Love Conquers Infidelity


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"OK. Let me park the car," I said.

Once inside, we went to the bar area which is in the restaurant. I ordered us both Cokes and we sat down away from the other people there.

"I sit all day in Ryan's room and I talk to him; I don't know if he can hear me. It would be nice to talk with someone who can talk back," she said.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"When I am at the hospital all alone, I think about Ryan and me. Would you mind if I talked about that?" she asked.

"Please. Talk to me about anything you want. I promise to be a good listener," I said.

"We met in college in Pueblo. It is not a very large college but over the 4 years, you get to know everyone. He was a handsome, young guy and I fell for him. I was tired of olive skin, black hair and dark-eyed Italian men. My parents wanted me to marry the local Italian butcher's son who was also a butcher. That was not a future that I desired. I wanted to marry someone with a future and live someplace else.

"Ryan is a blond because his grandparents emigrated from Denmark. He was quite popular and dated a lot of girls while at college, but in our junior year he started dating me. I told him from the start that I would remain a virgin until I was married. He accepted that and never tried to get me to bed. We did make out a lot though. He is very good at it ..... and so am I.

"While I was at college, I discovered that I love sex. My first year there, my roommate bought me a vibrator that I named Bob. Bob kept me satisfied through 4 years of college and I was technically a virgin when I graduated. At Christmas during our senior year, Ryan bought me an engagement ring. After that, I allowed him to play with my tits when we made out but that was all. I found that I enjoyed it a lot. When he would take me home after a date, I would use Bob to get some satisfaction.

"We married in June right after we graduated. I guess I am a hot-blooded Italian because I really enjoy sex. I let him try everything he wanted to do during our honeymoon. We tried a lot of different positions and I enjoyed the experimenting. He wanted blowjobs all the time, but he held my head with his hands and forced his dick too far inside my mouth. That caused me to gag. I almost threw up a couple of times so I told him no more," she explained.

"If I may make a suggestion .... You want to wrap your hand around the base of his dick so that only the part beyond your hand goes into your mouth. You are in control of how much goes into your mouth. It doesn't matter if he holds your head because you have control and no more gagging," I said.

"Thank you. I wish I had known that. We also tried anal once but it hurt a lot and I made him stop before he could finish. When he came out, he was dirty from my poop so I told him 'never again'. Why do men want to do that? It seems so disgusting and dirty to me," she said.

"I think it is an animal instinct built into us -- it is the way mammals have sex. Anal sex doesn't have to be dirty if pre-cleaning is done, and if done right, it can be enjoyable for both parties. Did you know that it is used as a means of birth control in many countries even today? In European countries it is done as often as intercourse with the younger people," I explained.

"So you are saying that anal sex is something that most couples do? I grew up in a small town and no one talked about sex," she said.

"You would be surprised by how many couples enjoy doing it. Ann and I do it. We discuss doing it ahead of time so that she can cleanup back there before we go to bed. If it is spur of the moment type of thing, then I wear a condom. In fact, she often initiates us doing it. She doesn't have an orgasm from doing it, but she masturbates while I am busy so that we both can have an orgasm. She has told me that she really enjoys the feeling while we are doing it and she says that she can feel it when I cum inside," I explained.

"I had no idea. Tell me about how you met your Ann," she said.

"We met at a dance. The university in Boulder had a winter formal dance and a less formal spring dance very year. A buddy of mine had set me up with a date with a sorority girl. Ann had a date with some guy who was known to date a lot. One of the big jocks from the football team asked to dance with my date so I said OK. That was the last I saw of her but I didn't mind because we were not clicking. Ann's date had gotten drunk and was passed out on a couch. She and I danced the rest of the evening and then started dating. When we got around to having sex, she was impressed with my oral abilities as well as the variety of things that I liked to do so we married right after we graduated," I said.

"You like to give women oral sex? It seems so unsanitary. That is where I pee and that is where my period is," she said.

"Actually, it is my favorite thing to do. It gives the best orgasm to a woman - better than intercourse -- that is what most women tell me. I love for my partner to have a good orgasm. I enjoy giving much more than receiving," I explained.

"Ryan unfortunately is all about his satisfaction and not mine. By playing with a vibrator, I know how to give myself an orgasm. I know that he dated a lot in college but I don't think he had much success in getting women into bed. All the women at the college were from southern Colorado which is almost Italian and Mexican families. Consequently, we are all Catholics and don't have sex before marriage. Since we have been married, we have sex a lot and I enjoy it a lot. He cums too quickly for me so when he rolls off me and goes to sleep, I take Bob into the bathroom with me and finish in there. Ryan's skills were improving but then I became pregnant and we had to stop having sex for 5 months because there was a risk of losing the baby," she said.

"I am not certain how good I was when I was at the university, but 20 years of marriage has allowed me to improve and to give Ann exactly what she wants," I said.

"Jim, if your sex life was so good, then why did she cheat on you?"

"I don't understand that either. If your husband was not able to meet your needs, then what did Ann see in him? Why did she go to bed with him?" I asked.

We both sat quietly thinking -- so many deep thoughts but no answers.

"I have enjoyed talking with you but I think I should get home. I have some things that I have to do before I go to bed," I said.

"Thank you for talking with me. I feel so lonesome in the evenings," she said.

We both stood up and she kissed me on the cheek and the headed for the elevator and then I drove home.

I felt that I had accomplished a lot today. I took a shower and tried to sleep but I cannot sleep without Ann cuddled up to me. I hate what she has done, but I do love her and I really miss her. So I took a couple of sleeping pills and got a good night's sleep.

Day Three

The next morning I showered and shaved and then drove to the Hilton Inn for breakfast with Annette. After breakfast, I went to the front desk with her and told them that she may be staying two or three more days and I gave them my credit card.

We didn't talk much on the way to the hospital. We walked into the lobby and caught the elevator. As it stopped at the 3rd floor she gave me a hug and I walked to my wife's room. The doctor was just finishing up his exam. He and I talked quietly in the hallway.

"How is she today?" I asked.

"She has improved since she first arrived here. We are continuing to keep her sedated heavily; the rest will help her to recover. She will have some memory loss that should return. She won't remember anything while she is in a coma though. She is going to have a black eye for a while. We need to remove her stitches in about 10 days or so," he said.

"Do you think she will have permanent brain damage?" I asked.

"It is hard to say just now. We will bring her out of the coma early tomorrow morning and do an MRI and some cognitive tests. If the swelling has gone down, we can release her the following day; however someone has to be with her constantly because she has a serious concussion," he said and then walked down the hallway.

My neighbor had called me early this morning and told me that the TV news people had been hanging around my house all day yesterday. I decided to stay at the hospital all day to avoid them. I ate lunch in the cafeteria.

Police Again

Right after lunch the two detectives came into Ann's room.

"Your wife is still unconscious?" the taller one asked.

"Yes, they are keeping her in a coma to allow her brain to heal," I replied.

"Mr. Reynolds, we would like you to accompany us to the station," the taller detective said.

"I will call my attorney and have him meet us there," I said.

I called my attorney and told his secretary that the police were taking me to the Wheat Ridge police station. She said that Mr. Horowitz would leave right away. We walked out to their patrol car and I was put in the back seat - just like a criminal.


When we arrived at the police station, my lawyer was already there waiting for us.

"Detectives, I am Jacob Horowitz, Mr. Reynolds' attorney," he said holding his hand out.

Neither detective shook hands with him. As they escorted me to an interrogation room, the shorter detective said under his breath, "Shit, it would have to be Horowitz."

After we all sat down, the taller detective turned to a device on the wall and pushed a button to start the recording.

"Since you are going to record this 'interview', I will also record it," my lawyer said and put his pocket recorder on the table and started it.

"We do not allow recording devices in here," the shorter detective said.

My lawyer picked up his recorder and put it in his breast pocket of his suit coat but I noticed that he did not turn it off. The top of his recorder which held the microphone was above his coat pocket and able to pick-up the conversation.

The taller detective said, "Mr. Reynolds, we just wanted to ask you some questions on the record," he said.

"If you wanted to ask my client some questions, you could have done that at the hospital or in his home. Why bring him here unless you are going to charge him? Is my client being charged? If so, on what charge?" my lawyer asked.

"State your name for the record," the tall detective said ignoring my lawyer.

"James Reynolds," I said.

"Also present are Detective Sergeant Dobbs, Detective Miller and Mr. Reynolds' attorney, Mr. Horowitz. Explain where you were on the 22nd of May," Dobbs said.

"My wife and I had breakfast. She left for her work at 7:30 am and I left at 7:45 am. I was at my office a little before 8 am. A little before 9 am I left for a business appointment which concluded about 11:15 am. I drove back to my office arriving at 11:30. I purchased a sandwich at the sandwich shop on the first floor below my office. I was in the office until about 2 pm when I left to visit my wife in the hospital," I said.

"It is my understanding that you have already verified my client's whereabouts. Is that correct?" my lawyer asked.

"Yes," the taller detective said.

"If his story checks out, then why are we here?" my lawyer asked.

"How do you explain that your vehicle was picked up by a traffic camera four blocks from Mr. Barnes' house at 11:46 am on the day of the assault?" the shorter detective asked.

He pushed a photograph across the table to my lawyer and me. The photo was not very clear due to the poor quality of the traffic camera, but there was a red SUV the same year as mine in the photo. The photo was mostly from the side so the license plate could not be read and the driver was obscured.

"I just concluded a court case for a driver under-the-influence where there was a red Ford Explorer, the same year as my clients', involved in the accident. I have a notarized letter from the Automobile Dealers Association for Colorado that there are 153 red Ford Explorers of that year in the Denver Metro area. Besides, this photo is so fuzzy that you cannot see the driver nor can you see the license plate. Since you have verified my client's whereabouts, you know that this cannot be his vehicle. It seems that you are grasping for straws trying to convict my client when you know that he could not have done it," my lawyer said.

The two detectives said nothing but stared at my attorney.

"Have you established that the house was burglarized?" my lawyer asked.

"We think it was made to look like a burglary because nothing of value was taken, such as the TV set," the shorter detective said.

"From the thieves that I have represented in court, they tell me that they only take TVs if there is nothing else to take - they are too big to carry and too hard to sell. I understand that the two victims had left their clothing at the scene. Were their wallets, credit cards, cell phones taken? How about the guy's laptop? Is it missing?" my lawyer asked.

"We did not find any cell phones nor were there any credit cards or a laptop at the scene," the shorter detective said.

"Since you didn't find them at the scene, do you think that the burglar could have taken their cell phones and credit cards? Two cell phones from the victims can be sold for 3 times what a single TV can be sold for. The credit cards can be sold just for their number. The thief struck it rich by finding them at home and their clothing on the floor - easy pickings. Just bonk them on the head to keep them quiet and then leave with something that you can sell. Anyway, it still smells like a burglary to me. Have there been any other burglaries in that area?" my attorney asked.

"We cannot comment on that," the taller detective said.

"In spite of the evidence showing that it was a burglary, let me suggest this: If this Ryan Barnes was fucking my client's wife, could he be fucking other wives? Maybe you should be looking for other husbands and maybe one of them is your suspect," he said.

The detectives both started to say something but my lawyer interrupted them.

"Since you have no leads as to who the person is that assaulted my client's wife, I suggest that you get busy and do your job. My client has an acceptable alibi so any further harassment to my client, and I will file a law suit against your Police Department and the Mayor. How long do you think you will have your jobs? Now, we are done here!" my lawyer said.

"Since my client's wife is not a suspect, I want you to return her possessions from the crime scene to my client right now while we are here. Also, unless you have further need of the crime scene, you need to release it so my client can reclaim his vehicle parked there. Also on that subject, you have kept Mr. Barnes' wife out of her home. She is very pregnant and due to deliver any day now. Thanks to you, she cannot even get clean clothes from her home. My client here has been paying for a hotel for her to stay in and he has been taking her to and from the hospital everyday to see her husband. I realize that you two are detectives because you have a badge and a gun, but I wonder if there is a human being inside your clothes. Shame on you both for the way you have treated Mrs. Barnes!" he said.

Both detectives looked down at the table. The taller detective turned off the recording machine and then they stood up.

"Don't forget my client's wife's clothing and purse," my attorney said as the detectives left the room.

"Thank you ...." I started to say but he interrupted me.

"This is what you pay me for," he said but motioned to his ears and then to the walls.

I understood that he was indicating that the room was probably bugged, so I said nothing further. A minute later, the shorter detective came into the room with a clear plastic bag containing my wife's clothes and purse. He had a form that I had to sign to show that I took custody of the possessions.

As we walked out of the building, I said, "I can call an Uber to take me back to the hospital."

"Nah, get in and I will take you back to the hospital and I won't add it to your bill," he said laughing.

Once we were in the car, he started laughing.

"I have run across those two 'dicktectives' before. Dobbs isn't a bad cop but the little guy is an ass. I am sure that the chief is on their asses to get the case solved. I enjoyed myself in there, but they are just too easy to fluster," he said

Nothing else was said until we arrived at the hospital.

"Mr. Reynolds, I like what you are doing for Mrs. Barnes. It evens the score, doesn't it?" he said smiling.

I said nothing but just looked at him. I opened the car door and got out. I opened his rear door and removed the bag with my wife's clothes. He drove off and I carried the bag to my car, then I walked into the hospital.


I walked into Ann's room; she was still in a coma. I held her hand and talked to her, hoping that she could hear me even though she was in a coma.

While I was sitting holding my wife's hand, I called a professional disaster cleanup company and made an appointment for them to go to the Barnes' house at 7 am tomorrow. After my lawyer reamed the detectives, I am certain that they will release the crime scene today. They estimated about 8 hours work and would bill my company. I must remember to get a key from Annette. I called Annette and told her to meet me in the lobby for us to go to dinner.

As I saw her walk out of the elevator, I asked, "Hi, Annette. How is your husband?"

"He is still in a coma. They said they will wake him up tomorrow and test him again. I can talk with him then. How is Ann?" she asked.

"The same. What do you want for dinner?" I asked.

"It may sound dumb but I would like a hamburger and fries," she said.

"It sounds great. Gunther Toody's here we come," I said.

We arrived at the restaurant about 30 minutes later. We ordered and then sat talking. I told her about where I grew up and the Italian families there.

Our meal arrived and while we were eating, she was telling me about getting ready for the baby.

"Part of the reason we are broke right now is because I bought things for our new baby. I got a new baby crib and mattress, and a matching 'changing chest of drawers'. My Mom wasn't home to hold a baby shower for me, so my relatives have sent me baby clothes but most of them are for an older baby; there was nothing for a newborn. One aunt knitted a baby blanket for me," she said.

"So you have a room all set up except for some really critical items - undershirts, diapers, and the belly band for the umbilical cord," I said.

"Yes," she replied.

"I think the police released your house today. On our way back to your hotel, I could take you by your house if you need some fresh clothing," I said.

"Gosh, that would be great. I hand-washed this top last night in the sink at the hotel and then ironed it," she said.

We finished our meal and then I drove to her house.

I parked in front because my wife's car is still on the driveway. The yellow police tape was gone and the notice was removed from her door. Just as Annette was getting out of my car, I said, "If you have a spare house key, I will get your place cleaned up tomorrow for you."

"Oh that would be so nice. I can't bend over and I certainly do not need to be on my knees," she replied.

She ran inside the house and I saw a light go on in a second floor window. After several minutes she returned with some clothing over her arm. She handed me a key on a key chain.

"That is for the front door. Do you really think that you can get someone to come in on such short notice?" She asked and I nodded yes.

"I got enough clothes for a couple of days, if you don't mind me staying at the hotel a bit longer. When I went into the house, it upset me to know what happened there. First, was the thought of them screwing there and then the fact that someone broke in and beat them. I am a little afraid to stay there alone -- someone might break in again. It would be very easy because the patio door is broken," She said.