Madeleine's Glory

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The making of Madeleine Montgomery.
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I dedicate this story to the men I have dated in the past who in conversation asked, "I would love a daughter. But what if when she grows up I'm sexually attracted to her?"

I didn't have an answer for you then. I do now.

Do you know Madeleine?

Madeleine Montgomery was named after her wealthy aunt Madeleine (Maddy) Weber, little sister to Madeleine's father, Jamison. Aunt Maddy married a wealthy older man when she was just eighteen. Rumor had it he ceremoniously purchased her virginity when she was 18 and unintentionally fell in love with her. Now widowed in her forties, having never remarried and with no children of her own, Maddy started throwing her money and affection at her young niece and namesake, Madeleine.

Maddy bought Madeleine a BMW on her 16th birthday. "Madeleine doesn't even have a driver's license yet!" Her mother objected. "She will if she wants to drive her BMW." Her father replied jokingly. As per usual Madeleine's mother was not amused.

On her 18th birthday Aunt Maddy bought Madeleine a house as a graduation gift. "And who's going to pay the bills? The maintenance? The property tax?" Her mother objected. "Oh let me guess, perfect little aunt Maddy."

"Why does mom hate aunt Maddy so much?" Madeleine asked her father.

"Because she's beautiful and wealthy. Because she spoils you. Because you love her and I adore her." Her father replied.

"But she's your sister. My aunt. We're family. Mom's just crazy." Madeleine rolled her eyes.

"Mom is crazy." Her father quietly echoed.

Madeleine Kissed her father on the head the same way she's kissed him since she was little. She grabbed his head with both hands and kissed his forehead, two quick pecks and one lingering kiss.

Her mother's horrible attitude towards Maddy was all it took for Madeleine to spend more time with her generous aunt and less time with her mother.

Why couldn't her mother just be nice, Madaliene wondered.

Aunt Maddy took Madeleine to expensive restaurants, shopping sprees at high end clothing stores, furniture stores, and trips halfway around the world. It wasn't about the money, for Madeleine. Her aunt was well read, well traveled. She was sophisticated, funny, and never lost her temper in a mean hateful way, unlike her mother. Madeleine felt like she had much to learn from her aunt. Her mother wasn't a role model. All Madeleine learned from her was what not to become when she grew up. Why have a wonderful handsome husband, a beautiful house, money in the bank, if you're just going to be miserable and boring?

"Aunt Maddy? How did you really meet uncle Karl?" Madeleine asked her aunt over tea.

"You know, sweetheart. We met at a luncheon."

"Yes but what kind of luncheon?" Madeleine pressed fidgeting with her napkin.

"You mean, did we meet in a secret back room where we ate sushi off the bare breasts of naked tattooed women?" aunt Maddy teased.

"No! I mean. It's just. Mom says... " Madeleine wasn't sure how to approach the subject.

"What does mom say?" Aunt Maddy pressed knowing perfectly well what her sister-in-law thought of her.

"Mom says you met uncle Karl... working as an escort." Madeleine whispered the word "escort". She didn't want the other ladies in the tea room to hear.

Aunt Maddy laughed and shook her head. "No my darling, it was a Rolls Royce auto club luncheon. My girlfriend's parents belonged to it. They invited me along one day. Karl collected those silly cars, you know."

"Well... Why does my mom think that you..." Her words trailed off.

"Your mother just hates me, that's all, my love. Hatred and jealousy breeds childish games and gossip."

"So uncle Karl didn't pay for you?" Madeleine whispered.

"Oh no, he did. He paid me a lot of money. That part your mother got right at least. A disgusting amount of money. Your father knows all about it. He called me a brilliant businesswoman."

"Wow! So... how? I mean. How did it even come up? The money? And how much money are we talking about here?"

Who knows why, maybe because aunt Maddy knew her sister-in-law hated her so much, or maybe because she decided Madeleine was old enough, sophisticated enough to understand, whatever the reason, aunt Maddy told her niece the story of how she and Karl met at that luncheon and made their first paidvsexual arrangement.

"Karl was almost 70 when we met. He made his money helping to create a sort of 3M for Germany. A widower. His son was grown with his own family. Karl wanted to retire but he was alone. All he had now was work. What would he do once he retired?"

"He would be very lonely." Madeleine sympathized.

"Most men who lose their wives, especially at that age, don't just seek companionship. They need companionship to live. People are so judgmental, like your mom. Just wait until they get old and god forbid end up alone. No offense but Karl wasn't about to end up a lonely old cat lady. If something were to ever, god forbid, happen to your mother would you want your father to be alone?"

"No, of course not."

"And what if he met an eighteen year old woman? What if he fell madly in love and married her?"

Madaliene thought seriously on the question. Moments later Madaliene replied, "I would want my dad to be happy. As long as he was happy and safe, that's all I want for him."

Maddy looked respectfully at her niece. "You're a very kind young woman. I'm proud to be your aunt."

Madeline blushed. She truly loved her aunt.

"Karl's son was not so kind." Aunt Maddy continued to say. "He and that miserable wife of his called me all sorts of names. Gold digger. Whore. Karl was not the old man they thought him to be. Karl was fit, full of energy. He was an adventurous man. Zero problems in the bedroom. And I mean zero. He showed me worlds I never could have imagined. Isn't it funny how children call women gold diggers when it was the father who propositioned her to begin with? But they never have a derogatory name to call the father. Oh no."

"Because fathers have all the money. And the children want their inheritance."

"No, the children think they're entitled to it. I never prevented Karl from being generous with his son's family. I never said a single word about his relationship with him. But do you know how many times his son invited Karl, just Karl, over for dinner during the twenty years I was with him? Not once. Karl always had to be the one to extend an invitation to his son's family. Karl never received a single invitation from his son. Not one. And it broke Karl's heart."

"Did you love him?" Madeleine asked.

"Not at first. But love grew. So we did things a little backwards. So what? We had a healthy sexual relationship first and then fell in love. Maybe that's the way it ought to be?"

"But he... Uncle Karl... paid you." Madeleine whispered.

Maddy leaned in close to her niece. She wanted her niece to fully absorb what she was about to say. "Let me tell you something. Before your dad met your mom, he was spending a lot of time and money on young women who I judged to be unsuitable wife material. I know! I know. Who am I to judge? But that's my brother, see. We hash people who go against the grain of propriety when another person's relationship might affect us. Because we're selfish. We're hypocrites. We're hypocrites and we're selfish. We want the world to be proper and perfect but only when it suits us. There are many different types of relationships. And who cares if all are consenting adults."

Maddy affectionately brushed the end of her niece's nose with her index finger. What a beautiful girl, she thought.

"He liked that I was young." Aunt Maddy continued to say. "Old men like young women. She's his fountain of youth, see. Karl could have had any one of those women at the luncheon, married women, divorced, widowed, but he wanted young, to feel young. And I was curious."

"And so he said what? Or did you make the first move?"

"He said he wanted to take me out to dinner. That old man wanted to take me out to dinner. Ha! Too funny. But I can feed myself, I said. How about a condo, he generically counter offered. I already have an apartment, I said. Why rent when you can own, he solicited. I'm too young to settle down, I informed. I'm far too busy being young and irresponsible, I playfully say. Me too, he replied. To which we both laughed. Hahaha! Well maybe I can help you pay for that apartment, he says. And then we go back and forth until he offers me a ridiculous amount of money. To which I ask, and just how much would you give me if I were a virgin?"

"And that's how it started?" Madeleine asked, completely hypnotized.

"And that's how it started."

"Weren't you scared he would get all Ted Bundy once you were alone with him?" Madeleine asked.

"No. I had a good feeling about him. He was very generous right from the start. But times were different twenty years ago. I wouldn't do that now. Not with some random stranger."

"With someone you know. Someone you trust." Madeleine agreed.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Aunt Maddy asked.

"No. I date. But there's no one special."

Aunt Maddy looked at her niece in a gentle yet serious way. "Are you a virgin?" Aunt Maddy playfully asked her.

Madeleine nervously giggled then replied, "Yes" in a child-like whisper, completely embarrassed.

Maddy was initially shocked, but then took into account that most people spend more time behind their computer screens these days than actually meeting face to face. Of course there could be another reason why she was still a virgin.

"Do you like boys?" Aunt Maddy asked.

"I do. But..." Madeleine hesitated to finish her thought.

"But what?" Aunt Maddy encouraged.

"I want my first time to be with a man. Not some boy. A man. Confident. Experienced. Strong arms. Someone like... well... my dad." Madeleine nervously admitted.

"Your dad is very handsome." Maddy confirmed.

"Very handsome." Madeleine sighed. "Is that weird that I think my dad attractive?"

"Not at all, sweetheart." Maddy affectionately replied. She recalled her early sexual encounters with Karl before they married. He loved it when she called him "daddy" in bed. Though a legal adult, Karl wanted Maddy to roleplay his daughter as in real life. His very naughty filthy daughter who loved to fuck. White ruffled little panties. Babydoll dresses. Daddy's special little slut. "Mmm yes daddy. Eat my pussy daddy. Fuck me daddy. Harder daddy!" When Maddy inherited millions from her late husband she bought a second house designed for adult playing. When they were first married Karl had taken Maddy to sex clubs around the world. He dressed her up as a schoolgirl, as a cheerleader, as a shy innocent, in pretty little dresses and knee high socks. Karl introduced Maddy to all his male friends as his daughter just before they all took turns sexually pleasuring her. Maddy loved it. She was hooked to this lifestyle immediately. There was no going back. After Karl died Maddy still wanted to play. She bought another house specifically for hosting parties. She acquired adult roleplay "daughters" of her own.

After a few more afternoons of shopping and lunches, Aunt Maddy asked Madeleine if she could keep a secret.

"Of course Aunt Maddy." Madeleine said excitedly.

"There's something I want to show you. But... I don't know." Maddy teased.

"I can keep a secret! I swear!" Madeleine begged.

"Okay. Let's go. But this is just between us. You swore. No telling your mother. Understand?"

"Understood!" As if Madeleine would ever tell her mom anything.

Aunt Maddy took her niece to the posh second house hidden in the hills. Most of the furniture in the playhouse came from the home Maddy shared with Karl. Maddy renovated their home with all new furniture after Karl died. It kept her busy. Distracted. But she didn't have the heart to throw out the old furniture. For all the love Karl's son pined for his father, strangely he didn't want anything from his childhood home. Nothing. Maddy opened her home to Karl's son and told him to take everything he wanted. But the only thing Karl's son wanted was the money. Every single penny. he didn't even take the cars. All he wanted was the money. The courts however saw differently. Maddy and Karl had been married for twenty years. No prenup.

Much like Karl's Rolls-Royce collection, his furniture was also lavish, Victorian and Baroque. Surroundings designed for a King. Perfect ambiance for a high end sex club, Maddy thought. It didn't take long for her playhouse to become a deviant sanctuary for all consenting adults. Every sexual fetish was welcome on their designated nights. Maddy planned each room with purposeful intent. One room in particular was designed specifically for cagey hidden encounters. On one wall were perfectly chasmed rounded wall slots the size of baseballs. During the day full length mirrors covered these wall holes. But tonight Maddy removed the mirrors for two very special guests. A well known male guest on one side of the wall, and her beloved niece on the other. Maddy moved the full length mirror away from the wall. Behind the mirror was a perfect golden circle. A skilled hole framed in gold.

"What is it?" Madaliene asked, peeking through the hole. "Is it for peeping?"

"It can be. Yes. But would it shock you to learn that once upon a time men would stick their things through the hole for whomever was on this end to play with it. Stroke it. Kiss it. Lick it. Put it in their mouths and suck on it?"

"No!" Madeline gasped and quickly stood back up. "Men would stick their things through there?!"

"Yes!" Aunt Maddy laughed. "It was called a glory hole. Young adults today probably call it something else"

"What if it was all, you know, gross looking?"

"I don't know about other places but here nothing is gross looking. I simply wouldn't allow it." Maddy assured.

Maddy let her niece examine the hole more closely. After a few minutes passed Maddy asked her niece, "Would you like to see what this hole is used for, right now?"

"Yes!" The answer is yes. Blood rushed to Madeleine's face. Her ears began to ring. Her heart raced.

Maddy poured her niece a glass of wine. "Here. Sit. Drink." She instructed. "Relax. I'll be right back."

Madeleine accepted the glass of wine and sipped it. A calm flowed through her body. She continued to sip slowly. Maddy returned to the room and poured herself a drink." Are you ready my dear?" She asked.

Madeleine nodded yes. she was more than ready.

Maddy knocked on the wall three times and took a seat beside her niece. Within seconds a beautiful shaved thick penis made way through the hole, flacid. Madeleine gasped. It was the first time seeing a grown man's shaft up close and in person. Nervous as she was, Madeleine had an overwhelming desire to touch it, play with it. Perhaps it was the wine but the fact this man had submitted himself in such a blindly trusting way was very empowering.

"Go ahead." Maddy encouraged her niece. "Touch it. Play with it. Bring your wine. I'll give you some privacy. Take your time. If you begin to feel the slightest bit uncomfortable simply leave the room. I'll be right outside if you need me, sweetheart."

Maddy stood up, paused a moment in case Madeleine wanted her to stay. But since her niece made no such request Maddy smiled at her darling namesake and left the room.

Madeleine could not take her eyes off the gorgeous member now sticking through the hole. She slowly and quietly made way to the glory hole. After a few more sips of wine she ran her finger tips down the length of the shaft. The man on the other side of the wall deeply inhaled. The flaccid penis stiffined. Encouraged, Madeleine ran her finger tips up and down the shaft again until it was fully erect. She held the shaft in her hand and took a sip of wine. Instinctively Madeleine gave the shaft a soft firm stroke. The man on the other side of the wall moaned then cleared his throat. Madeleine continued to stroke the shaft. Her hands looked so small wrapped around this man"s thick cock. She fantasized what it would feel like if he was on top of her, losing her virginity to him. Her girlfriends had all lost their virginities alfready. Madeleine had plenty of time to think about it. She wanted to be taken, held down, deflowered, stretched out. But when she fantasized about it, the man on top of her was none other than her father.

Madeleine had many sexual fantasies about her handsome father. When she undressed, it was him undressing her. When she touched herself it was him touching her, kissing her. When she laid down on the bed, it was her father laying her down on the bed, spreading her legs open.

The man with his shaft through the hole was very hung. Madeleine pretended it was her father. She stroked and jerked the shaft like she and her girlfriends talked about. With every deep moan and sensual sigh coming from the other side of the wall, Madeleine swore she knew the timbre of his voice. It sounded like her father. But it couldn't be. It just couldn't be. Could it? Maybe she wanted her father so badly, in her mind it was him. Madeleine kneeled down in front of the shaft. She kissed it, licked the head of it a few times then popped it in her mouth. This made the man on the other side of the wall moan. Slowly she slid the shaft deeper in her mouth and tried mimicking the girls in the adult movies. They made it look so easy. Madeleine gagged hard on his erection. She made every effort to take it all into her mouth letting it slide to the back of her throat. She gagged hard but the man seemed to like it.

Do you like that, daddy? Do you like hearing your daughter gag on your cock? Madeleine fantasized. She repeatedly kept gagging on his shaft but she didn't stop. She accepted the challenge of taking this hung cock in her mouth. And if it was her father on the other side of the wall she wanted him to know how eager his daughter was to perfect deep throating him. Madeleine took turns stroking the shaft with her mouth and then with her hands. Her head swirled, her body was on fire, it all felt so natural. Why had she waited so long to touch a man this way? Moments later the man's balls tightened. She knew in this situation where he would want to cum and quickly put his cock back in her mouth. The man punched the wall with his fist, and came, hard. He moaned and grunted to spasms of cum unloading in Madeleine's mouth.

If her aunt Maddy had arranged a safe discreet tryst with her father, it was better than the car, the house, the vacations, and all the shopping sprees in the world. It was better than anything money could buy. Before he had a chance to remove his sticky flaccid penis from the hole, Madeleine held it with both hands and affectionately kissed it goodbye in the same way she kissed her father's forehead good night. Two quick pecks, one lingering kiss.

On the other side of the wall Madeleine's father smiled and dressed himself.

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Candi_SwallowsCandi_Swallowsabout 1 year ago

This needs a continuation of the story! The sexual awakening of the daughter by her father & her Aunt! Love the aunt, love the writing.

MisterGordonslittlegirlMisterGordonslittlegirlover 1 year agoAuthor

Cageysea9725 is a creepy stalker.

MisterGordonslittlegirlMisterGordonslittlegirlover 1 year agoAuthor

Ok lets read your writings then. Oh, you don't have any? Shocking. 🤭😆

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved it.

cageysea9725cageysea9725over 1 year ago

You have a million miles to walk before you can consider yourself in the same building as a writer, let alone even an imagined relationship. You write as you please, which is badly. Writing badly isn't writing, it's typing. You type.

MisterGordonslittlegirlMisterGordonslittlegirlover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you Dewey. Yes Anonymous, Aunt Maddy is an interesting lady and leader in the coming of age sexual revolution. I write. As. I please. Charles Bukowsky is my late word-husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well done! Definitely needs more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago
Please continue.

They really need to get together. And make love.

Thor69269Thor69269over 1 year ago

Great start. Can't wait for next part. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Would like to see this continued

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

That. Was. Awesome! Please do continue.

Dewey Cheatham

cageysea9725cageysea9725over 1 year ago

Learn how to write correctly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Interesting. There's a lot to Aunt Maddy; maybe something with Madeleine's father?

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