Love Ink and Steel Ch. 01

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A erotica writer finds herself in the lands of her dreams.
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/20/2024
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Amber slowly clawed her way awake, fighting off the lingering haze that filled her mind. Rolling over on the rough smelly mat she was lying. Pushing herself to sitting up, she rolled her neck and rubbed her head while looking around.

"Ow," she muttered, blinking, "What the hell was that?"

Rolling her head slowly side to side, she looked around the room, eyes slowly widening as she took in the setting.

"Well, this isn't good."

As her eyes adjusted to the flickering light from the torch in the hallway, Amber realized she was in a carved cave that had been converted to a cell. The room was wide with a barred window set in the wall above her allowing a hint of sunlight to be reflected to a corner in the room. Across from it was a wide opening with rough looking metal bars set into the stone. Looking at the mat she made a face and pushed against the wall to stand.

"Well, that's disgusting," she said rubbing her hands over her shorts while looking down at the mat she had been laying on.

Walking to the middle of the cell she rolled her shoulders, working the kinks out of her neck and swinging her arms before approaching the bars of the cell. Peeking around the edge she could make out a hallway turning away on one side, with a larger opening in the other direction. The area was silent, except for some suspicious scurrying that she was determined not to think about.

Amber was a fantasy and erotica writer who had been surprised, to put it mildly, to learn one evening that her stories were being read in an alternate dimension. The arrival of two statuesque elven women warriors in her living room was not something she had ever imagined and she admitted later that her response was probably not the smartest. After an energetic response to what she thought was a home invasion, one quickly slapped down by the warriors, she learned the two were messengers bearing an unbelievable opportunity.

As the two explained when she had settled down, she was been invited to a festival hosted by a ruler known as the Elf Witch Queen Valhana, called the Mystical Faire in a land called Arganos. Listening to the Elves description she figured the land was a mirror dimension to her home, but one populated by all the beings of fantasy. She had been amazed, not just to be contacted by some interdimensional Elf people, but to find out that hers and other fantasy creators were popular on Arganos and were routinely invited over to share their works.

After some hasty planning, Amber was brought across the realms to meet the Queen and take part in the Faire. The setting was something out of a fantasy fan's wildest dreams. Towering castles, all manner of fantasy characters literally walking around, speaking with beings she had only imagined and written about, signing books and chatting like humans back home. The whole thing had been overwhelming until she met one of her biggest fans, a Elf named Ruby.

Ruby was shorter and thinner than Amber with a darker shade of red hair than her own. Amber admittedly was more on the physical side than the spritely elf, being a tall athletic woman with shoulder length red hair. The two had hit it off immediately at the festival becoming very close friends after the first day. A friendship that was looking to grow even closer when they were rudely interrupted!

"This is not exactly what I had in mind snuggling up to that darling elf," she said softly. Peering around the corner again she could hear the faint sound of rough but high-pitched voices.

"At least someone is here," she muttered walking back to the middle of the cell, "Well, I'm an action and an erotica writer, what would my girls do?"

Looking around the cell she worked through all the different stories she had written that got her attention in this dimension. I could go full Helena, she thought smirking as she imagined twisting the bars to her own personal bondage set up for whoever had captured her before 'having her way' with them. Then kill them. Jane would just seduce them for the hell of it, then again so would Fara although kinda aggressively. Nicole would draw some spirits and, yea, seduce them.

"I need to branch out some. And apparently get out more."

Maybe go all assassin mode? She chuckled thinking how upset her captors would be getting the begeezers knocked out of them, although pretty sure screwing around with her pet assassin wouldn't count as seduction. Maybe not go that route yet.

Walking back to the bars, she gave them an experimental shake, surprised with the loud rattling that echoed down the hall, sparking excited barking from the larger room at the end.

"Well, that's not performance," she muttered before taking a breath to yell out, "Hello? Hi? Anyone around? Rubyyyyy?"

As her voice echoed down the hall, she heard the slapping sound of large bare feet running down the hall. She stepped back nervously as five goblins, slightly higher than her waist, skidded to a stop in front of her cell. They stood in a line, a collection of clubs and spears waving menacingly. When she had first arrived, the Queen had presented her with a bracelet that allowed her to understand the more common languages in the area, although most spoke a shared language called Vexillum. Swallowing nervously she hoped it worked with Goblins.

"Um, hey!" Amber said slowly.

"The pretty one is awake," one said in his squeaky voice. Amber kept her face expressionless as she thought about her dog's squeak-toy back home.

"Yes, I am," Amber said smiling widely and blinking with a little wave, "Hi! So, um, this is likely some misunderstanding or something. Have you seen my friend, Ruby? Sexy little elf? We were getting to know each other better when someone interrupted."

Placing her fists on her hips, Amber glared down at the line of Goblins.

"But I'm willing to forgive you, you little cuties."

"Goblins not cute, we fierce!"

The line of goblins growled menacingly, visions of squeaky stuffies filling Amber's mind.

"Sorry, yes of course! Fierce dangerous goblin warriors! What's your name warrior?"


Amber felt her face lock, swallowing desperately.

"Greetings Goblin warrior, Smol, "she paused a moment, "Can you tell me what is going on here?"

"We were hired to capture you and the elf."

"Oh my, why would anyone want to capture me? Is my friend Ruby here?"

Amber stepped forward, grasping the bars and peering down the hall again. Glancing down at the mini horde, she noticed their eyes fixed on her breasts and bare legs pushing past the bars.

"Don't know, don't care," Smol said stepping forward, "Hired to capture, not hurt. Job done now we wait."

"Wait, I hate waiting!" Stepping back Amber crossed her arms under her chest, pushing her boobs higher and stomping her foot. "How long am I waiting? Is Ruby here too?"

"Elf gone," Smol said, his big eyes jiggling. "Went with rest of the clan."

"Ruby isn't here?" Amber felt a moment of concern, quickly smothered as her temper started to bubble. She finally gets to meet her dream Elf and she goes and gets captured! Fara time!

Dropping her face to her hands, Amber turned away making sure the Goblins would see the wiggle of her butt. Stepping to the middle of the cell she turned and dropped to the floor, looking back at the Goblins with a sad face.

"This is terrible! All I wanted to do was come to a new dimension and sign some books! Now my friend is gone and I'm alone!" She took a big breath, watching their heads bob up and down with her now that she was at their level.

"I don't like being alone. Can you brave warriors come sit with me and maybe tell me about how powerful you are?"

Smiling at the goblins through the bars, she hoped she wasn't pouring it on to thick.

Smol turned to the other four their squeaking voices rising excitedly for a moment. Amber sat more upright, playing with a button on her top. The Goblins she wrote about were usually boob-guys, boob-monsters, whatever. See how it plays out, she figured.

After a moment they turned, looking cutely fierce as one of the others stepped forward with a key. The door looked loose as he opened it, holding it up as the other four stepped in behind Smol. Once inside they formed a little crescent in front of her while she smiled back.

"Thank you Smol," Amber said smiling," Won't you sit down? You all look so scary like that!"

The Goblins snarled, but with toothy smiles. Looking at Smol they placed their weapons on the floor, sitting close by.

"Thank you," Amber said, holding her clenched hands under her chin. Boobs away!

"So, who is everyone?"

Smol nodded at the one at the end of the line, edging close to her crossed legs.


"Oh my. I guess you are."







Amber took a breath, dropping her hands after subtly undoing another button.

"Well, it is my pleasure to meet your Smol clan, Mr Smol."

Smol puffed his little chest, looking proud, as the rest settled. She noticed some slow scooting forward as a couple of them tried edging closer, apparently her bare legs were a draw too.

"So, I have to admit Smol, I've written a lot about Goblins but little secret- I've never met any! Isn't that crazy!" She clapped her hands watching them jump excitedly. "I have like a million questions! Do you have a lot of humans come here?"

"No, you first."

"Well, I do love being first! Can I ask an odd question? I mean as a writer I always have questions, right?"

"Okay," Smol said suspiciously.

"This is so weird, but can I touch one of you? I've always wondered what a Goblin really felt like, right?"

The goblins started vibrating, Sosmol looking like he was going to fall over. Looking the group over, she knew she could easily overpower the Smol clan, although would likely take a few hits from pointy objects that she would rather not take. At the same time, they were obviously excited to see her and she was more than a little curious to explore herself!

"Come on over here my little warrior," Amber said patting the ground in front of her. Sosmol glanced at Smol who grunted and flicked his head toward her.

The goblin approached scooting on his butt until his knee bumped hers. Moving slowly, she reached out, placing her hand on Sosmol's leg. She could feel his tight muscles quivering under her hand, his breathing already getting faster.

So, what would Fara do?

Amber caressed the goblins leg, squeezing the thigh gently while glancing at the others. One of the others, SmolBik she thought, scooted forward by her other knee. She could feel their excitement matching her own, knowing she was drawing them in, under her control. Reaching out she caressed Smolbik's leg. Leaning forward her top opened more, sharing a generous bit of cleavage to keep their attention.

Growing more excited the others came closer, some standing as she reached out, caressing, teasing their arms and legs with her fingertips. Amber stayed silent, a bit of a feat in itself, her hands moving from one to the other. They all behaved, surprisingly considering they were Goblins after all, coming closer waiting excitedly to be the next she caressed. She could feel the tension, knowing they were reaching their limit, but still intimidated. Time to up the ante.

"Ok guys, I have a secret. I've like dreamt of this moment forever! I'm dying to know; would you mind touching me?"

She kept her expression wide eyed hopeful, struggling not to smile at their jumpy reaction. Keeping the initiative, she held her arms out and to the sides well in their reach.

Their hands felt rough but surprisingly nice, although clumsy, as they rubbed her arms. She had written about this for years, but the reality was even more exciting. Shifting her legs under her, she sat up, head over theirs. They slowly crowded in, reaching to her shoulders, tugging on her top. She felt a moment of hesitation, its one thing to write about this, but to really have it happen? At the same time, how else would she get out to save Ruby?

Taking a deep breath, she lowered her arms and started unbuttoning her top the rest of the way. The goblins stared as she slowly removed the shirt, sitting bare chested in front of them. They held still, staring until she took two hands and placed them on her chest.

The rough small hands squeezed, sending a shiver through her. This is better than I thought! The others closed in, excited hands starting to fondle her. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation, absorbing every moment as they lifted her breasts, flicking nipples, squeezing and pulling. For a moment she forgot her plan, the overwhelming sensation of being in the middle of a goblin grope swarm so incredible she surrendered like she had always written.

As the Goblins groped her, she caressed their legs, wondering how far to go. The little bulges were growing noticeably under their kilts. Biting her lip, she let her hand slip higher while they molested her breasts. Her hand bumped the goblins cock, she didn't remember the names at this point, making him jump with a squeak. Smiling at the reaction, with her free hand she tapped each of the kilts they were wearing, raising an eyebrow.

Within seconds the Smol's had dropped the kilts and Amber was surrounded by five little goblin cocks. Their hands went right back to her chest, boob monsters were the best, she thought as she started caressing each one. Their cocks were knobby although smoother than she expected. They quivered excitedly as she touched each one pushing closer until they were grinding against her. The feel of the hands and cocks rubbing her bare skin more exciting than she imagined.

Moving slowly, she stood, slipping out of her shorts. They began caressing her legs as she stood, holding her breasts as nails dragged teasing lines down her thighs. Their excited fingers seemed to love the curves of her muscular legs and round swell of her butt. Biting her lip in excitement while wiggling her feet apart, she let out a little gasp as they started poking and rubbing roughly over her bare pussy, squeaking excitedly.

"Well, I guess its time to wear out the guards," she whispered.

Kneeling, she surrendered to them again, now hands and cocks rubbing against her. She grasped one, starting to slowly pump, curious how he would react. The eyes rolling back was a funny touch and he grew even firmer and thicker in her hand. One of the others leaned in from behind, nipping on her neck and ear.

"Ow, hey careful with the choppers there Beensmol! Oh, well ok then!"

Beensmol started licking his way down her chest, flicking her nipple with little bites.

"Oh, yes, you little monsters!" she gasped as the others started licking. Her hand grabbed another cock, fondling it as the goblin moved closer.

After a few moments of toungy bliss they aggressively pulled her forward, balanced on her hand and knees. Two wiggled under her, suckling her breasts, the third rubbing against her neck and face with its knobby cock. She looked behind to see an excited Smol standing behind her, rubbing her butt and pussy.

Moment of truth, Amber, she thought. These guys move fast!

Giving her pussy a slap before spreading her lips, Smol pushed himself into her quickly, as she figured he would, his hips slapping against her butt as he found his rhythm.

"Oh fuck," she whispered as the little piston worked her. One of the other ones was reaching around, somehow finding her clit and rubbing it roughly. They obviously know something about humans, she thought as the pleasure threatened to overwhelm her.

Smol's nails dug into her ass, gripping tightly as he pounded into her wetly. His cock felt like it was growing thicker, the knobby bits rubbing her intensely with each thrust.

"Oh yes, little buddy, ride your favorite human," she said excitedly as waves of pleasure coursed through her. Balancing on one hand she grabbed one of the others, massaging his cock as he sucked her boobs. The double licking almost as exciting as the now third goblin taking her while she motivated them to come back again and again.

The last one climbed on her back, balancing on her ass. Slapping each cheek like a drum set, Amber laughed playfully at the sharp contrast to the pounding Smol was giving her. She gave a little jump when she felt a wet finger start to rim her ass, poking just the tip and wiggling in time with Smol's thrusts.

"Oh, fuck yes!" she cried out, the wave that had been building suddenly cresting.

Her body shaking, she dropped her head to let out a cry that echoed in the cell. As her pussy clenched, Smol let out his own growly squeak as he came, his cock vibrating enough to set her off again.

That was enough to set off the rest as Smol fell back. Rolling to her back, the next goblin quickly filled her, his small hands gripping her thighs strongly while the others ground themselves against any part of her body they could reach. It didn't take long for one to grab her hair and Amber took her first goblin cock in her mouth, the knobs pushing her lips wide as she freed a hand to pump him roughly. Their excited chittering filled the air as the one fucking her came with the same vibrating dick sensation as he pushed.

Finally, after an orgasmic hour, Amber rolled to her side letting out a pleased sign. The goblins had all collapsed, finally exhausted after giving Amber a proper gangbang. Standing slowly, Amber gave a satisfied stretch before looking for her clothes, winching at the bites and scratches from the Goblins energetic play. Finding them in a sticky mess tossed in the corner.

"Ew," she muttered, "These are wrecked, time to look around."

Stepping naked into the hallway, she closed the cell door and slowly made her way down the hall. Somewhere out there was Ruby, and there was no way she was going to let her friend be out there alone!

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