Love of Politics Ch. 08


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"It isn't over!" I said over and over.

And it turned out that it wasn't over. The returns droned on. The networks predicted a Bush win by 9 PM. Michigan wasn't in question, of course, it would be secure once the Detroit precincts were all in. Western Michigan was less sure of course, but I was beginning to get my confidence back up on Mark's campaign. Then at about 9:30, the networks began retracting their predictions and putting Florida back in Gore's side. The exuberance of the hall returned and the band was playing "Happy Days are Here Again." That tune always got me going. I felt sexual stirrings in my nipples as the celebration picked up confidence around us.

By 11PM, it was clear that Mark had won a narrow victory and he gave me a congratulatory hug, lifting my feet off the ground and turning in circles.

"Thanks for the good job, Beth!" he said, planting a kiss on my cheek. I felt another thrill slide through my body as he put me back on the floor. David gave me a hug and so did Phyllis and we stood with arms around each other in the middle the celebration, feeling good. Very good.

It was clear the presidential election was going to be contested and would certainly not be over tonight. Both Presidential candidates had retired for the night, leaving the country on pins and needles over the outcome. It would spin on for weeks before the courts beat down all the protests and determined that Bush had beaten us.

"I think I've had enough!" I said in David's ear. He was feeling exhilarated by the Republicans apparent win, but agreed to go home.

My stomach had been in a pressure cooker for hours. The excitement of the campaign, the returns turning in our favor, plus the lovely but incomplete sex with Mark had left me with a dull need in the pit of my stomach.

. His hand rustled my skirt up my nyloned leg but I resisted by not parting my legs. His hand rubbed gently against the moist panel of my pantyhose. I smiled across at him and opened my thighs just a tiny bit, not wanting to encourage him.

"Wow, I'm really all in," I said with a sigh.

"You're moist, dear." he said quietly, "We should have these things more often!"


He just laughed. "Yes, .. .. they always make you so hot .... and so desirable." His fingers probed eagerly at the taut panel stretched across the folds of my pussy and I stiffened slightly against the invading hand. The thought of my husband having me just after I had fucked Mark bothered me.

"Don't think I could stand many more, do you?"

He circled my clitoris as he turned off the freeway toward home. I took his hand in mine and pulled it up into my lap, holding it snugly between my two hands. I idly soothed the back of his hand with my fingernails.

"No panties! You sexy devil!" he muttered, his hand diving back between my legs. A pang of guilt slipped across the screen of my mind, knowing that my panties were in my purse between us and sticky with someone else's cum.

"You like that, don't you?"

"I like. I like!" he muttered throatily.

"I'm glad we don't have far to go tonight. Me for a long sleep!" I said hoping he would take the hint.

The radio switched to coverage of the election controversy and David continued finger fucking against the soft panel of my hose as we listened. I gripped his arm and restrained him very gently. I tried to make conversation about the election returns. His responses were quiet and unresponsive. And then he became completely silent. My comments went unanswered.

He pushed more forcefully between my legs.

I parted them and put my hand more lightly on his arm. I felt his finger scratch and claw at the panel between my legs. The nylon resisted toughly and he pressed and tugged harder trying to tear slick nylon.

"I can't believe how exhausted I am, David. I guess it has just been creeping up on me!" I yawned noisily.

He said nothing and we drove silently through the night. I could feel the tension, though. The image of being pressed against the concrete wall with my legs tightly hugging Mark was fresh and pungent in my mind. It had been one of those lustful moments out of the blue. We had both needed a release from the tension of the campaign, and suddenly we were there, fucking wildly with muffled moans of pleasure. Hidden only by the drapes we had celebrated by thrusting our bodies together, sweating together thrilling together.

"Let's .. .." the car slowed and David turned down a county road a few miles from home. "OK? " he asked as the headlights swept down the dark and deserted gravel road. The moon shone across a field with rolls of hay or whatever that stuff is the farmers gather in the fall.

"Oh, David, .. ......" I bit my lip silently. "Shouldn't we, ... shouldn't we just get home? I'm awfully tired, .. ... .... ..

He stopped. He silently looked out at the moonlit scene.

"I mean, I'd love to .... Another night? .. .. I said. Are we safe here? Do you think?" I tried not to sound too negative. Still, my heart sank at the thought of him undressing me. I knew he would want to, .. ... well, .. I knew he would want to kiss and touch between my legs. I couldn't possible be fresh down there. Would Mark's sperm still be evident. I counted the hours and thought about what little I had managed to clean myself in the restaurant's bathroom. I cringed at the thought of the odor of another man between my legs with David wanting me.

He switched off the lights, leaving only the parking lights and the instrument panel lighting us.

"Oh, just a few minutes, darling." he said tensely.

I put my hand lightly on his cock. It was firm lying down his pants leg and I held it very lightly as he pulled me closer. His hand slipped into the top of my dress and fondled my breast through the light bra.

"My god, I love these tits, darling." he said as our tongues entwined. "I want you."

"Ohhh, .. ... wish I felt .. .... More like it, sweetheart." I whined half-heartedly.

His kisses began behind my ear and teased along my neck. I continued to hint at wanting to go home, turning my head slightly without seeming to turn away, just turning a little bit sinuously like a cat playing hard to get. He squeezed my nipple.

"Ouch!" I said, without much emphasis. I felt it tingle and knew he was beginning to arouse me in spite of my misgivings.

David slipped a finger into me and began massaging me in the nicest place imaginable. I felt him exploring the prominent bulge behind my clitoris, inside my vagina. I could feel how wet I was under his tickling fingers. I sucked his tongue and then he drew my tongue inside his mouth. I unbuttoned my dress for him he began fondling my breasts while he kissed me.

"it's nice just doing this, darling," .. I said without much conviction. "You are so good with my breasts." I sighed and breathed gently into his ear. "Mmmmm, that's it darling, just play with them, ...... ohhhh, so nice." I moaned and nuzzled closer, still hoping for a reprieve.

"You know, I thought that Gore was actually going to sink us, didn't you? All that crap about the internet, .. ... my god! .. ... .... Ohhhh darling, not too hard."

He stopped and leaned back with a sigh. I knew my out of context question was awful. David was sulking.

"I'm sorry! I said. I guess I have trouble .. ... getting unwound from the campaigning. Sorry, I really am!"

I decided I couldn't really deny him without him getting upset, so I took a different tack. David pushed my seat all the way back. He struggled to get into my seat and hoisted me on top of him. I pushed him back in the seat and unzipped his pants. He was wearing jockey shorts and I urgently jammed my hand inside and grasped the hard shaft of his cock, struggling to get it out.

"Easy, .. easy!" he cautioned. I calmed myself, but tugged firmly to get his big cock out of the restrictive clothes. I slid to my knees between his legs. The dim light finally showed the glistening head of his dick curving slightly up toward his stomach. I kissed the head briefly and then slipped my lips around it and heard him gasp with pleasure. He squeezed my breasts, pushing them out of the cups of my bra., as I sucked him deep into my mouth and shrugged my breasts around in his hands.

"Suck them, David!" I urged, leaving his cock wet and glistening in the cool night air. I pressed my breasts to his face but my head bumped the roof of the car. I felt him lower the seat, then eagerly pull my nipple into his mouth. I pressed them together and brushed both nipples across his lips, surrendering to his grasping, fondling hands. I leaned back and basked in the pleasure of his hands squeezing and cupping my tits and the alternate sucking of one nipple and then the other. I relaxed my arms and shrugged my shoulders so my breasts swung easily in his caresses. It was delightful. My nipples and the soft globes became slick and gleaming with his saliva. My nipples jutted our for more attention and pleasure shuddered through my body.

I squeezed his cock, sliding his foreskin easily up and down. He was moist and the skin slipped greasily back and forth under my hand. It felt naughty and full of thrills. The bulbous head was jutting up in front of me and I began thinking that a really good blowjob would satisfy both of us. Since I normally love having David sucking and licking between my legs, it would seem really strange if I continued to resist. But if I brought him to an orgasm in my mouth, ... ... perhaps, .. ...perhaps he would not need the other so much.

"Ohhhh, .. ohhh, ...yess. You are so good with my breasts, darling!" I whispered, wanting more of his fondling and suckling.

"MMmmmm, ... mmmmmm," he moaned, contentedly nursing at my breasts.

It felt delicious and lovely having him treating my breasts so excitedly with his lips and tongue.

"Bite! .. ... but gently!" I said.

David bit first one and then nibbled the other nipple and I hunched my shoulders as the shiver of shear pleasure spread across my boobs.

"Oh, yes, honey, ... .. yes, play with them. Bite them. Pull them."

David became a little rougher. My shudders became bigger as I pulled against the biting hold he had on my nipple. My breast snapped back from the love bite and my nipple stung with pleasure; then waited eagerly for his next bite. He was gripping my tits tightly now, the excitement of hurting me slightly making his body tense and eager. He appeared unable to find enough ways to touch me. I watched in the meager light at the rising excitement my naked body was causing. A shiver of pleasure shimmered down my spine as I relished the effect.

"Suck my titties, David, suck them!" I snapped, my voice snapped with the tension of pleasure.

"Come!" he said, his voice cracking with excitement. "Come!" he opened the door and tugged my arm.

"David! Where are you going? Are you sure we should get out? Here?"

"Come! I want you on the hood of my car, my lovely slut!" he snarled in make-believe evilness.

I was a sight. My dress was unbuttoned to the waist. My bra was pushed down so my breasts were thrust straight out into midair suspension. My jutting, wet nipples were dark and hot looking. My stockings were laddered the length of both legs and scissored out through the deep slit in the skirt..

David pulled me along to the front of the car where the headlights he had turned on as a last thought beamed into the open farm lane ahead.

"David, .. .. honey, .... someone will come along and see .. .. .. ..!" I hissed. "I'm going to be the one exposed."

But the excitement of all this was making me very hot. I stopped protesting and he kissed me deep and long as he pressed my bottom against the right headlight and pulled my tits once again with eager hands.

"Ouch!" I said with a giggle. I felt his cock jutting against me and reached for it as David again planted kisses and little bites on my breasts. There was a full moon, so my white bra gleamed as if I were under one of those black light lamps and the ample globes sat firmly atop the supporting undercups.

David turned me so I was lying over the hood of the car with one headlight beaming between my legs. My skirt was up around my waist and his hands were scratching and tearing to get a hole through my pantyhose. The material resisted and I wasn't much help struggling as I was. He jerked my feet off the ground he tugged so hard on the crotch of the tough nylons. With both hand he tore a gaping hole and I felt the cold night air rush over the moist lips of my pussy. He tugged again and I could feel the hole widen so that the cheeks of my bottom were exposed. I stretched out over the hood of the car, his hand in the middle of my back holding me down.

"David! What are you doing?" I began laughing, it was so comical.

"You've been a bad girl! Leaving me alone for the past six months, " he said. I could hear the drinks in his voice. He was playacting, but I had the feeling there was a little something buried in the comment. He whipped out his belt and slapped my bottom with it.

"You're right! I deserve to be punished! Forgive me and I'll make it up to you!" I said quickly. He pushed me flat against the car and slapped me a little harder with the strap. I felt it sting the lips of my pussy pouting out from my crease.

'Ouch! David! Easy!" I could imagine how I looked to him. My white body spread-eagled over the fender and hood of the car, a crisp bra strap across my back, the dark waistband of pantyhose and the sheer nylons torn open to expose my ass. And what about the tawdry looking hole in the crotch with awful laddered nylon legs?

I felt him grasp the nylons and then the wrenching attempt to rip the hole larger. After another yank on the pantyhose, my bottom was completely bare and David slapped first one cheek and then the other. The stinging blows made me shiver with anticipation.

"Ohhhhhh, " I moaned.

He slapped me again and then hit me again with the belt across my pussy.

"Take that, evil tramp!" he snarled. Then he began rubbing the red marks from my bottom. The sensation was lovely and I could feel my vagina weeping a little more lubrication to welcome his cock.

He spread my legs wide as I lay on the hood spread-eagled beneath the full moon. I looked over my shoulder at the erotic scene. Laddered stockings, crisp dark pussy triangle framed by the gaping hole in my nylons. And a leering husband kneeling to press his tongue into my moist pussy.

"Oh, honey, you don't need to do that. Darling, I'm ready, put it in!" I urged.

"I'll decide what you need, my dear!" he said, raising my legs and spanking one more time across the vulnerable open pussy lips.

"David," I hissed, "we have to get back in the car!" My body was tense with apprehension "I'm freezing!"

"Not until I've had my way with you, my darling!" he said tensely. "God, you look trashy and sexy!"

I felt him long and hard against the cheeks of my ass and reached to guide him to my entry. The head of his dick was bulbous and creamy with precum. It felt eager and sexy as he pressed into the moist slit between my legs. I forced it up into my wetness and moaned as the bulbous head snapped into my vagina.

I waited with my fingers extended to greet his lovely dangling balls between my legs as David lunged forward, burying his cock in my familiar welcoming tunnel. I tightened on him as much as my worn body would permit as his hands surrounded my tits once again. The warmth of the engine was still there under my body and his body was hot inside me as he began thrusting in and out.

"Oh, god, you are a wonderful lover, Beth! Mmmmmmm, I just love fucking you!" he grunted, the strain of his thrusts obvious in his jagged breathing.

A car roared over the hill and his headlights caught me in a flood of white. The car's engine quieted for a moment and the car slowed slightly for a good look, then honked and called some masculine sex joke, and went on.

"David!" I said urgently. "They saw us!"

But he was in the throes of passion and continued his breathless thrusting. I could feel him fill me to the hilt and then slide back for another pleasure-finding thrust. Each thrust made me feel full, full of David, full of cock, but my muscles had no more to give! He slammed against me and his balls slapped my bottom with a pop. He was holding both breasts as if I were a giant motorcycle he was riding. Again and again he filled my juicy hot pussy. I felt a huge orgasm taking hold of me and tightened on his driving cock, unable to move, pinned in position over the fender.

I let myself enjoy a loud scream of pleasure in the outdoor air. It was wonderful. The shuddering, clasping orgasm rocked my body.

"Ohhhhhh god! Ohhhhhh Yes! Yes! Yesssss! Ohmigod!." I was completely spent. All the tension of the campaign was expressed in that one screaming orgasm of pleasure.

I relaxed against the warmth of the headlight between my legs and the warmth of his dick deep inside. . His sperm leapt into me as he thrust a few more times. I tried my best to tighten once more on his spasming cock. My shuddering orgasm had relaxed most of my muscles, and I struggled to clamp what remaining strength I had down onto David's final spurts. He thrust once more and pulled me around to a sitting position in his arms, still astride the headlight.

"Ohhhhhh!" he moaned as he kissed my ear and squeezed me.

I began giggling against his chest.

"Don't you think we should go?" I said. "Or haven't I made up for all my faults?"

I felt his cock relax and slip slowly from my body.

"I think I forgive you, darling." He laughed. "I think I can do no more! In more ways than one"

He helped me down from the car and we nuzzled in the moonlight for a minute or so. And then he placed me tenderly inside and pushed the button to turn on the electric seat heaters buried in the luxurious leather seat.

I slipped my breasts back into the supporting friendship of my see-through bra. David leered across at me and pushed the dress down so he could look at my breasts in their lacy cups as he drove the rest of the way.

I felt completed, yet somewhat on edge. I thought once more about the campaign and my astonishing double sexual celebration. I had two men eagerly thrusting into me in a single evening. I cannot deny enjoying both, nor can I deny that it was my fault, but something about it nagged at me.

I shook my head slowly as I pondered what I was becoming and then fell into exhausted sleep before we reached home at three in the morning.

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26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Anonymous bitch thinks he is Obama.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I am in politics and believe me when the results come in, if you win, there is a lot of celebration. I was the director of a campaign where we won a large rural seat against the odds. Ronald was happy, the after party was great. Ronalds wife came to me, a slimly built blonde, 10 years older than me and thanked me, her words it meant so much to him, I don't know how to thank you, her arms around me, I will do anything, anything I replied, she moved closer and in my ear said, yes, anything. We had flirted a bit during the campaign planning, I moved my hand to her bottom, mm, that's nice but I suggest not here. I guided her through a few well wishers, out to a separate balcony. I lifted up her dress, pantyhose beneath the thousand dollar clothes. Her hand fumbled at my trousers, they released, , her hand stroking, then as I leant against the high rail, she moved down, her mouth moving over my hard cock. I put my hand on the back of her hair, moving her back and forward. She stopped, quick, fuck me, I looked around, turning her to the rail, she lifted her dress, I rubbed my cock over her nyloned ass, put it in, I pulled her hose and I must say, sexy underwear down, rubbed my cock up and down her wet, very wet slit and pushed forward right up into her. She let out a loud shriek, sshh, as I fucked in and out of her and for a 57 year old women, I must say she was a great fuck causing my cum to shoot quicker than I normally do. When I pulled away, she pulled up her underwear and thanked me. We walked back in the room. Some time later I went looking for her to finish the night up, so her and her husband could leave, although Ron was having a great time. Have you seen Nancy, yes she was heading that way with David. I went out back to where we had been earlier and sure enough, Betsy was bent over, David was fucking her solidly, I watched as much the same happened as she pulled up her underwear and moved back into the room. She had been in a few movies , I wondered how many guys had fucked her. More to the point, Ronald was going home to a wife full of cum.

vitiseekvitiseekabout 13 years ago
Great writing

I think I need to get more involved in politics.

OzDaveOzDaveover 18 years ago
Keep it going Jaquie

You have retained the stimulating descriptions and unexpected twists that keep me interested. I fantasize about what will happen next, only to be excited by your story development.

I wonder if your personnel experiences have influence in your stories.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

Congratulations . You write a wonderfully erotic story about a cheating wife and make her likeable which is difficult to do. Most of us despise cheating wives,but I feel sorry for Beth and even like her. I can't fathom your David. He started out as Naive,roleplaying sex partner to Beth and now has suddenly become horny, can't wait almost sadistic lover.Is that because he's gotten wise to she and Mark? Keep up your suspenseful writing. 60 year old George

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
To Thomas22John

No one appreciates a good, arousing, titillating, penis raising, sexy story than I do. That is the reason why and how I arrived here at literotica. I found many stories here that satisfied those desires; I still have many of my favorites bookmarked. After reading several stories I discovered a section of stories and authors who write about cuckolding and cheating spouses. Wasn’t long before I discovered I enjoyed the deep emotional impact these stories ignite. I still read and enjoy just a plain old sexy story also. Jacquioh2 writes some of the hottest mental sex scenes I’ve ever read. I would not have a problem at all with this story if it was just about sex, but she has taken the story to a much higher level, whether intentionally or unintentionally. The author has introduced some feeling of guilt, a justification and override of that guilt, a question whether it’s just sex or possible love and romance, trusting and naive spouses, both families and their innocent children. Reminds me of an old country and western song with a line that went something like this “You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille, four hungry children and a crop in the field”. A married woman sitting in a bar with a wet pussy, hoping to pick up a hard dick is sexy. It loses the sexiness when her loving, trusting, and faithful husband walks in; reality comes rushing back into the situation. In this story, reality came rushing in several chapters back. And it’s not a double standard; the story leaves me feeling just as anxious for Phyllis as for David. Worse yet, I like Beth’s character, and I feel the sorriest for her. It’s almost like she is walking the top of the fence and to fall either way is disaster.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Will This Story Ever End?

I have enjoyed both the sex scenes and the character development but I have only skimmed these parts awaiting the end so I can read them in total.

We have a woman who loves two men for different reasons. I get that. But when she allows the two familes to meet and socialize together I just don't get why the spouses did not smell a rat. The spouses seems to be intelligent and sensitive people. Intimacy between Beth and Mark has to be obvious to their spouses. Here are some questions:

Did Phyl actually fuck David?

Is the subtheme for this story - You can have it all?

Given Mark's position why hasn't anyone else caught on to the Beth-Mark fling (Most political campaigns are filled with workers/aides/other officials lurking where you least expect them)?

Has Mark restricted himself to Beth and Phyl or are there others (introduces the need for safe sex which has been absent in these flings)?

Beth has repeated asked herself what is she becoming -when will she begin to answer that question?

I may have a possible answer to my question. The timeline is about 2000 (after the Gore loss) so there is only one national election left before they enter the present time.

There is no question that you write well and I commend on crafting a very interesting tale. I await its completion so I can read it from start to finish. Thanks for writing!


Thomas22JohnThomas22Johnover 18 years ago
Keep it up

In contradiction to many views here I have to say I like your story line. Your ability to describe and set up to the punch (read sexy bits) is second to none. Very good.

Reading the comments given to your stories I wonder – have I missed something? Is Lit a testing board for budding Pulitzer prize winners? Lit is an erotic story portal for heaven sake. Would a story describing Mark whoring around receive the same negative comments I wonder? Could it be the good old “double standard” raisings its ugly head! Come off it chaps – this is imaginative erotica, fantasies and good old sex!

Keep it up author. Your writing is very good - sometimes tender, sometimes delicate, sometimes down right raunchy! I will look forward to more from your “pen.” Have a good day.


gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

this has been a very well written stroy, But Beth has cheated on David for years don't you thin this should come out and they have to deal with it. Beth owes her hubby the truth and he deserves revenge or the chance to forgive her

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
Four, and that's only

because you write so well and the sex scenes are so great. This statement will seem weird, I don’t follow you as an author because you don’t write the type of stories that intrigue me, but I have been religiously following this story. Each chapter I keep hoping that Beth will finally come to understand and realize that she is nothing, has nothing, and will be left with nothing. She has no future, neither with Mark or David, they both just use her. She is neither a true mistress nor a true wife. She has no career or real job to love or fall back on. Mark will eventually be done with her as he walks off into the sunset with his career and wife. He will have to leave her behind, either because his wife will find out and his political career wouldn’t be able to survive a divorce or because he can’t afford to chance the public finding out and facing a scandal. David will be done with her when he finds out that she’s been cheating behind his back, after all, he is a republican. His ego alone would never submit to playing second fiddle to a democrat. She is not needed as a wife and mother, she hasn’t been a faithful loving wife and mother yet. Other than spending all her time divided between satisfying the demands and needs of Mark and David, what has she accomplished, created or truly added any real or lasting value to, what, name one single thing. What an empty, hollow, useless existence. Sorry, this isn’t a reflection on your writing abilities, I think you have more than shown that you are gifted. It is simply the story itself, has begun to feel like a freefall into a bottomless pit, yet knowing there is a bottom rushing at you from the darkness below. When it arrives, there will be noting afterward, because there’s nothing on the way down.

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