Mable's Breasts Pt. 11

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Mable, Jimmy and Mom all move on.
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Part 11 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/13/2019
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In the weeks and months that followed Mom's breakup with John, one might think our collective personal lives and business connections might have suffered somewhat because of it. But, to the contrary, our lives continued almost as though nothing untoward had ever happened. John and Mom had seemed to reach a depth of understanding where they were both able to maintain a true warmth of friendship without sexual intimacy. Mom was equally adamant that Mable and I follow her example of understanding and forgiveness. As such, John remained an integral part of the business as my partner and was still a frequent and welcomed dinner guest at our house.

Eleanor, however, was another matter. Mable suggested removing her altogether from our list of clients and I concurred. John came to Eleanor's defense, however, pointing out that Eleanor had, by her word of mouth alone, brought us well over a dozen new clients. He even offered to take over Eleanor's account personally and to be her primary source of contact to eliminate our having to deal with her personally. Mable and I shared a smile over that, assuming he was, in all likelihood, hoping to continue a sexual relationship with Eleanor as well.

Once John and I were through with the burden of having to attend school, our computer maintenance business began to grow at an unprecedented rate. Between Mable's herculean efforts to canvas office buildings within her sphere of business influence, along with the surprising explosion of new clients brought to us purely by word of mouth, our appointment calendar quickly reached critical mass where John and I were running our asses off from morning to evening.

After a discussion, Mable and I visited a local post-secondary IT school to interview prospective new employees and were happy to offer positions to Bonnie and Margot, two female students who both had a wealth of computer experience and came with glowing references for dependability and trustworthiness.

John and I each took one of the new girls under our wing and, within a few days, they were both up and running seamlessly without supervision. We offered them both part-time positions with a better than average wage, promising them full-time employment if they wanted it in the near future. In less than a week, each woman was working independently on a calendar that worked with their school schedule and alleviated a great deal of pressure on John and me.

Then, just when things seemed to be leveling out, Mable came to us one day bursting with excitement. She presented us with a prospect that, if it came to pass, would move Jamble into an entirely new income tax bracket. She had been presented with a proposal from a large local real estate company to take over the tech support for the entire company. They had previously outsourced their tech support to a company in the Philippines and had been very unhappy with their work. It would mean maintaining an on-sight presence for either John or myself as well as necessitating that both of us become knowledgeable and up to speed with all of the tools involved with Server administration, such as Active Directory and Group Policy Management.

Waiting for the requisite 90 days to relieve their current tech support of their duties, John and I had a window of opportunity to gain the knowledge we needed. At the recommendation of Margot and Bonnie, we enrolled in the same IT school they attended for a boot-camp crash course in Server 2012 and 2016, to apprise ourselves of the ins-and-outs of server administration so as to be able to work seamlessly and effectively for the real estate company once we had the tech support contract.

John was extremely enthusiastic about the on-site position of tech support, so it was decided he would be our liaison there. He and I both put in a few long nights rebuilding their server and bringing the group policies up to our liking, but then it was his to run while I maintained the day to day running of Jamble with Bonnie and Margot. Upon their recommendations, we brought on another student named Amir and quickly brought him up to speed as well.

With John in the new position of on-site tech support manager, I saw much less of him. But we kept in touch daily by phone for updates or if he needed a hand with the server. He confessed to me one day that he had a new love interest that kept him busy in his off-hours. When pressed, he wouldn't reveal the new girl's identity, saying he preferred to keep his personal life private from now on and seemed very happy.

Mom finally confided to us how, just before his unfortunate dalliance with Eleanor, John had revealed to her his desire to have sex with Mable and had asked her about the possibility of inviting Mable for a threesome some evening. The request had actually hurt Mom's feelings, as she had begun to have definite feelings for John at that point and had suggested pointedly that perhaps John should take that particular subject up with Mable and leave her out of it. I finally came to understand what that little estrangement in their relationship had been about on the day we had gone over to Eleanor's.

For me, however, I seemed to fall deeper in love with Mable with every passing day. We spent so much time together that Mom finally spoke up and chastised her for keeping her apartment and paying her exorbitant monthly rent when she was basically living at our house all the while.

It didn't take long for Mable to see the wisdom in Mom's words. She discussed it with me in private that night to make sure I would be okay with the proposed living arrangement. I couldn't be happier, I told her, and we sealed the deal with over an hour of lovemaking. Arrangements were made with a local moving company to put her furniture in storage and Mable turned in her notice with the apartment manager.

I'm not exactly sure when I decided that I wanted to ask Mable to marry me. I suppose it had always been lurking there in the back of my mind, but lately, the thought became ever-present in my thoughts.

One afternoon while passing a jewelry store in a mall, I looked over the selection of engagement rings purely to get an idea of the range of prices. Impulsively, I purchased one that very day, with savings I had accrued over time, and took to carrying it with me every day and waiting for what I was hoping might be the perfect opportunity to propose to Mable.

Of course, it went without saying that I had no idea what Mable's answer might be. I felt in my heart that she would accept but nagging doubts in the back of my mind kept were always present. She was of the same age as my Mom, which presented quite a quandary. While I was certain it had no bearing on how I felt about her or how much I wanted her to be my wife, it certainly gave me pause to consider how she might feel about marrying someone as young as I.

Seeking counsel from my most trusted source, I took Mom aside one afternoon. "I've been thinking about asking Mable to marry me," I said, watching her eyes to gauge her reaction.

"Oh?" She said, her lips curling into a smile. "Well, frankly, it's about goddamn time."

We both laughed. "So...I'm guessing you're okay with it?" I grinned.

"Of course I am, honey," she said, taking me in her arms. "I can't imagine anyone in the entire world better for you than Mable. When are you planning on asking her?"

I shrugged. I hadn't thought about it all that much, only that I wanted it to happen. "I don't know, Mom," I said, "I guess I'm probably a little worried about what she might say if I ask her."

Mom nodded and smiled, "Is it the age thing you're worried about? Because if it is, you can put that out of your mind right now. Mable loves you, Jimmy. I don't think the age difference will matter to her one iota."

Relief course over me and I couldn't help but smile. Even though I still had more than a few misgivings about it, Mom's confidence eased my mind tremendously.

"Have you thought about buying a ring yet?" She asked.

I nodded and smiled, reaching into my pocket for the little red velvet pouch, opening it to let the ring slide out into the palm of her hand.

"Oh, Jimmy, it's beautiful," she gasped, holding the ring to let the diamond catch the sunlight cascading in from the window. "Mable will absolutely love it."

"I've been carrying it around with me for the past two weeks or so just waiting for the right and perfect time," I smiled, my heart warmed by Mom's praise. Now all I had to do was find the perfect occasion.

A few days later, Mom came home from a shopping trip bubbling with excitement. Apparently, Richie's new band, "Sambora", was about to take up a Las Vegas residency in the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, and Mom was beside herself with excitement at the prospect of seeing him again.

On the band's opening night, Mom and Mable dressed to the nines and took an Uber down to the Hard Rock. Mom had managed to score excellent seats near the stage, and both women had managed to fortify themselves with several shots of Jameson's before leaving the house.

Alone in the house, I busied myself by immersing in the Marvel universe to watch "The Avengers - Endgame" while enjoying the remains of the Jameson's with cola.

Just as the movie was ending, the front door opened. I turned to smile at Mom and Mable and, to my astonishment, Richie himself. The women enthusiastically introduced me to Richie who smiled at the movie I was watching. "Avengers End Game...nice," he said, giving me a fist bump and a smile.

"He brought us home in his limo," said Mable, her face wreathed in smiles.

"I offered to take both of these fine ladies out to a late dinner tonight, but Mable said she was too tired. If you don't mind though, I'd like to keep your Mom out for a while longer. It's been ages and we'd like to catch up over dinner."

"Of course," I smiled, seeing the look of pleasure and excitement on Mom's face. "By all means, you guys have a good time."

Richie gave Mable a warm hug and fist-bumped me once more as he and Mom made their exit. Mable and I waved as the limo sped away.

"Do you think she'll be home at all tonight?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow at Mable. Mable laughed aloud, "I'd be surprised if we see much of her at all for as long as Richie is in town. He has a serious thing for her. Apparently, SHE was the one who got away all those years ago and he seems hell-bent on not losing her again."

"Wow," I said. "Tell me all about tonight."

We sat on the sofa with a couple of glasses of Grand Marnier while Mable told me of their evening.

"The show was excellent," she exclaimed. "Leslie and I were having a great time bopping up and down to the music. Then, about halfway through the show, Richie asked to bring up the house lights so he could see the crowd. And, oh my God, Jimmy, you should have seen his face when he happened to catch sight of Leslie in the audience. He almost stopped the show saying hello to her from the stage. And poor Leslie was so self-conscious in the bright lights, her face was beet red.

Once the house lights were off and the band began to play again, two of the band's security guys approached us and whisked us both backstage where we got to watch the rest of the show. Afterward, Richie literally ran over to Leslie and picked her up in his arms, twirling around as they both laughed like school kids.

He took us to their dressing room and introduced us to the rest of the band and we all had a few drinks before he offered to take us both to dinner. I could see he only had eyes for Leslie, so I didn't want to be in their way. And, here I am."

She smiled and we clinked our glasses together. "So," I said with a smile. "Besides Richie, how many of the other band guys wanted to take YOU out to dinner?"

Mable laughed and almost spilled her drink, "Well, let's see," she said, rolling her eyes playfully. "It was a five-piece band, and Richie was spoken for, so...would you believe...four?"

"Oh, I would believe that. You look incredible tonight." She wore a loose-fitting knit pullover and was obviously braless beneath, and a short denim skirt that showed off the shapeliness of her legs in her high-heeled pumps.

"Why thank you," she said, fluttering her eyelashes playfully while fanning her face with her hand. She paused and her smile faded, "I love it when you look at me that way," she said.

"What way?"

The corners of her mouth curled into a little smile, "The look that says how much you want me. The one that says how much you want to be inside me. The look you have on your face right now."

She set her glass down on the coffee table and stood, moving to stand in front of me and smiling down at me seductively. She moved her hands down the sides of her hips, caressing her hips and thighs teasingly as she swayed her hip slowly from side to side.

"I've been so horny all evening," she murmured, her eyes on mine. "I couldn't wait to get home to you." She lifted her hands and cupped her breasts, squeezing them teasingly as she watched my eyes, knowing how much I loved it when she brought out her teasing, slutty persona.

She moved her shoulders, allowing her breasts to sway provocatively beneath her top and reached down to grasp her skirt, inching it very slowly higher and higher. I was instantly erect and adjusted my erection within the tight confines of my jeans.

Mable smiled, "I want to see you, baby. I want to see your beautiful cock."

I undid my jeans, my eyes glued to her rising skirt as the hem was almost at her crotch. I unzipped and pushed my jeans and my briefs down to my knees, allowing my erection to spring free.

Mable sighed, her eyes on my penis as she began to move her hips seductively. In one rapid movement, she pulled her skirt up until it was bunched around her waist with only her tiny red satin thong covering her from her waist to the tops of her shoes.

Impulsively, I sat forward, sliding my hands along the backs of her legs from her calves to the back of her thighs as I bent my head to kiss the red satin triangle that covered her pussy.

She caught her breath as I pressed my lips to her, moving my mouth to stroke the lips beneath her thong with my tongue. She placed her hands on either side of my head as I continued to probe my tongue against her, moving her hips slowly to grind her pubic mound against my mouth.

I raised my hands and grasped the narrow band of material that surrounded her hips and pulled her thong down to expose her smoothly shaved lips. She groaned softly as my mouth found her bared mound and I plunged the tip of my tongue forward between her smoothly shaved lips.

"Yes, baby," she sighed, her voice little more than an airy breath as she pulled my head tightly to her. I cupped her buttocks and continued pressing my tongue against her, feeling the hard rise of her clitoris and flicking the tip of my tongue rapidly against it.

She moved her hips faster, grinding herself against my mouth as she held my head pressed tightly to her. My mouth, lips, and chin were coated with her slick, viscous vaginal secretions as she used my mouth to bring herself closer to orgasm. I held tightly to her with my hands cupping her buttocks, feeling her gluteal muscles flexing beneath her smooth flesh with each thrust of her hips.

"Oh, God!" She gasped, her fingers tightening as she grasped my hair, her hips moving so rapidly they seemed almost to be vibrating. She gasped and cried aloud, holding herself hips still, her chest heaving as she gasped for breath. I flicked my tongue rapidly against the hard rise of her clitoris and she screamed my name, her pelvis jerking spasmodically and, as she began to cum, a warm gush of fluid erupted from her to flow down over my mouth and chin.

She held me tightly to her, her hips grinding against me as her orgasm swept her away, and I continued the pressure against her clitoris with the tip of my tongue. With a final cry, she pushed my head away and stood, gasping for breath as her orgasm began to ebb. When I moved closer to kiss her lips, she slipped her hand over her vulva to keep me away, her body still shuddering with acute little spasms of pleasure.

I moved my fingers over my mouth and chin, collecting her ejaculate and bringing my fingers to my mouth to taste more of the heady, musky scent from her vagina and swallowed her almost hungrily as her secretions permeated my mouth and the back of my throat.

When she finally sighed and moved her hand from her vulva, I moved in immediately, surprising her with my desire to taste more of her. I closed my mouth over her entire vulva, thrusting my tongue deep between her smooth puffy labial lips to lap more of her into my mouth as I gripped her fleshy buttocks and pulled her tightly to me.

"Oh...Jimmy!" She sighed breathlessly, her words little more than a soft guttural moan. "Yes!" She gasped, her voice shuddering. "Yes!...Oh, God, yes!"

She grasped my head once more as she began thrusting her pelvis, once again, grinding herself against my mouth. She came a second time a moment later, her cries filling the living room and echoing off the walls, as I was rewarded with another squirt of her vaginal discharge directly into my mouth, her hips vibrating almost frantically.

With a loud gasp, she pushed me away as her orgasm reached its crescendo. She stood, her thighs trembling almost spasmodically as she began to lose her balance. I guided her hips and she fell onto the sofa beside me, her knees drawn up with her arms between her legs as she continued to tremble with the aftershocks of her orgasm, her chest heaving, her eyes wide. "Holy shit, baby," she whispered, "That...Was...Incredible."

I couldn't help but smile, proud and happy that I had managed to bring her to such shuddering orgasms. After a moment, she moved closer, reaching up to my mouth to wipe away several drops of her ejaculate from my chin with a little smile on her lips as she brought her fingers to her mouth to taste herself.

She glanced down, her eyes widening to see how her ejaculate had soaked the front of my shirt and had also dribbled down onto my thighs.

"Oh, my God, baby," she said, staring at the wetness on my shirt. "Is that all from me?" She looked up at me and I smiled and nodded.

"It is...and I loved every second of it."

Her lips parted and her lips formed a tiny, self-conscious smile, "I...felt something kind of loosen inside me...when I came. Do you think I might have actually squirted?"

I nodded and smiled broadly, "I think that's exactly what happened."

She shook her head in disbelief, "Is that even a REAL thing? I mean...I've heard how some women do it when they cum, but I thought...well, I thought it was all just some sort of urban legend or a porn-star trick. I can't believe it might have just happened to me."

I smiled broadly and wiped my mouth and chin, "Well, I for one can firmly attest to the fact that SOMETHING happened when you came. And not just one time, it happened both times you came."

She shook her head in disbelief as the corners of her mouth curled into a hint of a smile. "So...why would it happen now? I mean, this wasn't the first time you made love to me with your tongue."

I shrugged, wondering if perchance it had something to do with the fact that, while I had indeed used my tongue to excite her toward orgasm, she had actually been the dominantly lustful one by thrusting her hips and grinding her pussy against my mouth, essentially taking her pleasure almost selfishly. I broached that suggestion with her and watched as her cheeks colored as she looked away with a little smile of embarrassment.

She looked up and pursed her lips thoughtfully. "I think there might be some truth in that," she said. "I don't think I've ever actually been so sexually aggressive with anyone before."

I smiled broadly, "I loved it, Mable. Hopefully, you'll feel inclined to be that way again. And again," I added with a laugh.