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The end of the term was rapidly approaching, and while Maddie, Rosa and I should have been concentrating on our studies and preparing for our finals, we were far more concerned about how we would go about capturing one of our sinfully delightful threesomes on film. It wasn't going to be easy unless we switched back and forth between who was filming and only shot two of us on tape at once.

Saying it like that makes us sound kind of humorous, right? I mean, most people in our shoes would be focusing on their classes and putting in the time and effort to do the studying for final exams, but here we were, worried far more about shooting a homemade porno instead of academia. I'm not going to say I was ashamed in any way, though. Hell, what guy in his right mind would care more about a history exam when he could be thinking about sowing his seed all over two gorgeous women at once? Screw the schoolwork...I wanted to concentrate all of my attention on what mattered in life and uncover a creative way to make the idea we had for our dirty movie into a reality.

With less than two weeks left of class, we finally devised a plan that we thought would work. We scripted a short plot and decided we'd film our naughty behavior like a documentary. Rosa would be behind the camera the most, but we would switch back and forth in order to obtain as many perspectives as possible. We also wanted to treat it like a "real" event. While our previous videos had been treated like Maddie and I didn't know the camera was there, this flick would be different since there would be no imaginary line between us and our "audience." We wouldn't be breaking the fourth wall by talking to the camera because we'd be well aware of its existence. It would be similar to a reality show, but actually real...and no disrespect meant to anyone who enjoys such shows.

As with most of our mischievous flicks, we took an entire afternoon and evening to shoot the movie. We started out simple: Rosalind filmed Maddie and I walking down the hallway of the girls' dorms toward the blonde woman's room at the far end, and partway through, she turned the camera toward herself so she could smile and wave. We then continued our march in glee since we knew what awaited upon entering the room.

From there, it was hours of all out action as Rosa enjoyed two orgasms and Maddie and I each reveled in one as we shot quite possibly the greatest amateur porn flick of all time. I think our cinematic masterpiece could've won quite a few awards due to our adroit performances. Hell, if we had been willing to show our production to others, I dare say we would've each been offered contracts to join the adult industry...but of course, our dirty movie was something we were strictly keeping between the three of us. It was for our eyes only.

We didn't tell other people about what we had been doing, but I know my roommates were slightly suspicious and knew that something "odd" was going on. They noticed that my skin had tiny scratches here and there from where the girls had passionately clawed me, but when they asked about them, my only answer was a smile. I proudly wore those tiny scars as a badges of honor earned by inflicting satisfaction on two of the most stunning women I had the pleasure of knowing.

After Rosa did a little editing, the three of us decided to sit down one night and cuddle up together while watching the masterwork of film in Maddie's room. We went all out and had popcorn and sodas at the ready as I sat between the girls with my heart racing. It was one thing to watch myself bang two of the most beautiful women I had ever seen on film, but I knew as the movie progressed, the chances were fairly decent that a little real action would begin to unfold...

Both Rosalind and Madelyne latched onto my arms as our homemade production started. The three of us watched as our past selves exuberantly made our way down the hallway to the destination where the magic would happen. I popped a piece of popcorn in my mouth and saw the beautiful Rosa appear on screen as she turned the camera to catch a shot of herself...and as she waved, I noticed something else that I hadn't seen before.

At the opposite end of the hallway, a man in a suit stood watching the three of us as we made our way toward the blonde woman's room.

"Whoa," I spoke up as I sat forward and nearly knocked the bucket of popcorn on my lap over. "Did either of you see that?"

"See what?" Maddie asked. "How hot Rosa looked that day?" She then smiled as she leaned across me so she could reach over and tap the blonde to my left. "You were looking gorgeous, Rosa!"

"Thank you," the blue-eyed beauty said with a hint of embarrassment in her voice. She was appreciative of the compliment.

I felt like an ass for ruining the moment, but I asked who had the remote and if we could rewind the scene. Maddie didn't seem to think that what I had noticed was a big deal, but she did as I asked and replayed the opening of our movie. I hastily told her to pause it when the man popped up again. "There!"

"What of it?" Madelyne asked since the man was barely visible behind Rosa. Since he was at the far end of the hallway just standing there, she didn't think much of him. "It's just a guy in a suit."

Unsure of how to air my grievances, I finally asked, "Doesn't that strike you as kind of...weird?"

Maddie shrugged while saying, "So the guy's a little dressed up. What's the big deal with that?"

"Maybe he was taking one of the other girls out for a date or something," Rosalind chimed in.

I turned my attention back to the paused scene. Even though he stood a good distance behind the smiling and waving Rosa, it was plain as day that he was staring right at us. My female cohorts may have thought the odd figure was nothing more than a visitor to the dormitory, but I was convinced that he was something more.

It suddenly hit me that this wasn't the first time I had seen the man.

I racked my brain trying to recall where I had seen the man as Maddie started the video back up. She was obviously feeling randy and wanted to see the action begin, and even the innocent blonde to my left made a few comments about looking forward to particular scenes. I didn't want to interrupt the women's merriment, so I kept my mouth shut as the video continued.

I hate to be that guy, but the entire time the movie was rolling, all I could think about was the damn stranger in the suit. My mind should've been on the hot, uncontrolled intimacy going on in front of me, but that stupid bastard in the fancy getup was first and foremost on my mind. He was definitely ruining the moment for me.

Maddie suddenly waved a hand as she announced, "Oh! Here's the part where Marcus titty bangs me!"

Rosa seemed somewhat down as she replied in a low voice, "I wish I had breasts for him to do that to me."

I felt bad for not responding since I was sure the blonde beauty was fishing for a little validation, but I was so lost in thought that I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings. I'm not sure why it took me so damn long, but I had finally realized where I had seen the man before.

I jumped off the bed and started pacing as I announced, "On the campus grounds! Between Emry and Pruitt Halls! That's where I saw him!"

Both women exchanged glances before Maddie looked right at me and informed me, "You should sit back down. I was just about to dig your cock out and give you a blowjob like nothing you've ever experienced before."

Again, I felt horrible for blowing Maddie's words off this time, but I was fixated on figuring out what was going on. "That's not the only time I saw him, though! There was also a time recently when I was standing in my kitchen looking out the window and I saw this black car drive by..."

"Who are you talking about, Marcus?" Rosa asked. She went back about ten minutes in time as she queried, "Is this about the man you saw in the video?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed. I directed my next comment as the beauteous blonde as I told her, "And as crazy as this sounds, I saw him last year also! But it wasn't was back in our hometown!"

Maddie let out a sound similar to a grunt as she flatly said, "The fact that you can remember spotting a guy one time and remembering his face all this time later is nothing short of remarkable...but did it have to be now? I was just getting turned on..."

I stormed back over to the bed and tried to convince my female companions that there was something more going on. "Don't you two see? I think this guy is...spying on me!"

Rosa had a mild look of concern on her face, but Madelyne simply laughed it off as she giggled, "Oh, come on, Marcus! Plenty of professors around here wear suits! Maybe the guy just looked similar but was someone completely different on all those occasions! Maybe you're mixing him up with someone else..."

I turned my attention to my blonde friend as the look on my face showed just how serious I had become. "Rosa, I'm not going to pretend to know much about how you're able to edit and manipulate film, but if we were to rewind the tape to the beginning, could you zoom in on the man..."

"Are you kidding me, Marcus?" Maddie interrupted. "You're watching a hot-ass tape of two women fucking the shit out of you, but you're more concerned about rewinding so you can scope out some guy in a suit?"

Rosalind tried to take my side as she glanced over at our silver-haired friend and told her, "It would only take a few minutes, Maddie..."

"Whatever," the horned-up starlet groaned as she pushed herself off the bed. She made her way to the door of her dorm room as she told us, "I'm going to run over to the cafeteria and see if they have any of those strawberry milkshakes left. You two do what you have to do, but don't watch any of the gooey scenes without me." She then left us alone.

My eyes went to those of Rosa as I did my best to smile and thank her for her help. She told me it was no trouble as we rewound the tape and started it over. On the VCR we were using, she wasn't able to do as I asked, but just before she went to pause it, I made a comment about a detail I recalled about the man...and when she did manage to freeze the frame, I'm pretty sure she let out a small gasp due to what I had pointed out.

There was a small scar on his right cheek, and although it was hard to see due to the videocassette quality, it was certainly there.

Rosa covered her mouth with a hand. Much like myself, she was no longer riled up about the rest of the video because she was more focused on the mysterious individual we had picked up on our footage. She visibly trembled as she asked me, "Marcus, who do you think that man is?"

I shook my head as I replied, "I have no idea. Honestly, I wouldn't have even remembered him if not for the scar. I guess it was just a noticeable feature, and when I saw him earlier this spring, it didn't even occur to me that I saw him last year."

"Where and when last year?" Rosa inquired with concern in her voice.

I scratched the back of my head as I responded, "Do you remember a girl who was a year younger than us named Harley May?"

Rosalind nodded. "Yes. She was a sweetheart. Quiet girl who wore glasses. Blonde...and very pretty."

"She's the one," I said. "Anyway, last year, Harley and I...went on a few dates. I took her to a movie one night and we noticed this creepy guy in a suit sitting not far from us. Harley kept pointing out how he kept staring at me all throughout the movie, but every time I looked over at him, he would look away."

"And this is the same man?" Rosa asked with dread in her voice. "The same man who had a scar?"

"Same guy," I muttered as I faced the paused TV screen once again. I studied the man standing behind my blonde friend as I tried to understand why he was there.

"Marcus, this is kind of creepy. Maybe you should tell someone about this. Maybe you should go to the dean..."

"What could he do, Rosa?" I inadvertently cut the blue-eyed woman off. "It's not like this guy has done anything to me. He hasn't attacked me, approached me...hell, he hasn't even spoken to me!"

"That doesn't matter," Rosa voiced her opinion. "The fact that he's been spying on you the last couple of months is off-putting enough, but for him to be doing the same last year in a completely different city..."

I hadn't really thought about it until Rosa mentioned it. It was one thing to have him following me around on the campus, but to know where I actually hailed from...

"This could all be a strange coincidence," the beautiful blonde then broke into my thoughts, "But for the time being, I think it would be safer if you maybe crashed with Madelyne or I."

I smiled since I thought the offer was sweet, but there was no way I could jeopardize either of the wonderful women. "I appreciate the kindness, Rosa, but I think I'll be okay at home. I have both Justin and J-Bone back at the house we're renting, so it's not like I'm alone. And besides, I could never put you or Maddie in any kind of danger. I would never forgive myself if something happened to either one of you."

Rosalind tried to smile in return as she hugged her arms across her chest. It looked like she had just become very cold, so I stepped over and hugged her to warm her up.

"I'll be all right," I told my blonde friend. "You're probably right: This could just be one big coincidence and is probably just my overactive imagination playing tricks on me." I did my best to laugh as I added, "With all those fantasy stories I like to write, I've probably just created some boogeyman I'm not even aware of!"

Rosa laughed as she returned my hug.

I hadn't given it much thought before, but it finally dawned on me that my blonde friend may have thought the man could have also been stalking both her and Maddie. I decided to out her at ease by saying, "I'm just glad he only seems to be interested in me!"

Rosalind tried to maintain a semblance of positivity as she glanced up into my eyes and suggested, "Maybe we should join Madelyne for one of those milkshakes. What do you say?"

"I think that sounds great."

* * *

Even though it was getting late, the cafeteria was abuzz with activity. Many of the students gathered around the tables had decided it would be nice to grab a bite to eat in between studying for finals, and some of them even brought along their books and were quizzing each other at the tables. It was almost nice to know that there were actually some students taking their studies seriously in this day and age.

Normally, I would've counted myself amongst the other young men and women who valued their education and wanted to make something of themselves, but that ship had long since sailed. Sure, I still wanted to have a bright future, but as I so ardently pointed out earlier in this tale, I had only wanted to attend college to learn about the lifestyle so I could include such details in the stories I wrote...and I had done that in spades thanks to Maddie and Rosa. I learned things I had never dreamt possible thanks to the two of them.

It didn't take long for Rosalind and I to locate Madelyne. We each had a vanilla milkshake in our hands when we found her chatting with a few other females toward one of the wide entries to the cafeteria. Upon making our way over to her, I could see a few of her friends looking in my direction and flashing me some wide smiles. I wondered what exactly the silver-haired fox had told them, but decided it wasn't important.

"Hey, you two!" Maddie energetically announced as we made our way closer to her. "I wasn't expecting you guys! Decided you needed a little snack?"

"Yeah," I answered for both of us. I didn't want to interrupt Madelyne, so I pointed to a table in the distance and told her, "We'll be over there if you want to join us when you're done talking."

"Sounds good," Maddie responded. "I'll finish up here and be right over."

"Oooh, 'finish up!'" One of Madelyne's friends replied in a playful voice. "Bet you'll do that with him later! Lucky you, Madelyne!"

I hadn't always been the most observant guy growing up, but the more I was around the fairer sex, the more I picked up on. As Rosa and I made our way toward the table I had pointed out, I did my best to hide my smile from her...because even though I would never do anything with any of Maddie's friends, I was well aware that my silver-haired compeer had probably shared a few things about me. I won't lie: Knowing that she had more than likely told her friends how formidable I was in the sack was a huge boost to my ego.

When we reached the table, I pulled out a chair and offered it to Rosa. She thanked me while having a seat. I then pulled out the chair directly to her right and sat next to her.

The two of us sat there and talked while enjoying our milkshakes for only about two minutes until we suddenly heard a commotion behind us...and when I turned around to see what it was all about, I was absolutely horrified.

Rosa had been talking to me and I was captivated by what she had to say, but I couldn't help but pick up on a burly voice a few feet away from us suddenly taunting, "Have a nice 'trip,' midget!" Shortly after the proclamation, the loud clatter we had heard had us both turning our heads.

A big ox of a jock had apparently taken note of Maddie walking by his table...and then stuck his foot out and tripped her. He had all of his cohorts in an uproar as they laughed at my shorter friend, but thankfully, not everyone in the cafeteria was as primitive.

A few girls who had been close to the incident made their way over to check on Madelyne and make sure she was all right, and Rosa and I quickly joined them as our silver-haired compeer told us she was fine. She was obviously more embarrassed than anything, and she was quick to point out that she wanted to go back to her dorm. Rosalind completely understood, and she placed a hand on Maddie's back to help her along. I'm fairly certain my blonde friend turned to see where I was...but what met her eyes wasn't at all what she had been expecting.

As the large lummox howled in delight at the pain he had caused, I suddenly saw red. I was not a violent person by nature, nor did I enjoy seeing pain inflicted upon others. I wasn't the type to throw myself into any kind of scuffle, and I had always believed that most disagreements could be solved with words. However, when I saw the hurt in Maddie's eyes when she had been helped to her feet, something deep inside of me abrasively snapped...and as I just stated, I saw only red when I eyed the cloddish oaf who had taken such joy in tripping my friend and making a spectacle out of her humiliation.

I don't think anybody in that cafeteria - whether they knew me or not - saw my next action coming. Somehow, I lunged across the area and grabbed the offender's head with a handful of hair...and slammed his face down into the plate of food in front of him. I'm not an overly large man by any stretch of the imagination - and it was a sure bet that the fellow student I was attacking had a good sixty or seventy pounds on me - but I threw caution to the wind as I didn't even think about him retaliating. Had he managed to get his hands on me, he more than likely would've broken me in half...but I wasn't going to allow that to happen.

As a stunned crowd watched on, I smashed his face down again...and again...and again. I must've driven that oversized noggin down a good six or seven times before finally releasing my hold on him, and when I snapped back to reality and finally looked around, I was met by a sea of astonished eyes. I believe some of the students gazing directly at me were genuinely impressed...while others were repulsed and even showed signs of fear. If an unsuspecting student like myself could so easily snap...