Man of War Ch. 06

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The Normandy heads into the unknown.
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Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/07/2019
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A/N -- Before this starts, I figured I'd confess something as I am slightly hesitant about uploading this particular chapter. The ending to this chapter was going to end a little bit 'weirder', for want of a better word, than what it looks like now. If you've already guessed, rest assured there is no sex either before or after the edit, so you don't have to worry about that. It does seem this series has a few people following it, and as I don't particularly want to alienate all of you just when things are gathering steam, so I've edited the ending so the door has been opened but I haven't walked through it. I figured it would be far too soon to be doing that anyway.

One commenter has mentioned not wanting to see this sort of thing after a previous chapter, which is incredibly taboo (but also a rather popular category on this site) and why I leave this proviso here. But please read the note at the end too, as what happens afterwards might be entirely up to you. At the moment, this chapter is as far as it goes regarding the... taboo.

Rest assured, the story continues regardless as I have already written the next chapter. Just needs editing and the topic above doesn't concern it.


The Twelve Realms of Empire: Volume Three

Authored by Scribe Bernard Kerr for His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Uhtred III


The Great Barrier Reef

Natural phenomenon put in place by the God of the Sea to protect the Empire from forces across the world of Europa. No-one is sure of its true scale, nor what truly makes up the reef, but ringing the entire continent, the reef could be anywhere from five miles to one hundred miles in depth.

Gold Coast

Name of the eastern sea border, including coastal regions of Normandy, Nordland and Bavaria. Named for the golden beach sands that extend for hundreds of miles

Seven Sisters

A formation of rocks lying off the coast of Bavaria. Many attribute spiritual significance to them

Blue Mountains

A small mountain range through the centre of the continent, mostly through Tomeria, Hilamshiral and Trois-Rivieries

Five Apostles

A large rock formation attributed to the Five Gods, lying off the coast of Nordland

Storm Coast

Name of the western sea board, including coastal regions of Prussia, Lavonia and Bebbanburg. Named for the tremendous storms that sometimes sweep in off the sea

Grampian Alps

The Grampian Alps are impassable snow-capped peaks that extend east to west, splitting the Empire from whatever lies on the other side. The opposing side is believed to be little more than a snow-bound, barren wasteland, with little desire to send men across them.

Major rivers:

Red River

Flows from the Blue Mountains, cutting Arcturus in two, though it is crossed by at least a dozen architecturally stunning bridges

Teuton River

Flowing from the Grampian Alps, it flows through both Prussia and Bebbanburg, eventually emptying into the sea on the Storm Coast

Loire River

Another river flowing from the Grampian Alps, it flows through Tomeria, Trois-Rivieres and Normandy, emptying into the sea on the Gold Coast

Odin River

Beginning into the Blue Mountains, it flows through Trois-Rivieres and into Bavaria, where it flows into the sea on the Gold Coast

Medina River

A minor river, it flows from the Blue Mountains through Hilamshiral and Lavonia, where it then flows into Lake Eyrie, one of only two freshwater lakes on the continent


The Five

The official religion of the First and Third Empires. The Second Empire revered the same gods, but did not have an official religion. The Five, listed below, have had temples, statues and altars dedicated to them across the Empire. Many inhabitants wear a necklace dedicated to one of the gods, though not always one of the Five.

The Five are:

The God of War (Mars -- represented by a spear and sword)

The God of Water (Neptune - represented by a drop of water)

The God of Wind (Venti -- represented by three curved lines)

The God of Fire (Sol Invictus -- represented by the sun)

The God of Earth (Tellus -- represented by a mountain range)

Other minor gods are also revered. Popular gods with the people of the Empire include:

Mena, the goddess revered by expectant mothers, or those wishing for a child

Dibella, the goddess of love

Mercury, the voice of the Five

Asclepius, the god of health and medicine, primarily revered by doctors

The only other major religion of the Empire is the Church of the Burned Man. Those who follow this religion believe a man named Brian, burned at the stake for heresy* in 1398, was the voice of the One True God, and that those who believe in the Five do so in mortal sin. The Church first became known only around 1650, but it has slowly grown in popularity. It is believed more than one million people of the Empire now follow the Church.

*Heresy is not considered a crime against the Five. However, such was the vociferous nature of the attacks on the Five by this man that an example was required. Questioning of one's faith is tolerated, even encouraged, as the Five do not require blind obedience. But unabashed criticism will lead to the Faith defending itself.


Year 2183 of the Empire (since Foundation Year)

Year 979 of the Third Era of Empire (Dragonheart Line)

Iovis, the twenty-fifth day of Morning Star


I was woken by Jeeves, knocking gently at my partition door. I was already in the process of waking up, as golden light was filtering through the window, but I thanked him for the knock, he announcing that breakfast would be served soon. I hadn't forgotten about the company from the previous evening, Serana giving me a tight squeeze as she woke up, feeling her hand run down my chest to my cock, which was hard as usual in the morning.

"Would be a shame to waste it," she muttered.

"You're incorrigible already, but we have time," I replied.

By the golden light of dawn, Serana mounted my cock and slowly rode me, running my hands up and down her body, paying particularly attention to those fantastic breasts of hers. Jeeves did knock against about ten minutes later. I was honest, letting him know we'd be done shortly, and to not allow anyone in until we were finished. I heard his agreement. Serana had stopped and started to giggle.

"Guess he'll have to used to it," she stated.

"I'll try not to shock him too often."

We nearly came together shortly after, Serana actually finishing first, resting on my chest and asking me to just pound her until I came. She didn't move until my cock finally softened and fell out of her, an excuse for us to get up so we could clean and dress for the day. Placing my feet on the floor, I had a quick yawn and stretch, having a scratch of certain areas as I gathered together my uniform, watching Serana stagger around naked, attempting to dress, complaining her legs felt funny. "My pussy has taken quite the pounding in the last few hours," she stated, "Might have to get used to that myself."

After dressing, I needed to do things humans need to do in the morning. As it was early, the bow would be open to officers to relieve themselves, wandering out to find the deck relatively deserted, only the overnight watch officers still on duty. It would soon be packed with crew, swabbing decks, tarring the rigging and the various other jobs performed, mostly to keep the crew busy and out of trouble. There were good reasons why too, primarily to do with the wood. Swabbing kept the wood wet and stopped it drying out and walking, polishing and oiling stopped men receiving splinters. And the last thing any captain wanted was a ship full of bored men, so they were given daily tasks to keep them occupied while on watch.

I had issued instructions as soon as I learned it would be a unisex crew. The bow would be available at separate times for men and women. Though we'd been intimate, I couldn't break the rule just for Serana, so escorted her as far as the wardroom door. If anyone noticed her leave my cabin, they were smart not to comment.

It was hard to have any privacy on a ship, but I figured at a time like needing to relieve oneself, I could at least do a little something. Alenko was already at the bow relieving himself when I joined him. He merely glanced, wished me good morning, as I put on a fake groan once the steam started, hearing him chuckle away.

"Nothing like a morning piss at sea, Captain?"

"Another reason why I love it, Alenko. There's a real freedom in standing here, pissing into the sea. Of course, some enlisted men will just do it over the side, but I have at least a little modesty."

I won't describe the other bodily function required sometimes. There are some things that don't need sharing. I passed Pressly and Moreau walking towards the bow as I returned to my cabin, breakfast being served. Nothing extravagant, some bacon and eggs with toasted bread. Fresh supplies would run out relatively quickly, so it was time for both officers and crew to enjoy it while we could. After that, it would be salted meats, hard biscuits, sauerkraut, and to prevent scurvy, preserved fruits in glass jars. They had started experimenting with things called tin cans, and I know our ship carried some of the first examples.

Most of the time, officers would dine in the wardroom, but I said that I would keep my door open if others wanted to join me for breakfast. Naturally, Jane wandered in a little later, Jeeves immediately placing a plate in front of her.

"Sleep well?" I asked.

"Like a log. It was a long day yesterday. You?"

"Like you, I guess."

"No company?"

I gave her a glance. "Jane," I said in a warning tone, before I trailed off and figured letting her know wouldn't hurt too much. "Okay, Serana was with me last night."

I liked the fact that surprised her. "Sera... What about Leliana?"

"We talked at length about it. She is of the old school regarding sex and love."

Jane started to laugh. "Was it like getting permission then?" she asked with a smirk.

I simply shrugged. "If you want to see it like that. She simply thanked me for being honest."

"So what will happen now?" Jane wondered.

"We'll see," I replied, forking another piece of bacon into my mouth.

Leliana walked in a few minutes later, wearing her usual white robes. She sat to my left, across from Jane. She wished us good morning as Jeeves placed a plate in front of her too. "Oooh, bacon and eggs. Guess I won't see this too many more times," she stated a little excitedly. I couldn't help smile, and I noticed the glance from Jane.

Serana joined us a little later, so I assumed the other officers left Jane to dine with me, as we were family, while they had probably already figured out Leliana and Serana. And any concerns I may have had about it being awkward diminished quickly, Leliana chatting away with Serana. The latter appeared surprised for a while before settling down.

Breakfast was nearly finished when Leliana asked, "So how was Shepard last night, Doctor?"

Jane nearly choked on whatever she was eating. Serana looked at me then Leliana wide-eyed. I was actually intrigued by the answer. "We enjoyed ourselves, Sister."

Leliana just smiled. "Please, call me Leliana. I believe we will become quite close considering what we may end up sharing."

"Then call me Serana."

"Very well. Now, was Shepard a considerate lover?"

Jane grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth. "I'm not sure..."

"Sit!" I ordered. Jane looked at me, almost desperate to be allowed to leave, but considering she'd been causing trouble at home, I was now going to have fun at her expense. Looking at Serana, I smiled and said, "Please, Serana, be honest with our priestess."

She returned the grin and looked back at Leliana. "His cock is fantastic, Leliana. Made me cum more than once. He's very considerate and loves eating pussy too. Haven't had too many lovers who enjoy doing that often."

"So he is talented?"

"With his tongue? Definitely. With his cock? I had it hard and fast last night, and this morning I rode it until I couldn't last any longer. My pussy hasn't had that sort of attention in quite a while."

Leliana just turned to look at me with a smile. I glanced at Jane, who didn't meet my eyes, head in her hands, probably wishing she was anywhere else. "That is good to hear, Serana. I'm glad to hear our captain is such a kind and consider man."

"He's a real gentleman, Leliana, except when you're naked underneath him, or if he has you on hands or elbows and knees. Depending on what you want, he'll slam his length into you, making you beg for more."

"I really need to be fucked," Jane murmured. She looked up, realising who was around the table with her. Then she looked at me and blushed. "Gods, not by you. Just... all this talk..."

"I am sorry, Jane. It's just that, for the moment... Well... I wish to wait, but that does not mean I don't want to hear that others are being pleased by him in such a way," Leliana stated. Right then and there, I could have said I loved her, and except for maybe Serana, I would have accepted and moved on.

"Don't wait too long, Leliana. Trust me, you are missing out on something really good," Serana admitted. Then, to obviously provide more fun, she turned to Jane. "It's a shame he won't fuck his sister. I think you would love a deep dicking from him too."

I coughed a laugh, while Jane looked like she just wanted a hole to open up and swallow her. Leliana looked at me, a mischievous smirk. I knew already that my one lover, and potential lover, were going to be trouble. "Jane is attractive, Shepard. Would you care to enjoy relations with your sister?"

I could only look at her, open mouthed. "Maybe he'd need a second woman there, just so it wasn't completely awkward to begin with," Serana suggested. "Once she had his dick, though, he wouldn't stand a chance."

"Okay, I think we should wrap this up," I said, wiping my mouth with a napkin and standing up. I made sure I smiled when I added, "And I think we should all return to our posts for now."

Two of the three women pouted while Jane just looked at me, a grateful look in her eyes. Serana teasing her about me wasn't anything new, it had happened more than once since that first time. Leliana joining in was a surprise, but I think she was just having a little fun at my expense, while perhaps finding common ground with Serana so things didn't get too awkward.

After breakfast, I returned to the quarterdeck. Moreau was already at the wheel, ready to go. Pressly had maps at the ready, and from looking at it beside him, he'd already plotted his course, taking account of speed, degree of turn, depth and everything else required to get us through the reef safely.

"How long to get through, Mister Pressly?"

"Honestly, at least six hours, and that's if the route on the map is correct. The number of course adjustments required is staggering, sir. If the Great Barrier Reef was placed by Neptune to keep the Empire safe, then he did a damned fine job of it. No wonder we've never received visitors except the Batarians."

"Miss Lawson, are you ready?" I asked, noticing she'd taken position next to me. I gave her the once over, as there was no doubting she was attractive, but I doubted our relationship would be anything but professional. She was definitely a career sailor and I knew was hoping to get her own ship one day. And I already knew I'd do all I could to support that aim.

"Aye, sir."

"You may give the order to depart, Lieutenant."

I'll be honest, if the ship is run well, and my subordinates do their jobs, I simply concentrate on the bigger picture, issuing instructions to the Master of where we should head. It was during battle where I would take complete control, though even then, I would rely on the judgement and experience of those in the chain of command. I can't be everywhere all at once.

Sails were unfurled, anchor was weighed, rigging was secured. Pressly wouldn't move now until we were through the reef, his eyes either at his sextant, watching his compass, or plotting the course on his map, continuing to issue instructions to Moreau, who would remain at the wheel for just as long. Such long watches were unusual, usually it was four hours on, four hours off. But I had changed that to three eight-hour shifts, or two twelve-hour shifts depending on how things were running. The evening and night shifts would be sparse, simply to keep the ship safe if not at anchor, ensuring that we were kept safe if the weather turned or we did run into anyone else out there.

"Keep her steady, Moreau," Pressly stated, "Lieutenant, we want no more than four knots. Some of these turns won't be pretty."

"At your word, Mister Pressly."

The ship gently moved forward. Thankfully, the sea was calm, the breeze light, enough to propel us forward, but even at full sail, we wouldn't reach maximum speed. I'll admit to a sense of relief. If the weather had been awful, or winds blowing a gale, or in the wrong direction, we would have remained at anchor until conditions were right. Not perfect, a sailor rarely had perfect conditions.

"How wide is the channel, Mister Pressly?" I wondered. I already knew, but it was to fill the silence, help ease any nerves or tension.

"We're twelve metres at the beam, sir. The widest estimate of the channel through the reef is eight metres."

"So it's going to be tight?"

"The slightest miscalculation could have us beached if not worse, sir."

"I will leave you to it, Master."

He continually issued minor course corrections to Moreau, no more than a degree or two to port or starboard. If we didn't enter the channel perfectly, the entire journey could be a disaster. He'd issue continuous orders to the boatswain, the deckhand in charge of the sails, asking to hoist or lessen a particular sail.

"One mile out, sir," Pressly reported. Part of me wanted to head to the bow and see the reef. No Imperial ship has approached the reef this close, at least willingly, since the Dunkerque disappeared. The one or two that had was due to rough seas or mistakes. The commanding officer could not cover up such an event. If it was rough seas, it was taken as an act of the gods. A mistake was punished if it was due to negligence. If it was just a mistake, as we were all human and they happen, there were consequences but not as severe.

There were shouts from the bow and the deck as we entered the reef before the entire ship seemed to fall quiet. We were now going beyond what any other ship had done... except the Dunkerque. The only sounds were of the waves hitting the bow, the ship riding the waves, the creaks of wood that were constant, winds billowing the sails, the clank of metal, the flapping of the rigging. And, above all that, were clear instructions issued by the Master to Moreau. When to turn to port or starboard and for how long to turn. He did mention what degree, but Pressly counted down how long to turn before stopping.

I stepped down to the deck and had a look over. The reef was beautiful. I'm not sure what made up the reef, no-one was sure, but the kaleidoscope of colours appearing just beneath the water was absolutely breath-taking. I sensed a presence next to me. "Truly a gift from the Five," Leliana whispered.

"I wish we had some way of documenting it all, take it back to the Emperor and everyone else."

"There are one or two who can draw, sir. I believe they are doing so now."

"Good. Good."

We suddenly made a sharp turn to starboard, least thirty degrees. And looking over the side, I could see why, as the reef appeared near the surface where we would have sailed if remaining on the same tack. And looking at whatever made up the reef, it likely would have torn the hull of our ship to shreds.