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"You want a go at this?" Justin asked as he held his controller out for me to grab.

I shook my head while motioning with my hand that I was all right.

"Okay," he said as he turned his attention back toward the television screen. He continued to hit the buttons as he focused on what he was doing.

I don't think my brown-haired friend was nearly as caught up in what he was doing as I was in my tumultuous mood. My thoughts continued to play out before me as I felt like I was in my own little world watching an old film reel about my past. I hadn't even thought about Maddie for the last twenty minutes since I was reliving a time gone by.

Rosa was a sweet girl who had the "curse" of being flat-chested. She had always hated the fact that her breasts never fully blossomed like those of the other girls around her, and she was of course the target of ridicule from our fellow classmates because of lack of chest. As they so often do, the kids who attended our old school poked fun at her by calling her "flat" all the time. Weren't those jerks so clever...?

Due to the harassment, Rosa considered her petite bust a detriment, but after I met her and constantly complimented her on her beauty, she started to forget all about the childish insults she received from the assholes around her and was able to live a somewhat normal teenage life. I spent a lot of my time with her and Cassie back in those days, and I even took both of them to our winter formal that year. I could go into greater detail, but that's a story for another time.

What needs to be known is that a curious incident happened a little over two years ago that drove a bit of a wedge in our friendship. Things became weird for lack of a better term, and we slowly drifted apart as we stopped hanging out on a normal basis. I had always missed both her and Cassie, and while the latter and I eventually reconnected and even hung out a few more times, Rosa and I remained distant. I don't think that either one of us ever truly wanted that, but life happens...and sometimes it deals us a crappy hand we just don't want to play with.

So now, fate had decided to conspire with Madelyne to bring Rosa back into my life. I had stood as still as a statue in the middle of Maddie's room when the thin woman who looked just as incredible as she had two years prior stepped into the room and laid eyes on me. We had both been as silent as the grave while our silver-haired friend had plenty to say...but I don't think either one of us heard a word that came out of her mouth. We had been too surprised by the fact that we were once again in the same room.

Being an intelligent woman, Madelyne could clearly see just how awkward things had become since Rosa and I were just gawking at each other like a couple of wide-eyed ostriches. Not only had it been a long time since we had last seen each other, but neither one of us had been expecting to reconnect in that very moment. I think I can speak for both of us when I say that neither of us were prepared.

I'm not trying to garner extra sympathy, but I was in an even more inconvenient spot than Rosa because I had no idea ahead of time that she was the friend Madelyne had spoken of. Before the blue-eyed dazzler returned to my life after such a long absence, Maddie had informed me that "her friend" knew who I Rosa was fortunate enough to know that we would eventually be meeting again since she had agreed to our mutual friend's request of filming us. To be perfectly honest, that surprised the hell out of me.

Rosa had always been a shy and timid girl. She was never very outgoing about overtly sexual things, and even the mere mention of a private part on the body usually made her blush. I specifically remember a time the two of us and Cassie were studying in her room and the three of us were paging through a history book and came across a scantily clad woman who lived three hundred years earlier. Due to the mature nature of the painting, Cassie and I both had a few comments and laughed...but Rosa covered her mouth and tried to look away as her face reddened. In a way, it was pretty damn adorable...but also refreshing that such a person existed in such a day and age.

So how in the name of everything holy did Madelyne convince the modest woman to film us during the act of sex? It blew my mind to think that Rosa would agree to such a thing. I had always known her to be quite the film buff, but to consent to recording us while being naked and naughty...

I let out a sigh while pushing myself up and off the couch. Justin heard me and turned to ask if I was all right since he could clearly see that something was bothering me. I responded by just saying I needed to grab a soda, and I asked both him and J-Bone if they needed anything while I was up. They thanked me but said they were good.

I walked through the oddly placed den in our rented house and into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed what I had been seeking before turning away while gently kicking the door of the fridge closed. I then made my way over the tacky tiles of the kitchen floor and toward the window above the sink on the east side of the house. I cracked my beverage open as I gazed outside and noticed the wind blowing through the branches of the nearest tree.

My mind went back to Rosa's innocence as I took a sip of my grape soda and reminded myself that it had been nearly two years since I last saw her. People could change drastically in an even shorter period of time, so maybe she had become more outgoing in the last couple of years. It was certainly a possibility.

I shook my head since the thought seemed both unlikely and downright ludicrous. When Rosa had entered Maddie's room, that same modesty she had been known for back during our teen years came roaring back to the fore. She had appeared just as demure as the girl I had known years earlier, and I could tell that nothing had really changed.

I took another drink of my soda while gazing out the window and watching a black car drive by. I wasn't really paying much attention, but I almost thought the driver and I made eye contact for the briefest of seconds...and I even thought I recognized him from somewhere. The obvious answer was that I had seen him somewhere on campus since it was indeed a small college town, but I blew the thought off as he took a left and disappeared down the adjacent block.

As I continued to ponder what most wouldn't even consider to be a dilemma, I actually thought about telling Justin about everything going on. He and J-Bone were both well aware that Maddie and I had been hanging out quite frequently, and there was no question that my brown-haired roommate had always been very gifted with women. Justin was a strapping lad who garnered quite a bit attention from the fairer sex, and he was a trustworthy friend who would give me an honest answer while not mocking the situation. As much as I liked J-Bone, I knew full well that my roomie who spent most of his life behind a computer screen wouldn't have any kind of input to give since the only women he had any experience with were found in the digital world. I don't mean to sound like a jerk for saying that, but to know the guy is to understand that I'm being spot-on with my description.

I drained the rest of my soda and threw the empty can in a separate trash receptacle we had for recyclables. I then made my way back toward the living room and returned to my spot on the couch. I watched Justin continue to play his game as I suddenly decided to ask both of my roommates, "Hey...if you guys had a chance to do something you'd never be able to do again, do you think you would do it?"

As expected, J-Bone remained silent as he continued to type and click away on his computer. Justin, on the other hand, stopped what he was doing and turned to face me. "You're going to have to be a lot more specific. Depends on what exactly it is you're doing. I mean, if you asked someone if they had only one chance to skydive, half of them are going to answer a different way than the other half. Is what you're talking about something fun, or something..."

"Something you'd never forget no matter how long you lived," I cut my friend off. "Something that you want to do more than anything else in the world...but morally, you're not quite sure if you should go through with it."

Justin cracked a smile and turned back to his game. As he started playing it again, he chuckled, "You planning on robbing a bank or something, Marcus?"

"No," I answered, but thought his analogy was sound as I went on, "But for the sake of argument, let's just say it was something like that. And for a little more context, let's pretend that if you robbed said bank, there was little to no chance that you were going to get caught. Hypothetically, if you went through with the theft, it would never be traced back to you and you'd have a boatload of money to enjoy...but the only drawback would be your conscience. No one would ever know you did it...except you."

Even though he didn't turn to face us, I could tell that J-Bone was actually a little intrigued by what we were talking about.

Justin again paused his game and turned to face me from where he sat on the floor. Letting out a sigh, he responded, "That's a tough one. Depending on what code of ethics you're following, it's something that you could go either way with. I hate to say this, but I think most people wouldn't be bothered by it depending on how much money they got away with. On the other end of the spectrum, though, there will be those people who will always have a voice in the back of their heads nagging at them and trying to convince them to come clean with what they did. I think it comes down to what kind of person you are deep down where it counts."

"What if robbing the bank didn't hurt anyone?" I decided to throw a curveball at my friend. "What if you robbed the bank and knew that no one would get hurt from what you were doing?"

"Are you trying to say something like an armed holdup?" Justin tried to clarify.

I shook my head as I reworded my query, "Nothing violent like that. What I mean is, what if you robbed the bank and knew that no one working there would suffer any kind of consequences for the missing money, and no one who had stored their hard-earned money away there would be affected either. Just pretend it was a situation where no one got hurt in the long run and only good could come from it."

"I understand that you're trying to make this all theoretical, Marcus," my brown-haired friend said, "But the fact that you even have to ask means that there's something that's making you hold back. I know that by society's standards we all know that robbing a bank is bad, but if what you're postulating is that there would be no consequences for doing so from any angle you approach the problem, then why wouldn't you rob the bank?"

I'm pretty sure that Justin could see just how caught up in his proclamation I had become.

"I think what you need to ask yourself is how you're going to feel ten years from now whether you do this or don't do it," Justin made an excellent point. He was a great guy who wasn't known for being too deep since he was something of a jock and progressed through life mainly based on his physicality instead of his mentality, but he had certainly given me something to think about. For the first time since bringing my quandary up, I felt that I may have had the answer I was seeking.

I had Justin to thank for what happened next.

* * *

Spring was about halfway over when Madelyne, Rosa and I finally planned our first scene to film. Maddie had suggested that I should've penned a script since I had a background in creative writing, but we all agreed that our first shot at making a "homemade porno" should just be natural. Even though we decided to just flow with whatever came to us in the moment, it certainly turned out to be anything but natural.

Since Rosa actually knew how to operate a camcorder like a professional, the afternoon shoot turned into a daylong project. Both Madelyne and I had expected to bang it out in thirty minutes while our lovely blonde friend caught everything on tape, but we never reckoned with all the cuts and different angles that would be required to really bring the scene to life. The two of us had been planning on making an amateur video that was going to come out looking choppy and bouncy in certain areas, but with Rosa at the helm, we should've realized we would have top quality.

For what ended up being edited into a scene that lasted about seventeen minutes when it was all said and done, the three of us spent a good four hours bringing the aforementioned clip to life. Surprisingly, Rosa acted like a director and called the shots as Maddie and I went at it. I'll admit that it was quite awkward at first to get completely naked with another woman in front of my old friend as she watched on from behind a camera lens, but after the first hour or so, I almost forgot I was even nude to begin with.

It was incredible how Rosa took charge like she was producing a typical play production. Instead of treating the two of us like two naked people with their fun parts flopping about, she started firing off suggestions and telling us how we could make the scene even spicier. My mind was blown since I hadn't been expecting such bold direction from her.

I should take a second to point out that even though the blonde woman was doing a superb job and didn't seem fazed by what was going on in front of her as she gathered the appropriate shots, she was still the same reticent female I had known in the past. She may have been getting into the spirit of things and trying to help by criticizing certain aspects of what we were doing, but there was no question about it that she was still the same bashful woman at heart. I can say that without doubt because at one point when Maddie was repositioning herself on the bed during a cut, I noticed my old friend staring down at my package...and just for the fun of it, I moved my hips with a small thrust in order to make my unmentionables bounce. Upon realizing that she had been caught staring, the modest female jumped while looking away and nearly dropping her camcorder. I couldn't help but chuckle even if it had been a bit uncalled for.

Nearly four hours passed in order for us to finish making our movie, and I'll be the first to admit that I was actually surprised by the fact that I was able to cover Maddie with a decent cum shot by the end. With all the cuts and downtime, I was beginning to think that we were never going to reach the climax of our film...and yes, the pun was intended on that one.

After everything was wrapped up and we knew we were done, Madelyne grabbed a towel and started wiping herself off as she walked up to Rosa while staring directly at the video camera. She was visibly excited as she asked, "Well, can we pop it in and check it out?"

The beautiful blonde let out a comforting laugh as I pulled a pair of boxers on. She then told the silver-haired fox I had just sexed up, "Unfortunately, it's not quite that simple, Madelyne! I'll have to take it back to my room and put it through the editing process...but once it's ready to go, I promise to have it in yours and Marcus' hands!"

Maddie looked a little disappointed, but she knew Rosa was a pro when it came to cinematography.

I tried to cheer my smaller friend up as I took a step toward her before placing an arm around her tiny shoulders and pulling her naked body toward mine. I couldn't help but jest, "Wasn't four hours of rolling around naked with me enough for you?" We both laughed as Rosa uncomfortably joined in. I could tell that even though she had spent a good chunk of her day watching us get it on, she was still a little awkward               around us.

"Well, thanks again for doing this for us, Rosa," Maddie thanked our friend as she wrapped the towel around her body and tucked one flap of it under the rest right above her breasts. "I don't mean to sound uncouth, but it was a blast having you film Marcus blasting me! We need to do this again sometime!"

"Of course!" The blonde woman replied. I noticed the energy in her voice before she pretended to turn and gather her equipment.

Well, I'll be. I think my old friend actually did enjoy her afternoon of filming a fuck flick after all! I wouldn't have expected that unless I had heard the thrill in her voice and seen the electricity in her expression. I wasn't always the most observant of people, but I could clearly see that my modest school chum from back in the day had taken pleasure in shooting the dirty movie.

And it had only been the first in a series of spicy cinematic motion pictures for the three of us to enjoy...

* * *

Madelyne had been ecstatic about how the first video turned out...and I was quite content myself. While sitting in her dorm room and viewing it alongside her and Rosa - which was certainly a little awkward even though the blonde beauty had to be present in order to see our reactions and make sure the film was to our liking - I had to admit that I understood without a doubt how talented my old friend was with a video camera. It went without saying that both Maddie and I were totally behind making a second.

Rosa was visibly pleased by the fact that we enjoyed the naughty film so much, and she admitted to fancying putting everything together before placing a hand over her mouth as if to cut herself off. Maddie and I did our best to not laugh since we noticed the modest woman blushing due to her comment.

Even though Rosa had delighted in making the spicy movie, I was still a little surprised that she had agreed to help us with another. Just knowing the dazzling blonde the way I did, I truly thought it would be a "one and done" type of thing. However, just as Madelyne had pointed out, there was no denying that our camerawoman had true talent in her field.

Some of the cuts between scenes had been spliced together seamlessly, and considering it was on videotape, the sound quality was quite amazing. I couldn't even begin to describe how incredible some of the action shots turned out, and the way in which Rosa zoomed in and made my dick look far more monstrous than it truly was thanks to her expertise of all things cinematic...well, let's just say I was a fan!

For our next video, Maddie wanted to follow through with her original plan and actually put some story with the movie. She wanted me to jot down a script in between classes so we could begin filming the following week. I wasn't sure that I could come up with something on such short notice, but I didn't want to let my silver-haired compeer down. I promised to do my best and that made her smile radiate with joy.

When the time finally did roll around to shoot our second amateur film, we all met in Maddie's room one weekday afternoon the instant Rosa's last class of the day had wrapped up. Funnily enough, Madelyne was supposed to be in a class when we all reconvened, but she was obviously too stoked about our next naughty flick. She cut class without a care in the world as to what she was missing.

The three of us huddled together and looked my handwritten script over. Both females pointed out that the writing was well done, and they agreed with mostly everything I had. If I had to venture a guess, I would say that Rosa really appreciated my romantic overtones...while Madelyne was ready to jump right to the climax.

As Rosalind set everything up, Maddie and I mentally prepared ourselves for what was about to happen. The movie was going to start with me walking into the silver-haired vixen's dorm room...and we were going to act out a scene in which we were looking some homework over before getting horny for each other. It was a typical "porn with a plot" scenario. Using my creative writing skills to the best of my abilities, I had added a few detailed lines of dialogue that would certainly add a little flavor to the film.
