Loving Three Intensifies


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"Did you enjoy yourself last night?" I whisper between kisses around her mound. Semen is oozing out of her pussy now after my fingering and reopening of her pussy. She is writhing about. "Can you feel it coming out?" I ask her. She bites her hand, we don't want to wake the baby. Taking a deep breath, I put out my tongue nice and flat and lick it up. Elena bucks at the touch, and starts to hyperventilate. Her response encourages me even though the flavour is a bit thick. I do it again to much the same response and so begin to lick her out. I go about it like a job, cleaning out her pussy with my tongue, sucking and licking until she begins to taste like her again. She moans thoughout, and begins to convulse early in orgasm. I work throughout that like a man on a mission, cleaning up every last drop until she is completely clean. I get up and survey my work, she has tears coming down her eyes. I stand and collect some clean white sheets from the shelf and spread them to make a more comfortable bed upon the pile of sheets we lay upon. Then gently, I kneel back between her legs and bring my cock up to her freshly cleaned pussy and begin to take her. I don't last long. She urges me to cum, urges me to love her forever and I do, my seed spilling into her with me at full hilt.

"We're gonna be OK whatever happens aren't we baby?" she asks as we get dressed and leave the laundry room holding hands and as happy as the day we were married.

"Of course baby," We kiss one more time and get on with one of those lovely ordinary family Sundays in the park with ice cream and ducks. Later it is a beautiful dinner and finally ice cold luxuriant white Russians in the garden listening to the birds and chatting about the world and stuff. A vehement discussion about the rights and wrongs of some latest political decision and some gushing about a movie that we saw years back and loved. Memories of some earlier times and fun we had in different places.

"This morning was wonderful," she said in a one of the silences and held my hand. "You're such a good man." She got up and went to get another drink and I listened to the sequence of actions that involved in the kitchen in a sense of deep bliss. There was a closeness between us that transcended everything else. Elena was in a love affair and I was completely privy to it to the point where I was able to even share her excitement of it. Yet this affair illuminated so much more, it illuminated our love itself. Her affair with Marlow glowed intensely in deep reddish colours but it illuminated our own cocoon a deep blue like a late summer evening sky with swirls of lighter hues. An enormous love, boundless, as the sky itself, it was a transcendental moment. In my mind's eye I saw this glowing centre as a tiny pinhead of foetus in the enormous caverns of the mother's belly. Some part of me wondered whose it was, but I didn't care. It would be part Elena whatever, and I would love anything that came from her. I hadn't noticed Elena was back and looking at the first star as she must have thought I was. "Venus, the lover's star," she smiled. "There are going to be some shooting stars tonight I heard," she said.


"Not up there idiot!" she laughs pulling at my ear in a playful manner. "Are you ready for anything?"

"With you I have to be," I take her hand and look up at her. How can one woman be so fragile and so strong at the same time? "I love you, I'm with you."

"Not just me!" she looks up at the sky again.

"Marlow is getting very intense," she let the words linger and returns to look at me. I read her mind, but it surprises me then gladdens me that I am so at one with her.

"I'll look after Marlow too."

"Nobody should get too hurt."

"No." I'll do my best. She smiles at me and settles down on my lap snuggling up in the cooling evening air.

Marlow arrived about an hour later. It was almost eleven, he had had a deadline. We had already gone back into the house and sat on the couches where we had all made love that first time. With a quick shower he was back and eager to have a drink after working all Sunday. Elena did not favour him at all, she stayed close to me whilst we drank chatting easily and with a lot of humour. We ended up laughing till we cried at one point. It was Elena who suggested we retire. Elena did however catch Marlow in one corner of the room and start canoodling with him after I had gotten into my side of the bed, giggling and whispering to him, touching him gently. I saw him aroused and her pretty little night slip rode up over her bum when she went on tiptoe to whisper into his ear. My cock hardened... the little mynx I thought. She turned tail and came over to get into bed and Marlow left the room.

"What you up to?"

"Fun!" she said simply. "I just want a little 'role play'," her eyes glittered and she kissed me passionately kicking off the covers so that we were naked on the bed and I was soon over her my rock hard cock pressed against her belly. "Look at you all excited," she teased. "You promise to stay all excited for me OK!"

"Yeah of course honey," if only I knew. I turned hearing Marlow come back into the room still in his dressing gown but holding a length of rope.

"Don't let me interrupt," he said smiling but I gotta say this kinda caught my attention. He handed it towards Elena but she waved it aside and patted the bed next to her for him to get in without it. The rope made me nervous but horny. Marlow's cock was already fully hard when he slid up next to Elena's left side.

"Ooh I'm too embarrassed!" squeeled Elena. "Turn off the lights!" We did and both of us lay close to her imploring her to tell us what she had been thinking. "OK, but I just thought we could have a little practice today, if you know you guys didn't mind doing it for me, you know, just playing." She paused and I felt her legs part and she tensed a little, I figured Marlow was exploring her pussy and I slid my hand there as well, we began our usual tag team rubbing of clit and probing of pussy. His moan signalled that she had a hand on his manhood, "Suck my titty Allen," she murmured and I did as I was bid. She breathed deeply with the attention. "You know how silly I am. How I like castles and knights and princesses, don't laugh!" We both affirm we won't laugh, we are both very turned on and don't care what setting she has right now for her thoughts. I think we both want to get her tied up, she never really liked the idea before. She continued, "Well, I thought about being in a lovely castle with lots of handsome princes and knights and you know lots of good looking strong and powerful men all around and being the pretty Princess I have a wonderful Prince lover." She is breathing long and slow now. "My Prince, he is a lovely man but then there is another Prince who decides he wants me too!" Marlow starts sucking her other tit and I begin to move down nibbling her midriff along the way. "Oh God! I love you two, you are so good! Ohh..."

"Tell us what happens with your two Princes," Marlow encourages her eagerly.

"Stop, stop!" Elena insists as I get to her pussy, "I want to tell you and if you two keep licking and sucking like that I won't be able to say anything." We stop. We tease gently but we stop the licking and sucking and look at her expectantly in the dark. "Weeelll.. Oh golly! The second Prince is very powerful and he wants me too, but he can't just kick out the Prince because the whole castle would know and then my Prince would have to fight for my honour and even if the second Prince won, he would be hated by everyone in the castle including me because I obviously love my Prince very much. I'm very naughty because I know the powerful Prince wants me and he is so handsome I can't help but blush whenever he passes me so he soon becomes desperate for me. He wants me so much he decides to take a risk and enters our room in the night hidden from view with a length of rope. He knows if he overpowers my Prince and takes me my Prince may not raise the alarm for shock and shame for being caught so off-guard. Besides my Prince knows that the powerful Prince could ruin his family and everything. My Prince would have a lot to lose by admitting what had happened. So... the powerful Prince waits until my Prince and I are in bed and starting to make love and then he pounces, ties the Prince to the bed and then releases himself upon the passionate Princess." She finishes the garbled idea. "Don't laugh!" she pouts.

"Do I get the best role?" asks Marlow cockily.

"No Marlow! I get to be the Princess," peeps back Elena laughing, "but you certainly look the most 'powerful'," she ruffles my hair. "Would you both be willing to help me?" she says looking at me in the most innocent little girl voice. Marlow looks at me realizing he is entirely dependent upon my compliance.

"Yeah sure, we can give it a try sweetheart."

"Ohhh, just playing! How exciting! Can we try it now?" she looks at us pleadingly. We agree and she goes on to describe how I should be about to enter her when Marlow creeps up behind me and overpowers me, ties my arms to the bed so I cannot interfere. It's a bit daft the first couple of times as it feels ridiculous, I help Marlow tie a decent knot quickly. After the third time Elena gets upset. "God you two are rubbish! You are supposed to be jumping a man in the bedroom just about to take his woman and you are supposed to put up a struggle for fuck's sake! I mean I don't want a proper fight, but!!!" Marlow and I cast each other looks and our eyes find agreement. This time I start by licking Elena and get her proper horny before getting even close to the idea of being near her pussy, that way not giving Marlow his cue. I'm getting horny, slowly I start to find the idea of him watching from the corner of the room waiting for his chance very arousing. Instead of going up after licking her pussy I go down and suck and lick her toes, letting him get a good view of her naked aroused body, still waiting his chance. She's so wanton! I stand up, looking at her myself she's gorgeous, I go down to start moving up her body and whack, out of nowhere the arm is around neck and squeezing and I'm pushed to one side of Elena by the force of the blow.

"UUUUUUUUURRRRFHFHHHH," the blow pushing the air out of my chest as I land, Marlow's considerable weight on top of me. He grunts struggling to get a grip of the rope. My cheek hurts, I'm gonna get the fucker for that. I kick out and twist, Elena curls up at the top of the bed to avoid my struggle. Marlow throws decency to the wind and straddles me from behind to grip my legs. I feel his cock rigid in the small of my back. The shift off weight of my upper body allows me to throw my head back and I feel a satisfying connection to somewhere on his face.

"Arrgh! Fuck you bastard!" and I feel a thump to my ear. I get a hand to protect it from a second blow and he loops the hand in a slip knot. I curse as he moves his weight up my body with me pinned down proper. I try and buck him off but I'm losing energy and he cuffs my head if I do too much. He gets the other hand roped and then pulls a second knot quickly to tie my hands together. I'm proper caught now and my ear hurts and I moan. Keeping hold of the end of the rope, Marlow gets off of me and wraps the rope a few more times around my wrist before tying it off on the bedstead. For the first time I see Elena, her mouth is open and her chest is heaving, her nipples sticking out like bullets. Her face is flushed right down to her chest with excitement. Her eyes flick from me to Marlow stood behind me and back again as if they can't get enough of the scene.

"Turn him over," she instructs Marlow. He roughly pushes me but I roll over of my own volition. My cock is rock hard, and I go beetroot with shame. Elena exhales in a burst at the sight of my cock bobbing around announcing how much I liked that. I try to bury my head, but there is nowhere to go. Marlow only has eyes for Elena and he is pumped up by the adrenalin, his cock is rigid against his taut torso, his balls heavy and large, pre cum oozing from his cock. He begins to move around the bed towards Elena. I forget my shame and watch the unfolding events. They hardly speak, he only grunts the occasional command, he takes her in each hole but each of his four loads in the next hour were pushed deep into her pussy. They hardly gave me a second glance throughout the whole event. Finally they were through, and their attention took me in again. My cock still hard desperate for attention, Marlow held Elena close.

"Look he's still all excited," giggled Elena to Marlow. I reddened in shame and anger Marlow couldn't help but smile.

"I got the best male role I think," he jested in a friendly way but a very self satisfied man.

"Oh I don't know Marlow, I think Allen enjoyed it a lot," she gently stroked my cock with her toe. I moan in pleasure and Marlow laughs.

"You're teasing the poor guy," he admonishes her. She looks into my eyes deeply and keeps tickling my cock just enough to keep me right on the edge but not enough to get proper relief.

"I know Marlow, I like to tease him," she laughs.

"Surely you can see he likes it!" I close my eye willing myself to not respond to her incessant caress and mind fuck but it is impossible she is relentless. "Did you see how hard he was after your little tussle Marlow?" she paused I dare not open my eyes it was horrendous what she was doing, so humiliating. "You liked the tussle didn't you Marlow?" I breathed a sigh of relief, finally the pressure was of me! "Your cock got really hard didn't it Marlow? When you overpowered my Prince." She tutted at us. "I think the Prince needs relief before the night is done Marlow. I'm very tired though, do you think you could untie him, he can masturbate looking at me if he likes, but don't let him touch me until he is properly spent." I look at her in horror but she smiles wickedly back. Marlow gets up and unties me and loosens my hands. "Keep the ropes there so you can make sure he doesn't touch me Marlow" she says as he goes to remove them. I stand at the bottom of the bed and she spreads herself beautifully before me so I can see her well fucked pussy and ass and idly fingers her clit. She stretches out a beautiful petite foot to my cock. "Get started, I'm tired." I begin to wank myself, very self consciously to begin with. Marlow has little else to watch it is the only movement in the room and I guess it was something he had never seen. Soon though, being so horny I cannot help but focus on my beautiful wife before me urging me to cum for her. "On my feet baby, cum on my feet, give your Princess some lovely foot cream." I burst uncontrollably as she rubs her foot against the head of my cock, catching it upon her foot and I watch it dribble down. "Goood boy," she croons. "Now lick it off and come to bed." I do as I am told, still in the throws of orgasm. "Oh!" squeels Elena in delight. "Wow Marlow, you did like watching that didn't you!" I cast a glance up and Marlow is glowering but his cock is well and truly hard again. "What do you want to do with that?" Her voice lowers, "Powerful Prince" she says deferentially. He seems angry for some reason, "you want to fuck me Sire?" she whispers touching his cock as I still lick her toe. He nods suddenly placated by her submissive tone. "I'd like to be a little cleaner before you take me again Sire, perhaps the Prince here should lick my pussy a little first. Would you permit that Sire?" He slowly nods. "Why don't you tell him to do it then Sire? I assure you he will do 'exactly' what he is told." My cock is rock hard again and in full view and Marlow's is pulsating good and proper. "Look Sire, you can even see his cock is all excited at the thought of it!" Shamefully I tried to hide, but it was no use.

"Lick her," he said quietly but firmly. I did as I was bid.

"Oooh yes, make sure he does a good job please Sire," he just looks on fascinated at the scene. They whisper together outside of my hearing occasionally looking down and smiling or laughing. Shortly I am dismissed and Marlow rolls onto my girl and fucks her good and hard for his own pleasure emptying his load deep into her. I desperately want to take her and I go to towards her but she waggles a finger at me "No, no, no, I'm tired out now. You will have to wait." I look on in horror as Marlow gets up and picks up the rope.

"Get comfy," he tells me amicably enough gesturing that I should lie on the bed. "The lady does not want any more attention till morning and you cannot be trusted." I am stunned.

"Now now baby, be a good boy, I don't want Marlow to have to get rough," she giggles with the obvious delight that this may not be such a bad idea. I lay down and allow my hands to be tied and for the rope to be tied also. Elena kisses me good night and they fall asleep. I lay in the darkness my cock aching, eventually I turn over and rub myself against the bed until my balls gain release and I lie in my own sticky mess till morning.

So that was it, the beginning of the next three months. Each night I would be bound to the bed whilst Marlow and Elena pleasured themselves. After the first week they dispensed of the castle fantasy and soon they began to pay more attention to me during their love making. The teasing became more intense, Elena would love Marlow to show me what I wasn't getting. Sometimes having him fuck her right in my face, licking her pussy with his cock deep in her arse. Yes, I was made to suck him too, much to Elena's delight, she taught me how to suck cock. Her desire to tease was endless. Each weekend however, we would somehow end up in the laundry whilst baby took a nap, Sunday was always our day and we always made the sweetest love.

Eventually, the time came however that Marlow was to leave. I was sorry. Our work relationship changed but it was not bad at all. We just became more professional, focussed on what we did at work. Elena was distraught. Marlow sad. Elena missed her next period and a few days later we confirmed she was pregnant. It was almost certainly Marlow's child. For that weekend, the last weekend he stayed, he had taken Elena for a weekend away, it was the one weekend I had not been with her.

We now have three children, the next was mine, just as she promised. We are still happily married and Marlow comes across now and then to visit. He has his own woman now in California. We still play, but never again to that level. We don't need to, we still get off on the level of love and commitment we generated during that whole affair.

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WoodencavWoodencav3 months ago

I did not like the humiliation only ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ this time

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman7 months ago

Not exactly my ideal 3some but this was very hot. Just wonder why a loving poly story, 3some has to go bi and humiliation route so often.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

must admit I am not into cuck, humiliation, etc. and I skipped much of it until last page to see how it all turned out. Guess it was what he wanted. BUT, for me, I would be hiding at much money as possible and setting up my exit plan and divorce filing.

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Brilliant? Nothing is ever brilliant about ducks, whorewife, and foot fetishes.

impo_58impo_58almost 10 years ago
He was a liar...

He was a liar when he said: "Eventually, the time came however that Marlow was to leave. I was sorry." I believe he was very happy to finally no longer be treated like a dog...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
No comment

1*-that's my opinion of this tale

Lynn_MXXLynn_MXXalmost 12 years ago
Brilliant!!! *****

Very erotic and very well written. I enjoyed this A LOT, especially the bit where Allen's friend gets his lovely wife pregnant. Simply not enough stories on this theme. This one has so far attracted 19 angry comments, including three who felt that the author should die. A certain sign of a good story.

You should NEVER respond to the angry comments; stay aloof and don't justify what you wrote. I look forward to your next offering, which - hopefully - will once more appear in the Loving Wives category.

RonventuresRonventuresover 12 years ago
Absolutely the best!

I was so jacked up after reading less than half of this story that I was unable to finish it on the first reading. I only wish I could have written it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I am trying to understand the desire to humiliate/cuckold someone male or female. I didn't see a sharing in this story. Only the domination of an individual. When does the equality happen? When does Marlow invite Allen over to tie up Marlow teach him to suck cock and impregnate his woman. I think they have the starting date for Feb 30 lol. 3rd kids probably Ivans. Anyways I rated it a 4, to each his/her own.

HarryHaversackersHarryHaversackersover 12 years ago
Great story - well done

You don't see many good polyamory stories. Anonymous commenters, you may have to look that up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
yet another fag brit writer

do you brit's have any ball or is being a fag assed cuckold the only thing you fuckers know.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Wong category

This belongs in the trash group.

She may say love but her actions say hatred and loathing.

Hay what would she say if he brought home a love child and said here raise the kid?

She is the lowest form of slim there is. To abuse and torment someone that trust you is the lowest most vile thing in the world!

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiover 12 years ago
Thank you! . . .

. . . for addresssing one of my favorite themes so well. Even the minor bit of British colloquial came through as natural to me and that isn't often the case. I love the very strong, but entirely loving, way your Elena character is drawn. I can understand hubby, he fits the pattern perfectly of hubby who loves and trusts his wife so completely he will acceed to anything for her. I am wondering if Marlow could have been just more drawn, filled in as a character, without negative impact on the telling of the tale. I will go back and read the first and wait patiently for the next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Nice writing; disgusting story. When, oh when, will no. 1 act like a man with at least a modicum of self-respect?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Another Stupid Husband Story

Post this in FETISH

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