Mad World - Descent Ch. 03


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Paul and Deloris managed to saddle me with almost all of their enslaved women, the unwanted and hated in-laws. And since I wasn't interested in the women's property, and Paul and Deloris and the Town Council were, they reaped a mighty profit when I settled the women's debts by selling their estates to the village. It was a very cunning and ruthless maneuver that devastated any loyalty the women had for their extended families and community. Which was good for me since they may not give me their loyalty right away, but at least I wasn't fighting their loyalty to family and community as I tried to earn their trust and affection. As for me, I didn't care about the addition of the older widows and their children, including the ones previously married to the young men who died during the marauder raids and were pregnant. I knew that Deloris knew, I was certain she included them for that reason specifically. I'm not sure of her intentions and whether they are hostile to me or just the women she hated, but what I do know is that my household has now been increased from five souls to forty-seven including Barbara whom they didn't know about, and organizing a tribe of such size took an incredible amount of time and effort.

The first thing I had to do was establish which women belonged to me and who belonged to Nathan. Marisol, his wife, age eighteen was already his. In addition, he received Onatah Two-Crows Muller, age sixteen. Irma Bauer, age fifteen. Bianca Schmidt, age thirteen. Elsa Wolf, age twenty-four. And Louise Muller, age seventeen. Every one of these girls was a virgin, none of them were previously married, and most of all, none of them were currently pregnant. And so, Marisol wasted no time in establishing herself as Nathan's only recognized wife, and thereby the matron of his harem.

Meanwhile, Esmeralda had already insinuated herself into my heart to such a degree that I hadn't the desire to correct her when she proclaimed herself my matron concubine. A position hotly contested by the older widows since Esmeralda was far from being the eldest of them. However, she argued that she was the first consummate concubine. A declaration upheld by me and witnessed by Fernanda who was the second consummate concubine. Then Esmeralda and Fernanda let it be known that they were also pregnant which only further validated their claim. There was some grumbling but the argument was shelved since no one believed they could ingratiate themselves to me well enough to usurp Esmeralda's influence

Thankfully, she did not declare herself my wife. That I would have had to call her down for. Eleanor Sutton was the only wife and matron I ever wanted. However, Eleanor was lost to me now, either killed by death viruses in Oregon or bombing in the Tri-Cities. I am never going to see my beloved again, nor my children.

The only thing for me to do now is move forward and care for those who have fallen under my responsibility. Besides this, I thought it very savvy of Esmeralda to have established her authority as my first concubine right from the start with Gail. To help cement her authority, Esmeralda was always fair with the other women, discreet, wise, and very submissive with me as if she were trying to prove to the other women by example what a real housewife was supposed to be.

Somebody had to do the job of organizing my household, and so, I appreciated Esmeralda very much for taking on the responsibility. Of course, I helped her with it, but once we worked out a plan she was the manager and I never undercut her authority.

As Matrons one of Marisol and Esmeralda's many responsibilities was to govern Nathan's and my nights, and with whom we would spend them. In this duty, at least, I reckoned Esmeralda's job as matron was quite easy since I was letting the Kahlotus women settle in and find rest from the indignities they had so far experienced from being held against their will and then sold to me as slaves in exchange for my allegiance. I figured none of them held any great love for me, and I couldn't blame them. As far as I know, only Esmeralda, Fernanda, and Gail were the only ones who wanted to spend any time in my company, and so they were the ones who graced my quarters each night over the following weeks.

Gail spent her nights with me alone, and that was good because she had the stamina of a girl half her age while I was feeling mine. Esmeralda and Fernanda were just as vigorous. However, they were also just as likely to share me, as part of their strangely pseudo-incestuous relationship between mother and daughter as they were to keep me to themselves for the night. Of the remaining women I now owned, only seventeen-year-old Alisha Schmidt showed any interest in coming to my bed. However, I put her off with promises of a glorious night she would never forget just as soon as she turned eighteen.

During those same weeks, despite cautioning my son that he should wait for the girls given him to come of age, he was quite eager to make them his and the girls seemed to mirror his sentiment passionately. All of them! From thirteen-year-old Bianca Schmidt to twenty-four-year-old Elsa Wolf, and so they all became his, starting with Ona the very night we brought them home. Very quickly afterward, Marisol organized a schedule where all six girls settled into an ordered cycle starting with Marisol after which came Ona and then Bianca. Then, as Nathan's wife, Marisol spent one more night with her husband followed by Elsa, Irma, and Louise filling out a seven-day week.

Aside from organizing our household, during our days over those next six weeks, Nathan and I made several trips to Kahlotus with all of the women and girls whereupon we exchanged Gail's car for the rest of the foodstuffs, the seeds for growing vegetables, herbs, and original corn grown by the Indians. We also collected more of the women's possessions left behind inside their homes or bedrooms until we could retrieve them. Also, with Nathan at my side, we took possession of the cows and sheep by using a horse trailer pulled behind my truck loaned to us by a Kahlotus citizen, a man by the name of Dan Taylor. Then we spent the next several weeks putting up fences in an adjacent ravine and building a sheep's pin. Everything was built below the ridge line so that nothing would stand out against the horizon line of the landscape. It was the same strategy I used in placing my windmills and solar panels.

From that point onward, Esmeralda organized all of the women and young girls into shifts for tending the sheep, milking the cows, farming the greenhouse, cleaning the domicile, keeping account of the food, and sharing the cooking which Esmeralda still held onto as part of her responsibilities. However, the largest project the forty-seven women took on was reorganizing the bedrooms of the bunker so that my concubines were roomed beside my bedroom and Nathan's were roomed beside his.

The domicile of the bunker was sectioned into three wings. The left side of the hallway, the right side of the hallway, and the T-bar section. Each section was capable of sleeping twenty souls. My room was the first room on the right wing, right beside the common area or living room. Nathan's room was on the far left side of the T-bar wing. And all of the young pregnant daughters of the older widows and the young mothers with children below the age of ten were housed in the children's quarters which was the left wing until I could decide on whose property they would become, Nathan's or mine. The rest of the children's wing was dedicated to the children already living with us and those who would soon be coming.

A week later, on another trip to Kahlotus, I acquired two handfuls of chickens, and Nathan and I made a pin for them. Again in the adjacent ravine. Then I left it for Esmeralda, with Helena's help to make adjustments to the women's shifts and add collecting eggs to girls' morning duties. With nearly fifty people ranging from the youngest being one year old to me being forty-eight, the work was not easy but neither was it especially hard.

As it turns out, Esmeralda and I found a great deal of help in the women we were given. Helena Schmidt, for example, had a master's degree in Animal Sciences. Barbara Stockwell, although a stay-at-home mother, had two bachelor's degrees; one in Agricultural Science, and one in Obstetrics, neither of which she ever used. Elizabeth Cuthord turned out to be a brilliant scientist focusing on crop production, plant science, soil chemistry, and sustainable agriculture. And, Heidi Koch and Gladys Bauer both were electronic engineers.

With so many brilliant and capable women, my job and Nathan's job, very quickly, was relegated to protection, hunting, gathering, and the more laborious maintenance of our home, the bunker. Yes, there were gender roles within my household, and with so many progressive females there was no end to the grumbling about it. However, when Irma and Frieda showed a keen interest and uncanny skill in mechanics, soldering, and welding, I taught them what I knew. When Francine and Louise excelled at electronics which governed the solar panels, the small wind turbines, and the battery stores, I pulled out all of the manuals I could find and taught them what I knew and then let them educate themselves. Then Heidi and Gladys, seeing that several of the girls had mechanical leanings, gathered up their books and mine and used my workshop as a classroom to further their education.

It didn't take long after that for the other women, including Esmeralda, to start holding classes of their own, educating the very young in reading, writing, and arithmetic while the older girls were educated in cooking, domestic home management, time management, gardening, animal husbandry, agricultural science, and computer science. Most of the boys were too young, many of them not even being weaned off their mother's breast milk yet. However, I started teaching some of the older girls and young women how to hunt and clean the animals we killed. Also, amidst all of the education and work, every woman and girl participated in helping the young mothers with all of the small children. I even spent time with every child so that they felt loved by not only their mothers and siblings but also by their adoptive father. It pleased me greatly and made me miss my children so much!

It was quite exceptional really that over the next month, I watched all of us grow together as a tribe, a community, and as a family. A very very large family!

In the meantime, over the next month and a half after Barbara came to live with us, she slowly recovered from starvation, dehydration, and the severe beatings and rape she experienced. She would never fully recover. She suffered nightmares almost every night before waking up and crying at the loss of her family. However, with time she too began to take on chores alongside all the other women.

It was at this time, six weeks later, that I was sitting in my room carefully pinning several new Titles and Certificates of Ownership when a woman stepped into my room and shut the door. Expecting it to be Esmeralda, Fernanda, or Gail, I was surprised to find flaxen-haired Barbara standing in my room in nothing but her skin. Her hair was still damp as if she had just come from bathing and I immediately noticed that her pussy and mons pubis were completely devoid of any flaxen hair.

Esmeralda and Fernanda had wasted no time in gently insisting that the other women conform to my personal preferences, and theirs, though it wasn't a hard sell. Most of the women had already been pubic hair removers until the fall of civilization and the end of disposable razors led to a massive regrowth of the unwanted hair. I must admit I do like a smooth pussy, though I must also admit I do find the groomed pubic mound to be very delightful as well. And, despite the irony and hypocrisy of me being a bearded man, I still would not kiss another man and so too I will not kiss my ladies' lips while they are still adorned with hair.

This had not been a problem with Eleanor since she liked a smooth pussy as well and had already been shaving since she was twelve well before she met me. Then, she tried chemical removal methods, electrolysis, waxing, and then laser removal with the final result being that she was finally, completely, and permanently denuded of her pubic hair.

Esmeralda, Fernanda, and Marisol, on the other hand, achieved the same result by some other method only known to them and their particular Mesoamerican tribe, and required only one ritualistic application. It had something to do with the chemical reaction of a tool made from a tree, the poison of a native thornbush, the venom from a spider, and some mixture of herbs that was then rubbed into the skin while plucking each pubic follicle. Whatever the chemistry or magic, the result was that a woman so treated never grew pubic hair again, and so, very quickly, all but a few of the women were denuded of all their pubic hair.

Some of the others kept pubic hair, but only on their pubic mounds then groomed and shaped into differing designs with Esmeralda and Fernanda's aid. Gail was the only woman who didn't need any treatment at all though I do think she enlisted Esmeralda's help in shaping and grooming her glossy black pubes that grew upon her mound.

Another custom that was quickly adopted since Esmeralda, Marisol, and Fernanda were excellent artists and tribal tattooists was tattoos in black, blue, green, and red ink. As the weeks passed the three beautiful Argentinian women fell deeper and deeper into their tribal beliefs and practices. I found this out one evening when both Esmeralda and Fernanda came to my room with new tattoos. The first was my sigil on their backs directly behind their hearts. Then a few days later they both had red sensuous line tattoos that started at their sternums and followed the undercurves of their breasts down and around and then back up the outside curve of their breasts before turning and disappearing beneath their armpits.

From that day on the three Argentinian women quit wearing shirts and blouses that would cover their tattoos. Then, a few days later, they quit wearing clothes altogether when a set of sensuously tattooed lines appeared on their lower bodies starting just to each side of the tops of the cameltoe slit of their outer labia and followed the curve of their bellies a thumb's width above the joining line where their abdomens met their thighs along the pelvis. The eighth-inch thick, red, sensuous lines then curved up to their hip flares before circling their waists and slowly arcing over to their Rhombus of Michaelis and curving down following their buttocks to end in V's on their tailbones. I'm not sure if the tattoos were tribal or just modern incarnations of something old or just something the women liked.

The last tattoo they surprised me with was a simple red eighth-inch line that spiraled out into a 2-inch circle that was positioned 1 inch above the slit of their vagina directly on their pubic mounds. So, needless to say, the tattoos were an instant hit, not that it mattered to Esmeralda. Since as far as she was concerned, it was part of the ritual of becoming my property and within a few weeks, every woman was completely denuded of their pubic hair and tattooed in the same manner as Esmeralda, Fernanda, and Marisol. And so, in the dim glow of the low-watt light bulb over my desk, I admired the opulent beauty Barbara had become in the last six weeks.

She had said her late husband named her his personal Barbie Doll, and he hadn't been far from wrong. Especially before she had children. Her flaxen hair was long and flowing and fell just below her shoulder blades. She had it parted on the side and pulled back behind her ears. Her eyebrows were a dark blonde, thick, and finely arched. Her face was square and she had a widow's peak. She had rich chocolate brown, almond-shaped eyes framed by long dark brown eyelashes. She had broad shoulders for a woman bespeaking an athletic build in her youth that had thickened and broadened with age and five children. Her breasts were very large. Very, very large. I hazard to estimate that they are 38 I-cups, and they sat upon her chest most marvelously. They met in two perfect hooks exactly dead center of her chest upon her sternum. From there they proceeded to curve down to the bottom of her ribs and the beginning of her abdomen then they curved back up her ribs and just under her armpits while the rest of her fine firm fatt flesh curved out over her biceps before sweeping back in giving them both an upside-down heart shape together and a teardrop shape individually. Her nipples were a little smaller than the size of my palms, and they stood straight out in front of her but tipped slightly upward. In profile, it was easier to see that her breasts were very bottom-heavy giving her excellent and very ample undercup, and it made her breasts sit on her chest like they were already held within a classic sheer lace bra with no padding and no need for it. It gave her breasts the appearance that they were two massive cones of soft, fleshy femininity.

Below Barbara's magnificent breasts, she possessed a femininely firm belly. There was no two-pack, four-pack, or six-pack. She had a slight indentation that led from her sternum to her navel, but otherwise, her belly had the common rounds and curves of a woman who was a normal housewife of forty years of age and with five children. However, she was naturally disposed to be slim and to gain weight mostly in her breasts, and I could see this in the natural slimness of her waist and belly. Then her waspish 28-inch waist flared out to broad well rounded hips and a large round buttocks measuring some 42 inches.

As I said before Barbara's build is an athletic one, so even though age and five children had broadened her hips considerably, they still were not as wide as her shoulders. No, most of the extra padding that would have gone on her hips went instead toward filling out the ample curves to her bottom giving her a capital-C profile. Of Barbara's buttocks, all I can say is that it is as fine a specimen of perfection as any other I have seen, though not as large or shaped exactly like that of my late Eleanor, or Esmeralda and her daughters. From there, Barbara had mile-long legs. It was easy to tell that her legs were a little longer than her torso, and while they were very shapely, they were also slim allowing her to have exquisite curves and a small thigh gap that I could have easily slipped my hand between.

As I took in Barbara's splendid beauty, she took a series of steps forward bringing herself right in front of me, and fell to her knees. One obvious difference between her and Esmeralda, Fernanda, and Gail, was that she had no tattoos.

"Jon!" She purred in honeyed tones, bespeaking her intentions, "Please! I beg you! Find my daughters. I will do anything. I will even give myself to you freely. I will become your property just as the other women are. I will be your slave girl. You can do with me as you wish. I have lost everything. Everything! There is nothing left for me in this life of mine except whatever meaning you give it other than my daughters. They are all I have left. So, please--PLEASE!--take me as one of your women with the promise that you will find my girls alive, or avenge them if they're dead!"

Turning to her I cupped her chin and tilted her face up so that I could look into her chocolate brown eyes. What I saw in her was a mixture of resignation for her lot in life, stoic resolve to do what she must to save her children, and a hope that I would save her by saving her daughters.

"You do not need to do this," I said softly, "You're a beautiful woman with much life and love to give, and many childbearing years yet. You could find a husband, and I will not turn you away because you are not mine!"