Magical Enchantment


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My first conscious thought is a grim one.

I'm alone. The second one isn't any better. He left me.

Then I hear someone move above me. I open my eyes slowly, not rushing to find out where I am. My mind is disoriented, jumbled with a million thoughts an hour. But my heart keeps me grounded. I am where I am supposed to be. Anywhere away from him.

"Control your breathing." Leo orders.

I turn my neck to see him sitting on his desk, writing something out. Now that I see him, I remember that I'm in his room. I don't know how I managed it, but after seeing Everette get shocked to his knees and dragged through the portal, I made it back here. Of course, I tried reopening the portal over and over again but I never got it right. Although I was able to peel back the layers of this realm, I was unable to open up that same portal. Not that it would matter anyways. Everette would just order me to go back. To let him fulfill his duty, and move on with my life.

"If you keep breathing like that, you're going to faint." He sounds annoyed now.

I realize he's been talking to me this whole time. Once I notice how fast and irregular my breathing is, I hold my breath. Was I the one making that hideous sound? A sob breaks through my throat and I roll over on my stomach. The tears don't leave my eyes. They just burn and stay back. The sobs do manage to wreck through my body but that's okay. I let each one take form and tear from my throat.

The door opens and closes and I'm relieved to be alone.

"Don't be an asshole," Hazel says.

I don't bother looking up, mortified that I'm now crying in front of an audience of two.

Her small arms wrap around my back and she whispers soft words into my ears.

My sobs decrease to small whining sounds until I close my eyes and fall back to sleep.


Don is an imposing man.

The tattoos on his body and piercings on his face only add to the slightly unhinged look in his eyes. Although he looks the part of a sociopath with no empathy in his eyes. He is very stern when he addresses Leo.

"Do you understand the scrutiny you put us under?" The piercing on his lip gleams against the candles floating above us. "Your mother is running around cleaning up your mess and trying to make amends for your stupidity with the most fucking powerful coven in the US and all you have to say is sorry?" He's yelling at this point.

"Sir-" I try to interject.

"Don't you fucking 'sir' me." His dark gaze lands on me.

I lower my eyes. Shit, if this is the guy who raised Leo, I can only begin to sympathize with him. No wonder he's a hardass.

"You would have done worse." Leo finally speaks up.

His father stands, the air around him crackling. His brown eyes take on a lighter tone. More malicious and less forgiving if that is possible.

"Hell, I would do a lot worse if I was told I could never see Jake again!" The veins on Leo's neck pop out. "But what does it matter now? Everette is where he should be and Chase will never have to be around him ever again."

I wince at his words but continue to stare at the ground. It is the reality I'm supposed to get through my head. A world without him. A lifetime of feeling like half of a person. Not even the better half.

"And let's not forget about the fact that he just found out who his biological mother is. Tell me how all of this isn't something that could crush any person's soul? He's been through enough." He finishes his rant with a huff.

His father sits, more reserved than when we first came in. "I'm sorry, son. It may seem impossible now, but you will get through it."

I look up to find that Don is talking to me. My throat tightens.

"We are more than ready to take you in as one of our own." He grabs some papers from his desk, stacks them, and puts them into a folder. "Leo will show you the ropes, although I hear you have the magic part handled pretty well."

I don't say anything, still trying to digest the fact that I'm expected to live my life as if Everette never entered it. I've also heard that she may still be here. Hazel wasn't too sure but she thought that was the case. My mind is splitting both ways.

He hands me a red binder but doesn't let go when I try to grab it. "Has Leo gone over your option to forget him?"

I snatch the binder with more force than I intend but keep a straight face. "That isn't an option for me."

He looks content with my answer. "You two are good to leave."


The drink on the bedside table mocks me.

It has only been a few weeks and I'm delirious at this point. The sweating, the body aches, everything in my being is hurting. It wants him, it needs him. I toss and turn in my bed, unable to find a comfortable position. I stare at the drink again. Leo left it in here earlier explaining that it is supposed to help with this problem. That once I drink it I will be able to handle my urges better.

During the day, it is easy. I have plenty of things to distract me. I have others I can talk to and they have been so welcoming, it helps me feel more at ease. Hazel is the most adamant to help me however I can. Whether I want to learn more things about him, though I don't know why I keep putting myself through that painful ordeal, or if I want to learn more about myself and my abilities. Leo is the one who works me out enough to forget even how to breathe sometimes. And Adam shows me all of the different ways I can transition from being and thinking like a regular human to a Roderick member. Everything they do helps me recover a little bit more.

And then nighttime comes and I feel like I'm back at square one. He is truly gone. He left me without a word. Chose to listen to these so-called spirits even if it meant he would never see me again. He left me here to deal with all of this bullshit of being the son of the most hated woman in every coven and finding my place in a foreign world. And the worst part of it all, the most unbearable part is that I still want him.

I want him here with me. If he was to come back this instant, I would take him back with open arms. I would get on my knees and beg him never to leave me again. I would promise him the world, the moon, anything he wanted just to swear to me that he would never leave my side. The body aches and the need to be physically close to him are nothing compared to my heart yearning for him.

I groan and roll over in bed until I wrap my hand around the cup.

I drink it and feel an instant cooling of my blood.

The sweating stops, and the shivers subside.

I still want him, but in a more manageable way. I should have done this days ago when Leo suggested it. But I thought it would mess with my head and make me forget what it was like to miss him. I'm glad that is not the case. Even if it tears me up inside, missing him makes me feel alive. I know I won't be able to get through any classes or training without it now. I will ask Leo for more when he wakes up.

With a clear mind, I get up and do something I've been debating on since I was placed in this room. My arms go up and I recite a short spell. I don't know if it will work, but I found it in a book that hasn't led me astray yet. I think about her and imagine where she is. If I'm going to do this, I have to make sure I can't be traced back to her. If I get away with this, my mind can finally shift to something more tangible.

I appear in the middle of a stuffy tunnel. At first, I curse, thinking I did something wrong but then I feel the energy radiating from the wall in front of me. It looks like the same muddy wall running down on each side as far as I can see. I place a hand over it and I know I'm in the right spot. I wipe my hand across the wall, at eye level. There is a protection spell there, I don't mess with it. I just remove the wall between us so I can take a look inside.

She's leaning against a dark wall, not sleeping, just staring up at the ceiling. Her eyes come down and squint when I pull a candle out of thin air. She walks closer to the light, never taking her eyes off me. Once she is close enough to see my face she turns her head to the side. Her short hair is disheveled, her face is all harsh angles. Her skin is pulled over her high cheekbones and her nose is currently marked with a scratch.

"Hello, again." Her cracked lips try to form a smile, but it is more of a grimace. "Never thought I would see you again, at least in this lifetime."

"Hi, Elise."


~Several Months Later~


My mind starts traveling before I can pull it back.

The spirits? The spirits! Shit. I feel them trying to push through something to get to me. What could be blocking them? I haven't done anything to close their communication with me.

"Uh, what's going on?" Tina waves a hand in front of me.

I listen intently, closing my eyes to avoid any distractions. Not that there would ever be any. Not where I am. Tina is probably the only one but even she knows when to let me be when I am in one of my moods. She goes back to eating her food silently and I keep my eyes closed and my mind open.

I open my eyes again when I give up. What were they trying to tell me?

Ever since I got here, I have had no contact with them. They haven't attempted to tell me anything and I haven't needed a reason to ask for their guidance. After so many months of no word, what could be so important that they reach out directly? Could it be something with Gina or Paul? Or maybe something going wrong in our coven? My mind tries to sneak in thoughts about him, but I quickly shut it down. They would never update me on him. I know they wouldn't.

Tina patiently waits for me to let her in on my current dilemma.

My eyes stray to look around us to see if anyone else caught my slip-up. They're all too self-involved to notice. The white walls, white chairs, and tables were harsh on my eyes at first. Especially when the lights from the window shined in early in the day but I'm used to it now. Every room is sterile and looks the same. There are no paints on the wall, no colors to make anything pop, everything in any room has a purpose. Especially the pupils.

Initially, I wondered if it was to force everyone to always stay focused on their task at hand. No matter where a person's eyes may land, there wasn't much distraction that could interfere with their train of thought. And although that may be part of it, I also found that it helps regulate emotions. With the amount of work, training, and responsibilities given to us, it makes sense to create a calming environment that doesn't elicit many emotional responses. It took some getting used to, especially coming from a coven where I was allowed to go out into nature whenever I needed, but I don't question my place anymore.

I am where I am supposed to be.

I turn back to Tina. Her white hair sits high on her head, held back by a silver clip. It complements the silver lining on her gray robe. I roll up the sleeves on my similar robe and shake my head. This isn't something I would divulge to her. I already stick out like a sore thumb, considering everyone here has really pale skin and unique eyes that are black with white dots. For a short, while I thought that once I was given my training robe my skin would lose all its color and my eyes would change as well but was pleasantly surprised when it remained the same.

I'm the first-ever outside member training with others who were born into the Star Dust Coven. As if that is not enough to make others steer clear of me, my skin is the darkest any of them have probably seen in real life since they all live pretty sheltered lives. Although in training we are given scenarios of different interactions with different covens we will most likely come across in the future, the holograms and stand-in actors do not do the different shades of skin in the US justice.

The only person not afraid to talk to me since the first day has been Tina. And I think it is because she is obsessed with the US more than other countries or realms. I don't question it though. A friend is a friend in whatever scenario. Sometimes I see the distrust in others' eyes. Not just the students who wear gray robes with silver linings, like we do, but the instructors with gold linings and even some of the higher-ups who wear all white. They probably fear that I am just the first of many that will eventually make their way up here to take their spots. And just like that, all efforts of creating a neutral learning environment is disrupted by my presence.

"Since you won't tell me what is wrong, can you at least indulge me in another movie night?" Her dark eyes light up at the thought. She always wants to watch movies about drama and romance and I do everything in my power to avoid it. It just ends with me silently crying myself to sleep at night.

"Rain check?" I give her a tight smile. "Maybe next time?"

I get up to throw my trash away. Most leave their trays out to get cleaned up by the staff but I don't mind helping when I can. I feel as if all eyes are on me anyways, so I don't need to give them a reason to dislike me even more.

"I'll hold you to that!" She shouts.

Others around us give her annoyed looks but that's as bad as it gets for her.


I throw my bag on the floor when I get into my room.

It is more of a pod with gray walls than a room, but I find comfort in it. It is the only place I know I'm not being constantly monitored. I exhale as I pull out the glass from under my mattress. There is a twin-size bed, a drawer, and a desk in the room. Nothing luxurious or extravagant. Not even a small plant to liven up the room. I've been tempted to grab a small succulent and bring it in here to place on my desk but something tells me it wouldn't make it in here. Even the air feels different.

Although the people and the building look like any other place on Earth, we're on a different plane. We don't have a sun outside, just light from a portal being opened or some realm or planet far away but big enough for us to see. The ground is nothing like anything we have on earth. It is both light and crumbly. I tried walking barefoot once but it didn't feel right. Nothing here feels right. But I'm done questioning it.

We've been told we will visit the Moonlight Coven in the next few weeks to get familiar with other overseers around the world. Maybe then I'll get to see others who are different from those in the Star Dust Coven. Maybe then I will feel more like I made the right decision. I stop my train of thought.

All I must do now is endure and wait. Wait for my next orders. I really thought the spirits were reaching out for something important today. The feeling hasn't completely gone away.

I remove my shoes and slip into bed. I've gone two full days without following up. Without stalking or putting my nose where it doesn't belong but I can't hold off anymore. I need to see him. If I don't, I know my mind will just keep wondering and I won't be able to focus on anything that I study for the rest of the afternoon. Even my concentration may be affected tomorrow and I can't have that, I reason with myself as I think of him and where he could be.

I tap the glass and lay on my stomach as I watch Chase pop up on the clear surface.



Another paper pumpkin falls on my lap and I hold back a curse.

"You know, no one is holding you back from helping!" Amelia grabs the paper from my hand and sticks out her tongue when I roll my eyes. "I was always into the holiday-themed parties in college." Her curly hair is pulled into a loose ponytail. Her orange sweater has a black cat dancing with a skeleton and a ghost.

"I remember one specific college party we went to. Are you going to wear fishnets again?" Hazel chimes in and chuckles when she meets her eyes. Amelia turns three shades darker but pretends not to hear her.

"Too bad this isn't a real college party," I mumble. I look back down at my phone, still lingering on my response. They're waiting for their next instructions.

"Well yes," Amelia stands back to look at her work. The smiling pumpkins are scattered all over, with no real shape or form. "But this is just for the little ones from other covens to enjoy. A fun little party where they can practice a little magic and also have fun and dress up." She came up with the idea and somehow roped Hazel's parents to allow them to use their coven. "They're used to going into the real world to trick-or-treat but now they can come here and not hide who they really are, at least for a few hours."

"And let me guess, they'll dress up as witches and warlocks?" My tone is dry.

"Jake, please take your friend somewhere else if he keeps trying to rain on my parade." Amelia turns her nose up at me. She takes out more decorations and turns to another wall.

"You're already making me set up this motion-sensor creepy doll by the entrance, I can't do two things at once." He responds. He's not wearing some holiday sweaters, thank God.

Hazel puts a finger over her lips when she catches me looking at her and waves a hand in the hair. Most of the decorations from the black bin flow out and plaster on the wall, ceiling, and chandelier.

"Hey! No magic! This is supposed to be fun!" Amelia exclaims when she sees the last of the fake spider webs hanging from one of the floating candles.

Hazel goes up to her and gives her a soft kiss.

I look away, uninterested in their stupid conversation.

"The faster we finish, the faster we can get ready and have a little bit of fun before the event." I hear her whisper.

"Okay, this looks good." Amelia sounds breathless. "But wait, Chase," I look up at her. "There is a party tonight at some frat house if you want to meet us there after this gathering."

I gather my gym bag and give a short nod. "Um, sure. Text me the details and I will meet you guys there." This couldn't be better timing.

"Really?" Jake sounds surprised.

"You're going too, right?"

He shrugs. "I didn't plan on it. And I don't think it's Leo's scene if I'm being honest."

"It would be nice to get drunk for Halloween." The one night of the year when we are made fun of for being fairytale creatures.

It is almost painful how my lame attempt to be nonchalant fools none of them. They know I'm already having a hard time as it is going to school and being part of the football team as if nothing happened. Coming to the Roderick Coven to learn all there is to know about magic hasn't been as difficult but it is still a change of pace. They know I'm yearning for him but can't do anything about it. I see the empathy in their eyes when they don't think I'm paying attention. But at this point, I will take anything to get my mind off of him. Working out and immersing myself in magic isn't cutting it anymore.

I'm just glad I'm almost done with this bullshit so I can finally think about my future and move on.

"Yeah, you know what? A party sounds just like the thing to do tonight." Jake pats my shoulder. "I'll text you later."

"Great!" Amelia gives Hazel a look before she can back out and gives me a smile. "We will make sure to get you wasted tonight."


Someone knocks on my door a few hours later.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Leo doesn't bother with greetings.

Ever since I moved in, we've fallen into a comfortable routine. He trains me in hand-on-hand combat and some spells. Then we hang out whenever Jake is out and talk about whatever we feel like. He knows he can come into my room whenever he wants just like I can go to his. He's gotten more into teaching me about the history of each coven which has been more entertaining than I could have thought. Especially when it comes to the Knight Coven.

I know he does it to keep an eye on me. He half expected me to try to jump off a bridge every time he couldn't find me the first couple of weeks but after some time, he realized I was learning to cope with everything. I visited my parents more often, appreciating the love and distraction Grayson provided. Even school was somewhat of a blessing to numb up my mind for a few hours. Even football practice has become my favorite hobby, aside from learning how to create fireballs with my palms. Anything that requires my body to work and my mind to solely focus on what I'm doing. We all decided I should finish school to appease my parents but it is a blissful distraction in hindsight. And then there is my main distraction. The one thing that has truly helped me cope with it all. Everything that has led up to this night.