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I'm not trying to condone what happened and say that I was in the right since college was indeed a time for experimentation with most people, but I was honestly beginning to think that Madelyne was a lot kinkier than I ever gave her credit for. We had never decided on becoming an actual item at any point, and as weird as it was for me to admit, I guess we were free to see other people if we wanted to. I wasn't the kind of guy to go behind a woman's back if I was being intimate with her, but Rosa returning to my life after a two-year absence had done something to me. Every synapse in my body had been on fire since she had walked through that dorm room door and presented herself to me again.

"I...I should probably go!"

"Rosa!" I reached for the blonde angel as she flew to her feet. I managed to snag one of her wrists as I told her, "I hope I didn't offend you in any way! I didn't mean to..."

"You didn't do anything wrong, Marcus! I..."

I released my hold on Rosalind since I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. I felt like all the weirdness that had just occurred was my fault.

Rosa gathered her equipment as I sprang to my feet and tried to find my clothes. I was able to find my shirt and jeans, but I wasn't sure where my boxers had ended up. I decided to put my pants on without them so I could try to prevent Rosalind from leaving without having my privates flopping about.

"Rosa!" I called out again as I pulled my shirt on. "Please, just give me a chance to explain myself..."

"You have nothing to explain!" The embarrassed woman told me as she decided to leave a few of her minor pieces of equipment behind. "I...I need to go!"

As much as it hurt, I chose in that moment to not stop her. I didn't want to pressure Rosa into anything that was going to make her feel awkward. Instead of begging her to stay with me so we could talk through things, I painstakingly let her leave the room...just as I let her leave my life nearly two years earlier.

* * *

Twenty minutes came and went, and as I watched some television in Madelyne's room, it ended up being about an hour and a half until she finally returned. I think she was a little disappointed to see that Rosa was gone since that meant we wouldn't be finishing our video, and I think she was even more disappointed to see that I was fully clothed. If I'm being completely honest, I think the thing that had her the most disconcerted was the fact that Rosalind and I weren't making out or doing anything naughty...and I can't deny that I was a little let down since that wasn't the case either.

Well, I won't lie about what happened next: Maddie and I ripped each other's clothes off and tore one off. I had considered jerking my dirty thoughts off into her trash receptacle and leaving earlier since I thought she'd be studying with her friends longer than expected, but I hadn't wanted to up and leave her. We had an amazing roll in the hay before saying goodnight to each other. I left after giving her a kiss on the forehead and pulling her door shut behind me.

Taking a right down the hallway from her dorm room would take me to the stairs that exited the building...but taking a left would take me down a few rooms to a door marked 2H...which belonged to none other than the radiantly beautiful Rosalind. I don't know what was going on in my head, but I told myself I had to go down and pay her a visit before I left. I certainly didn't want to annoy her, but I needed to talk to her.

My legs felt like lead as I made my way past 2E and 2F. As I slowly approached 2G, I started to heavily reconsider turning back around and leaving. I kept trying to convince myself that Rosa wanted nothing to do with me, but I recalled the passion and intensity behind the kisses she had given me nearly two and a half hours earlier. Affection like that couldn't be faked, and I felt that we needed to discuss it.

Since it was getting late, there wasn't a whole lot of activity in the girls' dorms. I had told myself if one happened to pass me in the hallway on my way to Rosa's, I would acknowledge it as a sign and turn to leave. No such thing happened, though. The corridor was as silent as a wise man surrounded by fools. If I had dropped a coin to the floor, I wouldn't have doubted seeing one or two of the doors open in the hallway to reveal a few girls telling me to keep it down.

When I finally reached 2H, I stood before the door and stared at it for the longest time. I contemplated everything that could happen if I rapped upon it, and I thought about all the things that could go wrong...but I also considered all the positives. Perhaps if we had a nice, long conversation, we could work a few things out...

As I stood in front of the thick, wooden portal, I realized that I could hear something coming from within the room...and it was something I hadn't been expecting.

I could hear a woman squealing in sensual delight, and as I listened a little closer, I could hear a man grunting as he wailed away. I was shocked to say the least, but as I placed my left ear closer to the door, I realized that there was another low moan...coming from a second woman. I couldn't believe what kind of noises were emanating from Rosa's room, and I never once considered what any other females in the dormitory would think if they happened to walk by and see me eavesdropping on the thin blonde's room with an ear pressed to the door.

Like a true creeper, I continued to listen in on everything going on until I heard a few voices...and finally came to the realization that I was listening to myself and Madelyne going at it! It finally dawned on me that the other moaning was in fact coming from Rosa...and after putting two and two together, I realized that the blue-eyed beauty was either editing or watching our most recent video. The fact that I heard a bawdy moan coming from our camerawoman had me convinced that she was doing the latter...and enjoying herself in the process.

If I had to guess, I'd say that Rosa had thought she had shut her door and failed to notice that it didn't click. Too little, too late I realized that the reason I could so clearly hear everything going on through the door was because it was open just the slightest...and as I leaned forward against it, I accidentally pushed it open. Knowing Rosa the way I did, she wouldn't have risked anyone hearing what I had heard...and I know for a fact she wouldn't have expected having some palooka trip over his own two feet and nearly fall into her dorm room.

The beautiful blonde jumped from where she sat on her knees in front of her television. As she sprang to her feet, I could've sworn that I saw her withdraw a hand from beneath her tight, unbuttoned jeans. What I noticed for sure was the fact that she couldn't believe I had stumbled into her room unannounced.

I quickly regained my footing as my head went back and forth between the TV and Rosa. I also nervously glanced at the hallway behind me and considered escape. I felt like a character in a sitcom since I had no explanation as to why I had barged into the blonde woman's room.

"Marcus?" It wasn't hard to hear the surprise and disgust in the sweet female's voice. I'm sure she felt that I had violated her trust by suddenly appearing in her room.

"Rosa! I'm so sorry! Please, let me explain..."

"Shut my door!" The thin woman commanded as she tried to shut her VCR off. It goes without saying that we were both frantically running around the room like a couple of chickens with our heads cut off.

After things somewhat calmed down, Rosa took a seat on her bed and quickly buttoned her pants upon noticing that they were still open. I think she was hoping that I hadn't noticed, but it had been quite obvious. Still, I pretended like I hadn't seen anything since she was acting like a teenager whose parents had walked in on her during something naughty.

"What are you doing here, Marcus?" Rosa asked with desperation in her voice.

I placed my hands out while standing in the middle of her room as I implored, "Let me explain, Rosa!"

"I wish you would!" The blonde woman fired back in a voice barely above a whisper. She hugged her arms over her chest and stared at the floor. She couldn't hold my gaze.

"Rosa, I had to come down here and talk to you, and when I arrived, well, I heard something from just outside and couldn't believe my ears!"

The blue-eyed beauty's face reddened as she continued to avert my gaze.

"I knew as I stood out there that it was none of my business, but when I listened a little closer, I realized that I recognized the voices!" As much as I didn't want to, I finally admitted, "I...I put my ear up to the door when I realized that I was hearing myself speak, and when I leaned forward, know the rest!"

Rosa said something inaudible as she fidgeted on her bed. It was evident that she had thought the door was tightly closed. Perhaps in her excitement to view the videotape, she had pushed the door shut and thought it had closed all the way...only it obviously hadn't. Now, she sat a few feet in front of me enveloped in embarrassment.

Unsure of what more I could say, I finally told her, "I wanted to come talk to you about earlier, and after I showed up to your door and heard that, first I thought maybe you were having a little fun of your own with some lucky guy..."

"Oh, please, Marcus!" Rosa sarcastically laughed as she subsequently turned her attention to me. "Who in their right mind would want to sleep with me?"

"Are you kidding me, Rosa?" I asked the beautiful woman in a stern voice. I was kind of upset by her words because I didn't approve of the way she talked down on herself. In my eyes, she was one of the most magnificent women I had ever seen. I didn't like the fact that she thought so little of herself. "How could you even say such a thing?"

"How can I not?" Rosa shot back. "I don't exactly see anyone beating down my door!"

I raised an eyebrow after we both thought about what she had said. I think she may have actually smiled when she realized the irony behind the statement.

"You know what I mean!" Rosalind then fired back. "How could someone like me ever excite any man...let alone a man like you?"

Again, I wasn't trying to be rude or churlish, but I reminded the radiant woman, "Where were you a couple of hours ago when we were making out and I was harder than a mountaintop?"

Rosa tried to brush my comment off by saying, "You were only aroused because of Madelyne." I noticed how she struggled with even a word like "aroused."

Wanting to prove a point to my old friend, I looked her over and noticed that she had removed the cardigan she had been wearing earlier and was just in a tank top and jeans. I may not have been utilizing the most tact, but I flat-out told her, "Rosa, do me a favor: Take your shirt off."

The blue eyes of the rattled female told the story. Not only was she shocked by my demand, but she was also downright stunned. "Marcus..."

"Please, Rosa. Do it for me. Please."

The modest blonde still looked unsure.

My eyes begged her to do what I had asked.

Growing red as a beet, Rosa finally reached down and grabbed the bottom of her white tank top. She hesitated for a moment...and then finally pulled it off. What lied beneath was glorious indeed.

Rosalind wasn't wearing a bra. It finally occurred to me that the beauteous blonde didn't have one on because she thought she had nothing to cover. I had thought that maybe she was reluctant about taking her shirt off simply because of how shy she was, but now I understood that she hadn't wanted to because she sat topless before me. I'm guessing I'm the first man who had ever seen her in such a way.

Before I go on, I should take a moment to describe Rosalind's immaculate chest. Yes, her breasts were quite petite and weren't much more than a couple of ever so slightly raised mounds with some sharp nipples at their points. The bosoms were quite small compared to a lot of the other exposed chests I had had the pleasure of seeing and even playing with in the past, but that made her small bust no less attractive. I've said before that boobs are boobs and I've never cared about breast size...and I stand by that. I had once been with a woman by the name of Tessa who had one of the largest natural racks I had ever seen, and while her tits were illustrious in their own way, Rosa's chest had an unrivaled brilliance I could never hope to explain.

Rosalind crossed her arms over her small chest and looked to be ashamed since I hadn't said anything. "You see? I have nothing to show off, so now that you've had your fun at my expense..."

"Oh, Rosa," I spoke up in a genuine voice since I was legitimately impressed by what I beheld. She was so thin and fragile...but in such a striking way. "You have such marvelous breasts..."

"You mean my lack of breasts," the blonde woman retorted. She did her best to abash herself...and I was having none of it.

I walked over to where she sat and leaned forward so I could place a hand on her face. When I was finally able to get her to look into my eyes, I sternly told her, "Don't you ever insult yourself when I'm around, okay?"

I couldn't be sure, but I'm fairly confident that she could see just how serious I was. I truly didn't want her degrading herself because I thought she was absolutely gorgeous.

What happened next may not have been approached with the utmost of prudence, but I wanted to prove a point. After pulling my hand away from the beautiful blonde, I told her in a low voice, "I want to show you something, Rosa."

She meekly nodded as her blue eyes remained on me. Since I had them, I gazed downward in order to get her orbs to follow. Once they did so, I saw her spheres grow wide as she watched me pull my pants down...and reveal a full-fledged boner to her. Once it was free of its confinement, my pulsating penis stiffened just a little more as it grew right before my old friend's eyes.

"Do you see this, Rosa?" I asked the radiant woman as I pointed out how solid I was. It sounds ironic, but I wasn't trying to be overly sexual or anything; I was just trying to prove a point. "Do you see how hard I am? Pardon my language, but I'm this hard right now because you're a fucking hottie!"

Rosa had obviously seen my penis a number of times over the last few weeks since she had been filming the videos that Madelyne wanted for risqué keepsakes, but the deluded female had always thought the rigidness of my prick had been due to the silver-haired fox I had been smashing. Now, here in Rosa's room between just the two of us, I was able to prove to her beyond a shadow of a doubt just how exquisite I thought she was. It may not have been the most conventional way of doing so, but it was the only way I could think of on the spot to hammer my point home.

The blue-eyed beauty lifted her eyes in order to meet mine. I'm pretty sure I actually saw tears forming in them as she thanked me for the admiration and commendations. I don't think she had ever truly felt beautiful until that very moment in her life.

It was my turn to be caught completely off guard when the enticing angel stood up while staring directly into my eyes...and after unbuttoning her tight jeans, she pulled them - along with her white panties - down to her ankles. She then stepped out of them and stood before me in her altogether. If it had been possible for my penis to grow any harder than it already was, my dick would've been the longest thing on that campus that night.

"Take me, Marcus," Rosa said in a shaky voice. "I want you in me the same way I've seen you in Madelyne."

We've all heard the expression about "seeing a light at the end of a tunnel" when we die, but in that moment, I'm fairly certain I was witnessing some kind of equivalent to that phenomenon. I wanted nothing more than to make sweet, passionate love to Rosalind until the crack of dawn, but I wanted to be one hundred percent sure that she actually wanted the same thing. It may sound ludicrous, but I asked, "Are you sure, Rosa? I don't want you to feel forced..."

"I've wanted this since the first day I saw you, Marcus. I've never been more sure about anything in my life."

I stepped forward so the two of us could throw our arms around each other and embrace in what may have possibly been the hottest hug of all time. Our lower privates mashed together as I felt her sharp nipples dig into my chest. We devoured one another on that very spot and caught up on lost time. I, too, had wanted to make love to Rosa since first meeting her. Now, under rather scrupulous circumstances, I believed my wish was about to come true.

It was going to be an extraordinary night.

* * *

Rosa and I were holding hands as we walked down the hallway leading to Madelyne's dorm room the following day. We had shared a long, passionate night together, and we both thought it would be only right if we told Maddie about it together. We knew she wouldn't be upset with us since she was a free-spirited woman and had wanted us to continue what we had been doing in her dorm room the night before, but it still felt right to declare what we had done together.

Madelyne answered her door and was more than a little surprised to see Rosa and I together so early in the morning. Nevertheless, she greeted us and invited the two of us into her room. We had caught her in the middle of getting dressed, and even though all of her naughty bits were covered, she still managed to send some blood rushing to my southern regions. It felt incredible standing in a room with two women I revered as goddesses in human form while realizing I had been with both of them sexually on the very same day.

"So, what are you doing up this early, Marcus?" The silver-haired fox asked me. She knew that Rosa had an early class, but she knew that my first one of the day started a little later. "Are the two of you heading over to get breakfast or something?"

"Maddie, we wanted to tell you something," I spoke in a tone like I was about to confess a sin to a priest. "I'm hoping you won't be mad, but we figured you had the right to know."

The salacious woman flashed me a devious smile and made my life a little easier by jumping right to it and asking, "Did you and Rosa finally fuck last night?"

I exchanged glances with the dazzling woman next to me before looking into Maddie's orbs once more and admitting, "Well, I wouldn't say it quite like that, but yeah, we kind of made love."

"'Kind of?'" Madelyne replied with a bit of sarcasm in her tone. She then glanced at Rosa and apologized, "Well, if you only 'kind of' made love, I'm sorry that you didn't get the full treatment like I always do!"

Seeing that Madelyne wasn't upset in the least, Rosalind had a good laugh before telling our silver-haired friend, "Marcus is just being facetious! We made love all right...twice!"

"Good for you, girl!" Madelyne exclaimed as she playfully hit Rosa in the left arm. She then hit me with a little more force as she energetically called out, "You dog, you! Getting it on with two pretty girls on the same day!" Once more, her eyes went back to Rosa as she asked, "Tell me you got it on tape so I can watch!"

The smiling blonde shook her head. "Sorry."


I was so relieved to see that Madelyne wasn't angry. I mean, I mentioned before that it wasn't like we were dating or anything, and everyone knows that most college students hop around on a nightly basis. Still, I had always been the kind of guy who prided himself on focusing on one girl and one girl only...but not even I can boast that temptation didn't have a stranglehold on my balls.

As Maddie pulled a shirt on, she mentioned that the three of us could together grab a quick bite for breakfast before the two of them went to class. She then mentioned - without missing a beat, of course - that we should start planning our next dirty movie...and make it a threesome video.
