Loving Alex Storm Ch. 04


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"So, isn't he great?"

I fix a smile onto my face.I hate his guts.

"Yeah." I pretend to enthuse. "He sure is something."


Working on the out of sight, out of mind principle, I relegate the Demon, cataloguing him as a mere figment of my imagination. That is until almost two weeks later, when Alex practically bounds into the room, vibrating with excitement.

"Guess what?" he imparts impishly.

"You've won the lottery." I tease.


"OK, I give up."

"Shannon who was going on the trip to Pompeii has broken her leg, so I get to take her place!" He jumps and down. "Isn't it great? I leave tomorrow."

My brain starts whirring, whilst Alex goes about digging out his suitcase and stuffing clothes into it. That's means for five whole days; he'll be in the evil clutches of the Demon.

"But what about your classes..." I splutter.

"I've told all my lecturers already and as long as I copy up the notes from the classes I miss, then I can go."

"But I don't want you to go." I say childishly.

"It's only five days, Seth. Besides Damon will be there so I'll be fine."

"Oh, Damon will be there. Now Ireally feel better." I impart, sarcastically.

Alex halts his packing to look at me.

"I thought you liked him?"

"Yeah I like him as much as I like mace in the eye. He's a smarmy git and I don't trust him as far as I can throw him."

Alex is looking at me, bewildered. "But we've been friends for years, Seth."

"Yeah well, he'syour friend, not mine, and I'm not particularly relishing the idea of you staying with him forfive whole days. Especially seeing the way he looks at you."

"Seth, I think you're being slightly paranoid."

"I know what I saw, Alex."

"Look, Seth, I don't want to get into an argument with you about this, ok?"

"Well, if you can't see what's in front of your own eyes..." I trail off, surreptitiously.

He frowns at me and I watch his jaw clench.

"I'm going on this trip, Seth. So you had better get used to it." He continues to pack now, shoving his things into the suitcase, angrily.

I want to reach for him, hug him, wipe away that frown but the stubborn mule in me refuses to let it go, feeding my imagination with graphic pictures of the Demon and Alex, coiled and entangled together. The little voice of reason warns me to shut my mouth and let it be but my stubbornness rules supreme.

"I forbid you to go, Alex."

I wince even as the words leave my lips.

Ugh. I forbid him? What possessed me to say that of all things?

Horrified at my petulance, I watch him fold his arms across his chest, clearly livid.

"Oh really?" He asks sardonically, one eyebrow raised. "You forbid me?"

I try to backtrack as it becomes abundantly clear that I'm acting like a dick.

"Alex, that's not what I meant to-"

"You don't trust me, is that it?" He's breathing heavily now, fists now clenched at his side, hurt obvious in his green eyes.

"I do trust you, Alex, I just don't trust Damon. He'll try to take advantage of-"

"So now I'm some poor naive soul that needs protecting?" He asks, sarcasm dripping from his words.

Even though I've been on the receiving end of Alex's sarcasm before, it still causes me to flinch.

"You're twisting my words, Alex. That's not what I meant and you know it."

He sighs wearily, stuffing the remainder of his things into his suitcase.

"You know what, Seth. When you stop being a jealous prick, let me know."

And with that he's picking up his case and slamming his way out of the door.

Shit. Damn. Bollocks. What the fuck just happened?


Five whole days without Alex. I miss him so much I can barely function, especially as our last meeting was less than amicable. I curse at my stupidity.

Why couldn't you just shut your mouth? You just couldn't let it go, could you? And now look where it's got you. Absolutely fucking nowhere.

God, I'm so miserable I could gladly swallow a bottle of Vodka to drown my sorrows and I hate the stuff. For the first two days, I try and convince myself that of course I was in the right. I mean, I'm his boyfriend right? My job is to protect him from the likes of Damon. He should be glad that I care about him so much. Inevitably, this self-delusion runs its course and then I'm left with the painful image of Alex, angry and hurt at my clumsy and inept words. After this episode, I decide that I'm going to make it up to him. I tidy our room, putting away the clothes strewn about the room as well as the day old bowls of cereal. I do the washing and clean the bathroom. Going to classes without him is excruciating but I manage it, actually making a conscious effort to listen to what Mrs. Dahlia is saying and even contributing enough to make her smile which is a feat in itself considering she only graces that particular attribute at Alex.

On the night of his return, I plan us both a special dinner by way of part apologising. I buy two huge comfy cushions so we can sit with our back to the couch and eat at the coffee table. I also buy candles, a table cloth and his favourite flowers- white roses. When I get home, I set up the room, lighting candles and laying the table. Making his favourite meal of spaghetti Bolognese with French bread and cream cheese, I rehearse my speech, intending to grovel and beg for forgiveness if necessary. The last five excruciating days without Alex were more than enough to make me realise how stupid I was. And so I wait. And wait. And wait some more, until the food's nothing but a congealed mess and the candles have all but burned out. My emotions range from worry to anger to flat-out despair. I glance at the candles again.

I know how you feel.

I don't even bother to clear the table, instead blowing out what's left of the candle flames and picking myself up dejectedly from the floor.

He isn't coming back. Not that I don't deserve it after the way I've behaved.

Cursing my bull-headedness, I flop onto Alex's bed and curl into his pillow. Almost immediately, I burst into tears; something I haven't done for a long while. I want him home, Ineed him home.

Please come home, Alex. I love you.

I must have fallen asleep because I'm awoken by a soft, warm body climbing in beside me, obviously trying not to wake me up.


"Shhh. Go back to sleep, I didn't want to wake you."

"Well, I'm glad you did. I've got something I need to say."


"Please just let me finish. I'm so sorry for being an arsehole about the whole trip thing. It wasn't very mature of me and it came out sounding like I don't trust you which I do, 100 percent. It's just that what with nearly losing you in the car accident, I couldn't bear losing you again. I know I'm absolutely crap with words but I just want you to know that I love you and I'll try not to be such an obnoxious green eyed monster in future."

I hold my breath in the darkness, waiting for his response.

"You were right?"

"Huh? Right about what?"

"Damon. He only wanted me to go on this trip so he could try and seduce me. Apparently he and his boyfriend really split up because he told him that he was in love with me. He tried to make his feelings known during our last night there. He'd been complaining of feeling ill during the day so he was allowed to return to the hotel early but when I got back to our room, he was lounging on his bed naked, encouraging me to join him."

I can feel my chest tighten in heady mixture of panic and rage.

"Did you?" I ask, tentatively.

Alex chuckles. "No, although I did blush a few hundred shades of red before informing him politely that I already had someone special waiting for me at home and that despite his utter lack of control when it comes to jealousy, I love him very much."

My chest relaxes considerably and I begin to breathe again.

"I really am sorry you know for being so-"

He presses a finger to my lips, quieting me then trails his thumb against my cheek.

"You've been crying." I nuzzle at his palm. "The last time you cried was after my accident."

"Well I thought I was going to lose you then too."

"I'm sorry."


"It seems that I missed a fine meal. The flight got in late, that's why I wasn't back in time. But thank you for the flowers; they're absolutely gorgeous."

"I'm just glad you're home and as for dinner, I'll make you an even better one." I move to nuzzling his neck. "Alex, do you forgive me?"

He strokes a hand through my hair. "I know you were just trying to protect me, despite the bull headed way you expressed yourself, and I want to thank you for looking out for me. But I really need you to trust me. I'm not going to run off with someone else just because they happen to look at me in a certain way or throw some pretty words at me. I know that I like to give people the benefit of the doubt but that doesn't mean that I'm going to let people lead me into doing something I don't want to."

"I do trust you, Alex. It's just that I've seen that look that Damon was giving you a million times- hell I look at you like that all the time- and he was already so close to you. You knew each other; you had history that I'd never be able to compete with and I thought for a crazy moment that he'd manage to persuade you that he was better for you. But after these last five days, I had time to think clearly and realised that you of all people wouldn't be one to lie when you said that you loved someone. I'm really sorry for letting my insecurities get the better of me because I know you aren't some 'poor naive soul that needs protecting' and I love you all the more for it."

He laughs lightly at my choice of words. "I love you too, Seth."

He pulls my face from his neck and brings his lips to mine. I just manage to make out the teasing smile that graces his mouth.

"As for forgiveness, that must be earned, Seth Tyler."

With that he crushes his lips to mine and I moan in an intoxicating combination of both pleasure and content. I roll onto him and slide our rapidly engorging cocks against each other, listening to Alex as he whines and groans in delight. I attempt to pull his arms above his head but instead he pushes me onto my back and straddles my thighs. He kisses me before getting up and opening the curtains. Moonlight spills in and I watch still spellbound with his beauty as he resumes his former position above me, stripping me of my clothes.

"I needed to see you." He says simply, eyes twinkling.

For a long while, Alex simply moves against me whilst I run my hands over the smooth softness of his skin, familiarising myself again with the grooves where his thighs meet hip, the dimples in his firm arse and his sensitive nipples.

"God, I've missed you."

He leans down and attacks my own nipples with his tongue.

"I've missed you, too."

He runs his agile tongue lower, teasing at my navel then moving through my treasure trail. He pants wetly at the head of my cock before teasing his tongue to my tender inner thighs. I reach a hand to his halo of golden hair and try to move him towards my cock which is leaking a continuing stream of precum. Alex simply pins my hand at my sides and continues tormenting my thighs, every now and again, nipping almost painfully at the flesh before soothing the sting with his tongue. I moan and protest, bucking my hips pleadingly. He pushes my knees up, spreading them wide before running his slick muscle through the groove of my arse. Another moan leaves me and Alex responds by palming my globes, opening them wider and circling my hole. My hips leave the bed involuntarily, bucking wilfully against Alex's face trying to get his tongue deeper. I feel myself yield to him as he tongues me deftly. I stroke my cock and nearly hiss with the sparks of euphoria than run amok up my spine.

"You want to fuck me, Seth?"


"Stop stroking yourself."

It feels so good but I remove my hand, nearly crying in frustration.

"Alex, please..."

He grins at me, slyly. "Doesn't that tone sound familiar?" He cocks his head, pretending to ponder on it. "Except that it's usually almost always coming from me."

He begins tracing his index finger lightly over the head of my cock. My eyes roll back into my skull and I think I might pass out between the fiery lust of his gaze and the not-enough friction he's giving my cock. Straddling my still raised, spread knees, he braces his hands on either side of my head and hoists his arse perilously close to my throbbing hard-on. I don't even attempt to push my hips up to impale him as he pins me with his mesmerising green stare, his face now only inches from my own. I can feel the heat of his breath when he speaks again.

"Tell me what you want, Seth."

I continue to stare into his halting gaze, mouth opening and closing as I try to vocalise my want into words. He pushes his chest down so that his nipples brush mine. He smiles at me, seemingly unaffected as his own erection drips onto my stomach and his nipples caress mine.

"I can't hear you, Seth."

His hips drop lower and my cock grazes his hole. Overwrought with sensation, this galvanises me to articulate myself.

"I want to be inside you, Alex, please."

No sooner do the words leave my lips; Alex is pushing his hips down onto me, consuming my cock. I give a half-scream as my hands fly to his hips, encouraging him to move faster. Slowly, Alex's balls finally meet my own and I marvel in the exquisite tightness of his arse as it constricts against me. For long moments he simply rocks against me, moving his hips back and forth or in a highly stimulating figure eight. I rasp and moan beneath him, watching his eyes glaze over with lust and his mouth fall open in endless pants. Using my hands, I guide him up and down my hardness, indulging in the view of me sliding between the stunning orbs of his arse.

"Yes... Alex...oh fuck... ride me... ride me like that... so fucking good..."

Despite his glazed look, he continues watching me with that intense stare of his, flexing his sphincter occasionally just to watch my face contort in ecstasy. He continues to traverse the measure of my cock, lifting until he's clear of me before plunging back down to take me in again. Sweat drips off his willowy form to fall on me and I relish his smell, his taste, his scorching heat. Moving a hand from his hip, I trace it up to his mouth and push two of my fingers in. His pants subside as he sucks at my fingers. Once they're slick enough I reach for a one of his luscious nubs and gently tweak it. Alex's hips move faster against me so I twist harder and he cries out. Again his hips move faster and he's almost frenzied now as I torment his nipple with my fingers. Riding me with a vengeance, he works his arse this way and that until the contractions of his back passage has both our breathing erratic and we're reduced to the base carnality of rutting animals. I thrust my hips up to meet his downward ones, smiling with glee when I hear him whimper, knowing that his orgasm is almost imminent.

"Seth... fuck... ugh... more... love you..."

His voice dies out and he's almost sobbing as he slams his arse down to meet me. He grabs at my arms, falling against me, his hips never losing their wild rhythm. I fill my hands with the soft tautness of his arse whilst he presses his mouth to mine in a brutal kiss and rubs himself against my stomach. He's unusually aggressive, sucking my tongue into his mouth but I enjoy it immensely, his assertiveness having already turned me on. Suddenly he tears his mouth away from me and I feel his muscles tense under the palm of my hand. He lets out something close to a growl which escalates into a full scale wail. His passage becomes like a vice on my cock and he quakes uncontrollably against me. I can feel his nails sink into my biceps as his orgasm suffuses his being. I close my eyes for a second, just wallowing in his body's obvious pleasure before opening them and realising that despite the raging in his body, he's still watching me while he cries out deliriously.

I feel ecstasy curl its way into my gut and my heart beats faster as I watch lust, want, rapture and love flit around in his eyes. Unwittingly, my nails rake down his satiny globes and I meet his luminous gaze with my stormy grey. I manage to utter "Love you too" before my cock swells, increasing the already tight pressure surrounding it and I erupt powerfully within him. My cock seems to gush endless amounts of come into his channel, coating his rectum with my seed. I snarl as my body mimics his, both of us like two mini earthquakes. Eventually, our orgasms simmer out, leaving Alex splayed on top of me and both of us dazed and satiated. "Wow." I breathe.

Drunk on endorphins, Alex raises his head long enough to agree with me before he drops it back onto my shoulder. I wait for my heart to stop beating and my breathing to regulate before asking Alex, teasingly,

"Have I been forgiven?"


"No?" I ask, incredulously.

"We do that a few more times and I'll think about it."

I laugh into his hair. "You're a very naughty, boy, Alex Storm."

"Well, I distinctly remember someone promising to corrupt me." He licks at the side of my neck as I smirk in remembrance. "I'd say mission, very much, accomplished."



Feel free to leave me feedback as it helps me to improve and please vote if you liked it. Thanks for reading. xxx

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BlowPopJBlowPopJover 3 years ago
Will there be more?

Just finished reading your series and it was beautiful. Hope to read more from you.

MbeseMbeseover 8 years ago
More please

Love this storyline. So hot

sm1982sm1982over 8 years ago
Demon not Damon haha

This was a great test of their relationship in this chapter where Seth had to learn a huge lesson on trusting his bf. Wrapping the story up the way you did was great as well!

Scoobydoo2014Scoobydoo2014about 9 years ago
Brilliant but confused

Absolutely loved this story and your other story, do not understand no other other comments. You are a truly talented writer, your characters have depth and you explain their backgrounds, great storylines and a happy ever after which I'm a sucker for.

What confuses me is why you didn't continue writing more stories? I know life and stuff gets in the way of things but would love to have seen more of your writings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
i agree

they need to switch Seth needs to bottom, and it would be nice if there was a little more love in the love making once in awhile. it deepens the characters by showing their vulnerability to each other. also, good call on making Alex the aggressor. it was a nice hot twist.

lonleylucaslonleylucasabout 11 years ago
I very much agree

i think this story should continue, its very catching i like it a-lot

wilnardwilnardover 11 years ago
I need clarification

Is Seth the top and Alex the bottom bcuz technically Alex is still a virgin until he switches roles and breeds Seth but I could be wrong but you should continue the story I am enjoying it

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

This is like one of the sweetest best story I've ever read. I can't wait to read another one ^^

alexandra36alexandra36over 13 years ago

Please write more of Seth & Alex, I just love them!! They're just so sweet together!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
loved it

you could find another problem and solution story but if thats not what you want then ok. it was a fabulous hot and sweet story with a perfect ending:)

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Love Seth & Alex story. It's so romantic! Please write more!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago


JTQuintonJTQuintonabout 14 years ago

That was wonderful, its always good to find people that make the romance and emotions the story and the sex an element. It was a good read. The only other thing I can say is .... More please.

pam33pam33over 14 years ago

the story was great,i love a good love story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

SO GOOD! i'de say keep it up! hot steamy smexy lovey dovey <3333 great job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
what i want

i absolutely loved this story and sincerly hope that you write another chapter...i think it would really be hot for seth to get fucked...

punkin1077punkin1077over 15 years ago
just wonderful

I loved this story! Please don't let this be the last installment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

This is an amzingly well written story it is very well i will be honest i am at a loss for words i usually am VERY harsh and rude but with this i am completly satisfided it is AMAZING and captivating i wish you would continue it. . .BRAVO!!!!



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

That was the best story I've ever read. Please write more!!

alecspetalecspetalmost 16 years ago
This was a good series.....

but this chapter elevated it to FANTASTIC!! Please tell us there will be more?!?!

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