Man of War Ch. 06


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In addition to getting to know the enlisted man, there were also numerous non-commissioned officers to meet and greet. Most were appointed by myself, though half were simply names and records in a folder, perhaps meeting them for a brief interview, but I didn't actually get to know them. During the course of the journey, I'd eventually get to know them quite well. But it was my fellow officers who I would create the lasting relationships with. Some would become close friends, those who I would keep in contact with once we departed the Normandy the last time.

On my wander of the ship, I eventually found myself in the surgery, where Chakwas and Serana were keeping themselves busy. Even at this early stage of the voyage, men would be falling ill. Everyone generally tried to keep a ship as clean as possible to prevent the spread of disease, but it was almost impossible. It was only really bad for doctors, though, after a battle. Blood and bones, infections, gangrene. And then the dead...

I shook my head of those thoughts as I knocked on the door, Serana looked up from her paperwork and smiling, gesturing for me to enter. "Good afternoon."

"Afternoon, sir," Serana replied, Chakwas adding her good tidings from her own desk.

"Are you settling in well, Karin?"

"I think it's safe to say that we're both still earning our sea legs, Captain," Chakwas replied with a light laugh.

I looked at Serana. "I might have been a little ill yesterday," she admitted. It probably explained why I went back to my cabin alone.

"Nothing to be ashamed of. Most people are."

"Were you on your first voyage?"

I smiled and tapped the side of my nose. "I need to retain some secrets, Serana."

"Now that we're through the reef, what do you expect, Captain?" Chakwas asked. A question I expected from most people, though I wouldn't always be exactly honest, depending on who asked.

"Monotony. Days of monotony. I'm sure you two will be kept occupied enough. No matter what we do, men and women will get sick. And you might have a chance to dabble in your interests. Well, maybe you, Chakwas. As for yourself, Serana, we don't have any animals yet."

"I read that some ships would have a small animal as a mascot, like a cat?"

I nodded. "Yes, some do. But I figured with the long journey we might be undertaking, it would be just another mouth to feed." I paused before smirking, "Or someone would see it as a meal."

I couldn't help chuckle as Serana covered her mouth in shock. Chakwas laughed away, stating, "Well, I guess we are heading out into the unknown. Patrolling the sea at least close the Empire means starvation isn't a problem."

"And will it be with us?" Serana asked, immediately concerned.

"Have you been down to the hold?" She shook her head. "Trust me, we have more than enough food to last us a year, and we make sure there are fruit preserves or juice that will prevent scurvy. Thankfully juice is stored so it will last."

"Is that a problem? Scurvy, that is?"

"It can be. But it's fresh water that might be the main problem we'll face. We'll have to start keeping rainwater almost immediately, just to make sure we always have enough. Dehydration can be a real killer at sea."

"And what about washing?"

"Sea water. We will drop anchor once a week, lower rigging towards the water, and groups will be allowed to bathe. Officers will always bathe. Enlisted men, not so much. You'll learn about superstitions sailors have the longer you serve."

Serana pulled a face, no doubt imagining the smell that might waft up from the lower decks. "I assume this is something you get used to?"

"The smell shouldn't waft up here. It's slightly more... civilised, the further to the rear of the ship you are." I paused before something suddenly came to mind. "Have you spoken to either Captain Alenko or Lieutenant Lawson yet?"

"Not in any great length. Why?" Chakwas wondered, now obviously intrigued.

"Are you aware of their gift?" Both shook their heads. "They have magic."

Eyebrows of Chakwas raised in surprise. Serana didn't look perturbed at all. I found her response surprising in return. "That doesn't shock you?"

"I have it too," she confessed, looking slightly embarrassed, "I don't mention it as I never use it."

I almost laughed at the reaction of Chakwas. "Why didn't you say anything?"

Serana shrugged. "Because I've never seen it as important. And, as I said, I never use it. There is no need."

"Is there a reason to your original question, Shepard?" Chakwas asked.

"Sort of. I don't know much about magic. So, will they have health issues going forward?"

"To be honest, there has actually been so little written about magic that I'm simply not sure. All I know is that they are as human as you and me, just with an added talent, let's call it."

"I'll just talk to them directly then. It will be the easiest way to answer my question."

Lawson was in position on the bridge, where she would always be if I was not present. Even if I was, she would generally be there to assist me, relay orders, and be a general sounding board. If she wasn't present, she would be liaising with officers below her in the chain. It was very early days yet, and I can admit we were both adapting to working together. I think she was definitely going out of her way to be as helpful as possible, though the one thing I didn't want was for her to just agree with me constantly. If she had a better idea, or just an original idea, or simply thought I was in error, she could respectfully disagree. The only time I wouldn't accept a challenge would be if a direct order was issued, particularly in regards to matters of ship discipline and its course.

"So... Magic..."

"Yes, Captain?" she asked, keeping her voice smooth. She'd probably been expecting the question since we'd boarded.

"I'll be honest; I don't know a lot about it. I've asked the two doctors on board, and they don't know much either."

"There have been very few studies in regards to our condition, Captain." She turned her head to look at me. "Anything on your mind, sir?"

"Quite a bit, to be honest, but I'm not exactly sure what to or how to ask... Okay, the easiest one. Do you suffer any health problems because of it?"

"The occasional headache. We might sweat a bit more if we use our magic. And, from what I have heard, we have a habit of dying if our talent is discovered by those who fear us." She said that last sentence with such sarcasm and humour, I couldn't control my laugh. "People fear what they don't understand, sir."

I nodded. "That's exactly what I told Alenko."

"Trust me, sir, they wouldn't have put me on this ship if I was in any way a danger to you, myself, or anyone else on board."

"I know; I was just curious about it."

"I tell you what, sir. If we run into any pirates or vagabonds that require a good thrashing, I'll show you what I'm capable of. That should certainly put some minds to rest." She paused before adding, "What will definitely amaze you will be the fact I go into battle technically unarmed."

"Okay, I'll admit, that I'd like to see."

"Find us some unfriendly people and you might just get that chance, sir. Now, as for our friend in the Imperial Marines, he is probably similar to me, but will likely enter battle with a weapon in hand. His fellow soldiers will likely give him queer looks if he followed my example."

I wasn't the only one hoping we would meet someone sooner or later. I just hoped they proved friendly. If not, we had a ship more than capable of taking them on. Unless... Well, unless they were far superior to us. Gods, if they were, we were screwed, and it might also explain the disappearance of the Dunkerque.

I didn't share with anyone those fears. There was excitement of heading out into the unknown, the sense of adventure that brought, but there was also a tinge of fear because of that unknown. And the fear was also because one of our ships, the greatest ship ever built by the Empire, never returned. And there were only a few realistic reasons why it didn't.

We found no wreckage in the reef, so it didn't run aground there. So that meant it either sank somewhere around us, those gods only knew where, it ran into an enemy force that somehow managed to either sink or capture it or... The one hope I did contemplate seriously was that they met friendly people and stayed with them, not returning for whatever reason.

At the end of day watch, I retired to my quarters, the majority of officers heading to the wardroom for their evening meal and to relax before turning in. The ship was always falling into a steady routine that would keep the ship operating normally.

Jane joined me for dinner that night, something I hoped would happen regularly, as I enjoyed the company of my little sister, and without Serana there to cause mischief, it wasn't awkward. It didn't last long until the comments and jokes about Leliana or Serana began in return, though I didn't mind. My sister meant well, and she was happy for me if something did happen in the end. "Mother will just say 'about time your brother settled down'."

"Let's not be too hasty here," I warned, "Nothing's even happened yet with Leliana. As for Serana, I like her but it's just sex at the moment."

Jane just scoffed. "Look, none of us are blind when it comes to Leliana, Johnny."

"I never said that," I said, I'll admit, a little defensively.

"I'm sure you're probably worried about what we'll all think. Honestly? None of us will give a damn. It was bound to happen considering the circumstances. Sure, you being the captain is probably unexpected when they first considered the idea, but in the end, you're a man, she's a woman, and those two things falling in love happens every day."

"Well said, my lady," Jeeves offered from nearby.

"Just don't leave it too long or too late, Johnny. Although she's on this ship just like you, women won't wait forever before they think nothing will ever happen, and they'll simply move on."

"She's the one who wants to wait."

"Perhaps because she wants you to make the first move?"

"Huh, hadn't thought of it that way..."

Dinner complete, I asked Jeeves to bring us a bottle of brandy and then dismissed him. I never had my servants hang around for no reason, more than capable of looking after myself half the time. As we enjoyed a couple of glasses, Jane did broach one subject I would have thought she'd rather not mention at all. "What do you think of the insinuations Serana keeps making?"

I tried to hide my surprise. "I just take it as joking, Jane. She can see how close we are and is almost mocking us for it."

She gulped her drink down. "This is going to sound really bad, but I was jealous the other morning when she was at your place."

"About what?"

Surprisingly, she met my eyes. "When Serana was going into great detail about what you were up to. It just made me realise how lonely I've been lately, and this is going to sound worse, but there was a kernel of thought that was almost hoping you'd agree to... you know..."

I couldn't help raise my eyebrows and didn't know what to say. "You're serious?"

"About having thoughts? Yes. I won't lie about that. About wanting to actually do them? Of course not." I sighed with relief. "Thanks, Johnny," she muttered.

I reached across to grab one of her hands. "Jane, whoever you do end up with will be a very lucky man."

She raised a half-smile. "Well, if he's half the man you are..."

"Jane, I'll be honest, if you weren't my sister..." Hmmm, perhaps it was the drink? I poured us another one and knocked it back. "Well, even a blind man could see you're attractive. I might be your brother, but I can still admit beauty when I see it. And I know for a fact my little sister is gorgeous."

"Talk like that would normally get you into my pants." She knocked back her own drink. "If we keep drinking..."

"No, Jane," I stated, though poured us another glass. Holding it, I did glance up and down her for a moment and couldn't help sigh.


"It would be amusing if you did sleep here and walked out with me tomorrow morning."

"Hmmm..." She didn't add anything, the pair of us finishing another glass, before she got up, swayed a little, before walking to where I was sitting. She surprised me further by climbing up onto the chair I was sitting on, knee to either side of my body. In that position, she was just sitting a little higher than myself, requiring me to look up to meet her eyes. They were slightly glazed, a sign she'd consumed alcohol. Mine probably looked the same.

She leaned forward to my ear. "Have you fucked Serana in this chair?" she breathed.

"Not yet," I answered quietly.

She relaxed on my lap and would have felt my cock. The body will react how it wants, no matter how much you don't want it to. She didn't say anything at first, simply making an approving sound. She grabbed her glass and knocked it back. Leaning forward again, she whispered into my ear, "Imagine your cock in my pussy, Johnny."

"Definitely had too much to drink," I muttered, though there was a part of my brain which imagined what she said. I would have shuffled myself, but then it would have been obvious...

"You could take me right now, and I know I'd enjoy it. And you would too, this tight and wet pussy aching for a long, thick cock."

I couldn't help chuckle. "By the Five, you must be lonely." It was the wrong thing to say as she sat back and her eyes immediately started to glisten with tears. The only thing I could think of doing was pulling her towards me to hug her. She relented quite easily. "Are you sharing some hidden feelings, Jane?"

"No. I'm just drunk, and horny, and... you're right, lonely... And you're probably the only man I've been close to in a long time. And part of me thinks 'Fuck it, who cares what anyone thinks. And it'll probably be really good too, if what Serana told us was even partially true.' Damn her sometimes for putting these thoughts in my head." She choked on a sob. "And I can feel your cock. You're hard, so you must be enjoying it too."

I wasn't going to explain how or why. The human body was still a mystery most of the time anyway. "I think you should stay with me tonight. Not like that, but you are quite clearly drunk and need your big brother to look after you. In a way that does not involve what we've teased about."

She leaned back and wiped her eyes, though smirked. "Sure I can't convince you to use that tongue of yours?"

I leaned forward and just kissed her cheek. "You will regret it in the morning. Teasing and joking now is fine. No-one is getting hurt and we can laugh it off later."

"I'm really wet, John. Sure that isn't convincing enough?"

I couldn't help raise an eyebrow. "How wet exactly?"

She ran a hand into her trousers, reappearing a couple of seconds later. In the low light of the candles, her fingers glistened. When she sucked on her fingers, I'll admit my cock throbbed. It was... incredibly erotic to see. She met my eyes and ran her hand into her trousers again. I knew what she was planning on doing. I'll admit, part of me did wonder how far she would go, if she would make that leap and approach the line many don't even consider going near. But I wasn't drunk enough where I thought I'd see how far she would push things.


She met my eyes and she no doubt heard the authority in my voice. What broke my heart is that she looked ready to break down completely. So I gently removed her hand from her pants and held her close to me. "I'm sorry," she whispered, choking back another sob.

"It's okay. I know what it's like to feel lonely too. Granted, I generally go find a wench in a tavern, not... Well..."

"I've just ruined things, haven't I?"

I kissed her softly on the cheek. "Not at all. I'll admit, part of me is flattered even if you are who you are to me. I didn't know you thought this way."

"I haven't until recently. I guess the drinking lowered inhibitions even further."

I lifted her so she could meet my eyes. "Jane, as I said, I know for a fact you are going to make a man very happy on day," I stated softly, using a thumb to dry her cheeks, earning a crooked smile, her lower lip trembling slightly. I think the feelings were a hell of lot more than recent, but I wasn't going to ask.

"But that man can't be you?"

I couldn't help sigh. "I know our society can accept certain things, but it's also personal preference. I look at you, Jane, and if I close my eyes, I can still see my little sister with pigtails in her hair, covered in dirt, causing mischief around the house. I open my eyes and I see you in front of me, a beautiful woman in her own right, and, as I said, if you were not who you are... But I just can't. It's a step too far. And how would everyone else react too is another problem."

She settled down against my chest again, sniffling occasionally. She calmed down eventually, and it didn't surprise me when she fell asleep. I easily picked her up and carried her to bed, kissing her forehead before finding a bucket. I didn't think she would be sick, but best not take any chances. Not feeling tired, I did a bit more work before heading to bed as well.

Being woken sometime during the night didn't come as a great surprise, and it took all of five seconds to know what she was doing next to me. I was facing away from her and didn't move lest I give her a fright, but the fact she mentioned my name during didn't come as a shock. No, the feelings she had expressed were definitely not new and possibly explained why she'd been single for quite a while, though I knew she'd had partners before. But I wasn't going to ask. It would be something we might have to deal with later, but for now, I had more pressing concerns. Falling asleep while she was masturbating wasn't easy, but once she settled down and starting softly snoring, I managed to drift off again quite quickly.

I just hoped the evening wouldn't affect our relationship going forward.


So I've opened the door in regards to a possible relationship but for it to progress any further will depend on you, the readers and whatever comments or feedback you might have.

Never fear, I have a few chapters already written which just require editing, so the series will continue and doesn't actually rely on any comments or feedback. But I've opened the door slightly and that's why I'm asking you. My personal preference is not to do it, as while it won't detract from the story, some people won't be interested in it. But if the feedback suggests people want to see it, then perhaps it might happen.

However, a couple of people have either commented or messaged, saying they'd rather not see it. If most people would rather not have this added in the future, then the above, I think, can be left as it is and we move on though I might tease once or twice in the future, but nowhere near to the level above.

If there is an overwhelming majority who want to see a relationship, then I'll consider writing them being together in the future.

Let me know what you think in the comments or via feedback. I have a few chapters ready to upload, so nothing will happen anyway for a while yet.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Only 3 parts remaining and no way the story ends. I hope this author returns to this story.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeover 4 years ago

I would leave the incest out of it. Find her another lover. Shipboard life is already sufficiently complicated and high-pressure due to the fact that people can't get away from each other.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
late to the series

I find the possible relationship between brother & sister, Captain & Lieutenant, incredibly exciting! Going forward, I hope you ignore the negative comments along this line. This is Literotica... 'erotic' is the key and this train of thought, is definitely erotic! The adventure is alluring in and of itself but wow! the possibilities !!!

AukweirdAukweirdalmost 5 years ago
Your story to tell

It's your story to tell, so tell it your way. I'll read it, and enjoy it no matter how you tell it.

Great Job! Keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Please don't

Please don't continue further in this route. Teasing and stuff is fine but actually going for it is both out of character and a turn off for a lot of readers.

Kind regards

Undead Dragon

kuhpa01kuhpa01almost 5 years ago
Catastrophe on the Horizon, Captain!

So far this is a very good story, which I am enjoying. Looking at the comments, I think a lot of others feel the same way. It is kind of slow moving though, plot-wise. Good sex scenes, our bold captain is a randy fellow indeed.

Lots of room for negative comments about the ship, if this was a Historical Adventure story. But it isn't, is it? This is Sci-Fi.

What are we going to find just over the horizon in a few days time? Some kind of blockade by modern naval warships? A fog bank that results in him looking at the Great Barrier Reef right where he came through it when the fog breaks?

How about the good ship Dunkirk sailing toward him looking brand new, with full original crew only a few days older than when they left the harbor?

As for sex with the sister, well, the guy is already screwing way more than his share of the ship's resources! Several hundred crewmen, a handful of female officers which seem to be the captain's now or future harem. Sniff, sniff, smells like trouble to me.

Let's just wait and see what the next chapter in this voyage brings us.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Breakdown in good order

There is already a breakdown in good order -- Jane (who John intended to treat like any other junior office) is the only command officer with him for meals. (Having a relationship with staff officers may be tolerable, but under no circumstances does that extend to command officers.) His XO should be joining him, but apparently feels uncomfortable doing so. Meanwhile, one j.g. is with him every meal? Even without an incest scene, this is already bad for morale and discipline as he is most definitely not treating his sister as any other Acting LT. Such a relationship would show very poor judgment on the part of a Captain.

BlackkingBlackkingalmost 5 years ago

I have nothing against incest, but I don't need it especially, so it's up on you to choose :)

moon76dragonmoon76dragonalmost 5 years ago
John and Jane? Absolutely!

I couldn't disagree more with those who are opposed to the story taking this turn. As you mentioned yourself, sibling relationships are very popular on Literotica, and as long as your story is well written (which, thus far, it absolutely has been), I don't think you'd lose the interest of as many readers as you might think. In fact, I'd venture to say that, while some might indeed be put off, you would actually GAIN at least as many readers as you'd lose, and perhaps even more, from among those who seek out such stories. The only thing I'd recommend if you DO pursue this would be to have affairs between them develop slowly, as each of them questions the ramifications in the cold light of sobriety, and perhaps takes awhile to overcome any residual guilt and embarrassment over going as far as they already have before eventually giving in to their obviously shared desires.

Just my two pieces of silver, of course, as at the end of the day it's YOUR story and you should be writing it as you see fit. Don't let a handful of comments, including this one, sway you one way or the other, as ultimately the number of people who comment will inevitably be only a small fraction of those who have actually read the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Of course there should be incest

So one or two object, big deal, the majority would welcome it gladly. The most popular category by far on the whole site. Any story in any genre that includes that dynamic is always the most popular. One or two who say no thanks are just that.... one or two. Please include the whole harem including the sister. Way hotter....

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