Make It Out Alive


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She turned and left it at that. As I watched her walk away I thought about what she'd said. Neither she nor Richard seemed overly concerned with my past. Granted, they didn't really know anything more than that I was good with a gun. The Ten Guns Gang operated for a long time, but we were never really caught doing anything, and we all kept a rather low profile, so other than a few petty crimes, I didn't think I was a wanted man, even with the botched bank job. They might have figured I was the missing member, but my description wouldn't have really gotten out, so nobody could be too sure.

My reputation as a gunslinger though? That would catch up with me, I was almost sure of it. I wasn't wanted for murder though. I'd been cleared of every killing that had a witness. I never drew first and I didn't goad people into it, usually anyways. I didn't need to draw first. I was faster. Therefore every shootout I'd been caught in was labeled self defense, but there were still people out there that wanted revenge for someone or another. I didn't want to bring that trouble onto this family.

I was almost so lost in thought that I might have missed Clara approaching me if she wasn't the most beautiful woman on the planet. No matter how hard you think, you can't be so out of it you miss something like that.

"Are you ready for that dance cowboy?" She said with the voice of an angel. While there were a good handful of women at the event due to families of other ranchers and the few married hands who brought their wives, the men still vastly outnumbered the women which meant that the ladies dance cards were filled practically the entire evening.

"Of course," I smiled. "I'd be honored, and I must be thanking you for saving me a spot on your card."

"I'd have saved them all if you'd have asked," she said, probably a little more flirtatiously than she intended, though I couldn't be sure.

"Now I can't have the other hands trying to fight me," I chuckled as I took her arm to escort her to the dance floor.

The band played a faster swing number and we danced our hearts out. I wasn't a good dancer by any means, but I knew the basic steps so I didn't make a fool out of myself or Clara. When the song ended the band went right into a slower tune, and before I could escort Clara back off the floor she stepped into my arms and asked if I'd be bothered to dance one more with her. Obviously I wasn't.

"So where'd you come from Just Brad?" She asked softly as we swayed to the music.

"A little bit of everywhere," I offered lamely, not wanting to give her any of my past lest I scare her away.

"Ooo a mysterious knight in shining armor came riding into my life then," she breathed.

"I wouldn't go that far," I chuckled. "I've just been a little bit of everywhere is all."

I hoped she'd leave it at that and not pry. The longer I spent with her the more sure I was that I'd reveal every sordid detail of my past if she'd ask. I didn't want to run her off.

"What did you do before becoming a ranch hand?"

"Nothing you'd want to know about Clara," I said, not sternly but warningly.

"Cowboys always ride away," she sighed. "Are you going to ride away on me?"

She didn't beat around the bush, but she also didn't pry. She could tell my past was a complicated one, and I think she figured I'd share when I felt the need to.

"I don't plan on it," I assured her softly. "I don't plan on it at all."

"But you still might?" She asked hesitantly.

"Only if I'm forced to," I said. "I quite like it here."

"Here on the ranch, or here, with me, right now?" She asked, looking at me with those enchanting eyes.

"Both the former, and most certainly the latter," I said. What was I doing? I couldn't fall for her.

"I like it here too," she breathed, gently tightening her grip on me to emphasize her point.

We danced the rest of the song and I begged off, opting to free up her dance card, much to her dismay. I was headed out to the line shack in the morning to spend a few days checking the herds out that way and fixing the fences where they needed it. I knew if I stayed in her arms much longer I wouldn't get any sleep, and the cabin was almost half a days ride away.

I said goodnight to Richard and some of the hands before making my way over to the bunkhouse to rack out for the night. Sleep came fitfully and not in great supply, but I was up before the crack of dawn, my horse saddled and a belly full of an early breakfast Cookie, our cook, was nice enough to make for me.

The ride out was a peaceful one. I'd always liked riding on the open range, it had a way of calming me, even if I wasn't worked up. As I rode I thought back to first what Mrs. Rivers had said, then to my exchange with Clara. Was she setting her sights on me? Did it even matter if she was? Despite what Mrs. Rivers said, there was no way Richard would be ok with me courting his daughter, even if he didn't know fully why. Would I even be ok with courting her? If it wasn't for my past the answer would have been yes.

There was, however, no escaping my past. It didn't matter what they said, I wasn't a good man. It didn't matter what I did from now on, I wasn't good enough for her. Mr. Rivers had to know that, even if he didn't know my entire past, just watching me gun down those three drunks should be enough for him to know.

My mind was racing, but it felt like nothing at all. The wide open landscape in front of me muted my thoughts to where I didn't even realize I was thinking them unless I focused. Before long I saw the line shack appear as I topped a rise.

I had just been out here so I knew the place wasn't a mess. Sometimes, if a shack hadn't been used in a while, you might walk into a nightmare if animals got into it. I reigned up and tied off my mount out front and set to carrying in the little supplies I brought with me. I planned on being here for a little over a week, so I made sure to bring plenty of side dishes to prepare with dinner. My next task was to go drop a mule deer.

There was a small cliff about half a mile from the cabin where I could see for what appeared to be miles in three directions, and since I was a great shot, I knew this would be my best chance at bagging some game so after I had everything put away I hopped back up on Blondie and started the short ride over that way.

Luck was on my side and I saw a small herd as I walked up to the edge of the cliff. Pulling my rifle from the scabbard I laid down and picked out my target. It was only about three hundred yards away, so it wasn't a super difficult shot by any means, but I still wanted good support so I could make a clean shot.

I felt the rifle buck in my grasp as I squeezed the trigger and was rewarded with the sight of a mule deer dropping dead in its tracks while the others ran away. I hopped back up on Blondie and made my way down to the critter so I could dress it out and head back to the shack. I'd at least be eating good while I was out here.


I had been out there for three days when a storm blew in from the west. It came out of absolutely nowhere. The sun was shining bright just a few minutes before the clouds rolled in at a rapid pace. While storms weren't uncommon, ones of this magnitude usually only happened about once a year. I was thankful the corral out back had some shelter for Blondie as it was starting to get bad out there.

I had plenty of food and plenty of dry firewood, so I wasn't worried about spending a little time relaxing. I was sitting at the table in the small cabin playing solitaire and sipping on a bottle of whiskey, not really to get drunk but more for something to do. I hadn't won a game yet, but if I was able to find the black nine I was looking for it seemed that I might get this one.

I had just turned three cards over when I heard a knock at the door. I halfway thought it was just the wind blowing something against the house and was about to ignore it when I heard it again. Nobody in their right mind would be out in a storm like this, so before heading to the door I grabbed my pistol just in case it was someone in their wrong mind.

When I opened the door I was floored to see a wet and shivering Clara standing there, her riding clothes disheveled and even torn in a few places. From the looks of it, she was in a really bad way, but even then she had a defiant tone to the way she stood there.

"Oh my god Clara!" I gasped as I stepped aside to let her in, "what the hell are you doing out in this?"

"I was out for a ride when this crap blew in from nowhere," she huffed as she walked into the cabin, oblivious to my blunder of cussing in front of a lady. "I turned to ride hard back to the house, thinking I could stay ahead of it when my horse stepped in a hole and broke his leg."

"Where were you when it happened?" I asked, rushing to get her a blanket and steering her towards the fire to warm up.

"About a mile, maybe two from here," she sighed. "This was closer than walking all the way home."

"You made the right choice. Being out in this can get real dangerous real fast," I said, turning to the table. "I have coffee, water, or whiskey."

"Whiskey," she said with a faint smile, the toll of everything she'd been through finally setting in. "I need the warmth as quick as possible."

It was late afternoon and I was just about to make my evening meal after the game of solitaire, so I just put away the cards and set to preparing enough food for the two of us.

"Let me do that," she said as she took a swallow and stood from her chair by the fire. "You shouldn't have to cook when I'm here."

"No Miss Rivers, you just sit there and get warmed up. I've got this," I said with a smile. "I wish I had something dry for you to change into."

"Yea my clothes aren't going to dry until next week like this," she giggled cutely. "Do you have any spare shirts?"

"Yea I've got a couple, but they're most definitely won't fit you, and even then it would be wildly improper," I reasoned.

"Screw improper," she said. "I'm wet and freezing, and one of your shirts would be like a dress on me anyways. Get me one."

"Yes ma'am," I said as I moved to the bag that had my clothes. The tone of her voice didn't leave any room for debate.

"I can't wait to by dry again," she laughed as she took the shirt from me. I went to step outside for a moment to give her privacy but her voice stopped me. "Where are you going?"

"Uh, to step outside to give you some privacy?" I explained.

"Then you'll be soaking wet and freezing. Just don't look," she ordered before adding in a sultry tone, "or do."

I chose not to respond to that and just turned myself around to resume preparing the meal while she changed. As she was wearing riding clothes it took considerably less time for her to change than if she'd have been wearing a dress, so when she gave me the all clear I wasn't near ready to turn and face her. Instead I just kept slicing up the venison I was going to put on the skillet.

"You have no idea how much better that feels," she sighed.

"I can imagine," I agreed, even managing a slight chuckle. "Being wet sucks."

"Not all the time," she said ominously. "Are you going to keep your back to me for the rest of the night?"

"Sorry, I-" I started but immediately lost all ability to form words as I looked at her.

My large button down shirt really was like a dress on her. A really, really short dress, barely even reaching her mid upper thigh. Whether it was on purpose, by accident, or by unawares, she'd even left the top few buttons undone revealing a tantalizing amount of cleavage to my eyes. Her breasts were large but not huge. I could see now that her form was near perfection with a narrow waist tapering down to wide 'birthing hips' and toned legs. In that little shack, it wasn't me and the boss's daughter, it was me and a goddess, and I was helpless.

"I'll take that as a compliment," she smiled sweetly, even going so far as to give me a twirl.

"A compliment won't begin to do you justice," I said without thinking. "I'm sorry, I-"

"In that case I hope my clothes never dry," she laughed.

There wasn't much more conversation through the next hour or so. I couldn't find words to say and she was content to just sit there looking absolutely perfect, reveling in my obvious arousal. We ate dinner and tried to make small talk, but I still couldn't bring myself to take my eyes off my plate to acknowledge her. It just felt so wrong, but like a dream come true at the same time.

We sat and played a few games of cards, games I'd never heard of, and passed the whiskey bottle back and forth. As the night wore on I started to get more and more comfortable around her, and it wasn't from the booze. In all honestly, we didn't really drink much, I don't think either of us were even buzzed.

"I won't vanish if you look at me Brad," she said randomly.

"I'm sorry. I'm not trying to avoid you," I stammered. "I just don't want to be improper or impolite."

"Well there's nobody here to judge," she smiled. "And sometimes a woman likes to be looked at."

I looked up and set my gaze on her. I mean I really looked at her. She truly was a goddess, but beyond that, she seemed so human. So genuine. She wore a beautiful smile that could melt the entire world away. She was looking at me intently, and her mouth opened slightly when she recognized the desire in my gaze. She leaned forward on her elbows and my shirt fell open a little more, baring nearly her entire breasts to my gaze.

"You know, I'm rather tired after all that walking," she said in a low voice. "I think it might be time for bed."

"That's not a bad idea," I agreed as I got up to turn down the lamps while she climbed into bed. I kicked my saddlebags over against the wall and went to lay down there for the night.

"What are you doing Brad?" She asked.

"Just getting myself comfortable for the night."

"Why on the floor?"

"Because I'm obviously not going to make you take the floor," I chuckled.

"Remember, nobody's here to judge," she purred. "We can share the bed."

"Clara I don't think that's such a good idea, especially with you dressed like that," I warned.

"I saw the way you looked at me Brad," she breathed. "I think it's a great idea."

Before I could protest she reached out and grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the bed. I didn't know what she had in mind, but I was both excited at the prospects and terrified of her father finding out and shit canning me, or worse.

"Stop worrying Brad," she whispered. "Nobody has to know. I think you should know by now that I'm interested, and judging by the way you look at me, I'd say you're interested too, even though you try to hide it."

"I'm just a low down ranch hand Clara," I protested weakly. "I'm not good enough for you. You should know that."

"Why don't you let me decide that," she said. "I don't care if you want me for a wife or want me just for tonight, but either way, I want this."

"Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly.

"Absolutely sure," she replied, leaning up to press her lips against mine.

It was like I saw an explosion, or the northern lights, or both, when she first kissed me. It was as if everything in the world ceased to exist except us, and nothing had ever felt so right. I couldn't help myself and I pressed deeper into the kiss, eliciting a subtle moan from her as she wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned us back onto the mattress.

Within a few seconds of us lying down we were kissing like the world was about to end. Without breaking the lip lock she brought her hands to my chest and started slowly undoing the buttons of my shirt one by one, her tongue battling with mine the entire time. Once she slipped the offending garment off my shoulders and down my arms she reached for the belt on my trousers and began to work on that too.

Not wanting my hands to remain idle I gripped her hip with one and started running my other one up her side towards the generous slope of her breasts. as my hand cupped the side of her tit she let out a gasp and worked even faster on my belt, then the buttons on my pants.

Taking her reactions as inspiration I moved to undo the buttons on her shirt as well, though not as slowly as she did mine. We were slowly working ourselves into a frenzy and the time for a slow buildup was long gone.

In a few short moments we were both as naked as the day we were born, illuminated gently by the low glow of a lantern I hadn't extinguished yet. I could tell instantly that she was as perfect nude as she was fully clothed in her finest dress.

I began to kiss my way down her neck and to the slope of her breasts in an effort to make sure she was both entirely ready and entirely sure she wanted this when she grabbed my hair and pulled me back up to her.

"Forget all that, I need you inside me now," she pleaded, her voice filled with wonton lust. "You don't have to be gentle, I've done this twice before."

With that she reached for my rock hard cock, causing me to groan while I kissed her harder, and she lined me up with her already soaked entrance. She didn't even give me the chance to push myself into her, but rather she bucked her own hips up to meet mine, burying my cock to the hilt in one motion. She was absolutely soaked.

We both groaned at the sensation. I looked down into her eyes and saw pure, unbridled lust gleaming back at me. We both wanted this. I began slow strokes, pulling almost all the way out before pushing myself back in. She felt like absolute heaven.

"Hard. Fast. Use me Brad," she encouraged, her words nearly obscured by a deep moan as I pushed in. "This storm isn't going anywhere. We have plenty of time for gentle. I need to be done properly right now."

I obliged her. What else could I do? I started to really pummel her into the mattress, bottoming myself out with each thrust. The weight of our bodies colliding only served to spur her on. I knew she was getting close, and I wasn't far behind. I wanted her to orgasm, so I latched onto her left nipple with my mouth, sucking roughly while flicking my tongue over the nub as my hand went to her right nipple, pinching and rolling it between my fingers.

My other hand snaked its way down her body, my thumb seeking out her clit and quickly strumming it in effort to bring her over the edge. I was quickly rewarded as her body tightened, her legs locking around my lower back as she wailed as the waves of pleasure overtook her.

The feeling of her finishing so spectacularly drove me over the edge as well, and I barely had the wherewithal or the strength to pull out of her tight, soaked hole and spray my cum up over her body. The first rope landed on her abdomen, followed by the next few streams painting her breasts, neck, chin, and everywhere in between. It had been too long since I'd had any kind of release so I came more than I ever had before, absolutely covering her sweat soaked writhing body.

After a few minutes of us laying there in the afterglow of our mutual release, I got up and wet a rag in the basin before gently cleaning off the mess I'd made all over her.

"That was the greatest thing I've ever experienced," she sighed as I laid back down next to her.

The regret or guilt I'd expected to wash over me at any moment never came. All I felt was bliss. What we'd just done may have been very wrong. It may have been frowned upon by all, or even retaliated against by some, but in that moment everything just felt so... right?

"I agree with you Miss Clara, that was truly amazing," I said as I opened my arm for her to place her head on my chest and mold her body to mine.


The rain didn't let up at all that night, and even carried into the next day. I figured I'd take her back to the main compound when the rain let up, but it didn't look like that was happening anytime soon. If I was being honest, I didn't want her to have to leave, and neither did she.
