Love, Betrayal, Love Ch. 01

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Greg and Katie, a bittersweet love story.
13.7k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/10/2022
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This story focuses on the emotional journey of a cuckold's marriage to the woman he loves. It is a bit long, but I hope you can stick with it and enjoy.

Disclaimer: This is NOT a BDSM story (subservient cuck) nor is it a BTB (Revenge) story. Nothing against those types of stories but this is not one of those so if only those stories interest you, please look elsewhere.

Webster's Dictionary:

Cuckold: A man whose wife is unfaithful; the husband of an adulteress.

The above actual dictionary definition does not state knowledge or lack thereof by the husband is required to become a cuckold, nor acceptance or approval by the husband (Hotwife), or watching by the husband (Voyeur), submission by the husband (BDSM), or revenge by the husband (BTB).

All of these are how those involved choose to react to being cuckolded, but they are not of themselves 'cuckolding'. Only by the act of where the wife becomes an adulteress is when the husband is made a cuckold. However how they deal with the circumstance and the many paths that can take is what draws many of us readers in. Please enjoy.


My name is Greg Johnson, I am 28 years old and I recently got married. Again. To the same woman.

My wife is Katie Johnson, she is also 28 years old and has been the love of my life since we first met ten years ago when we were both 18 years old and began attending the same college. We were married at 22 and divorced at 25, but let's start back at the beginning.

When I first laid my eyes on Katie as I crossed the walkway that led to the college library, I was immediately taken in by her beauty. She stood about 5 feet 6, with wavy light chestnut brown hair, a very fit and toned body with a nice tan, with what looked like nice firm breasts that seemed to be a good size hidden under her sweater.

But most of all she has the cutest and prettiest face I had ever seen in my life. She has dimples on either side of her wonderful smile, with sparkling pearly grey eyes that seem to look right into your soul.

I was walking across the path in front of her and two of her friends as she looked up and into my eyes. It has been the only time I found myself sucking in a breath as if in shock, just by looking into a girl's face. She gave me a cute smirk as she and her friends walked by me, and then I stood there like a statue as I watched her walk away. Then Katie looked back over her shoulder and smiled at me, with her smile lighting up my soul.

Looking back, that was the moment I fell in love with her. Granted at the time it was more lust than love as I did not even know her name yet, what her voice sounded like, what movies, games or music she was into, or a thousand other things that makes us a person.

I was instantly taken with this girl I had never seen before and promised myself I was going to try to get some of that... yeah not very romantic but I was an 18-year-old college guy, and we all know which head we are thinking with at that age.

As for me I stand six feet tall, athletic build without being muscle bound but definitely not skinny either, with brown hair and eyes. It is always difficult to describe yourself but I have been told by women that are not my mom that I am good looking and a bit of eye candy so I will use their words not mine.

As this was the first week on campus of the new semester, each class I went to was an opportunity for me to meet new people and hopefully find some friends here. The city and the college I'm attending are very close to the town I grew up in, so there were a few familiar faces around from high school, but none I knew well enough to call friends.

My best friend growing up and through high school is a guy called John. He was never destined for college though and opted for an apprenticeship in the construction field.

I was majoring in engineering and based most of my subjects on what would align. One of the classes however I chose to do for minor credits was in philosophy, not sure to this day why when it had very little cross over with my engineering major.

But I was glad I did as when I walked into the lecture room that morning there she was, my wet dream girl from yesterday sitting without her two friends. She spotted me and again gave me that wonderful smile. I tried my best to walk over to her as calmly and as confidently as I could.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" nodding to the chair beside her.

"No, not at all." as she removed her bag from the empty seat.

"I'm Greg by the way."

"I'm Katie, pleased to meet you."

Even her voice sounded great. It had a soft sultry feel to it. I tried to play it cool during the class, not wanting to chat her up in the first five minutes and possibly coming across too sleazy or desperate.

"Have you read up on this stuff already?" Katie whispered to me as the lecturer continued to drone on about something I had no clue what. My mind was on her not philosophy at all. I raised my eyebrows as if I was asking a question.

"It's been half an hour already and you have not taken any notes."

"I thought I would get you to give me a summary after class over a coffee."

There, I came back sounding cool while basically asking her out at the same time.

Katie gave a quiet laugh and showed me that sexy smirk again that she seems to display so effortlessly.

"You don't waste any time do you?"

I just smiled back at her and shrugged.

"Okay, we can get a coffee before the next class. You're buying though."

We ended up missing our next lecture as we were so engrossed in our conversation, discovering each other as people.

Katie was very smart, extremely confident and had a great sense of humor. Her humor could be somewhat dry and sarcastic but never too rude or demeaning, more cheekier than anything else. I found her enthralling.

We spoke about our movies, gaming and our music tastes, and I admitted I was going through a bit of a sixties and seventies phase on Spotify, with The Rolling Stones and CCR being my current favorites. Katie then surprised me by listing 'Gimme Shelter' and 'Up around the bend' as two of her favorite Stones and CCR songs off the top of her head. Wow, just sign me up already.

She asked about my Engineering major and showed an actual interest, and I found out she was majoring in Law with a view to doing contract law but was still undecided which flavor of Law best suited her.

When we decided we best not skip another lecture, it was Katie that took the initiative and asked me out for the following Friday night. I walked to the next class with that feeling of what I can only describe as giddiness. If it was possible to fall for someone in just an hour of conversation, I had.

That Friday we met at the onsite campus bar, where non-alcoholic drinks are served but people can still dance or listen to a DJ or musician perform. Katie looked stunning. I had not seen her at all that day until I walked into the bar. She came over to me and took me by the arm and walked us back to her table.

Katie introduced me to the same two girlfriends that I first saw her with a few days earlier, their names were Jane and Skye. I found out that the three girls had only just met each other this week at college as well.

I enjoyed our conversations that night and got to see Katie in a relaxed mood with her new friends. Her laughter, her cheeky jibes, that smile. I found myself stealing glances at her when I hoped no-one was watching. Just to watch her face and see her smile or talk or laugh. On more than one occasion Katie sensed me looking and glanced back at me with a knowing look, and then a cute smile.

After we left the bar and were heading back to the dorms, Katie held out her hand to me and we walked holding hands until we got to her dorm building, We then stood facing each still holding hands.

"I really enjoyed tonight Greg."

I was looking into her eyes, lost in them when I realized I should be replying to her.

"I did too Katie, I really enjoyed being with you."

"Would you like..." before I could complete my sentence Katie leaned in and kissed me on the lips, soft at first, but then followed up with a deeper more sensual second kiss.

"Wow." I didn't mean to whisper that out aloud but too late.

Katie just gave me that sexy smirk again with a small giggle. She already had me wrapped around her finger, breathless and giddy like a young teenager getting their first kiss.

"Would you like..." Katie was now cheekily repeating the words I had just spoken.

" be my boyfriend? For us to be together?"

"Yes, I mean, Hell yes! You don't waste time do you?" It was my turn to repeat back something Katie had said to me when I first asked her out for coffee only a few days ago.

"Not when I know what I want. By the way what's your last name?"

I started to laugh, we were now 'boyfriend and girlfriend' and yet we did not even know each other's last names. Talk about moving quickly.

"Johnson, Greg Johnson."

"Schaffer. Katie Schaffer. Pleased to meet you Mr Johnson."

With that I leaned forward to kiss Katie this time, wrapping my arms around her. God she smelled good too.

We became almost inseparable after our first date that Friday, spending every chance between classes and after to be together.

We were both staying in dorms on campus so it was hard to get sexual at first as they had rules about people not belonging to that dorm being allowed in rooms at night, but we decided to both skip a class one morning in what was our second week of being a couple.

My sexual experience up until that point were the two short-term girlfriends I had slept with during my high school senior year. Katie likewise admitted to having only been with two guys in high school so I figured we were starting from the same place.

We met outside of Katie's dorm and then made our way inside to her room. The room shared the same layout as my room in one of the other dorm buildings, two single beds, two desks, two cupboards and two wardrobes. Katie shared with another girl she admitted she rarely saw, with her new friends Jane and Skye sharing a room next door.

Katie then quickly turned to me.

"We don't have much time so what say we get started?"

"Which side is yours?"

Katie took my hand and walked me over to her side of the room and we stood facing each other in front of her bed. She then embraced me in a passionate kiss, it was different to the other kisses we have shared over the last week. This was more urgent, almost animalistic, sexual, very sexual.

I took this opportunity to lift her sweater up and over her head, then Katie pulled her skirt down leaving her in just her bra and panties. I took a half step back, this was the first time I had really seen Katie's body and I wanted to take it in, take her in.

Katie reached behind her back undoing her bra and letting it fall to floor exposing her large 'C'-cup breasts, they were firm and round and pointed outward even without the bra. Then she slipped her panties down her legs and stood back up in front of me, now completely naked.

My god was her body gorgeous, not just her breasts but her muscled thighs, and her stomach which showed signs of a slight six pack. Her pussy was cleanly shaved, which I later found out was actually waxed.

She was fit with clear definition in her shoulders, arms, and legs. not being muscular but rather very toned with very little body fat at all. She could easily be a sportswear or swimwear model, with her looks and that body all tanned and almost radiant.

"Your turn."

I realized I was still fully dressed staring at this beautiful creature in front of me.


I undressed in what must be record time, almost falling over as I tried to take my jeans off a little too quickly. Katie laughed and grabbed my shoulder to steady me as I removed them and my socks.

There, I was now standing naked in front of Katie as well, my five-inch cock already at full mast, feeling anticipation but also a little exposed. She gave me the once over much like I just did with her. Then Katie looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"Very nice Johnson, Mr. Johnson." she said with an overtly sultry voice as she raised her finger with a come-hither motion.

We again embraced and kissed but with a real sense of urgency. My hands roamed over her body now, feeling her ass, her back and shoulders, around to her breasts.

Katie was doing the same with me, feeling my biceps and shoulders then down to my buttocks with finally her hands moving around to my cock. Holding me in one hand and gently squeezing my balls with her other.

Katie looked me in the eyes and then slowly dropped down to her knees in front of me. She rubbed the head of my cock across her lips, all the while staring back up and into my eyes.

Then she took my cock into her mouth, the feeling was fantastic. I could feel her tongue caressing my cock as her mouth started to move around it. She then pushed down deeper, completely taking my cock into her mouth to the base, and then I felt her tongue lick my balls underneath. My god what a sensation. Within just sixty seconds she had already deep throated me and had me on the verge of cumming.

Katie seemed to sense that I was close and backed off releasing my cock from her mouth. She stood and then moved onto the bed, laying back with one leg raised as if inviting me. I needed no second invitation and crouched down between her thighs also looking into her eyes as I lowered my head further between her legs as my mouth went to her pussy.

She tasted sweet, she smelled sweet. My tongue began to probe inside of her as I got lost in my actions, hoping that this moment could last forever. I could hear Katie start to sigh almost like a whimper, but that grew as I intensified the passion I was delivering to her pussy with my tongue and mouth.

Katie was now running her fingers through my hair and starting to gyrate her hips a little in sympathy with the assault my tongue was now providing. Her moans were turning into loud groans, she was close. Then I felt her pussy begin to spasm under my tongue, her thighs around my head squeezed tight, her fingers in my hair gripping almost tearing chunks out. Her body began to shake and she let out a huge groan of satisfaction as her orgasm washed over her.

I looked up at Katie and found her staring back down at me with the biggest grin across her face, making her dimples stand out even more.

"Wow Greg that was fantastic! Now get up here, you have some work to do!"

I slowly made my way up her body stopping to kiss her stomach, then her breasts.

"Don't tease me please! I need you inside me, I want to feel you right now."

Our eyes looked directly into each other, our mouths embraced in another long, wet kiss as I felt her hand grip my cock and guide it into her pussy. The warm wet feeling was wonderful, as she raised her legs to lock them behind my back squeezing my body into her. I could feel her pussy begin to squeeze around my cock. It felt incredible.

I started with slow thrusts wanting to savor the feeling Katie was giving me, but she had other plans.

"I need you to fuck me hard Greg, please. Make me yours."

With that encouragement I began to increase my pace, slamming all of my cock into her over and over. Like a crescendo I gathered even more pace and intensity as the minute's past. I would not be able to last too much longer like this with Katie, but it was too late to change course now.

My hips were by now a forceful blur between her thighs, hammering in and out with as much speed and force as I could muster. I wanted Katie to remember this, I wanted her to remember that our first time would leave her well fucked and satisfied. And all mine.

That inevitable feeling spread up from my groin as I could feel my orgasm begin to build. Katie saw this and then took me by surprise, biting or rather holding my lower lip between her teeth as she stared directly into my eyes. As I finally began to explode inside her she released my lip only to give me one of the most forceful and passionate kisses I have ever experienced. It was if she was trying suck my orgasm back out through her kiss at the same time that I was releasing inside of her pussy.

As I came down from the high, her kisses become gentler and more sensual. Her legs slowly released their death grip they had around my body, and we laid there for a few minutes just feeling the afterglow in our embrace. Finally, she looked over at the clock.

"Shit! We are going to be late for the next lecture if we don't get moving!"

"Right now I couldn't care less, I won't be able to focus or learn anything for the rest of the day."

"Really? What will you be thinking about?"

"You. This. God that felt great. That was the best sex I've ever had in my life."

"Glad our first time was also your best Mr Johnson."

"Thank you, Katie Schaffer, this was definitely special."


Our sex lives increased in the amount and the passion as we progressed through college. However, with the first two years spent living in separate dorms it meant risk taking for us. Stealing moments of passionate love making whenever and wherever we could. Many times in public spaces, sometimes with other people nearby.

Third year we both moved off campus into shared apartments in town, Katie living with her two friends Jane and Skye with myself moving in with my two friends Billy and Mark. This meant a huge step forward in our relationship as gone were the sometimes risky public sex acts but replaced with longer more meaningful and sensual love making sessions that would see us spend whole afternoons in the bedroom, talking, making out and fucking, only leaving for water or a toilet break.

Early in our fourth and final year at college at just 21 years old, we got engaged. Neither of us could see ourselves in a future where we would not be together.

I spent big proposing to Katie, taking her to Margarette's, the best and most ritzy restaurant in the area. I had booked a table in the back corner, and as Katie was reading through the menu I interrupted her by getting down on my knee and offering her our engagement ring. Katie broke out in tears, happy ones though, and said 'Yes', saying she was so madly in love with me.

By this stage I was truly in love with Katie too, like we were two parts of the same soul. There was no boring or monotonous routine or over familiarity in our relationship yet, I still found our conversations entertaining and fresh, her laughter and that wicked sexy humor captivating, but it was the little quirky or childish things that were just between us that I valued the most.

Moments that are ours alone, like when Katie sneaks up behind me and would cover my eyes with her hands and say: "Guess who?"

I would reply with wrong answers and Katie would kiss my head for each answer until I would finally ask: "Mrs Johnson?"

And with that Katie would remove her hands and move in front of me with a big smile and respond: "Correct, Mr Johnson." Before planting a long slow kiss on my lips.

Before we even started our work lives after just completing college we got married. We had just turned 22 years old and were looking forward to being able to rent our own apartment shortly once we landed jobs.

We had moved into her mother's house, Katie was an only child as her father had died in a workplace accident when she was still a baby and her mom Beth had never re-married. We took the bedroom on the opposite end of the house from Beth's room so we could make as much noise as 22-year-old newlyweds were sure to make.

We soon got work though, Katie as a para-legal secretary and myself landing an engineering trainee job with the same construction company that my best friend John worked at, although I spent most of my time in the office in the city rather than on-site with John who was now a qualified tradesman. The money for both of us was not great but you have to start at the bottom and work your up and that's what we were going to do.