March Comes in Like a Lion


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This wasn't going the way I had hoped. I thought that we might be able to at least try to get over what happened, but her total lack of respect for me was making that look less and less likely.

I decided that any more conversation might put us past the point of no return, so I went to our closet, grabbed a large suitcase and started throwing clothes into it. She just stood there with her arms crossed, with a twisted smile on her face, apparently thinking that I was bluffing.

Her look changed when I moved past her and headed towards the front door.

"Come on, you're not going to walk out just because I had a little fling?"

"No, I'm walking out because of your lack of respect for me. For your information, I DID spend the night with Brianna, and it was spectacular! I still came home hoping that we could work through our mutual indiscretions, but I see that isn't possible right now. Don't call me, I'll call you when I'm ready to talk again."

I left the house, not bothering to close the door, and saw her standing there watching me as I got in my car. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of seeing me cry, so I drove around the corner and pulled over and let my tears flow.

I paid for a week at an extended stay motel, and no sooner had I flopped onto the bed than my phone rang. I was going to ignore it, thinking that it was Kelly, but seeing that it was Chuck, I answered.

"Hi, Chuck."

"Hi, Matt. What the fuck happened? Kelly just called Beverly, and man, was she pissed."

"SHE was pissed?!" I nearly shouted into the phone. "She dumps me for some jock, then when I tell her that I spent the night with Brianna, she laughed at me."

"Hey, Matt, Wilson's not just 'some jock,' and you have to admit that you and Brianna is a little hard to believe."

"Not you, too," I said. "Fuck, you saw us together, saw us leave together. Doesn't anyone respect me?"

"Of course we respect you, Matt, but you and Brianna? Come on, get serious."

"Oh, but Kelly and Wilson is totally believable? Listen, I don't know what's going to happen with Kelly and me, but I think I need to find some new friends. Good-bye."

"Wait, Matt . . ." but I was already disconnecting.

Kelly and I went back and forth for a while, she even apologized for the stunt with Wilson, but the real sticking point was her lack of respect for me. Even a call from Brianna confirming our night together didn't help.

"Nice try, Matt," she said, "I guess you're her charity project this month."

I spent another week at the motel. Brianna and I went out a couple of times, the anchors even teased Brianna about her new "mystery man," but she just shrugged it off.

One good thing about being alone, it gave me time to work on my writing. I had been submitting stories off-and-on to online sites, much to Kelly's amusement, which I guess was another sign of her disrespect.

Brianna, on the other hand, when I was bitching about Kelly putting down my writing, even though she had never read any of it, insisted on seeing it. I resisted, fearing further embarrassment. I needn't have worried; Brianna was impressed, even had some suggestions.

I think that was my breaking point, and I filed for divorce. Kelly was flabbergasted.

"You're not seriously not going to divorce me over my silly little fling with Wilson, are you?"

"Actually, I'm not, but the fact that you see humiliating me as a 'silly little' thing is part of why I am divorcing you. You don't respect me, I wonder if you ever did. You still don't believe that Brianna has any interest in me, and my stories that you laugh about, without ever reading, Breanna thinks are pretty good," I said, then walked out the door.

Kelly fought the divorce, though I really don't know why. Maybe she just didn't like the idea of "losing." Our "friends" tried to help, but I think they just made things worse, still laughing at the idea of me and Brianna, telling me I'd never find anyone as hot as Kelly.

Of course, the Court ordered counseling. I went through the charade. I didn't do anything silly, like playing on my phone during the sessions, but I made it clear, whenever the subject came up, that I simply was no longer interested in being married to Kelly. The counselor finally conceded and recommended to the Court that the divorce proceed, and Kelly tearfully agreed.

It was hard being an every other weekend Dad, but my son and I made the best of it. It helped that the divorce, once Kelly realized that it was over, wasn't particularly acrimonious, and we were able to co-parent peacefully.

Brianna was at the last court date, and when we walked out arm-in-arm the look on Kelly's face was priceless.

We maintained a Friends-With-Benefits relationship for the better part of a year. Although we were exclusive, we made no promises of forever.

With Brianna's busy schedule, and without any marital obligations I was able to devote more time to my writing, with Brianna continuing to make valuable suggestions. When my latest story was complete, she suggested that I submit it to a publisher, but I was afraid of being rejected.

Breanna finally got an offer from a Chicago station, which was a major step up, and we had one final night. We eschewed dinner to spend as much time together as possible. Although we made love, it wasn't some kind of a wild free-for-all, we probably spent more time cuddling, talking about our feelings and our hopes and dreams for the future.

When she fell asleep, I got up and made a few more tweaks to my story before crawling back into bed and spooning with her, enjoying the feeling as she snuggled tighter back into me.

When I woke up she had already gotten out of bed, so I went to the bathroom and had a quick shower. As I walked past the desk with my laptop on it. I was puzzled to see it open. I was sure I closed it the night before. I shrugged my shoulders and made my way to the kitchen where Brianna was making breakfast.

I came up behind her, wrapped her in my arms and nuzzled the back of her neck. She turned her head around and kissed me.

"Breakfast is almost ready, why don't you get the coffee?"

"Your wish is my command," and with a sweeping bow I poured the coffee and brought the cups to the table.

I'm afraid most of her cooking went to waste as we spent most of the time just pushing the food around our plates and staring at each other.

Finally, it was time to clean up so that I could leave and that Brianna could get ready to go. We had already packed most of her stuff in her car, and she had a moving service coming in for the rest.

I grabbed my laptop, gave Brianna one last hug and kiss, and we parted with hopeful promises to stay in touch.

I gave myself a couple of weeks to mourn the end of our relationship, then began gingerly entering the dating scene. I deliberately avoided areas where I might expect to see Kelly or our old crowd, though I did still see them occasionally, but we never approached each other.

One day I was going through my mail and saw an envelope from Battles Publishing, Co. I was puzzled and put it aside while I went through the rest of the mail.

I took the envelope into the kitchen and sat down with a cup of coffee and opened it.

Dear Mr. Smythe:

We have received your manuscript and are seriously considering publishing it. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to set up a meeting.

Yours sincerely,

Melanie Wilson

Editorial Assistant


What the fuck? I never submitted anything to anyone. Then I remembered; the laptop that I had left closed, but found open in the morning. Brianna! She copied the file and showed it to somebody. I didn't know if I wanted to kick her or kiss her! On one hand, she went behind my back, on the other, a publisher was interested in my book!

I decided to get even by not telling her. I didn't know what connection she might have, but hopefully I could head off anybody telling her before I was ready.

I contacted Ms. Wilson to set up an appointment. It didn't take long to come to an agreement, but before I could get too excited, I had to wait for the editor to do her work. I was excited to get the file back, only to be dismayed to see what seemed like more red than black.

I swallowed my pride and started to diligently work through all of her edits. I had to admit that she was right most of the time, and she listened seriously to my objections. She still ended up being right more often than not.

After three passes, we were ready to go to print. I still hadn't told Brianna, even though we had spoken several times since I got the letter.

I had a book signing in Chicago and called Brianna to set up a visit.

When she answered the door she gave me a big hug and kiss.

"Oh, Matt, it's so good to see you again. What brings you to Chicago, business or pleasure?"

"Both, I hope," I said with a wink.

"I should be able to help with the latter," she said with an exaggerated wink of her own.

Leaving her building, she was impressed by the limo.

"Wow, things must be looking up," she said.

"One could say that," I said. "This is your town, why don't you pick the restaurant."

She gave the driver the name, and we were off.

Although we didn't have a reservation, she was recognized immediately and we were soon seated.

"So, Matt, what sort of business brings you to Chicago? Monkey Business?"

"It's a surprise," I said, and she pouted.

We had a delicious meal, but decided to skip dessert.

"Shall we go back to my place?" she said with a flirtatious smile.

"I have a bit of business to do first, why don't you come along, I don't think you'll be bored."

She was disappointed and puzzled, but nodded her approval.

The limo pulled up to my hotel, and the driver helped Brianna out as I followed. I led her into the lobby and up the escalator to the second floor to the ballroom where the book signing was to take place. I wasn't able to block her from seeing the sign with my picture on it and she leapt into my arms.

"Matt, you did it, you did it! I knew you could do it."

"Well, I did have a little help," I said with a wry grin.

"I . . . I don't know what you're talking about, Matt."

"Don't be modest, Brianna. I never submitted my story, and nobody else had access to my laptop. You wouldn't make a good thief; you left the laptop open, I had closed it the previous night."

She blushed.

"I'm not angry, Brianna. I never would have had the guts to submit my story; you had more faith in me than I did. I'll never be able to thank you enough."

"No thanks necessary, Matt, I'm just happy to see you happy."

At that moment the publisher's rep came over and told me that it was time to start the signing, so I gave Brianna a quick kiss and followed the rep to the table set up for me.

I was watching Brianna leaning against the wall smiling as the long line formed for people to get their books signed. Her smile faded a bit when some of the women posed for selfies and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I just smiled, shrugged my shoulders, and was relieved when she smiled back.

Finally, the signing ended and I rejoined Brianna, giving her a big kiss to make up for all the kisses I had received.

"Shall we go back to my place, so that I can welcome you properly to Chicago?"

"As tempting as that sounds, my room is right upstairs. Besides, I already dismissed my limo driver."

"Not too over-confident, eh?" she said with a big grin and we went up to my suite. We spent the night getting reacquainted with our bodies, then slept in before ordering a room service breakfast.

"Matt, where do we go from here? Can you stay a while?"

"I'm sorry, I can't. I have a few more stops on the tour, then I have to get back to my day job."

"I understand, Matt, but let's stay in touch, I really enjoy our time together."

We did just that, talking, texting, email, Zoom calls, whatever worked at the time.

My publisher had expressed interest in a second book, and I was spending every spare moment working on it.

As soon as I sent it off to my editor, I called Brianna.

"Hi, Matt, it's nice to hear your voice again."

"You, too, Brianna. I've got some great news. I've written another book."

"That is great news. When will I be able to read the next Great American Novel?"

"It'll be a while, I just submitted the first draft, but that's not the best part."

"Oh? What's that?"

"If this book does well, they'll give me a contract for three more books. I'll be able to quit my job and write full-time."

"That's wonderful, Matt. I knew you had it in you."

"Yes, you did. I owe it all to you. Without your encouragement I'd still just be writing for my own enjoyment."

"Don't say that, Matt. You have a real talent; it would have shown itself sooner or later."

"Maybe so, but there are thousands of people with talent who just don't get that big break. If you didn't send my story in, who knows if I ever would have had the nerve to submit it myself."

We argued back and forth, but she knew I was right.

I don't know if it was my experience with the first book, or if I just had more confidence, but the editing process went very smoothly, and the book was soon ready for print.

I had used most of my vacation time for the first book tour, so I had to take some unpaid leave, and scheduled my stop in Chicago for a whole weekend. I didn't bother with a hotel and spent the weekend with Brianna.

I could never get enough of Brianna's stunning body, and could never understand how she was so attracted to me, and I finally had to open my big mouth about it.

"God, Matt, I love you, but you men can be so clueless sometimes." She stopped suddenly; neither of us had used the "L word" before.

"Seriously, Matt," she continued, "I can be as infatuated as the next person with surface attractiveness, but lasting love means seeing below the surface. You're certainly not unattractive, but what's special about you is what's on the inside. Even after what Kelly did to you, I had to practically seduce you to get you into my bed."

What could I say? She was right, and I never had a clue.

"I'm sorry, Brianna, I don't know what my problem was. Maybe I just sell myself short, maybe Kelly shot a hole in my self-confidence, but I shouldn't have projected that onto you."

"That's okay, Matt, I understand. You just keep being the kind, caring person you are, and you'll never need to doubt my love for you."

I had to mentally kick myself; she had just told me again that she loved me, and I hadn't told her that I loved her, though being the perceptive woman she was, I think she knew.

Still, I couldn't leave that thought up in the air.

"I love you, too, Brianna."

"I know, silly," she said, and gave me a soul-searing kiss.

The rest of the tour went well, as did the sales of the book. When I returned home, I invited Brianna to come for a visit.

We visited some of the old haunts, and people who knew us from before seemed amazed that we were still together. Others recognized Brianna from her occasional fill-ins on the Today Show. I even got some recognition from my books.

We occasionally crossed paths with some of the old gang, but I had no interest in rubbing their noses in my success, both personal and professional. For their part, they seemed too embarrassed to approach us, though Kelly seemed more angry than embarrassed. Oh, well, life's too short to waste on fools.

The first couple of nights our love-making was wild and full of passion, but I had other plans for our last night.

I took her to the most romantic restaurant in town where our conversation was full of endearments, but nothing of any great import. No, I didn't make a big production of proposing in the restaurant. I knew that there would be some serious discussions to follow, and wanted a more private venue.

"Where are we going dancing tonight, Matt?"

"Actually, I thought maybe we could just go straight home tonight, if that's all right with you?"

"Of course, Matt." she said, seeming unsure of what I was thinking.

When we got to my place, I hung up our coats and had her sit while I got some wine.

Sitting down, I handed her her glass and proposed a toast.

"To love and friendship," I said.

"To love and friendship," she repeated and we clinked glasses.

I was sipping my wine while surreptitiously watching Brianna.As she finished her wine, she jumped up when she nearly swallowed the ring I had placed in her glass.

"Wh . . . Wha . . ." she sputtered, "Is this what I think it is?"

I turned towards her, taking her hands in mine.

"Yes, Brianna, it is. I can't describe how my life has changed since you came into it. I can only imagine what it can be if you will be a part of it forever. Please say that you'll be my wife."

"Oh, Matt, if you only knew how much I want to say yes . . ."

"But . . ."

"But I've told you, my career comes first, if a better offer comes along I'll probably take it. I can't ask you to pull up stakes every time I change jobs."

"You won't have to."

"What do you mean?"

"My last book was successful, successful enough that the publisher gave me a three-book contract, with a big enough advance so that I could quit my job and write full-time, and I did."

"Did what?"

"I quit my job. As soon as my lease is up I'm moving to Chicago. If you'll have me, I'd like it to be in with you."

She just sat there, wide-eyed, her mouth open, then she launched herself into my arms.

"Yes, yes, I'll marry you!"

We had a small wedding. My parents flew over with my son Danny, and Brianna's parents were there with her sister. We spent Saturday with my family, seeing as many of the sites as we could pack into one day, and Brianna used her weathergirl magic to give us a sunny day to get married by the lake.

After a good-bye filled with happy tears, we left for our Honeymoon in Barbados.

It would be nice to say we lived "Happily Ever After," and by and large we did, but two high-power careers, coupled with groupies, and yes, I had my share, though I still couldn't see why, can bring out some petty jealousies, but we made a pledge to always talk things out, and we smoothed out the bumps in the road.

Thankfully, there was only one other move in Brianna's career, a move to New York for the Today Show. It didn't really matter, anyway, since I could write from anywhere.

We had been living in New York for about a year, when Brianna surprised me with the pregnancy test stick. I didn't even know she had gone off the birth control, but I was thrilled, and was looking forward to being a full-time dad again. I love Danny to death, and it's been so hard saying good-bye when my weekends are over.

It was a little surreal having the whole country following our pregnancy, but we got used to it.

She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Brittany, and fortunately, it looks like she got her mother's looks. Of course, the program had to have pictures as soon after the birth as possible, and video soon after that.

I had just finished the book tour for my fifth book, and the publisher wanted me to sign a new contract, but I didn't feel that I had another story in me, but I promised them the right of first refusal if I did write another. Meanwhile, the royalties from the books along with some movie deals, kept the cash rolling in, and of course Brianna was making big bucks, so I happily settled into my new role as Mr. Mom.

If you had ever asked me if I would be happy that my wife cheated on me, I would have asked you if you were insane, yet here I am happier than I could have ever thought I could be.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

By the way, I in no way see this as plagiarism og GA''S FEB SUX. Too many differences, beginning with the MC getting his own wonderful night. And it goes on from there.

But even more so, the concept has morphed into a LW trope, with other versions (movie star, singer, politician, etc.). Give Feb Sux it's due, but move on.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

A really good twist, though unlikely. But this is fiction afters all. The writing was very competent, with minor flaws. Five stars from me.


fritz51fritz51about 2 months ago

I liked this one and scored it high. Even though I am NOT accusing this author of plagiarizing this one from the famous "February Sucks" by G. Anderson, a nod to that work, which was written about a year before this would not have hurt... perhaps the author was totally unaware of "F.S."

Regarding the M.C. - his reaction to the deeply disturbing disrespect that his wife displayed with her actions, so similar to "Linda's" bothered my sense of right / wrong.

Matt kept saying that it was the disrespect, not the cheating that he objected to. Really? He also implied that he could have forgiven her for fucking Wilson, but not the disrespect. WTF? Sorry, but in my book she's history, as there is nothing that she could do to fix that level of treachery.

One more thing: I was sure when the female publisher was named Melanie Wilson, I was sure that it would turn out to be the football player's wife and old Matt would get some serious pay back... but NO - just wishful thining on my part!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Can’t believe the story didn’t have at least one final scene where he and his ex had a final “discussion” about her lack of respect for him, while he was just glowing with success in both his writing AND with Brianna. That deficit cost a ⭐️


3 ***

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

He should have taken the time to rub Kelly's nose in it. That uber bitch definitely deserved it.

RePhilRePhil3 months ago

Yeah back again

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Nice karmic revenge in a FS format. Still Breanna pulled a Linda 5 years earlier on her own ex.

And why woukd a quarterback dropping off his married slut of the night, smirk at the husband as all of them show up at the house. Just saying the NFL quarterback has a lot to lose and that smirk would certainly push some husbands to do serious injury. A football player can still be hurt with a weapon, even if just a metal pipe, 2x4, or a rock to the face. Kelly was just a plot device.

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny6 months ago

You know it would eat your Ex alive to see her husband holding his newborn with his beauty queen wife every morning on the Today show. That's some tasty revenge right there

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