All Comments on 'Mailgirls on the Run Pt. 01'

by eltree

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Good MG story!

I agree with some of the other commenters that Megan needs to be forced to run naked against her wishes. :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Good story so far. Let’s get to the race where she is stripped Before running. Get some more humiliation in it and make her be harder on the runners. Keep filming everything and put more punishment on the slower tunners

lizstanton8181lizstanton8181about 6 years ago
Great addition!

I've been wanting to write an "ex-mailgirl" story. I'd much rather read one! Keep up the good work! I'm interested in seeing where Megan's story goes...

LupusDeiLupusDeiabout 6 years ago
Liked it

Love softcore mailgirls where BDSM is kept to minimum and ex-mailgirl is a thing.

Just two demerits to you:

1) The story pretty much assume reader who is already familiar with mailgirl universe. While it would be waste to include all the lengthy explanations right here (and you do fairly good job at it already), a prior note that it takes place in established universe that differ slightly from everyday experience of most readers may be nice to have.

To that effect and benefit of previous commenter, a good entry point could be "Confessions of a Mailgirl" by Seahawk76

2) While nudity of a mailgirl might indeed become mundane, it shouldn't be normalised to the level I could forgive to some nudist story where it is taken as given or as unremarkable as any other fashion choice. Here I want to be constantly reminded about glistening skin, swaying breasts, the nakedness of those girls. Just a little bit more. I think the attitude of our ex-mailgirl lead creeps in narrative voice a bit too much, downplaying the voyeuristic fun there could be for reader benefit.

(Speaking of whom, I expect to see her nude at the race day, for whatever reason.)

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeabout 6 years ago
A Good Start

I'd like to hear more of the inner thought processes of the mail girls. What do they think about being nude and stared at all the time? How does it feel? How did they end up as mail girls, were they pressured in some way?

Looking forward to reading the next chapter.

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