Lynn and Leif Forevermore Ch. 23


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"You heard the conversation going back and forth, so please clarify, because I don't know what the hell you are talking about," said Lynne.

"Okay, I'll put it to you crystal clear. I thought, I thought we were serious as hell Lynne. But lately, lately you've said a few things that are putting your seriousness about me, and us, and this relationship in doubt. I don't...I don't understand how you could tell your parents that we aren't serious in there," said Leif.

He was angry but his voice was husky with emotion.

"Oh Leif that's, that's what got you so upset? Oh baby that was nothing in there I just....I...I'm very serious about you..I just said what they needed to hear. It could be really bad for them if I....If they thought I was having a relationship outside of being married, and stuff like that. So rather than let them think I've strayed too far form the path, I let them believe what they want to believe, which is that you are just a casual friend. Just like how I never let them know that I drink, or that I smoke grass, or even about some of the Lyrics in the songs that I sing," said Lynne.

"Oh woman, do you have any idea how crazy you sound! I am mad that I am so much as compared to as a dutchie, or a fucking Little Wayne record, or any other little thing that taints you with their church, that you can just casually dispose of! And hell, you don't even go to their church anymore! You were looking for another church last I checked. I'm a human being, I am a person with feelings, I am not like a glass of beer, and accessory you can hide under your bed or sweep under the rug when your parents come to visit because you are scared of what they, and the churchy idiots might think," said Leif as he merged out onto the freeway with dangerous speed.

"You're driving like a Maniac! Look Leif, you don't know what it's like to grow up in a restrictive, cult of a religion. You just really have no fucking idea what it's like. In order to have a life, I had to pretend, I had to be like two people. I could never let them know why I was so popular with my classmates. That I ignored every edict of the church as soon as I stepped away from the stoop. But then I was always able to become that perfect little girl when I got back on the stoop, because I'm an only child, I'm the only daughter that they have, and I just cannot...I can't hurt and disappoint them like that. I don't want their lifestyle but I'm not like you. I can't throw that in their's just easier to do what I want, and when I have to be around them, just pretend I'm still their little church girl," said Lynne.

"Well you are just a coward then. I believe in being honest, meaning what you say, and saying what you mean. You need to grow up, and stop being a little girl, and stop lying to your parents. No wonder you didn't believe that my intentions were honest when I first stated being interested in you. You are surrounded by people who are a dishonest bunch of fucks because they are trying to project onto a phony, man made image of what it means to be holy. Everyone you know is probably a fucking Liar, you just don't know it. Covering up shit that they want to do, but know that the church will not approve of. I don't think that's what God wants Lynne. And he certainly doesn't want you to lie about the seriousness of a relationship with a man,"

"Leif, you don't understand. If I get thrown out of that church, crazy stuff will happen. I mean, right now they don't have grounds to throw me out but-"

"Enough! Enough! I'm tired of this shit! Lynne you warned me that day when I saved your ass from the mouse that you had a ton of baggage and a ton of things to work through. And you were so damn pretty, and sexy, and funny, and innocent that I didn't care. Even though you kept blowing me off and kept me chasing after you, wagging my tongue like a stupid assed dog I thought it was worth it. And I've been patient, working through you with the sex issue, and that seems like it was working out well. And after taking my sweet time to be gentle with you through that and always patient, loving and kind, now here we go with the religion shit. And I'm going to have to coddle you through that as well. Just tell your parents you are in love with me and shit. They'll get over it," said Leif

"Oh you think it's so easy do you! You make me sick! Not everyone has a fucking, hippie, Brady bunch family like you. You had it so easy and you don't even know what it's like to struggle! You have no idea what it's like to have parents who only love you with conditions attached!" shouted Lynne.

They were in front of the house now and she flung open the car door, buzzed herself into the apartment and stomped up all of the steps.

"I know what it's like to struggle, what it's like to love someone like mad, from the second you lay eyes on them, and have them continuously disrespect you!" he called walking up the steps behind her.

"Disrespect you? Disrespect you? You told me to grow up? You think I'm an immature freak. You do not understand. My God Leif....I couldn't...I couldn't even talk about sex with my mother...couldn't even let her know I was scared and needed help. I couldn't even tell her that someone I trusted raped me! And if I did, she probably would have told my daddy and he would have turned me into the church for having sex, and I-"

"So, so what if you get turned in? You have your own life to live I told you about it before, but god damn it woman, you have to start living life offstage, stop worrying about what everyone else thinks for Christ sake! I...I didn't know how crazy they were. I'm sorry I pushed you into letting me meet them. But this needed to happen," said Leif.

"Why? Why did it need to happen? It's spoiled everything. I'm tired. Let's go to bed and cuddle. I...I've got something that I want to kiss. And suck, and tease. Make it up to you," she murmured licking her lips.

He looked down at her tenderly. He loved her so seriously, but if she didn't want to work this out with her parents, she was not yet ready to love him as seriously as he loved her.

It hurt like hell. And it was going to hurt even more like hell to do this. But it had to be done.

"I'm...I'm not going to bed Lynne," he said.

It was a struggle not to call her Lynney, as he'd taken to calling her affectionately.

"Fine, stay up, be mad and brood. We can talk over breakfast. I'll make you some blueberry muffins. That always makes you more cheerful," said Lynne.

"I...I won't be here for breakfast," said Leif.

He quietly walked over to the corner of the living room, picked up his guitar and sat it by the door.

"What...I don't understand what you are saying Leif," said Lynne.

"I'm saying...that...I'm not staying here another night. You see to me, when a man stays with a woman week after week, and then, she comes to his house and stays with him week after week, it says that they are serious. Cuddling you in bed, and you baking me blueberry muffins for breakfast...I...that was pretty damn serious to me. I can't see how you let Mr. and Ms. Miller think we were only just casually dating," said Leif.

"That was to save my hide! Leif, you can't possibly talk about shit you don't understand. I would lose everything!" said Lynne.

"You sure are. You sure are. What really are you losing? I thought that I'd become almost your life. Well besides your music. How wrong was I?" said Leif.

"That's not even fair! You get to keep your family. Everything is easy for you. And nothing has to change, not one thing. I just tell them what they need to hear so they get off my back...but not enough so that we have to stop communicating. Why isn't that clear," said Lynne.

She was sobbing and grabbing at her hair.

"Lynne, because you can't have a serious relationship if you aren't even honest with your family about it. My god, that was when I knew it was super serious. When I told Linda about you. Lynne, I can't do this anymore sweetheart. You need to grow up," said Leif.

"You're leaving me," said Lynne.

"I don't want to. But you keep breaking my heart Lynne. You keep smashing it in this vice. Because first you're not ready, and then you are ready, but be patient before we have sex, and then, you're scared to tell everyone else how ready you are, because of some dumb ass church you don't even go to. And as beautiful as you are, and as much as I love you, and I do love you, it's just getting to be too much shit. Maybe I wasn't really ready for a serious relationship after all," said Leif.

"No, no, you can't do this! I am serious. I never want to spend another second without you. I love being with you, I love you being the first thing I see when I get up in the morning, the last person I talk to at night. I love the foreplay, I love the secret things we say to each other. Chasing each other around the house and being silly. Debating about the newspaper. You can't take that away from me, you can't do that to us. You can't do that to you," said Lynne.

"Well, you should have told them that then sweetie," said Leif.

He collected his duffle bags of stuff, his dreadlock maintenance kit, and everything he could get in one haul.

"I'll be back to get the rest of my stuff later," he said, and quietly shut the door.


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D3stin2L0v3D3stin2L0v3over 10 years ago
SMH at this...

Oh WOW, it is such a shame, that it happen, but I am glad that you shook it up a bit. But the parents, NO WORDS.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Awesome Make-Up Sex

Good, a real fight. Now (hopefully) when they make-up it will be smoking.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I'm so glad this came up and I'm really interested to see how you work them through this issue. I do have to say that I do understand both sides as I was in the same boat when I met my husband over 10 years ago. I came from a very strict background and a different religion than my husband. And I have to say that I did the same thing, I hid my relationship with my husband (at the time my boyfriend) from my family. I will say he walked into it with open eyes. He knew right from the start where I was coming from but he didn't understand because it was so foreign to him. He kept pushing to meet my parents and I finally told him that I would only take a guy home as long as I was sure I was going to marry him. In my culture dating is not allowed, so I definitely played two different people: the good little girl for my family and the outgoing chick that drank, smoked cigarettes and hung out with boys.

So again, while I am able to see both sides, unless you've ever been in Lynne's shoes you have no room to really judge. In that kind of atmosphere you aren't given choices, it's just the way it is. Granted I broke the mold when I went to my parents and told them I was marrying a guy not of the same religion or culture. We had dated for 7 months, the last 2 of which I was basically living with him when he proposed. I was disowned and left without their support which I knew would happen although no one else thought it would. Ten years later we do have a relationship with my family, while I have been able to gain some closure with my mom, I still don't speak to my dad. It's hard to choose something, even though you know it will make you happy but will cost you your family. That is not something I would wish on anyone. And if anyone truly thinks they can live without their parents (assuming you had at least a decently nurturing family) think again, it's ten times rougher than you can imagine. That being said , I wouldn't change my decision. I love my husband and I am glad that I chose this path. And just as a note, I do want it mentioned that regardless of which persona I was in, I WAS a "good girl". My husband was my first and is my only lover. I lost my virginity on my wedding night and I was 21yrs. To each his own, that was my choice and I don't think myself better or less than anyone else for their choices.

Again, great story and I can't wait to see where you go with this.


to go Leif, she needs to be honest with herself then her parents need a real talking to! Anything worh having; is worth fighting for.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I see both sides of this. Lief isn't wrong, but he made the decision to force an introduction with her parents despite her obvious discomfort. And his reaction isn't right either. Lynne does need to grow up, but leaving her because he's butthurt isn't the answer.

ariesgirlariesgirlover 10 years ago

Can't say I blame Leif at all. For Leif to be this upset Lynn should know she wasn't right. Lynn need to look at it from his point of view. Everything concerning them has basically been on her terms.

At some point she need to confront her parents. She can't live the rest of her life as two different people to please her parents and their church. Her mom seem as though she won't totally disown Lynn. Her father will be the problem.

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