Magical Enchantment


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I move back to look through my closet and shrug. "It won't hurt to have just one night to get drunk." My shoulders tense. Does he suspect something? Maybe he knows I've given up drinking for good. Anytime I do, I only end up cursing everything that has happened in my life.

"I totally get it." He leans against my closet door. "But, getting drunk lowers your inhibitions. You'll be around humans and one spilled drink or one wrong look can have detrimental results if you can't control your anger."

I scoff. "You know damn well I'm better at handling my power than any newbie walking around."

He forces me to face him. "This isn't something to take lightly. Do you know what would happen if anything happens to these humans at our hands? Not to mention my parents are out of town so if anything goes to shit, it's my neck on the line?"

I shrug him off and close the closet door. "I won't give him a reason to come." We both know what I'm really saying. I will not call any attention to myself or do anything that would require interference from the higher-ups.

He squints. "He wouldn't be the one coming. Someone else from the Stardust Coven would come and he would just have to hear about it. Do you want to give him reason to worry?"

"No. I promise I won't drink a lot and keep my powers to myself." I pull my robe on and give him a look when he raises an eyebrow. "What? I didn't have a costume so what better warlock robe than a real one?"



There's someone banging on my door before I realize I fell asleep.

I sneak the glass back under my mattress and rub my face.

There's more banging on my door and I throw my shoes on. This is a first. We're not bothered at all when we come into our rooms. This is the one place where we can guarantee we have a clear line between work and personal time. No one else is supposed to invade our space.

I open the door and find two older gentlemen in white robes.

"We need you to come with us." One of them moves aside and motions for me to walk down the hall.

I look back into my room, assuring the glass is hidden. Very slowly, I close the door behind me and walk ahead. One of them steps next to me while the other follows us closely.

"May I know what this is regarding?" The further away from my room we walk, the more awake I feel. Oh shit! What did I do? Do they know what I've been up to?

I open my mind up to the spirits hoping they can give me some insight or even just one clue about what this may be.

No one answers me.

We continue to walk in silence and move to the elevators. The man next to me presses on the second to last floor and my stomach drops. We're going to see the elders? Why? What did I do?

The elevator ride is quick, only adding to my trepidation. I have no time to think. Nothing to get me out of whatever mess I got myself into. I think about the disappointment on Paul and Gina's faces when I'm sent back home with my bags. I've been trying so hard and I thought I was doing just fine. At least getting by without any issues but maybe I've been delusional. Maybe it is asking too much for others to accept me. Did they petition for me to get kicked out of the training?

We walk down the long white hallway and through two glass doors at the end. There is a very old lady sitting behind a desk, writing something down with a quill. Do they know how much technology has advanced so they don't have to use that anymore? Or do they realize they have enough magic to automate just about any task they need? Why am I even thinking about this right now? Is my brain going into overload, not knowing how to compartmentalize or filter my thoughts? Maybe it is clutching any random thought to distract me from my current predicament.

We walk past the desk and into another white room. There is a fire crackling in the corner and a white couch next to it. I stare at the flames, amazed. I haven't seen real fire in a while. Someone clears their throat and I turn to look at them.

An older lady stands in front of a glass table and motions for the two men to leave the room.

Her long white hair is parted down the middle, running down her back. Her white robe is almost glowing against her skin. It almost blends into the white walls and ceiling. Her dark eyes take me in, emotionless.

"I called you here because we are running into a possible problem with Chase." She ignores my sharp intake at the mention of his name. "He's been talking to a lot of Rebels these past few months. Getting in contact with just some at first but it seems like a whole new movement is taking place. He has somehow found himself in the middle of it."

"Chase?" My breath catches in my throat. It can't be. I've been keeping an eye on him. I've been watching him. Of course, I can't do it around the clock...but Leo is also watching him. There has to be a mistake. The Roderick Coven knows he's vulnerable even if others haven't figured out who he is yet. They wouldn't be careless enough to allow him to make any mistakes, even minor ones. Being seen with a Rebel is like a kiss of death. He can't come back from it.

"We're planning on moving in on him tonight. We think they're planning on breaking Elise free." Her words don't make sense to me. It is as if she's speaking in another language. And yet, my mind is already racing. Trying to figure out how I can stop all of this.

"What are you going to do?" The grief threatening to warm into my heart is barely kept at bay.

"Whatever we must in order to make sure that does not happen."

"Why are you telling me?" Is this some sadistic joke? Tell me they plan on killing my soulmate for what? Are they trying to elicit a reaction? They must know that although I chose to come here, a part of me will die if anything was to happen to him. Maybe they think I know something. But I don't know anything. I haven't had any reason to suspect he has been up to something. I've been watching him. What has he gotten himself into?

"We are hoping you can go back and get him to confide in you. Maybe you can get better insight and sway his head if you have to." She comes closer to me. "I have not brought this up to anyone who shouldn't be made aware of it yet because we think we can contain the problem. We believe you can help us contain it."

They know about the powerful connection we have. They know that as soon as we see each other anything planned by either party can go out the window. They want to use my love for him as a distraction, a diversion that will just be an illusion. Just enough time to allow me to take control of the situation. Because it is not like we can end up together. Even if I help them stop him, they will never let us be together.

"This is your best chance to make sure he is safe." Her eyes are calculating. "If you cannot help, we will have to inform those above me.

I wipe the tears rolling down my cheek and nod. "What do you need me to do?" At this point, there is no time to think.

I just hope I'm not too late.



My phone rings again, another call from Leo.

I shoot him a quick text, coming up with some dumb excuse about running late. The streets are packed with people. Ogres, vampires, sexy kittens, and of course witches walk around campus. The majority of them are in groups heading to the bar or whatever party they were invited to for the night. I blend in with my dark robe, barely catching anyone's eye as I move against the current. I'm walking towards the football field.

A group of girls cross my path and they giggle my way.

It's hard not to roll my eyes. I want to scare them and show them exactly who they are actually trying to flirt with. How long would it take them to realize I could kill them with a snap of my fingers? I look up at the moon, it's nearly full. The excess energy rolls off of me in waves. I see those that are nearby shiver but continue moving. I turn a corner and take a quiet path to the back of the field. I'm early, but I know they will all be waiting. This is the night they have all been looking forward to. The night that I will free their true queen and help them kill every soulmate we come across.

Just before I can walk through the gate, an eerie sensation brushes up against my chest. I skid to a stop and turn my head towards a muffled sound coming from behind a big black SUV. The noise sounds familiar, I've heard it at least once before in my life and my body starts to react immediately. My palms get sweaty and my heartbeat increases. It sounds like static and grinding of the earth. Ripping of the wind and light pounding of concrete.

Everette walks from behind the car.

He's wearing a dark green long-sleeve shirt, dark jeans, and sneakers. No robe, nothing to make him stick out. Except that he would stick out because he's not wearing a costume. He looks tired. I have a ridiculous urge to go to him. Take him in my arms. Touch him and kiss him and never ever let him go. It has been months. So many days and so many hours since I last saw him. The last time we spoke, he was prepping our separation. That is not something I will ever forget.

"What are you doing here?" Can he hear the false bravado in my tone?

He visibly stiffens but makes no move to back down or look away. "What are you doing here, Chase?"

My name on his lips is almost enough for me to push him up against the car. Kiss him senseless and fuck him until we're both too exhausted to move. I stare up at the moon again, completely pissed that it is affecting my thoughts. Anything I'm feeling now is that much more intense just because of it. Fucking moon.

I pivot back to the field, not bothering to answer his stupid question.

"Hey!" He whispers urgently.

"Go back to where you came from."

"Chase! I'm talking to you!" He barks.

I move fast enough to surprise us both. My hand wraps around his throat and I slam him against the hood of an old white sedan. "Now you want to talk to me?"

His hands wrap around my wrist, not to pull me away but to keep me in place. My face is inches away from him. I press my body closer to his, remembering the feeling of having him under me. His heart starts imitating a hummingbird. I know it's his because mine feels heavy. Being this close to me is going to keep me up at night. I know it.

"How about all of those months of no communication? Not one call, one text, or even one damn letter from you." I grind through my teeth. My hand tightens around his neck. Not enough to hurt him but enough to threaten him to leave me alone. I'm not in any mood to hash out our fucked-up relationship tonight.

"I'm sorry," He closes his eyes and his hand begins to shake. "I thought it would make things easier for you."

"Fuck that! You did it to make it easier on yourself." I pull back and shrug him off when he tries to reach for me. "You left me, just like you always intended, and I moved on. Now leave!"

I see my green eyes reflecting off his dark ones. He's not afraid, he actually looks hurt. As if he feels even a margin of the havoc that he's causing me. I turn away and walk with a purpose.

"You can't do this, they're watching." He follows close behind.

"So what? Are you here to stop me? Are you following orders? Because that seems to be all you're good for." I spit on the ground. There is a terrible taste developing in my mouth. I know the words I'm currently spewing aren't helping.

There were so many nights that I dreamt about this. That I asked whatever divine higher power there is on this earth to bring him back to me. I yearned to be near him. To hear the sound of his voice, smell his natural scent, and touch him wherever I could. But now that I have him here, I want him nowhere near me. Nowhere near what will happen tonight. Even if he only came back because he heard of what I have been up to, I wouldn't want to risk him getting hurt. I kick a trash can next to the entrance and turn back to see him still following me.

"You need to get the Hell out of here. I can't protect you from them."

He raises his chin, "I'm not leaving your side."

For a very valid reason, his words anger me further. Because I've wanted to hear them since the moment, I kissed him. But they're false. He can't promise me that when he will just go back to them as soon as this is over. I won't let him distract me.

"Your funeral." I go back to walking towards the field.

There will be funerals tonight, but definitely not his.



My heart stammers as I see the black robes in the distance.

There are about a dozen of them, standing in a semicircle, no words being muttered. I force one foot in front of the other, keeping my eyes on the back of Chase's long hair. It is so much longer than before. I don't know why I assumed he would chop it off and dye it once he got his Roderick robe but I'm glad he hasn't. He is still so beautiful. My heart calls for him. I want to be wrapped in his arms and be taken far away from here. Go back to the small bubble that was just us. Before I left and ruined the tiny sliver of happiness that we shared.

No one raises their cloaks when Chase enters the middle. They all keep their heads bowed, hiding their identities under the long hoods.

My mind races back to that night in the mountains. The night we caught Elise and thought we had gotten rid of most of her army. Who knew she had more followers hiding just within reach? How has Chase been able to reach out to them? Have they sought him out? Do they even know who he is?

"Brothers," His voice is loud and clear for all to hear. "I won't waste any of your time with small talk. Tonight is the night we all get our long-awaited revenge."

The black robes start to move side to side, in anticipation. He has them all in the palm of his hand. How?

"We will kill until we cannot kill anymore. We will make her proud and have a plethora of offerings for her." There is no emotion in his voice. No hate or excitement.

I hear his words, yet they don't hit a nerve with me. But this is Chase. The same person who has been gathering the Rebels to fight and plan for murder and violence for their queen. How am I going to stop him? I have no army. I do have a quick spell I can do to put him down for a moment or two. I can also call out to the Star Dust Coven with a flick of my wrist but neither option appeals to me at the moment. If I put him down, I will be left to fend for myself against the Rebels. Even if he despises me, there has to be a small part of him that doesn't want to harm me or see me get harmed, right? Which is why I cannot call them to come take him away. They will hurt him and do whatever they wish to stop this. I know they're watching. They just need my signal.

"Everyone grab hands, we will first free our queen and then give her as many souls as she needs to sedate her hunger." He moves closer to them and grabs the hands of Rebel at each end of the semicircle.

"Wait!" Before I can step close to them, they're all gone.

Fuck! Shit! What the fuck was that? It all happened so fast.

I'm so fucking useless!

I dig into my jeans for my old phone and call out to Leo. He answers on the first ring.

"Please tell me you're in your coven and your borders are secure." I rush out.

I hear the sound of the portal opening back up in the distance and rub my forehead.

"What's going on?" There is music blasting in the background. "We were waiting for Chase to meet us at this dumb frat party but he's running late. What did you just ask?"

"Fuck! Leo, go back to your compound! Alert your men, the Rebels are coming for Elise." I'm shouting as hard as I can out of fear and desperation.

The two white-cloaked individuals are getting closer to me now.

One of them raises their hood. "You are ordered to go back to the Star Dust Coven. They will take it from here."

"But what about Chase?" Leo asks over the phone. I can no longer hear the music. He says something to whoever is with him.

"He's the one leading them to her." I get to say before they snatch the phone out of my hands. "Wait!" I put my hands up in a non-threatening gesture. "I can still fix this. I just need to get there first-"

"I don't think so." He interrupts me but falls back when he tries to restrain me.

I watch him fall back and seconds later so does his partner.

Traces of white ghosts float over the bodies and I look away, terrified by the sight. It is the spirits again. They're here now. They just took them down, but why?

I get pushed by one of their essences and feel myself transported through space.

"Go help him."



I pull each Rebel through the secured enclosure with minimal effort.

I've been mentally training myself for this day. I've read up on all the spell books I could get my hands on. I've studied the guards' patterns and have paid special interest on any downtime the gates are secured. I know there is barely a soul in the coven tonight since the kids are now out celebrating in Hazel's coven and the rest of the adults are either with them or enjoying the one night they can walk around and be their true selves in the real world. I briefly wonder if I will ever be able to enjoy Halloween after tonight.

I make sure we all stay connected as we walk across the quiet grounds. I can feel the cloaking spell starting to strain my magic a bit but I don't sweat it. The next few minutes will bring an end to this once and for all.

"Remember," My voice is quiet. "Stay connected, no matter what. Do not let go."

They follow silently. There is no reaction when they see the ground opening up. That specific magic trick took me a while to get just right. Although we are going underground, we're going just below the normal Earth plane. It is an entirely different level that does not appear unless you are actively looking for it.

I lead the way, each one following behind me.

An alarm begins to blast in the distance and I curse, closing the entrance behind us. Two of the rebels get left outside of it, effectively breaking the chain. No point in hiding now, since they all know we're here. Was that Everette's doing? Or is it the Star Dust Coven coming after us? Either way, I know the Roderick guards are going to be pissed and they will come for blood.

I let go of the person behind me and start running down the narrow tunnel.

"They've opened it back up!" The last person yells. It is the first time any of them speak.

We hear growling sounds behind us, but it doesn't sound like any animal I've heard before. Heavy paws pound against the mud. Someone yells at the top of their lungs as bones begin to break. They've let something loose down here. I roll my eyes. This isn't how any of this was supposed to go. I should have pushed Everette back when I had the chance. Sent him back to his little world while I took care of everything else down here.

"Hold it there!" One of the Roderick guards conjures up two blue fireballs in their hands, ready to take us out.

I throw him back, just hard enough to knock him out. His ego will be more hurt than his actual body.

A few yards down I see the entrance to her cell. Another guard appears but this time he throws over a dozen burning arrows at us. I portal them out of here and onto the now-empty football field. I'm sure there will be questions tomorrow but that isn't my concern. Another person falls far behind and gets eaten by whatever is chasing us.

I push both hands out and transport the guards above ground without having to touch them. Hmm, can't believe that worked. I hadn't practiced that one yet.

We all rush into the room, barely missing the great black creature heading straight for us. I seal the door with a powerful spell but hear it bang on their other side. Did it have scales and a long tail? It wasn't an animal from this realm, that much I do know.

We only take a few moments to catch our breath before we file into the room where she's waiting for us. There is a satisfied smile on her lips as she looks around the room. When her eyes land on me, she winks. She's exactly where she said she would be. Not in her cell but in an interrogation room. Her hands are bound on the table by metal cuffs.