Madison's Changing Life Pt. 17

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The blackmailer is revealed.
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Part 17 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/09/2019
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The following morning I almost jumped out of bed. I was light on my feet, ready for the day. Nothing could bring down my mood. I checked my phone and there were no messages. Just the words about meeting tonight to finally put all of this to bed. To end my blackmailing, to get my life back on track.

The smile on my face felt like it was starting to hurt my cheeks. It was so big and wide. Since today was a day of no rules, no messages, and no demands I pulled out a comfy pair of jeans and a loose sweater and threw them on. Today was going to be a day of no nervousness, no worries about being caught, or fired, or the feeling of students' eyes staring at me from behind. Today was a day of relaxation.

Down in the kitchen I made some coffee and poured bowls of cereal for Sam and Emma. I was almost skipping through the room as I did each step.

"GoodMORNING!" I beamed as they both walked into the kitchen looking groggy, "isn't today a wonderful day?"

"It is?" Sam said, sitting down and taking a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

Emma just smiled back at me as she began to eat.

After breakfast we drove into school together. I blasted the radio and rolled down the windows. It was like I had just won the lottery. When I got to class I opened my papers and smiled at the class. Did they think I was having a breakdown? The crazy swings in my clothes and now my mood? It didn't matter. Nothing could change how I felt. The day was the perfect day.

Class after class flew by without a hitch. The sun was shining and I ate lunch outside letting the rays hit me and make me feel even better. I saw Tina and she was smiling too, maybe it was a great day for both of us. Was the blackmailer leaving? Giving up? Bored of us? It didn't matter. It was all about to be over and that was all I could focus on.

After another window opened and loud music drive home and I was upstairs in my room, laying on my bed, the smile still on my face. I had a few hours to kill so I changed into a pair of grey sweat pants and a bright pink hoodie and headed downstairs to the couch, turned on the TV and relaxed some more. My eyes went up to the camera looking down at me, I smiled, after today it was going to be ripped out, smashed and maybe even burned.

Pizza was on the menu again for dinner that night, all three of us ate it while we watched TV. As the hours clicked by Sam and Emma began to leave to meet up with friends and do their own thing. By 8pm I was alone again, just me and my smile. But I also knew it was time to go and get ready for whatever this meeting was tonight.

I opened my phone and looked up, "The Watering Hole". I wasn't expecting it to be a strip club, but I also wasn't surprised. Only a pervert like my blackmailer would pick a place like this. With that knowledge now in mind I decided what I was wearing was absolutely perfect, the only thing was I put on a sports bra just to make myself as un-sexy as possible.

8:40pm and it was time to leave. My sweatpants, hoodie, running shoes and smile all set off in the car on the way to The Watering Hole. As I got closer I started to get nervous. What if this wasn't what I thought it was? What if it was some kind of trick? What if they wouldn't even let me inside because of what I was wearing? I couldn't miss the meeting. "Fuck!" I said to myself as I saw the big glowing sign outside.

The parking lot was busy and I had to park near the back. There was a line to get inside which seemed off for a strip club, but apparently this was a popular one. The guys were dressed as you'd imagine, slicked hair, shirt half unbuttoned, gold chain. The girls too were as expected, short skirts, skimpy dresses, high heels. I did not fit in.

I got out of my car and locked it, walking slowly to the front door not really knowing what to do. My heart was pounding through my chest. All of the other people in the line were looking at me, sneering, whispering to each other. I went up to the bouncer.

"Ummmm excuse me..." I said quietly.

"Yes?" the bouncer replied, looking down at me, his eyes reviewing my clothing.

"I'm... ummmm... supposed to meet someone inside at 9... and ummm... I can't be late," I stumbled through the words as I looked up at him.

"Name?" was the only thing he said.

"Madison Edwards."

Without any delay he reached down and opened the rope that was stopping the line from entering the club. I was shocked. Who was my blackmailer? How did they arrange this? I walked through and looked back at the line, and the shocked faces.

Before I could even get through the door it opened for me, a young woman dressed in heels, thigh highs, panties and a bra, all black, greeted me. "Madison?" she asked.

"Yes..." I didn't know what to make of the whole situation. I was just following the flow. Completely out of control.

"This way..." she said and pointed to the left.

As I began to walk with her my eyes adjusted to the darkness. The room was lit by secondary lights, over the booths, over the stage, over the bar. The tables were full of people. Girls were topless almost everywhere I looked. Customers sat there with their tits out, strippers were grinding on men and women in the booths, alcohol was flowing into everyone. The whole experience was exciting and I could already feel my pussy tingling. That was not what I needed.

I did not fit in. My clothes, my hair, my shoes, everything was wrong, but it felt like my armour. This was my way of not getting dragged into anything. This was my way of getting my life back.

As we continued to walk I saw one booth open and I knew it was mine. I slid in without even asking my hostess. She smiled before asking if I wanted a drink. "Ummmm Martini?" I said, I don't know why.

I checked the time. 8:57pm. I wasn't late. Three minutes. I continued to look around, watching the show on the stage, the girl's costume quickly coming off, her grinding and spinning on the bar garnering hoot's and holler's from the crowd watching. My eyes moved to the booths near me, watching as a stripper's ass moved it's way up and down a guy's face. How much did that cost? I spied as a few people moved into a back room, a VIP room I imagined. I didn't know for sure, but I had an assumption on what happened back there. 9:02pm. They were late.

My martini came and I sipped it slowly. My heart beating even faster. Did I get the wrong night? The wrong place? Was this all a trick? I was getting angry and scared and everything in between. I needed this to be over. Why was this happening to me? 9:10pm.

"Fuck!" I said to myself as I finished off my martini. I contemplated leaving. I looked around again. "10 more minutes..." I mumbled.

9:18pm. I checked my phone for the hundredth time. Nothing. Two more minutes and I was planning to leave. My eyes did another look around the room, watching the new girl on stage for a moment before I saw someone walk out from behind the curtain just beside the stage, obviously coming from a back room. My eyes grew as I watched her blonde hair bob off her shoulders as she walked. She wore a leather jacket over a black t-shirt. Her legs squeeze into a pair of black jeans, and black leather booths adorned her feet. I swear I could feel the thud of each step as she walked towards me.

I couldn't believe Tina was here.

I watched as she continued in my direction, my brain wasn't making the connection, I still thought that she was here for something else, was she a stripper?

Her eyes locked on to mine. I smiled nervously. She didn't. Her face was like a stone, her direction didn't shift, she continued to walk towards my booth, towards me. My heart beat faster, my brain started to make the connections. It couldn't be. SHE couldn't be? Tina... was my blackmailer?

It was as if time slowed, each step she took seeming like an hour. My mind thought back through the things that had happened. How could she have been my blackmailer? She was blackmailed too! I thought about when she arrived and the timing fit perfectly. I thought about the night at the club and how I never actually saw the messages on her phone. I thought about how she said she was getting blackmailed, could it have all been a lie? And then I thought about the things she made me do. The revealing clothes at school, the toys, the photo shoot with Emma. It was all too much to comprehend.

I should have been angry. I should have wanted to kill her. But I was too shocked, too confused to do anything. Tina sat down beside me.

"Hi Madison," she said immediately, my shocked face still on display, "I know this must be a shock for you, but isn't it better knowing it was me, and not some sick freak?"

I blurted back immediately, "you ARE a sick freak Tina! Who the fuck does this?"

"Oh come on Madison... why do you think I chose you? I knew you were a slut deep down... I needed some excitement, a play thing... you were perfect."

"What! You ruined my life!" my anger was starting to break through.

"Did I? Did I ruin your life? I haven't sent or leaked anything. The only people who know anything are the ones you told, the ones you interacted with," Tina said moving a little closer to me while motioning to a server for a drink.

"But... but... you said if I didn't do those things you would send it to everyone, I didn't have a fucking choice, I had to do it!" my mind was starting to play tricks on me. Did I have to do it?

"Did you? Even if I was going to leak everything I didn't make you choose everything, I didn't tell you what to do yesterday, you chose the tasks, you performed them," Tina answered with a little smirk.

"Fuck you, I didn't have a fucking choice!" I knew she was right, I did choose the tasks, but I couldn't admit that, not to her, and not to myself. Was I the freak?

I chugged the rest of my drink and took a deep breath as Tina's beer showed up. Who was this woman even?

"I don't understand... why did you do this? HOW did you do this?" I asked, I needed to know.

"Well, the why is simple, I like to play with people, I like to make people do things that turn me on. Seeing you be a slut, showing off, being uncomfortable but turned on at the sametime, fuck I loved it. It made me so fucking horny, I couldn't stop myself," Tina started while breaking to take a sip of her beer, "and for the how, well, I know some people who helped my hack into your phone and computer, some people from back home... I have connections... actually my cousin owns this place," she said looking around.

"You mean you didn't come here for your sister?" I didn't know why this was what I got out of all of this.

"No, I did, but I also had other family here."

"And what about working at the school?" I asked.

"Well, I needed a job, and there was an opening, so it worked out. And to be honest I don't really mind it... especially when I watch you walk by in your slut wear looking amazing everyday," she said with a smile.

I hated myself but I smiled a little too. Fuck.

My mind was racing, and even though I had a million questions I didn't want to cloud my thinking anymore. I was here for a reason. I needed this all to end.

"Tina..." I paused.

"Yes Madison?"

"You said that this would all end tonight. Right? So is it over? I won't say anything... I just need this to be over," I looked into her eyes.

Tina looked at me for a minute, not saying a word until finally, "do you?"

I raised an eyebrow, "do I what?"

"Do you need this to be over?" Tina said without wavering.

"Yes! Of course! This is ruining everything!" my voice raised.

"Madison... I think you love it," Tina said, moving closer, her knee touching mine. I felt her hand land on my thigh, moving slowly up my leg. "I think you love playing this game, showing off, being a slut. I think you love getting the messages and not knowing what was coming. I think you love getting so turned on that your pussy gushes. And I especially think you love the risk of getting caught."

As the words came from her mouth and entered my ears I processed them. I wanted to fight back, and tell her no, but deep down she was right, I loved the rush of it all. I was fighting with myself, and while I had an internal struggle I felt her hand slide into my waist band, her fingers moving down to my panty covered pussy. I was soaking wet, and now she knew it.

"See... I knew you loved it..." Tina trailed off as her mouth came to my neck and she started to kiss me.

"No... I don't..." I said unconvincingly as I moaned softly. Her fingers and mouth felt amazing, I was melting, my hatred, my resolve, all sliding away.

"Tell me the truth Madison... tell me how much you loved it..." Tina said before continuing her job on my neck. Her fingers were now rubbing my clit through my panties, my juices flowing.

"I... uh... I... no... I hate it... please... stop... I don't want this..." I was struggling, but fighting.

"Come on Madison... I know you," Tina's fingers slide inside my panties now, one sliding it's way into my sloppy hole. I moaned louder.

"Oh fuck... Tina... someone's going to see..." I didn't know why I said that considering where we were. The music was loud, the lights were dim, and I was in another world.

"So? Isn't this what you love you fucking slut?" Tina said with a rasp right into my ear. I slid down further, my mind couldn't handle it.

"Yes..." I said. I had lost. She had won. I fucking loved it. My body and now my mind was betraying me.

Tina pushed a second finger into my greedy cunt as I closed my eyes and let her continue. No more fighting from me.

"So do you want all of this to stop Madison? Do you want to go back to your old life? Back to being a boring teacher with a boring life?" Tina questioned.

My mind fought with the idea. Was this what I wanted? Was this the life I wanted? I thought back to the days of stress, of worry, but also how hot it all made me. How I was so tired of my day to day life, and how Tina had changed all of it, how everyday I woke up excited that something was going to happen, good or bad, it wasn't going to be another day of nothing. The truth was I didn't want it to end. I wanted it to continue, I wanted my life to be unknown.

"No... I don't want it to end," my eyes opened and I said it looking up at Tina, "but... I think it needs to stop... my life... Emma... Sam... it's all too much..."

Another martini magically showed up at the table and the waitress smiled at Tina, obviously she was known around here.

"Emma and Sam are not innocent Madison... maybe it's in their DNA, but they are freaks just like you, trust me," Tina said as she continued to play with me, "they shouldn't hold you back."

I didn't say anything, I just sat there moaning, my eyes closed, taking everything in, thinking.

"Madison you need to choose... you can either end this now, I will stop, everything will stop, your life can go back to the way it was..." Tina paused, nibbling on my ear.

"Or?" I moaned out.

Tina chuckled, "or... you can join me, and play with me, and see how intoxicating it is to have others do what you want. I promise you it will drive you crazy in the best way possible."

My eyes shot open, I pulled her hand from my sweatpants, pushed her off of me and sat up, grabbing my martini and taking a large sip. "What?"

"What did you think Madison? I was just going to keep blackmailing you when you know it's me? How was that going to work? You could easily turn against me just as easily as I could expose you. It wouldn't work... for either of us," Tina responded while taking a swig of her beer.

Another sip of my martini was followed by my hands covering my face. The logical part of my brain was telling me to walk away, to end this, to forget about it and move on with my life. Maybe it was the loud music. Maybe it was the fact that my panties were soaking wet, maybe it was the number of martini's that I had had, but I couldn't. I couldn't stop this now. I was addicted. There it was, I was admitting it, I was addicted to this feeling, the feeling of being on the edge, of being reckless, of being slutty. I loved it. I couldn't stop.

"So Madison... what are you going to do," Tina said, her hand landing on my shoulder.

I turned to her and said the words I never thought I would say, "I don't want to stop..."

"I knew it!" Tina exclaimed and moved in and kissed me on the lips. My lips parted a little and her tongue slid into my mouth.

For the next five minutes we sat there making out. Tina straddled me, her legs falling onto the seat beside my legs. My hands roamed down her and helped her jacket off her body. Her toned arms came into view and I squeezed them before moving my hands down to her amazing ass covered in her tight jeans. I felt her hands in my hair, then down to the zipper on my hoodie, slowly opening it as our mouths and tongues continued to play. Her hands found my sports bra and started to tease my nipples through it. I reached in front and started to rub her pussy over her jeans. Everything was so hot. I could feel eyes looking at us. We were being so obvious, but I didn't care. I didn't want it to stop, I didn't want any of it to end.

A few more minutes passed before Tina finally slipped off me, ending up beside me on the booth's bench, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Fuck Madison... you're so fucking hot..." she let out before reaching for her beer.

I started to zip up my hoodie before Tina reached over and stopped me. "No... leave it... don't cover yourself up anymore..." she trailed off with another swig of beer.

I thought about what she said, not to cover up, and maybe she was right, I should stop covering, stop pretending, just be who I wanted to be. I wasn't sure though, nothing was clear that was for sure.

"So what do we do now?" I asked, trying to look down at her as her head continued to lay on my shoulder.

"I thought you'd never ask..." her head raised and I saw a sly smile on her face. She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a cell phone and handed it to me.

I looked at it, spinning it around, inspecting, "uh, what do I do with this?"

"This is the key to being turned on like never before. It gives you the power you never knew you wanted," Tina said cryptically.

"Uh, what?" I was confused, and it showed on my face.

Tina laughed before straightening up again, "this is the phone you can use to... you know... get people to do what you want..."

It hit me. This was to be my blackmailing phone. My face went red for some reason. Was I really going to do this?

"Oh," was all I could blurt out.

"Here let me show you how, and don't worry I will take care of all the hard stuff, you just need to come up with things you want them to do, and have them do it, you just get to do the fun part!" Tina exclaimed.

She was way too excited. Did she not know that all of this was wrong? That we weren't supposed to be doing it? That if we got caught we would probably go to jail? Our lives would be over? It didn't seem to bother her at all, and for some reason that was rubbing off on me.

"Here, see, I've got the first message for you ready to go," Tina pointed out on the phone as she handed it back to me.

The screen seemed to almost blind me. The darkness of the room made it look like a spotlight on my face. I looked around to see if anyone was paying attention and quickly realized I was the last person they would be looking at. The topless girls walking around were far more interesting. Looking at the screen I saw an image of a naked girl, laying on a bed, but no face. I had no idea who it was, but she looked sexy. I felt bad for what the message said.