Lydia's Run


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Do you not do the same things here in the village?"

Adora blushed.

"We have mates. When we're young, before choosing a Life-Mate. But always, well usually, it's just one at a time, before moving to a new one. It's kind of...trying out different people to find the right one. Someone who is compatible in every way."

"And you mentioned Morten. You've chosen?"

She sniggered.

"Yes. I think so. But we haven't spoken about it yet so..." Her voice trailed away.

"So you're still able to... try out new people?"

"Yes. I suppose so."

I glanced out over the lake. It was peaceful and beautiful. Now I wasn't in it, it was decorative like the pools in the City. Only more so.

Between my legs, I could feel the cry of my pleasure point. Free of its incarceration it was keen to express its need over and over.

I glanced at Adora. She was so pretty. Soft, smooth skin. More rounded than my City body. And again, those amazing mounds that seemed to sway and bounce with every small movement.

"Would you like to try out with me again?"

Adora sniggered once more before taking my hand. She placed it invitingly between her thighs.

"Yes. I'd like that very much."

I put my arm around her and pulled her down on top of me as I lay back on the grass and we kissed. My hand glided up the inside of her thigh until it found her warm, juicy pussy. She flinched as my fingers touched it.

This really was the act of the ancient primitives. To fuck in the open air like the wild animals while the sun beat down on us.

"I'm going to like it here so much." I said.


I looked at it suspiciously. It wasn't anything like the neatly shaped nourishment bars I was used to. This was what the villagers ate as their evening meal. Midday had been vegetables, cultivated in carefully managed fields. Heated, softened, and mixed with flavorings that tasted like nothing I'd ever eaten. In the morning, we'd eaten berries and other fruits picked and collected from where they grew wild on trees and vines.

But it was what I held between my fingers that I was most bemused by.

"What is it?"

Amelie seemed more adventurous than me and chewed at the piece of... whatever it was without question.

"Meat." Quillan said simply.

"Cooked on the fire."

"Red meat? The stuff that gives your girls big tits."

He laughed. A few others who overheard us also stifled sniggers at my naive curiosity.

"I don't know about that. It tastes nice and feeds a man's muscles. That's all I can say."

I picked at it with my teeth and chewed a tiny piece. It wasn't so bad.

"Animal flesh?"

I asked to confirm.


"We didn't have such things in the city."

Quillan stopped grinning and looked down.

"No. You had much worse."

"What do you mean?" Amelie asked.

"You've eaten meat before. Just in a different form."

"Only your cock." It was my turn to snigger.

"And Amelie's..."

I saw on his face that this wasn't what he meant.

"What are you saying?"

He looked away.

"They should know the truth." Another previous City dweller interceded. Doreth had been here a while and knew the villager's ways.

Quillan put his meat down and spoke quietly. As though he didn't want to voice it.

"The nutrients in the city. All nicely packaged into energy bars and drinks. Where do you think it comes from?" Quillan asked.

I stared at him. Not fully grasping what they were telling us. Amelie looked green.

"They're... made."

"How? From what?

You have no farms. No deer or boar. The nutrients in your food have to come from somewhere."

I waited, still not wanting to accept what he was going to say.

"When the allotted life cycle is up, what do you think happens to those people?"

Doreth pressed home what my mind was refusing to accept.

"Nothing goes to waste in the city." He added.

"Everything recycled. A closed environment protected from outside contamination."

What they were saying was had to fathom but I couldn't dispute it.

"That's not true." Amelie muttered more in hope than belief.

"It can't be."

I still looked in at their solemn faces not wanting to accept it.

"The chokers. They conveniently end life at the point you might become less productive. And while you can still provide something useful to your fellow citizens." Quillan said.

I felt sick.

"You're saying we eat people?" I finally voiced what no one was saying.

Quillan pushed his food around the earthenware dish. His own words quelled his appetite.

"It's all just meat at the end of the day." He said unconvincingly.

I was numb. What he said was true, but the idea that we ate the flesh of other residents... Possibly people we knew, no matter how processed and sanitized, sickened me.

Oh my Lord Protector. Had I eaten my own breeders? I didn't feel hungry anymore.

I watched as Amelie wandered off with Albus. He had his arm around her and I felt pleased that she would know the pleasure of having a First before the night fully set in.

She would always be my Second. Even when shared with Adora. But I wanted her to feel the same happiness I had with Quillan. I felt certain Albus was destined to be her First, as I was sure Quillan would be mine. They would be the matings that gave birth to our children when we were ready.

A little over a day I'd been in the village. Strange and new. Completely alien to what I had known all my life. They used words I didn't always understand and used their hands to make things. Nothing was just there as it was in the City. These people did true work. Not the dancing of my work. Not even the watching of each other the Enforcers did. Everything here was the result of what they did. Of what I would learn to do. I knew this was home. Where I would live out my days. Far more days than I'd expected to have. Now I wanted to be useful and productive. To give something back.

And above all, I wanted to forget the sanitized life I'd left behind. And the horrors that hid behind it.

As the fires burned lower I noticed the night sky for the first time. Just blackness dotted with thousands of tiny pinprick lights.

"Are they stars?"

Quillan grinned at my naivety.


"I've only ever seen pictures of them. You can't see stars in the City. Not under the dome."

"And over there is the moon."

I followed where he pointed. Sure enough, it was sitting low above the tree line. A near circle of silvery grey with random patches of darker greys splattering its surface.

"They say man once walked there."

"That's nonsense. How could they get there?"

Quillan shrugged.

"I don't know. It's just what I've heard. Stories passed down."

The others slowly dispersed and went to their huts. I sat with Quillan as the fires died down. I was just happy in his company.

"You and Adora get on well."

"Yes. I like her."

I saw him looking at me and felt a tinge of guilt.

"You don't mind that we pleasured do you?"

I was suddenly fearful that maybe it was taboo here.

He smiled.

"No. It's your custom. I know that. As you do with Amelie."

I wasn't sure what to say. Had I done something that would make him reject me as his First?

I flicked away a particularly annoying insect that buzzed at my ear and saw him smile.

"Let's take a walk." He said getting to his feet.

Quillan took my hand and led me away from the village, into the trees and I forgot about whether I'd transgressed some village rule.

In the darkness everything was shadows. Moonlight filtered through, highlighting trunks or branches occasionally before throwing darkness over everything around it. When I glanced back the village fires were just a dappled orange glow through the brushwood and foliage.

"Where are we going?"

We weren't that far away from the first huts but at night it felt as though we were in another world beyond the mysterious mountains that sat on the horizon. An eerie one where I was aware of the occasional movement and sounds of small animals that owned the night.

"Just here."

Quillan stopped and took hold of me, pulling me close to him until I felt the warmth of his body. I could see the glint of his eyes and the paleness of his skin where specks of silvery moonlight reached through the umbrella of greenery above us.

"I don't mind that you want to find enjoyment with Amelie. Or with my sister. I like that you can feel so close to my flesh and blood. Family, and community, it's important to us. But when the time comes. I want it to be me you choose as your... breeding partner."

My head swooned.

"You will be... You're going to be."

My stomach tumbled over and over with rising excitement. My body responded to his gentle touch as his fingers caressed my arms and shoulders. My breath shuddered and I felt lightheaded as my heart fluttered. Quillan kissed me, his rough manly lips and stubbled face scratching my delicate flesh. It was exhilarating.

He was such a rugged being compared to what I'd always believed XYs to be. A man of a past age. He was strong and muscular in a way I'd only seen in faded pictures. An animal. It was exciting to give myself to someone so powerful.

"Fuck me." I said desperately.

My pussy was aching. I could feel the wetness between my legs. Either he fucked me or I would be trapped in an eternal gush of womanly juices leaking and tracking down my thighs.

"Please. Pleasure me with your cock."

Without another word, his hands went to my sides and turned me away from him so that I had only the dark woods to stare into.

I leaned forward and put my hands on a great tree trunk rising up in front of me. An ancient witness to generations of this world's creatures bonding for pleasure and procreation. I was about to be another of those insignificant beings watched over by this wooden colossus of a primitive past I had thought long dead.

"I need you so much." I begged him.

Quillan lifted my coarse skirt over the small of my back. I felt the coolness of the night on my wetness and shivered with anticipation I could hardly contain. Hands caressed my butt cheeks and brushed over my exposed ass and pussy. Down my thighs then back again.

He could dominate me in an instant if he chose. Perhaps that should have frightened me. Protector would have told me it should. But he was also kind and tender. And I felt he would truly protect me.


I felt the heat and the wetness consuming my groin. It reached out, stretching up my spine and down legs that seemed to be ebbing away their strength. His fingers tickled me delightfully. They found my pussy, and spread my leaking fluids to the tops of my thighs and along my crack. Coolness followed to exaggerate the copious dampness.

"Oh, Lord. Please. End my agony."

I was gasping. On the cusp of needing to satisfy myself if he didn't do it quickly. Sex. Real sex was still new to me and I couldn't yet contain or control my need.

"Uhhh." I gasped as his cock entered me. It felt so big and it pressed so deep. It stretched and filled me. A warmth not of my body that sat inside me.

"Will you be my First?" I asked.

"You'll take me as your life-mate?"


His cock glided slowly in and out of me, exciting every part of me and leaving my legs weak with desire. I moaned gently with divine pleasure.

"You've known me less than two days. Are you so sure I'm the one?"

"I want you, Quillan. I want you to breed me."

I pushed my butt tight into his groin, pressing myself deep onto his cock.

"I want you to plant your seed. I want it now. Tonight."

My strange words still amused him. I didn't exactly hear the stifled laugh, but I felt it in his hands as they slid under my top and up my back. I felt the clenching of his belly against my butt and the slight break in his stride as his manly cock impaled me again.

"Say it properly." He corrected me in a hushed tone.

"Say, I want you to cum inside me."

His hands came under me and found my small tits, softly squeezing me.


"That's the sexy way to ask. Say it."

I arched my back and ground myself into him, trying to fill my pussy even deeper and exorcise the ache that absorbed my every thought.


Cum inside me Quillan. Please.

I want you to cum inside me."

It was like throwing a switch. Quillan came alive. His hands went back to my waist and his fingers dug into my flesh, holding me firmly. Then his cock thrust into me.


His force surprised me. It excited my pussy and left me weak and compliant to his fucking.

Again and again, his powerful hips and legs drove that beautiful appendage into my pussy. I gripped the tree for my life and stared into the brush. I felt at one with nature. Just another animal in the woods, fucking under the stars to extend my species into another generation.

"Uhh. Uh. Uh."

Over and over he fucked me. His grunts of exertion drowning out the tiny squeals and moans that escaped my throat.

"Oh fuck."

There it was again. That amazing and delightful moment where I lost the ability to think. Every muscle weakened as I gave my whole self to this man. Only the great tree and his hands kept me in place.


Then as my thoughts unscrambled I felt something I'd never experienced. I knew it was coming. I knew from our first time when I'd taken his cock in my mouth the telltale signs of his heating and throbbing.

"Oh, my Lord.

Cum inside me. Please."

His cock spasmed and a syrupy warmth forced its way into my pussy, expanding and spreading with each thrust and more seed squeezed from his balls into my belly.

It was another trigger and my pussy gripped him, squeezing and sucking him.


This time I lost all coherence. I had no idea what was happening around me or what I was doing. It seemed an age before I could think and make sense of my surroundings again. I found myself collapsed on the grass with Quillan's arms wrapped around me.

"Thank you." I said with genuine gratitude.

"Life-mate. First. Whatever you want to call it. That's what I am." He said softly before kissing me.

"Forever and always."

The next few moons were a learning curve for all of us. Amelie was intent on acquiring the knowledge to prepare food with some of the other villagers. Myself, I helped Adora with the children. It was like a second schooling for me. Learning not only how to live our new lives, but of how to be useful and play our part in village life.

In our spare moments, all three of us mutually pleasured as much as possible. For myself and Amelie, it was such an experience to enjoy to its full after being cheated for so long. Adora was our welcome Mixer, and for her same-sex pleasure was all new. An addition to be experienced while she courted her First, her intended life-mate.

Night times were different. Then we were more intent on our chosen Firsts. I wasn't sure why, but Quillan and Adora were reluctant to pleasure together with me when I suggested it. For them, it seemed to be taboo as they were brother and sister. That wasn't something I understood as such things were normal in the city. Not for their Firsts, but as chosen Seconds, brother and sister couplings were common. I respected their customs and didn't mention it again.

Quillan accepted my pleasuring with Amelie and his sister in the day while he was away hunting without once questioning it. It seemed that in a way it excited and amused him. My telling him what I'd done with them only made him more aroused. For me, it was all one big adventure. New experiences I wanted to share.

At night he was happy, keen, to service me for childbearing, and I worked hard at achieving the desire Protector had tried to deny me. The delight of physical pleasure with any of the three held me in its awe but ultimately knowing that Quillan would plant a life in my belly was the most exhilarating feeling of all.

Quillan and his friends built a new shelter for us. Somewhere we could be alone and as the moons passed I slowly drifted into their ways. As my First, Quillan became more and more my focus and slowly I was less inclined to pleasure with Amelie or Adora. My feelings for them didn't decline. They just morphed more into a deep friendship.

I also saw that Adora was becoming closer to Morten. I supposed it was the natural cycle of things. As was the precious feeling that another life would soon be growing inside me.

Amelie was as taken with Albus. He was her committed First now and she was as absorbed by him as I was with Quillan.

I began to understand weather as what the villagers called summer passed into autumn. In my ignorance, I'd thought the trees were dying as the leaves changed to a russet brown and began to fall. Quillan had laughed at me when I voiced my fears of the world ending as Protector had said it already had.

I also noticed it was colder in the mornings. For the first time, I fully appreciated clothing. The first frosts had been magical. Grass coated with glistening white tips that crunched underfoot. And then to see actual snow and feel it touch my skin. Soft fluffy touches turning to icy pinpricks as the flakes melted against my body heat.

Every day brought something new. Things I'd read or seen images of. But never experienced tactilely. It was also the time I had news for Quillan.

"I wasn't sure. I missed a bleed and I was sick. But...

I missed a second."

"You're with child?"

I saw the excitement in his eyes.

"Yes. I'm sure of it."

His face seemed as if it was backlit. The smile encompassed not only his lips but his eyes, his whole face.

"That's wonderful."

Indeed it was. It'd been a whole season since he'd first planted... cum inside me and several times I'd feared I would be cheated again. By nature rather than a Chastity garment. Other mothers had reassured me it was normal. That often it took time. And now I was with child. There was no doubt.

As winter gave way to spring I was amazed at the rebirth. Trees returned to life. New growth sprouted from the ground. The villagers busied themselves planting fresh crops and the hunters came home with fresh meat from the large prey once again.

Two more City dwellers joined us. Two XY's not much past their Maturing Ceremony and I was able to laugh at their ignorance as others had laughed at me.

And with the spring my delight at finally being a breeder grew with my belly. Amelie and Adora helped me as I began to tire more quickly.

"It will soon be my turn." Amelie smiled.

I looked at her closer. She seemed to have a glow about her.

"Are you...?"

"Yes." She said.

"I feel it. My breasts have become heavier. I haven't been sick but I feel a burning in my stomach and throat."

"Have you missed a bleed?"


"I'm so pleased for you."

She patted my swollen belly.

"I'm a little way behind you. But it's finally happened. We're both doing what we always wanted.

Albus is hoping for a little hunter to join with him.

I don't mind which it is. I'm just so grateful Protector can't stop us from breeding anymore."

"I'm going to have lots." I said excitedly.

"One after another."

"You might have two at once." She laughed.

"That would be a joy."


My pregnancy was into the seventh moon when my world broke apart with the dawn. I woke with a start. Noises familiar and unfamiliar all at once. And then I focused on the screaming. This wasn't over-exuberant children. It was shrieks of terror from women and children alike. Even the cries of panic from men. So horrific that they touched the soul.

I snatched a robe and wrapped it around myself, pulling shoes onto my feet in desperation to see what was outside. I swept aside the shroud that shielded the doorway and stepped outside.

It was chaos. A scene of horror. Everywhere I looked, people were running, grabbing what they could or just screaming for their children. Then my eyes rose to the sky. Still the pristine blue of early summer. But the black forms populating it weren't crows or starlings.
