Manon and Belle Pt. 15


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"Bath now miss?" Belle asked quietly. "Yes, bath, with you my lovely Belle." Belle eased herself out of bed as Manon did the same, and then she threw a cover over Melissa who seemed to be fast asleep.

Belle ran the bath, while Manon looked at her back in the mirror, "it's not as bad looking as it feels," Manon said, looking at the collection of bruises, welts and stripes she could see. Belle muttered her disagreement, but Manon ignored it.

Belle came and picked Manon up, refusing to let her get into the bath on her own, and sat down in the bath with her in her arms, letting Manon slide down and rest her back on Belle, as the bath slowly filled. "Hotter please," Manon said. Belle dutifully turned the cold water off, and let the rest of the bath fill with hot water.

"Mm, that's better," Manon said, as the heat started to soak in.

"Belle? I may have made another mistake?" Manon said into the comfortable silence. "Oh?" Belle said warily.

"No, not like with the girls at the château," Manon said, realising that Belle had visions of having to punish Manon again. Belle huffed in relief, and Manon felt her relax.

"What then Miss?" Belle asked.

"Ah, well Melissa, just now? I think, well I know, I bound her Belle." There was a long silence as Belle thought about that.

"Miss, you haven't done that with anyone since we were at school," she said finally.

"No I haven't, not since I was taught to control it," Manon confirmed.

"Manon, why now? Why Melissa, and not, well one of the other girls we found here?" Belle asked, clearly very worried as her use of Manon's name showed. Manon had never ordered her not to use her name, but Belle only ever did when she was very stressed, or occasionally in the heat of passion.

"I'm not entirely sure to be honest my love," Manon said. "I didn't decide to do it, deliberately I mean, I think I needed to? Perhaps because of the loss of the others Belle. Those girls, Poppy and Jen as well, they got to me more than anyone else has since school," Manon said, only then openly acknowledging the truth.

"I know it doesn't make sense Belle, but some part of me believes that if I had only bound those other girls, they'd still be alive, with us," Manon said and suddenly burst into tears, huge sobs wracking her body.

Belle just hugged her tightly, and let her cry it out. "At last, let that out Manon. It's not your fault they were killed, but it's alright to grieve for them," Belle said as the tears began to subside.

"When did you get so clever?" Manon said, splashing water on her face to clear it.

"Oh I always have been miss, it's just these last few years, I've been keeping such bad company?" Manon laughed, "don't push your luck my girl, I could still manage to give you a proper spanking."

"Oh, thank you miss, that would be very nice," Belle said giggling. They settled down again, and then Belle asked, "Miss, what happens then? I mean with the binding, I've never quite understood it."

"Not sure I have either my love. I can only explain it the way I was taught about it. In my case, when there is already some attraction or affection between me and someone else, my magic sort of creates a bond between us, if I let it. It increases those feelings for each other a lot. More so in whoever I link with than in me apparently."

"There are apparently some mages who can actually bind people without that prior affection, but perhaps thankfully they are very rare, though some of the greatest rulers and greatest monsters in history are thought to have had that talent."

Belle hugged Manon tightly, "well I'm very glad you chose me miss."

"And so am I my love. I think you and I bonded that very first night, there's no doubt that for me having sex with a girl is part of my bonding, though it can happen without it. That's why I ended with my little group of followers at school. I had no clue that I had any magic, so at first this bonding was happening without me knowing anything about it. Not until, well, you know."

"I do miss, until that bitch Tolley and her sadist dorm captain beat you to a pulp," Belle said bitterly.

"There now dear, that was a long time ago, and we had the last laugh," Manon said. "That we did miss, that we did," Belle said in a satisfied tone.

"So miss, what happens about Melissa then?" Belle asked. "Good question, and I don't know Belle. For now she'll be happier at least, with us I mean, but when we have to leave?" Manon shrugged, she didn't have any idea. "Belle, I know you never have, but remember, we never talk about this where anyone might hear?"

"Yes miss," Belle answered. Belle gently washed Manon then, and helped her out of the bath, wrapping her carefully in a towel. She helped Manon dress in the other room then, and was getting dressed herself, when a confused looking Melissa sat up in bed, looking adorable as she woke up.

"Welcome back," Manon said, smiling at her. "How do you feel?"

"Thank you miss, I fell wonderful thank you," she answered grinning. "Well used and wonderful, thank you."

"Good, now go and get clean stinky girl and get dressed, I'm hungry and we are going to go out and find something," Manon said as Melissa scampered into the bathroom.

"So tell what news you have for me Belle?" Manon asked.

"Well, not much sadly miss. Real news, as supposed to gossip? No one has seen or heard anything of Eric du Valle for days now miss, and everyone here is very evasive about him when I ask," Belle said.

"Much the same about Janine Russell as well miss. She was taken to hospital, treated, and discharged, and went back to barracks apparently. After that I can get no news of her, and when I asked to have a message sent to her from you, they shut the door in my face."

"More general news, the new Duke has replaced a lot of his father's people with his own, and there's a lot of grumbling about that. Some of the new people are foreigners apparently and those people they are replacing were well respected from prominent families."

"Well," Manon said, digesting all of that. "A change like the heir taking over would be expected to bring more change, so I don't know what to make of that. I don't like the feel of Eric disappearing, or of not being able to get word from or to Janine though, that seems rum."

"Yes miss, that's what I thought."

"No word from Sir James?" Belle shook her head no. "Well he's probably travelling, so I'm not surprised at that." Melissa returned from her shower then, towelling herself off still.

"Going out clothes Melissa please," Manon said. "Er miss," she said looking at how Belle and Manon were dressed. It wasn't showy, but it was smart, "apart from my hotel uniform, I really only have what you've seen? It's decent, but hardly, well, respectable?"

"Well then, while we are out, we'll see about rectifying that. I don't intend to stay cooped up here, and you are our chosen guide and companion. So, where would a respectable but not rich young lady go for clothes?" Manon asked.

"Oh, the market stalls by the covered market miss," Melissa said straight away.

"And will these stalls still be open by the time we get there?"

"They will miss, yes, though the food market will be shutting down. Oh, there are lots of little eateries there too miss, if you are hungry? I mean they aren't posh, but its good food. Eric always eats there when he can."

"Well then, dress in what you have, and let us go," Manon said. She watched as Melissa pulled a skirt and a blouse on, without she noted with a grin any underwear, and pulled a loose jacket on before pushing her feet into shoes, that were little more than thin leather slippers.

"Done?" Manon asked, as she saw Melissa hesitating. She watched as the girl approached her, and knelt in front her. One of Manon's eyebrows went up in enquiry.

"Miss, please? I don't feel right going out with you? No I mean going out with you without my collar or cuffs on? Please?" she said nervously.

"Melissa I don't own you," Manon said softly. "Well no miss, but the hotel does and Eric put me in your care?" she replied, looking down and away.

"Belle, we have those thin collars and cuffs still?" Manon asked. "We do miss," Belle said, smiling. Manon nodded at her, and after Belle had rummaged in the luggage, she pulled out a small cloth sack, and from that a collar and four cuffs, with their connecting chains.

Manon set the chains aside, and took the collar, "look up at me girl," Manon said, and placed the collar around Melissa's neck. Hearing it lock shut with a click.

"Thank you for my collar miss," Melissa said politely.

Manon saw Belle stiffen with the same jolt that she herself felt, as those were the exact words that were used by the three maids and Claire and Kitty, when Manon had collared them. It almost made Manon want to take it off again, as it felt ill omened, but Manon override that impulse, reminding herself she wasn't superstitious.

"Stand up girl, and Belle will put the cuffs on, if you want. You don't have to wear those out, but I am very pleased you do want the collar," Manon told her.

"Miss, I'm not ashamed of what I am, and I'm definitely not ashamed of being your slave, even if it is only for now. So if it pleases you, I'd like it all, including the chains and a leash if you have one," Melissa said in a surprisingly definite voice.

"Oh you precious thing," Manon said, fondly stroking the girl's face. Belle knelt and cuffed Melissa's ankles, before cuffing her wrists, connecting them all loosely with Arkwright chains. She stood up and Melissa lifted her chin up, inviting Belle to connect the chain to her collar, which she did, sealing the chain shut and handing the key tool to Manon afterwards.

"How's that," Manon asked. The chains were loose enough that they wouldn't restrict movement, and Melissa smiled happily. "Lovely thank you miss." That made Belle and Manon laugh and Manon clipped the leash to Melissa's collar, giving it a gently tug and leading her out.

Manon and Belle both buckled on belts with a sword on one side and a pistol on the other, and Manon took a heavy cane with her as well, watched a little nervously by Melissa who didn't though say anything.

They left the hotel without Melissa attracting little more than glance from anyone, apart from the assistant manager, who smiled warmly at her. "A particular friend Melissa?" Manon asked.

"Oh no miss, not really, but he's always been fair. It's him I report to if M. Du Valle isn't around."

Leaving the hotel, walking out onto the square, Manon could immediately tell that something was different. For one thing there seemed to be fewer people about than she recalled, and several of the shops around the square had already closed, despite that meaning they'd miss the evening trade.

As they walked on, she and Belle noticed other things as well, not least that there seemed to be more constables about, and that they were now mostly dressed very differently, in a severe looking black top coat and trousers with the collar of a white shirt showing. None of them were women either, in contrast to what they'd seen before.

Manon's back eased with the walking, though her skin was still chafed by her blouse, despite it being soft silk, but when they got to the market, they found it too was shutting down early.

"Oh, miss, I'm so sorry, I've not known it close like this," Melissa said, a little crestfallen.

"Not your fault girl, I rather suspect that no one has," Manon said. Manon approached one stallholder, an older woman, who had mostly packed away clothes already and was shuttering her stall.

"Good evening," Manon said. "Good eve to you ma'am," the woman replied. "Oh you are English?" Manon said, recognising a London accent when she heard it. English was commonly spoken here, but this was a surprise.

"I am, though I've been here over forty years now," the woman said, giving Manon a slightly stern look. "Not to be rude ma'am, but I'm closed, and on my way home, so what can I do for you?"

"I wanted to buy some clothes for my girl here," Manon said, holding the leash up to show she meant Melissa. "I need some decent going out clothes and stronger shoes for her."

"Yes, I can see that, and wise of you too, the way things are going." Manon didn't understand the comment but let it pass. "I'll be back in the morning, I'd be happy to help you then ma'am," the prospect of a customer making her more polite.

"Well, we will be back then," Manon said, and bid the stall holder good bye. They walked on then, through the covered market, which was now silent and closed, and out of the other side, in search of cafes or restaurants to get an early dinner.

"You there! Stand in the name of the Duke!" a voice shouted from behind them. Manon turned, to find five men approaching. Four burly constables, with a smaller man leading them. They were all in this new black and white look they'd seen before, though the smaller man's clothes were of obviously finer quality, the most striking thing was that he wore a silver cross on a chain around his neck, quite a large one, that would have covered Manon's palm had she held it.

"State your business," the little man said. Manon felt Belle bristle at the man's tone, and she herself was rapidly acquiring a marked dislike of this man. Manon briefly considered just ignoring him or being rude back, but didn't give in to her baser instincts.

"Minding my own business, doing some shopping and looking for somewhere for an early supper. Now, why don't you state your business?" Manon asked sweetly. The two older men at the back both smirked, but rapidly wiped it off their faces when they saw Manon notice.

The little man, popinjay Manon was calling him in her mind already, spluttered and went red with indignation. "I, madam," he said through clenched teeth, "am the new Commissioner of Public Welfare for the Market District," he said puffing his chest out, talking in such a way that his title clearly came with capital letters included. At least in his mind.

"Well, I know nothing about the drains and sewage here," Manon said, "So I don't understand how I can help you." Popinjay whirled around angrily when the two mean at the back snorted, but by the time he had their faces were impassive.

"I am responsible for public order and morality in this district, madam," he said almost spitting in his anger. "Not sanitation."

"Ah, my mistake," Manon said blandly. "Well, if that's all?" Manon knew she shouldn't bait this little man, but the truth was she was enjoying it too much not to.

"You haven't answered my question!" the man shouted. He probably thought he was thundering Manon thought, looking at the picture of throbbing anger in front of her, but it really was more of a squeak. She suddenly lost patience with this game.

"No I didn't, as I don't answer questions from rude little men who are not entitled to answers," she said, stepping forward slightly.

"I am the Duke's representative, and you will answer!"

"You really are a tiresome little man," Manon said sighing. She reached into her skirt pocket to pull out her wardrobe badge, and felt Belle suddenly stiffen. She was astonished to see the two front constables were drawing their cudgels, and popinjay was fumbling at his hip for his pistol.

"Hold!" Manon shouted, more at Belle than anyone else who she could see already had a hand on the butt of her pistol and had pushed Melissa behind her. It did however have the effect of stopping everyone.

Manon slowly pulled the leather wallet from her pocket and flipped it open, the gold badge clearly showing as she held it up.

"And I am the subject and representative of Her Majesty Queen Victoria of England. I do not answer to you," Manon said coldly. Popinjay licked his lips nervously, probably more impressed by the badge and Manon's manner than actually understanding what it meant.

Apparently he decided not to push it, as he back up a pace. "Be that it as it may, but in the Duchy things are changing, and we won't tolerate foreigners parading their harlots about in public for much longer," he declared.

He marched off, no doubt congratulating himself on having the last word, quite unaware of how close he had come to dying.

Manon turned, hearing harsh laughter coming from behind her. It was the woman from the clothing stall, presumably on her way home. "Well that cheered me up, no mistake. Stuffed prick," she said, "begging your pardon. Until yesterday he was the collector of rents for the market, and a more venal lazier sod I've never had to deal with."

She sniffed, "that true? You want somewhere for dinner?" she asked. Manon nodded. "Well, down that side street," she said waving over Manon's shoulder, "Bertrand's, decent place, good fish pie." She laughed more, "tell him that his mother sent you, and he'll look after you, or else."

Manon laughed and thanked her. "Welcome my lady, you gave me a rare entertainment just now. Come see me in the morning, I'll put some things by that will suit that pretty thing on your lead there for you." Not waiting for a reply, she turned and walked briskly off down an alley.

"What the blazes just happened there?" Belle said, blowing a breath and some tension with it. "Good question Belle. I rather think that some of the rumours you heard suggesting odd changes coming from the new Duke.

They found the cafe easily enough, it was half full, obviously all locals from the accents and the way they were dressed. "My mother?" the middle aged man serving them said incredulously. "What did you do to charm her? My wife and I have been running this palace for 10 years now, and she's never sent me a customer before."

If they had a problem serving a woman with two slaves with her, all sitting at the same table, there was no sign of it in the way they were treated, which after what had happened when they were accosted, Manon found very soothing.

As promised the fish pie was excellent, and so was the apple tart that they had for dessert after it. Melissa went into raptures over dessert, as it turned out it was the first time she'd had ice cream. In truth Manon had been surprised to see it on the menu here, but when she asked discovered that the cafe was actually a sideline as it were, the main family business was making and selling ice cream.

Manon paid the bill, leaving a decent tip, and they walked slowly back to the hotel. She kept a wary eye out for more constables, and public welfare commissioners. They saw plenty of constables, but none of them paid Manon and her entourage any attention, so Manon returned the favour.

When they got back they sat together for a little while, Belle cuddled up against Manon on the sofa, and Melissa, still in her chains and dressed for now, sitting on the floor with her head and arm resting on Manon's lap.

"Melissa." "Yes miss?"

"In the morning, will you go and ask for breakfast to be served up here, just tea and toast. When I send you though, see what other gossip or chatter you can pick up from the staff, they'll have their own grapevines, that Belle and I can't tap into."

"Happily miss," Melissa replied. "Good girl. Go carefully though Melissa, it seems things are a bit strange at the moment."

Belle fussed at Manon to go to bed, pointing out that healing took a lot out of her, which was true. "Miss?" Melissa piped up, "What did miss Belle mean?"

"Ah, well, you know I can do a little healing, magically I mean Melissa?" She nodded, so Manon continued. "Well healing others, even the little bit I can do, is very taxing, it makes you very tired very quickly. But what Belle referred to is different. My magic heals me constantly when I'm hurt or ill, without my having to do anything. But that's very tiring too, as the energy used is in effect drawn from my own body."

"Oh, so that's why you slept such a lot when you first came here, and after, well, you know," she said.