All Comments on 'M1911A1 - Aftermath Pt. 01'

by saddletramp1956

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  • 194 Comments (Page 2)
AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The first part was exceptionally fine writing. The supernatural part, unfortunately, has become a tired trope in your stories. Again, the first part shows you have more talent than I believed, but the rest is just the same-old, same-old.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Why continue this pos about loser characters who are not at all interesting?

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Happened to me also. I came home to have her tell me she, after 20 years of I thought happy marriage, was leaving. She wanted bright lights, parties drinking smoking and new experiences. I was destroyed. 20 years, hard work, faithful, steady job, good money and shared trips always. Took 2 years to come to grips with her absence but not once did I ever consider suicide or murder.

Just like the results often portrayed here I kept my job, continued to be well paid, paid her alimony in a lump sum, and watched from afar as her plan to remarry for money and social position deteriorate.

raftercrafterc2 months ago

good to see you back. I liked it

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Thank goodness ST is writing again.

NoTalentHack isn’t submitting, demander is teasing us, gamblinluck is denying us, Cindy is on another site, Wandering Mongol left us hanging, and all we’re getting us cuck shit and poly-stories from the Literotica mafia.

ReadyOneReadyOne2 months ago

Ah, the SaddleTramp treatment!

ReadyOneReadyOne2 months ago



Need a link to the story "Tabatha Prime".

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x2 months ago

"I would be screwed while she got the lion's share of everything." -Since she's the high earner, no kids, he's going to get no less than half, plus support.


"But with so little notice I felt utterly trapped." - Why? Clear things out while she's out fucking around. She'll never suspect anything.


"sometimes, a girl just needs to get fucked with a big dick" - And sometimes a guy just likes fucking a tight pussy! Is that okay with her?


"Half of his head is gone, and my brand-new couch is ruined." - Her fucking couch ranks right up there with his head!


"Why had Terry done this to me?" - ROFL, she CAN'T be serious!


"He let me have anything I wanted! Why not this?" - He let her have things that didn't mean that much to him.


"I had spent over $6,000 on that couch and it wasn't even eight months old." - Still has her priorities straight, I see.


@Jusplainjeff Re: $24, that was my thought as well.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Great take! The person who cares less about the relationship holds the power. Taking back the power requires a drastic change as Terry did, permanently. Can't wait for the next part!

Mac_LapuMac_Lapu2 months ago


I'm not much into this 'ghost stories thing' as I believe souls sleep until the last day. So this story doesn't make me feel anything other than I thought Terry was stupid and I weak man so I'm not surprised Helen treated him like a dog and it was kinda hohum to read Helen's POV. I'm not even sure I'm interested of reading the POV's continuation. But thanks anyways @saddletramp1956.

SwordWielderSwordWielder2 months ago

Great beginning. At least she has some conscience. Her greed has destroyed her life. I wonder if Dr. A will make an appearance - the MC deserves some serious payback.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

On page one. You totally changed Bledsie to Wilson. You need a proofreader. Back to the story.


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

great to see you back 5 stars from me

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This is going to be another dandy story. The stories this person writes are just so intriguing and suspenseful especially this one

CelestialFalconCelestialFalcon2 months ago

Terry stated: "I also knew what I could expect in a divorce."

There were no children involved, so there wouldn't be any child-based emotional blackmail or threat of years of child support that would keep him from divorcing.

Plus, Helen outearned him, so I'd be expecting a fairly equitable split of assets. And if any spousal support were mandated it would be from her to him ... so I really can't fathom the suicide on any basis other than emotional instability on Terry's part.

I did have to laugh about the comment that Helen said when confronted with ghost-Terry said, "No. No! This isn't real. You aren't real. You are just an indigestible piece of that vile grease-burger I forced down before I went to bed. There is more of grease than gore about you!"

... So I suppose it'd be fitting for Terry's last name to be Marley. Can we expect that Helen's going to be awakened by three more specters throughout the night? Ghost of past relationship abuse ... Ghost of the current weekend's emotional abuse (where she gets to see what Terry went through as it happened) ... and the Ghost of future retribution yet to befall her. And of course, when she asks the Ghost of the Future if it's too late to change the course of her life, he replies, "Of course it is," and shows her imagery of her blowing her own head off.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

All I can say is Brilliant.

DoctorAlanDoctorAlan2 months ago

Grim. Too horrible a woman to be plausible? Maybe, but quoting Dickens probably gives you license for some over-the-top characters. Hard to see it playing out well for anyone. Well done.

Ghostno21Ghostno212 months ago

Great first chapter ST loved Demander's original but I get the feeling you are going to turn this into yet another ST classic.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Twice this could have been me. Different build up, but the same emotions

Tophat232Tophat2322 months ago

Saddletramp, None of your stories have ever glossed over your subject matter, but have explored your story from many viewpoints. This one may upset some people, but lays out the collateral damage to the neighbors, family and touches on the trauma to the responders as well. I can relate to this, as I spent three decades cleaning up other peoples' messes. I was the policeman, then the responding paramedic, and in later years, the funeral director and most recently the coroner's assistant.

Thank you for your story, and for your accurate portrayal of what selfish actions can trigger.

Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrson2 months ago

Love it! Always glad to see another Saddletramp tale!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

My bad. I just realized that the title included pt 1. For that reason, I am elevating my rating to four stars.

BTW, I would not have started part one had I realized it was the beginning of two, three or four parts. I would have waited until I saw an apparent conclusion. Sometimes following parts are waited for until you forget the first part. I don't waste my time.


Ridiculous69Ridiculous692 months ago

Too mystical and always hate to see a weak beta male as the husband. Just not my cup of tea.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Interesting take, nice bit of Christmas’s Carol you threw in there too.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

She was clearly on her way to being very narcissistic and hateful person. Even when she found him most of her thoughts were about herself.

Wandering_MongolWandering_Mongol2 months ago

I'm glad you're back, Saddletramp1956. Missed ya!


I liked it. I'm a fan of "accountability after passing" types of stories, be they hauntings, where-the-soul-ends-up, karma, etc... so this was a smile-maker for me.


Yeah, for some, suicide is a bad ending, and yes, it leaves a mess for those connected/concerned.

Those feeling the urge however, rarely consider that once they reach that mental framework. Calling a suicidal person a 'coward,'... well, I have a different viewpoint.


I rad the original by demander when it posted, and I think I commented how it was darker than what he usually submits. I still think that. It was a good read, I enjoy his works, and I'll keep reading his stuff.

This is a great continuation for me, by another author I follow, and eagerly salivate whenever I see something new. My day is made, thusly.


Thank you demander for the start, and thank you Saddletramp for the continuation!


Be well!

RanDog025RanDog0252 months ago

I didn't read the original story. No need when you have a Seasoned Author like Saddle Tramp writing the story. 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS as usual! Thanks ST!

Cito22Cito222 months ago

Awesome. ST is back. this is worth 10 stars just for him writing it.. And another 5 stars after you read it. Welcome back ST.

BSreaderBSreader2 months ago

Spin on things at least it had somewhat of finish

Fjmax6Fjmax62 months ago

I read reviews before mine and one that struck me was by ttt59. About how she was a shallow, self-absorbed betraying bitch and how could they have been happily married for 24 years. I say if she started off like that there would have been no marriage. She had the personality to become what she did and she slowly morphed into what she became over time (makes you wonder what if Terry had been more assertive instead of blinded by love). How they interacted with one another also developed over time. Terry cannot understand how his shining angel (blind by love) changed into such black heart bitch over night. This change in her or final transformation literally destroyed him. Anyways I thought it was another great story by ST. After all this is just a story and it is ST's universe so anything can happen.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I can understand the sudden change in her personality. I lived through it with my wife. After 30 years of wedded bliss she hit menopause and went crazy. Sleeping with many different men and I think a few women. She eventually ran off with a confessed child molester because I wasn't exciting enough for her anymore.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Love it

bacchant2bacchant22 months ago

Killing the mc off at the beginning of the story.... because its you I kept reading. I hope its going to be the mother of all revenges, but is the mc really around to enjoy it?

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

good to see you back , looking forward to the revenge at the workplace and afterlife

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

No woman.......I repeat......NO WOMAN is worth me killing myself over!!!!!! Unless it was me giving my life so that my wife could live. He was a sick and twisted man.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

cheaters never prosper

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Looks like someone is on her way to getting the saddletramp treatment….

muskyboymuskyboy2 months ago

Why would you pick up such a fucked up story?

SsacamSsacam2 months ago

Great stroy! Can't wait for part two!


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The marriage was over when she denied him children, or at least to try. A man can get pussy anywhere, anytime, as often as he can afford or arrange it. He doesn't need Anybody's help or permission. But where does a man get children?


She essentially robbed him of his potential fatherhood, and he not only acquiesced, his timid self deprecation submissive behavior enabled and encouraged her disrespect and contempt. And who's fault is that? Darwin laughs, and sighs with relief. Terry eliminated one more useless turd from the gene pool. Maybe the whore wife's instincts led her to avoid children with the stupid sniveling cuck. Oh, I was SO accommodating, and agreeable, and easy to get along with, and I Loved Her So Much! Doesn't that mean anything? Of course. It means women instinctually scorn and avoid losers. This guy's usefulness in this bitch's life had come to an end. But he lacked the intellect and the strength to avoid marrying her, then avoid sucking up to her, then avoid placing himself at her mercy. So the stupid cuck Got What He Married and put up with, so he deserve what he got.


All the bullshit regret and fantasy visitation just cheapens the whole story. A nice skewering of timid shallow cowardly husbands, but any guilt or regret from the whore is just because she lost her pet lap dog. Both whore and stupid cuck are now better off.

16GaDouble16GaDouble2 months ago

I like it.... so far!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

To be continued? Why?

And the idea of a morals clause in a law firm introduces a touch of humor that I'm sure you don't intend.

26thNC26thNC2 months ago

Damn that was good! The saddletramp treatment can improve even this story. I hope this spectre visits old Ray too, and he and the bitch suffer all the torments of hell. Your stories usually have a weak woman falling under the influx of a dominant, evil man. This time the woman is the evil one. Bring it on, I can’t wait.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I am sure there will be a RAAC of some sort at the end of this, much like "No Need to Talk". I guess we shall see.

uncle_muduncle_mud2 months ago

Looking forward to the next five stars from me

FabGMxFabGMx2 months ago

Uhm, its an interesting setting. This could be end in erothic horror, in which Terry inflicts a great deal of mental and emotional pain and basically stalk her until she decide to end things... or this could be a new spin on old Saddletramp, a penance/shot at redemption on story, she and the ghost of her husband must work together to save loving but in crisis marriages, a task motivated by the guilt of her betrayal, and the fact that by commiting suicide his soul face eternal damnation, that will be wild spin.

I dont think that Saddletramp goes for that lol , and i feel thats the type of story like that its what lacks in his repertoire.

QldMarkQldMark2 months ago

As usual brilliant

RuttweilerRuttweiler2 months ago
Oh, what the world has done to me!

I am the greatest victim! Poor me! Everyone and everything is against me! I am the target of an evil woman! She has ruined me! Blah, blah, blah…


GardenshedGardenshed2 months ago

Demander’s story was very good and this continuation the story is really powerful. I truly enjoy Terry haunting his selfish, cheating cunt of a wife. Looking forward to the next part of this story. One thing I know is this story will never make made for TV movie on the Hallmark channel……

Thanks for sharing…….


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

To those commenters claiming/complaining that the mc took the cowardly beta way out, I say you have neither the empathy nor the imagination to put yourself into his place. Not everyone has the mental/emotional/intestinal fortitude to "just get past it." Men such as him are far more likely to drink/drug themselves into a cardboard box on the sidewalk of NY or some city in California.

ST avoided the obvious LW way out of shooting Ray and then choosing self-deletion by LEO, and for that and (hopefully Pt.2 bears this out) giving the reader a much fuller character study driven story, he should be thanked and applauded.

So thanks, ST, looking forward to reading your continuation.

Oh, BTW, not every anon is a troll, just saying.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

A lot of posters miss the point in this. Yes, nothing is worth your life, especially when it comes to a cheating bitch. But when it comes to BTB, a suicide has the potential to become the ultimate punishment. Why? Because humans, with the exception of absolute psychopaths, need to see themselves as moral. It keeps us sane. It's the very reason religious institutions utilize the confession concept. It's why mobsters go to church and help their local community. No one wants to look themselves in the mirror and see an evil person. And that's why placing the ultimate guilt, the loss of life, on the bitch works as a punishment. Not just any life, but the one you spent half of your years with. That's not something you recover from. Can't lie to yourself and say "eh, he'll be fine, just give it a couple months". You have to accept you are not who you think you are and that burden can turn someone crazy. A self inflicted wound that never heals. The ultimate BTB.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Reely enjoyed it til the twilight zone kicked in.

Yeah I ze knos ths youll world.

LOVE slap-hapy-papy #9

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderher2 months ago

Why did you continue an already crappy story with more crap. At least bring in Justice O'Peace and the Karma Goddess.

Hardday1953Hardday19532 months ago

It is very different, with an element of truth. Five stars

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Terrific as always.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I loved it, and damn it was good. I liked how he put her out in the open for the neighbors to see how she reacted. All of the police and the coroners van to get the body out in the open for everyone to see (very public), the questions by the police while she made a "witness statement" got her to thinking about what she did, add in the suicide note for her from Terry. He really told her off in that, and it'll haunt her for a while. The 24 bucks was a dollar for each "good year" they were married. ;-) Thank you for sharing it with us. I know you don't usually do the "dark side" of things, but it was already written like that and you were just doing a FTDS to it. I personally look forward to the next part.

James G 5James G 52 months ago

Nice callback to "A Christmas Carol." Will we be seeing other ghosts?

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Awesome ❣ and welcome back. Missed reading your stuff

HelgamiteHelgamite2 months ago

24 dollars, one for each year they were married. nice touch!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Young bucks, take it from an old fart who's been around. They just aren't worth the drama. Protect your ass to the hilt when you get involved with one of these snake listeners, and if she starts to go south, GTFO and get a younger replacement ASAP! And after a while, you'll wonder what you EVER saw in her in the first place!

ALL these stories seem to dwell on the best revenge. There are a lot of good choices, but one of the most delicious ones is a woman who is both younger AND hotter than your missus. I absolutely guarantee that she'll see that bitch everywhere she goes, her nightmares included. The ONLY time a guy better than you is not important to a woman is when you have a woman hotter or younger than her!

Both younger AND hotter might just cause her to have stroke. ))

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

She cheats, dumb arse shoots himself. She feels slightly remorseful. Then figures that if he’s that stupid, move on. This is like kids who (tragically) commit suicide thinking they’ll be able to revel in the guilt felt by those left behind. Pathetic from an adult.

Regguy69Regguy692 months ago

Let's hope part two is her waking up at the hotel with Ray after her horrible nightmare about her husband killing himself. She rushes home to find out he's left her worthless ass and taken up with some hottie from his work. Succumbing to depression and killing yourself after the devastating loss of a loved one is, at least, understandable, but offing yourself because some self-indulgent slut cheats on you? No way! ST56, you have to save this in part two.

Ironman52Ironman522 months ago

This story definitely has the ST treatment. 5*

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

that was quite okay until the zombie made its entry into it.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Just don't give her the easy way out of offing herself too. A slow descent into madness, not knowing what's real and what isn't, would be delicious BTB. And more inventive than most.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

In defense of SaddleTramp, he took a crappy story and has done all he can do with it. Of particular scorn is the fool who goes by 'Cumminginsiderher' (dissect that word--he couldn't even convey the thought), who's never written anything except his exhibitionistic profile bio. Yet, he has the temerity to complain about an actual writer. SaddleTramp is giving some "why" context to a story lacking anything substantial for the reader. It also brings down the harridan spouse.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinion2 months ago

I read this story a couple days ago when it was published. I don't think I commented on it at the time. I have to say I can never understand how anyone can think suicide is the answer to an emotional hurt. I once heard an old joke of a man that went up to a tall hotel and jumped off the top. As he was falling past each floor, he kept repeating so far so good, so far so good, oh shit!

I have to wonder what Terry was thinking in the nanoseconds between feeling the trigger click allowing the hammer to drop and the bullet explode into his brain. So far so good?

AethurAethur2 months ago

Brave to keep the original ending. I actually liked that you did that instead of giving it the 'saddletramp treatment' (or doing the 'saddletramp version'). While I never like supernatural elements in a non-supernatural setting, it was definitely needed considering that the hubby has no other advocates for himself, so he needs to do it himself. Looking forward to the next part. Thanks for sharing! 5*

IBTVoyeurIBTVoyeur2 months ago

You've been missed. Glad you're back. Great story so far. Looking forward to the second part.

NegateGivityNegateGivity2 months ago

Thank you for doing a follow up to that story. How Demander ended his story with a bullet wasn’t interesting, because everything in it was just rehashed cliches. The only interesting story avaliable is the one you are doing here, of dealing with the fallout. As awful as suicide is, if an author is going to use it for a story, then they better damn well earn it. If they just end a story with "and then they shot themselves." It’s lazy. It's a very heavy subject, that if it's going to be used, deserves to be treated with respect. Otherwise it's just cheap, for the story, for the author and for the reader. That's why I appreciate you giving this story an actual ending. (Judgement reserved on whether it's good or bad until the last part is published.)

Huedogg2Huedogg22 months ago

everything was cool till he killed himself.......

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

1* terrible close to unreadable and not even finished. should be negative stars on here this is a -2*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I have read your last story prior to this one, it seems like your getting woke by the minute

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Dr beulahthemick; There's crap, absolute crap, and this, minus five and that's generous, usual BTB bollock's from sad little men, suck it up, girl's rule.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I guess I just don't get it... he rather burn in eternal hell, then to just divorce the slut?... nobody is worth killing yourself over.. especially not some cheating no moral slut... he would've had 2-3yrs of paying her in a divorce, but so what? They had no children. he acted like he would be paying her for the next 18+ year's.. why not just suck it up, thank God you didn't have children with this demon and just lose the whore?.. I'm just trying to understand how him killing himself would punish her? She would have to first give a fuck about him to feel a grain of remorse🤭 also, wouldn't killing himself leave everything to her?😑.. I'm trying to understand what her punishment was?.. maybe I'll see it in the 2nd part.. I'm in confusion on this part.. I really can't wrap my mind around killing yourself over someone that wasn't worth the tears, let alone your life🤷🏾‍♀️.. it's truly baffling to me. I saw no reason why he took that route.. his reason for doing it was just dumb... "she get's half".. ok.. and?👏🏽's just money, you can work to get that back. At least you would still have your dignity, self respect and life.. the best revenge would've been just dumping her and setting her free. She would eventually miss what she so casually threw away.

XluckyleeXluckyleeabout 2 months ago

You are doing a wonderful job of taking an ok story and making it a story worth reading. 5 stars from Xluckylee for what I know will be worth 10 stars.

redboat7redboat7about 2 months ago

Love it!! Going to part two..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

LOL What a fucking dumb one-star story. He was going to shoot the Maserati asshole anyway, so what if that pos just honked the horn outside? That's when you rush outside gun blasting at the fucker in the car, that's what. Then turn the gun on himself or the wife or whatever. There's the 750-word story you're whining about.

Spare us the "This is my story, and I'll do it the way I want" bullshit. Suicide is the weak coward's way out? LOL The "this is my story" excuse is the weak coward author's way out to doing piss poor work. And you're smart enough to know that's fucking true.

Do better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I found it telling that a woman who claimed she loved her husband would treat him like she did and do all that nasty shit to him. It just proves that some people are capable of deluding themselves into believing anything and for as long as necessary. She thought she was loving and caring and yet she treated everyone she came in contact with her as a piece of crap that was so far beneath her that they should feel honored that she allowed them to be near her magnificence. Chapter 2 coming up next and I am sure it will be another 5 ⭐️ gem just like all your other work has been.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Depression induced suicide over a woman that is not worth a shit.

There should be consequences laid upon the two offenders.

mattenwmattenwabout 2 months ago

As always, a brilliantly told story in which his death and the conversations between him in the afterlife and her in this world are the essence. At some point she will realize what she has done or completely freak out.

However, I would like to note that suicide is not a solution, but a terrible ending. I'm not talking about euthanasia in certain cases, but about brutally ending one's own life! 5*!

mfj77mfj77about 2 months ago

Another Saddletramp classic! A beautiful extension of the original story. Sad there are so many mindless readers lacking any compassion that can't comprehend someone contemplating suicide - Not suggesting suicide is a good thing but I can at least comprehend how someone could fall into such a pit of despair after realizing that they have given up or lost EVERYTHING in life that they had a reason to live for. If there is nothing to live for, why not end it.


Can't wait for chapter 2. As usual, you have filled in many details to make a truly complete story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Thanks for another well written story, ‘Tramp, it’s always a pleasure to read one of yours. I really hate the idea of suicide, even in fiction. It makes more questions than it answers, except for the victim, I suppose. But most of the time it’s more of a punishment for innocent people than for the guilty. That said, it’s a good story so far and I’m looking forward to the next chapter. Five stars.

RiptidestoneRiptidestoneabout 1 month ago

Thanks for your stories

pummel187pummel187about 1 month ago

I wish I could have met you

Now it's a little late

What you could have taught me

I could have saved some face

They think that your early ending

Was all wrong.

For the most part their right

but look how they all got strong



that's why I say "HEY MAN NICE SHOT,


rbloch66rbloch66about 1 month ago

Ok, I liked the depth of emotions that the story stirred up. I am most offended that her first thoughts went to her 6000$ couch, 2000$ painting, and her job security. Not sure if she is in denial or actually is a psychopath. Underneath it all seems to be a deep seated guilt. I say this because her intentions to make him compliant seem like an effort to assuage the guilt, rather than face the fact that she is a piece of shit. I don’t believe in ghost, but I do believe in the power of the mind to create things we haven’t even conceived of. Often we discover that our own jailer is us.

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

5 Stars on a well written story from GW . I saved my Cousin from doing this with his 9mm . Instead he got a divorce his wives lover got his ass kicked and he married a great lady and had her 3 kids drive them crazy . I love my Niece's and Nephews .

AceAureliaAceAurelia24 days ago

This is a beautifully written story. It creates a seamless emotional connection with the characters.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

I think you presented an MC as a pathetic pussy.Good thing his wife realised that he wasn't much of a man and would not allow him to produce off spring and contribute to the gene pool. She was better off with him taking himself out of the picture so she could go on with a new life..I realise my stance on this is harsh,but I can never feel sympathy for a man that's not a man..

Hell,he could have at least went out to the car with his wife and shot both of them since he was going to off him self anyway...3 stars

Simon_MastersSimon_Masters21 days ago

I enjoyed, only difference, I'd have torched the house.

Schwanze1Schwanze119 days ago

LW meets Pirates of the Caribbean

Wolfgang1955Wolfgang195519 days ago

Could not finish this trash. Normally I enjoy your stories. You jumped the shark on this. Done with your stories. Damn a d they are free.

juanviejojuanviejo9 days ago


AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

I really didn’t think I would like this story but it kind of grew on me as I read it. It’s definitely a different premise than anything I’ve ever seen here before. I do think I would probably have done her in instead of myself. Jail might have been preferable to living with that bitch.

Thanks, ‘Tramp. Oh, Wolfgang? Bye. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

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Enjoying life one day at a time... I write for fun and for entertainment. Please note that any statements by characters in my stories do not necessarily reflect the views of opinions of the author. Please feel free to follow me on Twitter at @saddletramp1951 or contact me d...