Loving Lacey Ch. 05

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Lacey & Wyatt are joined by friend.
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Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 02/28/2024
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Late May

Year 1 of Us


It was Memorial Day weekend, and it had been nearly six months since that fabulous, loving, and sexy week in early December, and about two and a half months since Lacey told me that we were having a baby. We were in the living room, listening to music, and her feet were in my lap, as I massaged them, getting little sighs of pleasure from her. When the doorbell rang, I looked at her relaxed face as the dogs raced to the door.

"Expecting company, Lacey?"

"Yes," she had a smile on her face. "She's late, though."

"She?" The doorbell rang again. The dogs were sniffing at the door, and I was surprised when they both sat attentively back from it.

"Yes. Go answer the door, before she rings it again."

I gently kissed her feet, getting a giggle from her, then I gently set them on the hassock. Once I'm standing, I bend over and kissed her cheek. "Ok."

At the door, I looked through the window and grinned. When I opened the door, I held my arms out. "Erica! So, you're the mystery guest!"

"Mystery guest?" Her blue eyes flashed as she smiled, her long, honey colored hair pulled back from her face. She crouched a little to give both dogs scritches on their ears. She looked lovely, and definitely pregnant.

"Yep. Didn't know we were having company and didn't know it was you. However, it seems that these two sillies figured it out quicker than me."

"Where is she?" Erica asked with a smile.

"On the couch, her feet up and probably asleep by now. I was massaging her feet."

"You took tips from Travis?"

I grinned. "You forget, this isn't my first rodeo."

Her smile dropped. "I did forget. I'm sorry, Wyatt."

I hugged Erica close, and her arms wrapped around my neck as I gave her a kiss. "Nothing to be sorry about. It was a long time ago, and it doesn't hurt much anymore."

"She's healed your heart?"

"Mostly. There are times, though..." I sighed. She hugged me tightly as I rested my head on her shoulder.

"If you make him cry, Erica, I'm going to be annoyed!" Lacey called from the living room.

"So, I guess she's not asleep then?" Erica's look was amused.

"Guess not."

"There are a couple of grocery bags in my car. Will you help me bring them in?" Erica asked.


When we went out to get them, it looked like she had brought food. "Supper for us?"

"Yes. If you'll cook, we'll clean up." She answered.

I took the small suitcase that was beside the brown bags and handed it to her. I looked into the bags. "Are Travis and the kids joining us before supper?"

She shook her head. "He's taken them to his parents' house for the weekend. The kids are excited about grandpa's new boat."

"Ah. Well, I guess we can try to entertain you while they're gone." I grinned.

"Oh, I hope so." She gave me a mysterious smile as we reached the door.

Once inside, we walked into the living room. I stopped as she walked toward Lacey. My breath nearly stopped every time I looked at Lacey, every time I took her in. She had a rounded tummy now, six months pregnant, and Lacey really did have that glow they talk about. I continued into the kitchen and set the bags on the counter.

I walked around the wall to look towards the couch, watching as Erica sat next to Lacey, Erica's arm wrapped around her shoulder. They started talking so softly that I couldn't hear either of them. I shrugged, walked back into the kitchen and went through the groceries, putting the steaks into the fridge.

"Erica, do you want something to drink?"

"I think we both would like some lemonade," Lacey called out.

"Alrighty!" Both of them laughed, and I couldn't help but smile, too. I was glad I had made a new pitcher earlier that afternoon -- Lacey had been drinking a lot of it lately. With two full glasses of lemonade in hand, I made my way back into the living room. Whatever conversation was going on stopped, so I looked at her.

"Should I leave?"

"Oh, no, cowboy. Come sit between us two pregnant women." Erica slid away from Lacey as she patted the space between the two of them. I sat down, and both my knees chose that moment to crackle and pop. My face was towards Lacey, and I grimaced.

Erica leaned past me to look at her. "Does he do that a lot?"

Lacey smiled softly and started to rub my right knee. "Sometimes."

"Wyatt, does it hurt?"

"It hurts a lot more than it sounds, Erica. Most days, that is."

"Can't they do anything about it?"

I held my hand out, palm down, and rocked it side-to-side. "Usually, it's far more annoying that crippling."

Lacey snuggled under my right arm and continued to rub my knee. Her hands felt wonderful on my knee, and I leaned my head back while closing my eyes.

"You've done a wonderful job of making me feel good, Wyatt. It's my turn to help you feel better." Lacey's voice was soft against my chest, and I dropped my hand to caress her side.

Suddenly, my left arm was picked up and Erica snuggled against me, too. I started to jerk upright until both of them pushed me back. I felt the hassock bump into my feet, and I just let the both of them lift my legs. Lacey gently settled them on the hassock, and now each of them were caressing a knee.

I felt myself start to relax again, and I couldn't help but sigh. It felt good, and it really helped. Lacey had done this before, and it had always made me feel good.

"I'm sorry I dredged up bad memories, Wyatt."

"It's okay, Erica, really. I have Lacey, and now that she's pregnant, I couldn't be happier."

Lacey and Erica giggled again.

"Just what is going on with you two?" My voice was low.

"Nothing, nothing." I tilted my head and looked down at Lacey's head. There was something going on, but she was being mysterious again, so I just let it go. Each of them grabbed my hand on their side and placed it on their pregnant bellies. I'm not stupid, so I started to caress them both.

I was rewarded with almost matching sighs, so both of them were enjoying this. We spent some time just like that -- they were rubbing my knees and I rubbing their bellies. The soft music we had been playing just added to the coziness of the afternoon.

I hear a little snort come from Lacey and I grinned. Erica turned her head to look at me. "Sometimes, my princess snores," I whispered to her. I kissed Lacey's head. "Lacey, honey, maybe you should stretch out while I fix supper."

"Hmm? No, I'm fine." I guess she looked at Erica, because she asked, "What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all." Erica moved out from under my arm. "Get her stretched out while I go to the bathroom."

"Okay." I slipped away from Lacey as Erica stood and walked towards the bathroom. "My princess, please stretch out."

"Okay," Lacey mumbled. She lay on her left side, and I slipped a pillow under her head.

"Want a blanket, my princess?"

"Yes, please, Daddy."

I pulled a light-weight blanket from under the coffee table and draped it over her. She snuggled under it and sighed. I kissed her cheek, getting a sweet smile and headed into the kitchen.

Erica joined me there and started building a salad as I set the steaks onto the counter to warm. "Is she asleep?"


"It's normal -- I know I fell asleep at the drop of a hat the first time." Erica smiled at me.

She looked wonderful, and she had the same glow that Lacey did. I don't know what it is about pregnant women, but it's so sexy to me. "How far along are you?"

"I think I'm about a week behind her."

"Interesting. She told me what you and Travis were going to do, the same weekend that we started." I grinned at her.

She laughed. "She didn't tell me until that Saturday afternoon, the brat. I knew I wanted to be there for her, in her same condition, as much as I could." She looked at me. "Is that naughty?"

"Don't know about naughty, but I reckon Travis didn't complain about putting in the effort. It is awfully damn sweet of you, though!"

I started the grill and turned on the fan. "You like them medium?"

"Yes." She walked around the counter as I put the steaks on the grill. I got them to medium, set them on a platter and covered them with foil. She wrapped her arms around me from behind, leaning her head into my back. One hand slid across my crotch, and I jumped a little bit. She laughed and held on tight.

"Are you trying to seduce him already?" We both jumped a little -- neither of us had heard Lacey come into the kitchen.

"Just playing with him, a little."

I looked at Lacey, helplessly.

"If you're going to play with anyone, Wyatt, it's okay if it's her. Is supper ready?"

"Just about." I took her in my arms as Erica started setting the table. She smiled at us.

"Okay, you two, are you going to stand there and snuggle? Or should we eat first?"

Lacey looked up at me. "I think we should eat first."

The steaks were good, as was the salad. I was amused at Lacey's appetite. "Want some of mine?"

"No, no, I'm fine, " she said as she finished off the last of her salad.

I smiled at her and then looked at Erica. She had finished her meal, too, and I couldn't help but grin. "Pregnant women and their appetites."

"Hey, I'm eating for two, here!" Erica had a poor look of outrage on her face and then she smiled.

When I turned my head to Lacey, she couldn't resist. "Well, I'm eating for three," her voice was casual, but the smile on her face was huge.

"What?" Erica jumped up and turned to me. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I raised both hands in a mocking defensive move. "Me? You think I'm going to ruin her news? No way!"

She hurried around the table, and Lacey stood up to hug her. I simply grabbed the plates and started to stack them on the counter near the sink.

"No, I said that we'd clean up," Erica said.

"No, it's okay." I scraped the leftovers into the bin and ran water into the sink as I stacked the plates. They walked into the living room, arm-in-arm. I followed slowly, enjoying the view, and they both looked at me with concern.

Lacey sat and patted the couch beside her, so I joined her there while Erica sat on my other side again. She shifted so she could look into my face.

"You know, I've never heard a lot about what makes you, you, Wyatt. Lacey has told me some of the things, but I'd like to hear it from you."

I took a deep breath. "I don't know..."

"Please, Wyatt. Tell her." Lacey's voice was gentle, so I took another deep breath.

"Okay. Right after high school, I joined the Air Force. Seven years in, I nearly lost my lower right leg in a helicopter accident. I was medically discharged from the Air Force once I became ambulatory." She leaned over to look at my leg.

"It looks fine."

"Looks is the key word. I have 13.5 inches of titanium in the shin bone, which is covered by a skin graft taken from me."

"Does it hurt?" Erica asked.

"The shin? Not very often. The knees are quite achy a lot, though." Lacey patted my chest.

"Go on."

I sighed, dreading this. "This is leading to the part that sometimes hurts the most. A couple of years later, I met a beautiful redhead named Scarlett. I chased her, and maybe she chased me, too. Somehow, I was able to convince her to marry me. The first happiest day of my life. She joined the Navy, and about a year later, we had a son whom we named Adam."

"That tall young man is your *son*? The one I've met a couple of times -- the painfully shy young man? I thought he was a younger brother."

"Nope," I grinned. "That's my boy. Off on his own now, living a decent life doing what he loves."

"Wait a minute. How old is he?" Erica looked at me.

"He was born about six months before Lacey was."

Erica leaned away from me and looked directly into my eyes. "Just how old are you?"

"Exactly thirty-one years older than Lacey." I grinned at her.

"Wow." She sat there, her eyes still on mine.

"Go on, honey." Lacey caressed my chest.

I took a really deep breath. "We tried for more kids, but she had a miscarriage. Then another one. Then a third. Then she got really sick. When she was in the hospital, they discovered that she had ovarian and uterine cancer. We lost her six months after the diagnosis." My breath catches in my chest, and I didn't really try to fight the tears as they formed.

They both hugged me, and then Lacey said firmly, "That's enough."

"No. I need to get this out, and she should hear all of it. This is probably the best time to do so, with my two favorite ladies right here."

I steeled myself. "Adam was six, when that happened. I was lost, but without having to care for him, I would have vanished. Less than three years later, I met Gwen, and she saved me. I was just going through the motions, devoting my entire being into caring for the last vestige of Scarlett that I had.

"It took a while, but I realized that I could love again, and that Gwen was my love. We got married, and we were a family. Adam had a stepmom who loved him fiercely and loved me just as fiercely. We were together for twenty-two years, and it was a good life. I "met" ", I used the air quotes and I heard Lacey chuckle softly, "Lacey about three years ago. We chatted online, I watched her, and your, videos, and things were going well."

"Did Gwen know about you and Lacey?"

"Yes. Her rule was that I could look at and talk with other women. I just couldn't touch any of them without permission. She knew that I'm a healthy man, and that I believed that pretty girls are the best things in the world to look at.

"Lacey and I chatted, she shared pictures with me. I showed them to Gwen, who thought she was gorgeous. Flirting and dirty talk was okay, but I couldn't touch her. Until one day, Gwen surprised me by having all three of us meet up. That happened, I think, four times?" I looked at Lacey, who held up five fingers. "Okay, five times. That was fine, hell, things were going fine, until one afternoon, I heard Gwen fall in the kitchen. I ran in there, and she was barely alive. This was two, maybe three months after you guys met her."

Erica nodded.

"I called 911," my voice started to crack, "and while they got her to the hospital quickly, she passed a couple of hours later." Tears started flowing down my face, and I could barely see either of their faces. "I didn't know what to do..." I sobbed, and Lacey clutched me to her.

"I called Lacey and told her what had happened. Do you remember what you did, sweetheart?"

"I think I cried out and told to stay at your house."

I patted her hand that was on my chest. "You did. You also hung up on me. I sat there, looking at my phone, and I cried. My Gwen was gone, and I thought you had abandoned me. I don't know how long I sat in that dark house, only caring for Ollie, trying to comfort him and he tried his best to comfort me. My heart had completely broken."

I wasn't seeing anything in front of me then, just the memories of that dark afternoon.

I could hear Lacey crying, and I could just see that Erica was crying, too, tears running down her face.

"I heard someone pounding on my front door. I heard someone yelling. I had no idea who it was, or even what time it was. I got up, not sure if I was going to do something awful to whoever it was."

Lacey kept on crying.

"I yanked the door open, and there was this teary-eyed little girl there, and she jumped at me. I don't know how long we stood there on the porch, but when Ollie barked at us, I finally came to my senses and took her inside."

"I just held him for nearly an hour, sitting on the couch, while his dog Ollie tried to get into our laps." Lacey tried to burrow her head into my chest.

"Was Ollie angry at you?" Erica asked.

No." I looked at her. "Ollie loved everybody and was convinced until the day he went over the rainbow bridge that everyone was as eager to meet him as he was eager to meet them. You remember from that night." Erica nodded though her tears.

Lacey continued, "Wyatt just held onto me, crying. I've never experienced someone dealing with that type of pain. All I could do was hold him."

Erica asked, "How long did you stay on the couch?"

Lacey shook her head, still sitting close to me.

I wiped my eyes. "It was a dark time for me. And, yet she stayed. She stayed with us. I think Ollie needed her as much as I did. I know now that people were wondering where she was -- her on-line presence went dark for over a week."

"I knew where she was!" Erica exclaimed.

"That's because I called you the next morning, Erica. Do you remember what you asked me then?"

"Yeah, you did call." She shook her head. "What did I ask?" I could see her sitting there silently, wiping her eyes.

I could hear the love in Lacey's voice. "You asked if I needed you to come help. When I said no, you wanted to know if I was sure. I told you that if I needed your help, I'd call."

Erica put a hand on my thigh and gently patted me. "You're my best friend, Lacey. I knew how you felt about him, and I wanted you to be safe."

I was still crying, and Lacey pulled me to her, resting my head on her breasts. I wrapped my arms around her and held on tightly. She caressed my hair and made soothing sounds as she held me.

"Does he do this often?" I heard Erica ask.

"No. This is the first time he's cried like this since that night."

"Oh. Did I start something I shouldn't have?" Erica's voice was scared.

I shook my head a bit, and Lacey kissed my head. "I don't think so -- it's just something that you needed to know, and he needed to get it out of his system."

We stayed like that for a bit, then I felt another pair of hands rubbing my back. It felt good, when combined with Lacey's hands caressing my head and neck.

I sighed into Lacey's chest, then she patted me again. "I have to pee." I snickered and Erica joined me. We untangled ourselves, and I sat up as Lacey got up to go to the bathroom. She caressed my face and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. I softly rubbed her ass as she walked away. "Be gentle with him," Lacey said as she pointed at Erica.

"I will."

As I started to settle down, Erica curled her legs up and leaned into my chest, resting her head there. My eyes were burning, and I could still taste my own tears.

"You can put your hands on me, you know." Erica reached up and pulled my left arm over her. "That's better," she said when I placed my hand on the side of her tummy. "You're good for her, you know."

"She's good for me, you know." I responded.

"Mutual good?"


She began to rub my chest with her face.

"Well, what's going on here?" I looked up at Lacey and just smiled weakly.

"I think he's feeling better." Erica said.

"It looks like it." Lacey had a wide smile on her face as she stood there. "Gotta go, Erica?"

"Yes, yes, I do!" I let her up. She leaned over and gently kissed me on the lips. Once she made it to the bathroom, Lacey turned to look me in the eyes.

"Honey, this weekend is for you. You've done so much for me, and *to* me," she looked down at her tummy with a dreamy smile. "We've planned this for a few weeks now. Travis is okay with it, especially since she's pregnant and he trusts you."

I felt stunned by this. "He trusts me?" Lacey nodded. "Damn. It's been a long time since someone has said that about me."

Lacey started to sit on my lap, so I shifted to make it easier for both of us. She put her arms around my neck. "Want to spend most of a three-day weekend making love to two pregnant women?"

I kissed her neck. "Yes, love, I do."

She sighed and rubbed her hands over my chest. "Good. By the way, that kiss with Erica? That was in context!" I couldn't help myself -- I started to snicker, and she looked into my eyes before giggling, herself.

"I gather you talked him into it?" Erica's voice was amused.

"Erica, it didn't take much talking at all. Loving two beautiful, pregnant women? And being able to spend a weekend doing so?" I looked past the top of Lacey's head at Erica. The laughing had cleared the pain, and I was feeling eager for whatever was next.