn't worthy like she does. The only thing that sets Barb and the ex-rapists apart is that they realized they were wrong for raping, stopped, and seeked help. That doesn't excuse them for what they did or the pain they brought to the loved ones of their victims.

Barb or anyone that has no reason for treating others, especially their family, like shit doesn't get any pity from me. Barb has a different way of hurting others. Although it's not physical but words can cause pain too. She doesn't want to change even though we know she is capable. The only strong thing I see about her is that she is persistant with reaching her goal of bagging someone filthy rich regardless of who and what she has to do to obtain it.

I can't wait to see the fireworks when Barb tells Thorn about the baby. I'm surprised it hasn't crossed his mind yet that he could've gotten her pregnant.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Why do people think that a characters mudt b loud and vocal to b considered strong? Lou may not be loud but that doesn't make her weak. Thete are different kindd of strength. Barb may b interedting but only because of the lengths dhe will go to get whst she wants.... money. She's weak imho if dhe can't b civil to her own family... if she is alone that's her fault and no one elses.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
I'm with Scorpi moon

Barb is actually a better character than Louise, for me.

She just has so much depth. She is actually why I've kept reading the story!

I can't wait to find out what's going to happen next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Well, damn ScorpMoon...I hate to say it, but YOU'RE RIGHT! I love the story (so much that I read it all over again while waiting for the updates), but we have given Patrick and his brothers a free pass, whereas, we love to hate Gene and Barb. I for one don't want that reality in this story, so I'll keep on pretending that their not the unpunished bad guys that we should see them as. Rape is never an OK thing especially when it goes unpunished. I do believe that Barb (as messed up as her abuse belief goes) should be given a bit of a break, because her way of thinking only hurts herself and not the thousands that the Sinclaire's have. So I fully support you position....but I have to put the blinders back on because I love the story the way it is WAY TO MUCH to allow the right thing to change my heart now :)))))

ScorpMoonScorpMoonover 11 years ago
Poor Gene

It's too bad he didn't find out from his upstanding sisters, Kevyn and Louise, who both married vampires, where one brother in law a serial rapist and 500 year old vampire who destroyed many lives of innocent women and the other, Nathan, also a vampire and son of a serial rapist, who's father, grandfather, and uncles also destroyed many lives. Pretty sure Gene would of felt better knowing his bad judgment and mistake didn't cost him a life, and at the end of the day, Gene made the right decision to do the right thing in the end, while Patrick, the serial rapist receives zero punishment. Gene must know that attempted murder of your sister is greater than serial raping untold numbers of women for hundreds of years.

Perhaps will get another chapter where Barb continues on becoming the very definition of evil since being a serial rapist no longer defines evil, as long as the men are sexy, rich, have a big Dicks, which is unwanted for any rape victim, and said oopsy daisy sorry about those pesky violent rapes. That's no longer an issue because even though I didn't go unpunished, I'm a changed man, and it's all in the past, no worries. Barb gets to become a baby momma she didn't intend on being, chasing her despised baby daddy for money, having an unwanted child by a man who said he'd rather be with her much envied sister, who hates her just as much as she hates him, reading about her ongoing jealousy towards her sisters, reading how people just don't find her genuine enough, while celebrating the pristine goodness and perfection of Louise 's one dimensional Disney character's mythical strength, Kevyn's imaginary strength and integrity, and Patrick and 's illusional honor including salt of the earth goodness and amnesia causing sexiness.

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