Makati Ch. 01-02

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An American discovers the joy of Makati Manila.
6.4k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/27/2020
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This is my first story to publish. It is based on a true story. The time frame was compacted to make a better story.

It had been a hell of a 48 hours. Four different flights including a 16 hour layover at Shanghai, but I was finally in Manila. Trump, while he has been good for the economy was fucking me over. You see, I have a sourcing company that works for everyone from Fortune 500 firms to mom and pops. For the last decade, most of the goods I would source have been coming from China. I've built up a pretty good business, with over 60 people working for me full time in the States and in Asia.

But with the Tariffs, my business has been suffering. I've spent the last three years moving production to other countries, and yes, even back to the good old USA. It's been a big pain in the ass, but I have made it worth my time. I've renegotiated my contracts saying any savings from Tariffs would be split 50/50 for the first three years, that could mean literally mid seven figures for the company.

Sourcing is a tricky business, and one I take seriously. Most of the factories I find myself, I don't rely on outside companies or even my employees. Asians tend to bribe or blackmail their way into getting the business.

I was moving production of a huge contract with a maker of green tractors to the Philippines. They weren't difficult items; it was the size of the contract that had me worried. I was going to spend 3 weeks on and 2 weeks off in Manila until I was comfortable. I also needed to set up a local office and meet the local government and customs officials. Make sure the correct palms were properly greased.

I arrived in Manila early on a Friday afternoon and I was headed to a local 5-star hotel in the middle of Makati. It was situated in the ultra-rich section of town with a huge mall across the street. Tall glass towers dot the landscape of Makati. Standing there with a sign with my name on it was a 60 year old grizzled Manila veteran, Jose. I had met him a few times on my previous trips meeting with the factory and they assigned him to be my driver.

I hopped into the back of the black Audi and was relieved that he had kept the AC on, as it was hot and humid. I guess being this close to the equator, even in November it was going to be miserably hot.

Although the hotel is only 10 miles away from the airport, it usually takes an hour or more to get there. A Friday afternoon rush hour in Manila is only rivaled by one in Jakarta. Add in the daily afternoon rain, and it could be impossible to get anywhere. Another of my worries, how in the hell can you logistically move goods around such a fucked up place?

I arrived at my hotel and was greeted by name by the bell boy, him remembering me from a previous trip and a $10 tip. He escorted me through the metal detectors and to the front desk where Jasmine checked me in. Oh Jasmine, the little Filipina desk clerk that is 8 months pregnant. How she has filled out in the 60 days since I've been here. Her big belly, and her tits have gotten massive. All squeezed into her little gray outfit. She smiled brightly and said "Welcome back Mr. Jones, so glad to see you!"

We had flirted innocently enough on my last trip when I had lost my room key while I was at the hotel bar. I was half drunk (well...maybe a little more) and couldn't seem to find my key. She offered to escort me to the room to make sure I arrived safely. She was six months pregnant at the time and you could barely tell on her 5'2" frame. I thought it odd that she didn't have Jose or the Concierge Peter escort me, but I enjoyed flirting with her on the elevator. On the way up to the 24th floor, I had asked her how far along she was, and she told me "Six months Mr. Jones, and I feel so fat and ugly" as she rubbed her stomach and her eyes looked at the carpet.

I took my hand and pulled her chin up to look at me and told her she was very sexy, that her husband was very lucky to have a wife so sexy.

She blushed and whispered "I wish my husband thought the same thing"

As we exited the elevator and headed to my room I was walking behind her looking at her lush Latina like ass in that tight gray mini skirt. I wanted to reach out and touch it.

When she made sure I was safe in my room I reached in my pocket to give her a tip, when she placed her hand on my pocket and said "No sir, no tip. Just glad you are safe". Her hand that close to my dick caused it to begin to stir as we looked at each other in the eyes. This little 26 year old minx sure knew how to turn up the heat.

I leaned down and whispered into her ear that "You know Jasmine, you should leave before we both get in trouble." Her smell was exquisite, my dick getting harder as I kissed her cheek and backed away. She blushed and told me "Mr. Jones, you are so sweet and nice"

As she left the room, I was mad at myself for passing up an opportunity, but I knew that if she got caught even flirting with a customer, she would get fired and blackballed from the industry. The lure of finding a rich American to some of these gals is just too great (even if married and pregnant), and the $40,000 Rolex on my wrist was a hell of a calling card.

Back to the present day and Jasmine was asking how my trip was and how many days I would be staying. I told her two or three nights depending on if I could find an apartment to rent. She smiled but then acted sad, saying "Mr. Jones, you won't be staying with us any longer?" I informed her that my trips would now be for a longer periods of time and that I needed an apartment to make it more efficient. She frowned and said that "we" would miss me and gave me a sexy wink.

All checked in and Jasmine gave me my normal room on the 24th floor, overlooking the shopping mall. Jose had already taken my bags up and as I rode the elevator alone, I began thinking if Manila would really be the solution to my problems or the biggest headache since I started my company?

While the locals were friendly, always "Yes sir Mr. Jones", "Of course Mr. Jones", their habit of not telling the truth was something they wouldn't break even for a multi-million-dollar contract. They would lie about the simplest of things. And the workers? Oh boy, if you could get a worker to show up 4 days a week you were lucky. Six days a week? Impossible.

Arriving at my room I decided a shower and a nap were in order. I set my alarm for 7:00 pm and decided that this trip and I was on my own, I would go check out the world's famous Café Havana for dinner and drinks. It was time to investigate the "other" side of Manila.

Chapter 2

I didn't wake up until almost 8:00pm. I was tired and as I laid in bed I debated just rolling over and going back to sleep. I knew from plenty of experience, that if I did that, I would be up at 3:00am hungry and nothing open. I forced myself to get another quick shower and get dressed casually, in a short sleeve button down shirt and some shorts. I even threw on a ball cap and headed down to stairs. Jasmine had a customer, so I hung out in the huge lobby watching all the people coming and going on a Friday night.

I went up to Jasmine once she was free and handed her my Rolex in a cashmere pouch and asked her if she could put it in the hotel safe. She looked at me with her doe eyes and said "of course Mr. Jones, follow me so you can witness it going in" She dialed the manager and said something in the local language and we walked back together to the hotel safe. The manager asked me to open the pouch so he could inspect the item and he took pictures on his phone and made some notes on a sign in sheet. After the three of us signed the documents, I followed Jasmine back to the front. Along the way down the corridor, she waited for me to catch up and put her arm into mine and looked at me saying "I hope you continue to come to the hotel Mr. Jones. It would be very sad if I didn't get to see you anymore"

I told her that I would be back, if nothing else to come drink in the hotel bar. She smiled and said "I hope so"

Back in the lobby they seemed to be having some sort of beauty contest going on upstairs, as there were maybe 70 young Filipina girls all dressed in red dresses. They were posing for pictures on the stairs leading up to the ball room and the second floor. If only I was 20 years younger...

Guess it's time to describe myself. I'm 49 years old, been married for 20 years to the love of my life. Just under 6' tall and 185 pounds, a little bit of a gut, but barely noticeable in the right clothing. I take care of myself as much as I can, I do smoke and drink, but only to excess in Asia. Back in the states I only smoke occasionally, and rarely do I drink. My wife is a smoking hot blonde with big fake tits and a huge sex drive. We dabbled in swinging for a period of time, but the time and energy needed for "the lifestyle" didn't mesh with our day to day lives. She is an executive for a Fortune 100 company and travels extensively. When we are together, we make up for all the lost time. Do I think she has some side dick on me on her trips? I can almost guarantee it. However, we make sure we don't rub what goes on when we are out of town in each other's faces. Better left unsaid.

I walk across the street to the big fancy mall and each time I visit I am astounded at the high-end retail that is here. Brand names you only see in Beverly Hills or in Manhattan. Right in the middle of one of poorest countries in the world and literally just blocks from the barrios.

I have seen Cafe Havana on my previous trips, but never stopped in. I always had an employee or four with me on those trips, and when I'm with them I'm about as strait laced as can be. Can't set a bad example now can we.

I took a seat on the patio outside and looked around. Lots of couples sitting together, just like in any other part of the world. The only difference is most of the males are over 50 and most of the females under 30. This place is a pickup bar/restaurant; as long as you are willing to pay for the "pickup".

I ordered a Perrier and a Cuban sandwich and looked around for the smoking area. President Duterte had issued a law saying smoking on the street is a crime, and if you are caught it was a big fine and possibly they could haul you into jail. When abroad, I try to follow the law as much as I can, especially when you have a petty tyrant as a leader. The smoking area wasn't obvious and as I waited for my waitress to return (something you could grow old doing in Manila), I noticed the couple sitting at the table next to mine. An older gentleman, maybe 60, thin, well built with a military haircut and a strong Scottish accent sat with a very young, very beautiful Filipina. She was curvy but skinny, her waist was no bigger than 23 inches around but she had hips and big C cups. She didn't look over 18 years old and they were laughing and having a good time drinking a bottle of red wine.

I apologized for interrupting and asked the guy if he knew where the smoking area was, and he laughed and said "Yeah, it's over there" pointing behind me, "but be careful, it's so smokey in there you don't even need to light one up"

I thanked him and asked him if he could tell the waitress where I have gone if she comes back with my drink and food, and if he'd be so nice I'd buy him a drink. He said sure, he'd look after me. I looked over at his "date" and smiled at her and again apologized for interrupting as I made my way to smoke.

The guy was right, the cubicle they had setup to smoke was small and very smokey. There were probably 10 of us in there and I hurriedly finished my cigarette so I could get out in the fresh air.

Back at the table sat my Perrier and when I sat down, I thanked my neighbors again. He introduced himself as Bruce and his friend's name was Nancy. I introduced myself and thanked them again for looking out for me. I didn't want to intrude on their evening any longer and sat back to drink my water and look around the crowd, seeing if I could find something to entertain me for the night.

I have a type when in Asia. I have a stacked, voluptuous wife at home, so when I'm in Asia, I like skinny, like very skinny. 40-45kg, short with A Cups. Something about having a young Asian girl that's so small she can't get her hand all the way around my cock. Makes me look a lot larger than I really am I guess.

Here in the Philippines, the girls are built more like Latinas. Bigger asses, bigger tits...curves, where back in China the girls have as many curves as a 2x4. Most of the available gals all smiled when I made eye contact, but they were either too fat, too old or looked too much like whores. You know the type, eyes that are dead, there just for one thing. Money, to fuel a habit more than likely, or the boyfriend's habit. I am very particular, even when paying for sex. The gal must at least enjoy what she does, if not, I'm out.

As there wasn't anything that interested me, I concentrated on finishing my sandwich. As I was eating, Bruce was getting out of his chair and came over to my table, he said he was headed off to the cludgie and could I look after Nancy. He said "I won't be a minute, but in this place you never know. Go sit with her if you want, she won't bite, unless you tell her to"

I of course told him I would do just that and went to sit with her while he hit the head. She was very charming, and her English was almost perfect. Her teeth were whiter than snow and I couldn't help but stare at her chest bulging out of her very tight dress. She caught me looking and on the third time, she asked if I liked them as she lifted them with both hands. I smiled and told her she was very attractive, and that I really should be doing my job of looking after her, rather than looking at her! She laughed and said "Bruce would like it that you were looking, he likes it very much"

As she said this, she was rubbing her nipples with her middle fingers as she lifted her breasts. The nipples were so long that they pushed the cotton dress out at least a half an inch. I couldn't help but stare, not knowing really what to say and was saved as I saw Bruce returning. I stood up to move back to my table as he arrived, and he told me to sit down as he drug my chair from my table over to sit on the other side of Nancy. I hesitated and said "Hey man, don't want to intrude on your evening" and he looked at me and motioned for me to sit. "You aren't intruding, sit with us and let's see if we can find what you are looking for, I'm thinking it isn't very far away" he said with a big crooked tooth smile. The damn Brits, I've never met one with straight teeth, and his look straight out of a dental hygienist manual.

I sat back down and motioned for the waitress as he asked what I was doing in Manila? "Other than looking for some pussy" he said with a big laugh.

I told him about my business and he filled me in that he was a helicopter pilot for a oil rich country. He was the lead pilot and they mainly flew SAR missions. He explained he was a retired military pilot and they paid him big bucks to run this operation to protect the kingdom's off shore oil rigs. He worked 3 weeks on and one week off and he was at the tail end of his week off and was headed back on Sunday.

He explained Nancy was his girlfriend of the past 18 months, I laughed and asked him "Was she 14 when you met her?" Nancy laughed and told me she would be 20 next month, and even pulled out her government ID to show me. She looked so proud that she was almost not a teenager anymore. My dick twitched when I thought that she was STILL a teenager and built like a brick shithouse.

They were both drunk at this point, and I was still drinking mineral water. I knew I had a long day ahead of me tomorrow as I needed to find a condo. We continued chatting and getting to know each other for the next hour while they finished off their fourth bottle of wine. Bruce told me the story of how they met, right here in this bar 18 months ago. Nancy and her older sister decided they were going to see what it would be like to get paid for sex from a foreigner. There are so many "Pretty Woman" stories in the Philippines, where a bar girl or hooker marries a foreign guy and lives happily ever after, that it becomes like a goal for the local girls. You have to say that most of these girls grow up in abject poverty, so having a husband that does nothing but provide a roof over their heads and food on the table is a huge step up.

Well, one thing led to another and Bruce got so drunk that night that when Nancy went back to the hotel with him, he passed out. She told the story that she had a choice; to take care of him or rob him. She smiled that million-dollar grin and said, "I took a chance and took care of him. Some days I wish I would have just robbed him and been done with him!"

He laughed so hard that people at all the surrounding tables were all looking. He looked at her straight in the eye and told her "Yeah, you should have. It would have saved me a bunch of money!!" And they both continued to laugh.

As we sat and talked, Bruce leaned over to Nancy and whispered something in her ear. Almost immediately Nancy put her hand on the chair I was sitting in and told me to scoot closer, that it was hard to hear. I smiled and moved closer to her, Bruce and I one either side of her. She then placed her hand on my cock on top my shorts and while looking at me she told me "Bruce likes to watch, relax and enjoy," as they both broke out laughing.

We chatted while Nancy was being successful getting my cock hard under the small table. Bruce looked at Nancy and nodded her direction with an almost instruction, and she leaned over and shyly whispered that it was her fantasy to have two men at once. I laughed and looked at Bruce and said outload; "Is it her fantasy or yours?" with a big laugh.

He said she was a handful, and at his age it was hard to keep her satisfied, and then looked at Nancy and told her "Show him"

She took my right hand off the table and moved it between her legs. She looked at me with her big eyes and said "Feel"

I slowly moved my hand under her very short skirt to find out what was suspected, no panties, and a very wet shaved pussy. She held my hand to her pussy as I slowly moved my hand down her lips.

She shivered a little and blushed and took my hand out from beneath the table. I was moving my hand back to my drink when she tugged and pulled it to her mouth. Licking my first two fingers while looking me straight in the eye.

"Maybe next time I'll let you taste" she said as both her and Bruce laughed out loud.

I looked at Bruce and said "honestly, I would love to taste her. But I need to know the rules."

Bruce went on to explain, they had talked about bringing in another guy, but Nancy was shy. I looked at this young vixen next to me and couldn't imagine a shy bone in her body. She was built to fuck and she knew it.

Bruce said he loved Nancy, that they were to be married one day if she could prove her loyalty. They had tried a threesome with one of Nancy's friends, but she got so jealous in the middle of it she kicked her friend out and didn't talk to Bruce for three days (hot Filipina tempers are well known). She was insecure and deathly afraid that Bruce would leave her for another woman (left unsaid was that she would lose her sugar daddy along the way).

They had flirted with a few guys at bars this trip, but Nancy had always rejected them for one reason or another. Bruce thought it was because of her self-esteem issues, Nancy interjected "No Bruce, those guys were ugly."

I told them about my experiences with my wife. Nancy asked me if I really had sex with other women in front of my wife and I explained that my wife was very secure in our relationship, and it turned her on to watch me fuck some stranger.

Nancy told me she could never do that, she would be too afraid.