Making Her Pay Pt. 06


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When we broke again for lunch there were more messages. The kids had finally forced Marie into a car and had taken her to the clinic. There the padlocks had been cut off but the other rings and chains were still in place. She had a mild infection in some of the tattoos and needed bed rest. The doctor had also ordered a full blood workup to make sure she wasn't carrying any dreaded STD.

I guess Marie broke down again when he told her that he was getting the blood tests done primarily due to her lifestyle choices. I know Marie always felt she was an upright and moral person. To have her lifestyle choices thrown in her face had to be demoralizing.

Of course Marie called in sick that day. I wondered how she would even continue with the tattoos on her hands. I suppose she could cite a skin condition and wear gloves but she would also have to wait until the henna ink wore off. My research told me that it could be a couple of weeks before being fully gone.

Max called and reported that neither Mark nor Suzie had been seen outside their apartment since Friday night but the cameras were still on and they seemed to be physically fine. Well, maybe not fine but able to move around and take care of their basic needs.

Surprisingly the local cops did not contact me. Either they believed Marie and Stacey in that I was out of the country or they just didn't care enough to pursue the investigation.

Finally on Tuesday I took a call from Marie. She was hesitant as I answered. "Troy, Dearest, when are you coming home? I thought you were only going to be gone for the weekend. We need to sit down and talk about what happened."

"Marie, I fully enjoyed our married life together until these past few months. Your relationship with that rat bastard, Mark, and his slut wife put paid to all we were. I couldn't believe you would cheat on me. Then I couldn't believe that you would humiliate yourself with Suzie and Mark like you did. The absolute final nail in the coffin of our marriage was listening to you plan my coercion by drugs and rape into your sordid life."

She broke down as she realized I knew more than I had let on before leaving. I had to continue. "I tried to compete but he had already taken control of you. I had to find out from the audio that you had given your ass to that shithead before allowing me to go there and make me believe I was first to take your final virginity. It makes me wonder if I actually got any of your virgin openings. After all you didn't have a hymen the night of prom."

She kept repeating, "No, no, no, it isn't true. You were my first. I saved myself for you. It was always only you I loved and wanted."

I had to call bullshit on that last. "Sorry, but it was very obvious you wanted Mark. He is young and good looking and has a nice enough looking wife so you could knock off two birds with one throw. By the way, if you were assaulted at their apartment, where were they at the time? Did Mark do this to you so that I would absolutely and unequivocally know who was your master? Is that why you resisted in going to the police so he didn't get into trouble?"

She was back on the denial mantra. "No, no, no, he didn't do this to me. He and Suzie were attacked at the same time. We woke on Saturday morning barely able to move. God, how I ached. I have tattoos, Troy, on my hands that say 'Whore' and 'Slut'. How can I ever be around children again? I have a big red 'A' painted on my face. I can't even look in the mirror. How could you do this to me?"

"Me? How did I do anything to you, Slut? I was here in Mexico. I couldn't have done anything to you. And I will tell you what I told Stacey, if I had been there I would have permanently made sure you never enjoyed a cock in your cheating cunt again. I would have removed that asshole's dick and balls. I might have even taken his tongue so he couldn't call me 'limp dick' ever again. And, as for your female lover, her cunt would have been out of commission permanently also. I think you should look in the mirror again and see who is really responsible for this whole shit show. If you hadn't decided to fuck Stupid and his whore wife this would have never happened to you. Hell, if you had stayed home even one night of this weekend it might not have happened."

I was livid now and not really able to continue the conversation. You know, I miss the old desk phone sometimes. Yes, it doesn't do all the neat things a smart phone does but it sure is satisfying to slam the handset into the base when you are pissed off. I barely hit the 'end' button before throwing it against the wall. I was surprised it took the abuse.

I didn't sleep well that night and was a little growly the next day. I got over it by lunch and we continued to get the plant ready to open.

There were no more messages that day, not even one from the kids. I had an early evening and got a good night's sleep.

Thursday I got a message from my attorney back home. Marie had gotten an attorney and wanted a couple of things before signing the paperwork for the divorce. Her first demand/request was for marital counseling. Her counter claim was for all of our shared assets as she no longer had a job and needed spousal support and assets that could be converted to cash easily.

I called the attorney and we spoke at length. I directed him to play some excerpts of the last few audio files. They contained the discussion between Mark and Marie about how they were planning on coercing me this next weekend into their sex play and what part I was to play in it. I felt her attorney would rethink the counseling after that.

I also wanted to know why she didn't have a job. If she quit then she didn't need spousal support. If she was fired then it was for cause and I didn't see any reason to subsidize her amoral lifestyle.

I also told him that I was now living and working outside the country and was not able to just jet home for counseling sessions and didn't even intend to come to any hearings unless absolutely necessary. He was going to investigate and get back to me.

I had a new email address that only a couple of people knew about. The list included Max. I received a video from him that night. No, it wasn't another sex filled session of the three cheaters. Actually it was a little sad. It showed a very cowed Marie leaving the school with a box of her stuff. It was clear enough to show her crying as she attempted to maneuver the large box into her car. Mark was also carrying a box and tried to help her but she slapped the shit out of him and screamed at him to leave her alone and never speak to her again. Well, I guess her sex life has been curtailed a little.

Somehow I got the impression that her loss of a job wasn't her idea. By the by, she looked like shit in the video. Her hair was a stringy blonde blob. Her face was splotched and ugly looking. She had makeup over her "A" and it looked strangely different from the rest of her face. She actually looked years older than her forty years.

Again I ate and slept well. In the morning as I was shaving I noticed that the haggard and forlorn look was gone. My skin color was better and I actually looked like I did before all this shit started to affect my life. I also felt more energized now that I was no longer the victim of cheating. No horns were growing out of my head any more.

I had another productive day at the plant. We started to interview people for supervisory positions. Brock was invaluable here. Just like at the old company we looked at everyone regardless of history. Carmen is a perceptive and intelligent person also and she helped to weed out the chaff. In any society there are those who want a paycheck without any effort. Some of them spin a great story to get a job and the reasons they have lost previous jobs.

The plant was going to start up on a limited basis in a couple of weeks. We would start with just a few machines working to make the smaller pieces for the larger items. We needed inventory to keep ahead of the demand when the full plant was running. It gave us time to make sure each and every fabricating machine was working optimally before the full start. It also gave us time to train each and every person.

Another team of workers came from Atlanta to assist but Brock and I were the leaders in the process and the others looked to us for that leadership.

Now, you might be asking if I am intending to put the move on Carmen. She has a lovely smile that literally lights up the room but I have to be honest. She is sixty years old, a former Spanish/English teacher, with a good man for a husband, three kids and five grandkids and counting. So get those lecherous thoughts out of your head.

Yes there are a good number of good looking women looking to get jobs in the plant but I really don't have time to pursue any relationship now. Maybe in a year or so but not now. Also I won't have a relationship with an employee. It might be a different country with different laws but it doesn't take that much to alienate employees so fucking an employee was a non-starter in my book.

I heard back from my lawyer. Marie and Mark were terminated based on a video that was posted online. Hmmm, I wonder where that came from? He told Marie's attorney to go pack sand about getting all the assets. I might still have to pay separate maintenance, e.g. alimony, but we had enough evidence that we could get them all prosecuted if she kept up the outrageous demands.

Mick was the first to fly down and visit for a weekend. He had a short break at school so he decided to see dear old dad. We had a ball before he regretfully had to head back.

A month later Jamie showed up on short notice. Again we had a ball. I showed her the plant and she got to practice her Spanish flirting with some of the staff. We both knew she was just kidding around as she was very serious with a young man back at school. She stayed just shy of a week before jetting home.

Stacey and I talked almost nightly. I didn't do as some other estranged husbands did and forbid her from talking about Marie. Stacey was close to the problem that was her mother and needed some advice and a spot to vent her displeasure with her mother. I guess I was right in my first assumption that Suzie was an exotic dancer in the past as she returned to her old career after Mark's career cratered. Marie was now dancing too but not drawing a big following. I guess forty-year old strippers aren't crowd pleasers. She got the dreaded noon shift where there were few tippers, mostly early drinkers watching her with bleary eyes. I guess Marie was usually high or drinking pretty heavily. For old times' sake I hoped she would get her act together.

I heard from Marie's parents. Marie's mom just wanted to know if there was any way we could reconcile. Marie's dad stayed true to form and blamed me for every ill under the sun, moon, and stars. His princess would never cheat on me unless I drove her to it. Our conversation was very short.

And yes, of course, I got the occasional phone call from Marie. Alternately she would be angry and demand that I return home or be so tearful I could hardly understand her. I gathered that she wanted my forgiveness sometimes. Other times she was of the opinion that she was in charge of her body and I had nothing to say in how she used her body. She didn't like it when I agreed with her and told her that was why I no longer wanted to have any physical contact with her. She could fuck whomever she wanted and I had control of my body and who I shared it with. She really hated when I pointed out that I didn't want a gift that kept on giving which is where she was headed with her ideas of free love.

After school let out at the end of the term Stacey joined me for the hot summer. Thankfully we had good air conditioning in the apartment and at the plant. She helped me organize the office and helped keep me up on the paperwork.

Carmen was now my personal assistant. I told you she was very intelligent. Hell, she could probably run the plant in my stead if I needed her to.

Max joined us finally and took his place. It took a little bit for him to gain the respect that the workers already had for Brock, but he was already a good supervisor, just in a new environment and soon had his people working at peak efficiency.

My divorce slowly worked its way through the system. Marie tried to show abandonment except my attorney made sure to attend each and every hearing. He also had a private meeting with her attorney and the judge and played some of the audio files as well as a little of the video of the night retribution was exacted. After that the judge had little sympathy for Marie and told her to quit messing around.

Finally in the fall I was free. It had cost quite a bit but I really didn't care. I was being paid well and was living at the level I desired. I didn't need a huge home, lots of adult toys, or throw extravagant parties so my bank account was growing without my old investments. Marie got the house so Stacey would have a place to live. I didn't even demand that it be sold when Stacey left for college. Marie could live there for as long as she wanted. Conversely Jamie and Mick told her that they would only come home on rare weekends so they didn't really care where she lived.

Stacey got her mother to sell her old junker and she was driving my car. I had a new one here in Mexico. I actually considered buying a local built Volkswagen Beetle but instead opted for an SUV as the roads weren't the best here yet. We were actually paving the road from the factory to the nearest large highway so trucks could get in and out.

I went back for Stacey's prom and served as a chaperone as I had promised. I don't know if she was pleased to see me in that role or not as she didn't do the dirty dancing her classmates were doing as I was watching over her. I was pleased to see Marie there in a similar role but I did not talk with her. I made sure I was on the opposite side of the room at all times. Every time she started to circumvent the dancing horde I would move at the same time in the opposite direction while still maintaining my overwatch of the kids. I stopped about a half dozen young idiots who were intent on spiking the punch.

I flew back to the plant the next morning and didn't return until time for Jamie's graduation with honors. Since Stacey's graduation was just a few weeks later I planned to stay until then. I occupied a spot on the opposite side of the large auditorium from Marie and her parents. Halfway through the proceedings I was joined by Mick and Stacey and we held hands as we screamed and yelled as Jamie crossed the stage to get her diploma. There were tears of joy on my face.

I couldn't avoid Marie totally. There was a reception for Jamie after the ceremony. Marie's dad refused to shake my hand and instead made comments about my heritage. I think he was very pissed when I just smiled and nodded at him.

Marie's mom embraced me and asked how I was doing. I had to tell the truth and tell her that I was busy making a new life in a new country. She just nodded.

Marie looked a little better than when she was fired. I had not seen any video or pictures since that memorable day. At the prom I had kept such a distance that I had not had a clear or close look at her. Her hair was rapidly turning gray from its lustrous blonde color and she wasn't making any attempt to keep it blonde. She was wearing makeup on her hands to try and cover her tats but it had the nasty habit of rubbing off.

We didn't talk much other than to greet each other. I noticed she watched me at all times. Since I had no idea if she was getting cock or pussy on a regular basis I couldn't tell if she was just horny or really missed me. Of course I missed what we had but I knew it was gone.

It was a good time. I caught up with some relatives and we finally had to vacate the premises and head to a large buffet style restaurant to continue the reunion. Finally I left for the hotel room that I had rented for the night.

Jamie and I then went on a small vacation and toured the state by car. There are a massive amount of historical sites, museums, fairs, street dances, and other events so we had full days. Jamie had announced at her reception that she had accepted her boyfriend's proposal but he couldn't join us as he had immediately had to start his new job in another state. Jamie would be looking for a job there after her break while planning a fall wedding. I promised to walk her down the aisle.

We finished our mini-tour of the state just in time for Stacey's high school graduation. Marie offered to let me stay at the house but I demurred and opted for the swankiest hotel in the city. It was very pricey but I got to host Stacey's reception at the hotel as part of the deal. (I got my company to pay for the whole lot as part of my bonus for the year but I didn't tell anyone that.) I sat in the same row as Marie and her parents that graduation ceremony. Mick and Jamie flanked me and we screamed and shouted for Stacey as she walked across the stage. Again tears ran down my face, partly in pride but partly in shame that I was not there for her this past year.

The reception went well. Even Marie's dad was not so verbal in his distaste of me. He just avoided me like the plague. Again Marie watched me the whole time. This reception was catered so all stayed the evening. I forgot about a DJ so we just set a phone on Pandora and danced anyway. Jamie told me in private that we could do the same thing for her wedding.

It was a good time but all too soon I had to return to work. I promised Stacey that we would take our own tour of the state before she headed off to college.

Work was good. The plant had its share of small brush fires to put out daily. My Spanish improved though I wondered if I really needed to know all the local cuss words.

I went home as promised and Stacey and I toured other parts of the state learning about the local history, customs, and events. We spent two days in one small town in the ranching area of the state where we attended both go rounds of rodeo in the evenings and the local fair during the days. This small town of only a couple of thousand people had three different stages going all day long with various local and minor artists that was provided free of charge. We gorged on huge turkey legs, spiral potatoes, pulled pork and Indian tacos as we walked and enjoyed the local flavor.

I saw Stacey off to college before heading back to work. Carmen, Brock, and Max were doing a bang up job during my absence. Sometimes I wondered if I was really needed. I was now forty-five years old. I took a hard look at my life. I had three great kids. Soon I was adding another son in a good young man.

Otherwise I could not take any pride in a failed marriage and a future alone. I was dating at times and there were the occasional overnight guests but nothing was really clicking. Carmen was still sorting and weeding potential mates for me and I was truly grateful to her for that effort but I just was too hard to please.

One day Carmen asked me to interview a possible teacher for the small school we had started for children of employees. I had not ever had to do that before but I didn't question Carmen at any time, certainly not now.

I was surprised when I entered the conference room to see Marie sitting there. I stopped and almost turned and left the room but Carmen was right behind me and wouldn't let me leave. When I silently asked her what the hell was going on she just motioned me to get in there. Marie was not looking at the door right then so she didn't see the exchange but did brighten as I came around the table and took a seat.

I didn't say anything before I looked at her packet. She was brutally honest in her application. She stated she had no certificate to teach but had many years of para instructor and knew her subjects at the elementary level. She also didn't speak Spanish but would be willing to work with other instructors to develop her language skills.