Marchwood Ch. 05: Venus in India


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"But that is surely just a silly old story," Caroline objected.

"I am not so sure," Augustus responded. "According to the tales I heard among the servants. My father took his pleasure in his servant mistress's bottom and nowhere else. What is more when he divorced his first wife he took a grand tour of Europe where he was reputed to have buggered ladies high and low all over the Continent."

"Goodness me!" exclaimed Caroline. "And what of your poor mother. Don't tell me he forces her to indulge in his depraved tastes."

"Of that I cannot be sure," Augustus replied. "My mother is a remarkable woman. She was formerly married to an Italian Count and has Italian blood in her veins which may account for her fiery temperament. It is perfectly possible that my mother enjoys the byways of sexual pleasure every bit as much as my father. It is something I do not care to dwell upon too closely. I actually believe it was my mother who encouraged a friend of hers to take me under her wing as it were on my passage to India."

"Was this lady the one with whom you had an affair?" asked Caroline who already knew a little of this portion of Augustus's history.

"Yes indeed the remarkable Mrs Bell," replied Augustus.

"And was it Mrs Bell who introduced you to the pleasures of sodomy or had you already perhaps experienced this perversion at your English boarding school?" asked Caroline a little tartly.

"Oh no I was a virgin in all respects when I embarked on that voyage. Of course I was all too aware of what went on among other boys at Eton but I never participated in that sort of thing. Personally I bear no animosity to those such as the Colonel who share such inclinations but it was never for me."

"And yet you were only too ready to bugger Mrs Bell when the opportunity presented itself," Caroline continued.

"Erm.. well yes. I mean she was a charming attractive older woman and she introduced me to many sexual pleasures for the first time. I was only too delighted to explore every avenue which presented itself."

"So do you feel there is anything in the idea of the Marchwood curse? Are you indeed doomed to yearn to sodomise ladies for the rest of your life?" Caroline asked percipiently.

Augustus had never really considered matters in this way. Indeed he had put the whole idea of the Marchwood curse out of his head as an old wives tale. Yet now when he thought about it maybe there was some truth in old legend. After all his own father had a reputation as an inveterate sodomiser of women. Maybe his mother had recognised the trait in her own son and had arranged for Mrs Bell to test out whether this was indeed the case and report back to her.

"I am really not sure," Augustus eventually responded. "I must say I do have a liking for ladies' bottoms and I will readily own that the prospect of possessing your delightful rear orifice is one which even now fills me with excitement. However, as I think I have demonstrated on numerous occasions it is far from the only mean by which I can satisfactorily make love to a lady."

"So Augustus Marchwood, are you telling me that you could live the rest of your life in happiness if you were never to insert your member into a lady's bottom again?" demanded Caroline, somewhat placing poor Augustus on the spot.

"I am really not sure, that is a very difficult question my dear Caroline," he responded.

"And since your affair with Mrs Bell you have never indulged this predilection with any other lady?" asked Caroline.

Augustus reddened, recalling how not too long ago he had buggered his cleaning woman, Parvati in the front room of his bungalow.

"Well not exactly he admitted," not wishing to confess to the fact he had indulged himself in this way even while he was conducting his affair with the Colonel's lady. "There was a young lady on the ship with Mrs Bell and I. She pursued me in the belief that I might propose to her. I liked her well enough but I never had any intention of making her an offer of marriage. One night towards the conclusion of the voyage she came to my cabin and effectively seduced me."

"So she offered you her virginity in exchange for a proposal of marriage?" Caroline asked.

"Not exactly, I mean she was certainly a virgin but she was unwilling to yield up her maidenhead before she was wed but she offered me her other virginity and in my weakness I succumbed."

"So you sodomised this innocent young girl while having no intention of making an honest woman of her?" said Caroline sounding scandalised.

"Well yes, put like that I sound like a complete bounder," Augustus admitted. "But this wretched girl would not leave me alone and In the end I just gave in to temptation."

"Oh Augustus you should see your face," exclaimed Caroline laughing, "We all give in to temptation now and then, it rather sounds like this girl wanted what she received from you."

"Indeed I think she did. Unfortunately her mother caught us in flagrante delicto so that was the end of that," Augustus responded. "What is more when Mrs Bell discovered my infidelity she was not well pleased, though I am thankful that we finally made up our quarrel on the last day of the cruise in a most satisfactory fashion."

"So you have found no outlet for your sodomitical predilections since you arrived in India?" asked Caroline.

Augustus was still reluctant to admit his little fling with Parvati but then remembered his encounter in the hotel with Mrs Cummings. That had been before he had even met Caroline Forsythe. She surely could not upbraid him for that.

"Well there was one occasion when I first arrived in India. I stayed at the Railway Hotel in Malagar when I first stepped off the train, do you know the place?"

"Well yes, it has a bit of a reputation. I believe it is run by a Mrs Cummings, a notorious madame if accounts are to be believed. Are you telling me that you spent the night with one of her native girls?"

"As a matter of fact I did not. It was Mrs Cummings herself who offered to entertain me on the night I stayed there," Augustus explained.

"Good lord, I thought the woman had retired from the trade herself, she must have taken a fancy to you. However, she is well known for being able to cater for whatever tastes her clients exhibit," Caroline interjected. "I am almost sure that Henry has visited the place on a number of times before catching the train somewhere and been supplied with some nubile boy who is willing to provide for his needs. It is also said that Major O' Rourke is a regular customer. The rumour goes that he is partial to a good birching and that Mrs Cummings has one particularly muscular girl who lays it on his bare backside with sufficient vigour to satisfy his appetite."

Augustus listened in some surprise to these revelations and then for a moment they both fell silent.

"You stated that you were entertained by Mrs Cummings on the night you stayed there," Caroline pressed him. "Was this the occasion when you experienced the joys of sodomy on Indian soil."

"Yes indeed," replied Augustus. "In fact Mrs Cummings informed me that if I wished to spend the night with her this would be her preferred mode of intercourse. I believe that the unfortunate Mrs Cummings has lost several children to the ravages of the Indian climate and has no desire to acquire or indeed lose any more."

"I see, well if your yearning for anal penetration becomes too overwhelming you will just have to take a couple of day's leave and revisit Malagar," commented Caroline sardonically.

"I am sure that won't be necessary," Augustus replied.

After this interrogation, Caroline seemed satisfied and asked Augustus whether he was tired and wished to retire for the night.

"By no means by dearest Caroline. I believe the Colonel means to return tomorrow. Let us make the most of this glorious opportunity to be together," he replied.

"My feelings entirely my dear. Now where were we?" she responded.

So it was that Augustus and Caroline once more coiled their bodies around one another in blissful enjoyment. Soon Augustus was eagerly suckling on one of Caroline's voluptuous titties while she caressed his flaccid cock between her fingers until she had achieved a respectable stiffness in that organ. They then proceeded to a delicious soixante-neuf. Caroline employed yet more of her considerable oral skills in pleasuring Augustus's prick and balls while he licked an enticing cocktail of his own spunk and her fragrant juices from her unctuous slit. Once he had reamed out her dark channel he turned his attention to her budding clitoris, swirling his tongue around the delicate sprout before sucking the tiny organ between his lips to her considerable delight. She responded by sucking yet more firmly on the swollen purple bulb of his cockhead while at the same time gently pumping the base of his shaft between her thumb and forefinger.

Eventually, Caroline mounted him to continue the St George which had been so unfortunately interrupted during their last lovemaking session. She took charge and plunged his rampant prick between the lips of her moist cunt and then sank down drawing his erect pole deep into her shaft. Now it was Caroline turn to ride her lover which she did in a slow leisurely style rising and falling as she would on her horse but with Augustus's cock buried deep in her gushing tunnel of love. So began a long slow fuck. Now both of them had climaxed neither partner was desperate to come again and both were able to simply enjoy the unique sensations of their conjoined parts being united.

For some time they enjoyed these delightful sensations and also the pleasures of Caroline magnificent mammaries which she dangled before his lips and allowed him from time to time to suckle on the delicious teats than surmounted each luscious melon. At the last still inside her Augustus rolled over, bringing himself atop his lover. Caroline did not object and simply spread her ample thighs a little wider allowing him to plunge even deeper into her well lubricated slit. Now Augustus began to fuck his mistress in earnest, his erect prick plunging in and out of her slick orifice like a well oiled piston.

Augustus was a young fit man and perfectly capable of making love all night. However, he was eager to conclude his business with Caroline and sensed that she too was ready for one final crashing climax. Caroline bucked beneath him urging him on to complete his mission as her own pleasure rose to a crescendo. Her breasts bobbed in unison beneath him and her bottom rose to meet each thrust until he sensed the imminence of her climax. As she crested the brow of her ultimate orgasm he slowed his thrusts so they could both enjoy the steady build of pleasure rising in their loins. Both of them gasped and she emitted small mewls of animal pleasure until her climax entirely engulfed her and her body shook in ecstasy. Augustus felt her womb tense and spasms of delight ran through her quivering cunt. He made a few last slow thrusts and then his prick exploded and he was pumping his seed deep into her enjoying the paroxysm of blasts from his organ embedded deep in Caroline's soft flesh.

Chapter 9: Clouds of war

The following afternoon the Colonel returned and rumours began to fly around the camp. In the mess it was said that the Afghans were making trouble in the North and that the British intended to mount a punitive expedition. Many of the younger officers were eager to see action for the first time and began to become excited at this prospect. The day after the Colonel called all the officers of the regiment together in the mess. He confirmed what the rumours had suggested. General Browne was to lead a large British force into Afghanistan after their ruler Sher Ali Khan had become a little too friendly with the Russians, Britain's rivals in the region. The First Battalion of the regiment was to form part of one of the brigades in this force and Lieutenant-Colonel Blunt would be commanding them. Colonel Forsythe concluded his speech by stating what an honour it was that their regiment had been selected for the expedition and expressed his confidence that they would acquit themselves with honour in any actions which they might take part in. Marchwood left the meeting feeling totally despondent. His company was part of the second battalion and so would be remaining at base while his comrades in the first battalion would be going to Afghanistan to cover themselves in glory. What was the point of joining the army and then never seeing action?

The next day Marchwood made an appointment to see the Colonel. At first the Adjutant told him he was too busy but after much pleading he was finally given a time that afternoon. At three o'clock he sat outside waiting to be called in. After about five minutes he was rather surprised to see Subaltern Peachey emerge from the Colonel's office. Peachey was the mist recently arrived officer in the regiment and fresh faced almost effeminate young man with blonde curls newly arrive from England. When Peachey saw Marchwood he blushed a deep pink for some reason.

"Everything alright old chap?" asked Marchwood. "You look a bit flustered."

"Oh... erm.... Yes absolutely," stammered Peachey

"Not getting a dressing down from the old man already I hope," Marchwood said.

"Oh erm no... nothing like that," Peachey replied.

As soon as he could Peachey beat a hasty retreat leaving Marchwood wondering what on earth might have transpired between him and the Colonel. A few minutes later he was summoned into the Colonel's office. Marchwood took the usual two paces forward, came to attention and saluted his commanding officer. Colonel Forsythe looked rather sweaty and red faced, perhaps just a consequence of the afternoon heat but perhaps something else as well Marchwood mused.

"You asked to see me, make it quick I am very busy," Forsythe barked.

"Sorry to trouble you sir but it's about the deployments for the Afghan expedition. You have commented on several occasions on how well trained my platoon is. I believe on one occasion your even suggested my men might be the finest platoon in the regiment." Marchwood said nervously.

"Indeed and what of it?" the Colone replied.

"Well sir I just thought it would make sense for the finest platoon in the regiment to be included in the troops to be deployed to Afghanistan," Marchwood said.

"It's not as simple as that Marchwood," the Colonek explained. "You are part of the second battalion, which is essentially where we train our new recruits. The first battalion is always deployed for active service so I am afraid that you will not be part of the deployment on this occasion."

"But sir," Marchwood protested, "would it not be feasible to simply transfer my platoon to the first battalion?"

"That's quite out of the question," the Colonel replied. "All the companies in the first battalion have trained together and are led by out most experienced officers. Now I am very busy so please do not waste any more of my time. It's good to see your enthusiasm Marchwood and I am sorry you won't see active service on this occasion but your time will come. God knows there is always something going on in this goddam country so if you miss out on Afghanistan some other crisis will no doubt be along shortly."

Marchwood left the Colonel's office even more despondent than before. He did not even have the consolation that the Colonel would be going off to Afghanistan leaving him to comfort the delectable Mrs Forsythe. The Colonel's orders were that he too should remain at base in order to command the local forces in the event of any civil unrest in the region.

A few days later the whole regiment turned out on parade. The first battalion was arrayed on one side of the parade ground with the second battalion opposite them. Marchwood stood to attention in front of his platoon holding his sword while the Colonel addressed the departing troops. When he had finished he called for three cheers and the sepoys responded with rousing cheers for the regiment. Then the order was given for the whole first battalion to right turn and quick march, the band struck up a tune and they began the long march to Malagar where they would entrain and travel to the North.

In the following days Marchwood sank into a fit of depression. Caroline Forsythe seemed too busy to meet him. His only consolation was the beautiful horse which he had won in a card game from Captain Markham. Markham was an inveterate gambler and one day against his better judgement Marchwood had been persuaded to join in a game of cards with some fellow officers. Markham was rather drunk and placed ridiculous bets and mad risky gambles on his cards. Eventually he had exhausted all his cash and, wishing to play on, offered an IOU. Some of the other officers seemed reluctant to accept this suggestion, they already held IOUs from Markham on which they were still awaiting payment. Eventually to everyone's surprise Markham suggested he would bet his beautiful chestnut mare which was generally acknowledged to be the finest mount in the regiment. To his amazement Marchwood was dealt an excellent hand in the next hand and although not a skilled card player won the game.

The next day Markham took him to the stables and introduced him to his horse Coraline. Marchwood had been around horses all his life and his father's stable contained some excellent mounts but this was simply the most beautiful horse he had ever seen. He immediately insisted that the groom sddled her up and took her for a ride in the nearby hills. Coraline responded superbly, she had great speed and wonderful agilty. Marchwood was convinced that she had a strong streak of thoroughbred hunter in her bloodline as she was built just like the finest hunters in his father's stable.

In the next few weeks Marchwood took to exercising this magnificent animal, going for long gallops on the hills which reminded him of the downs in England. One day he was setting out from camp and had only gone a mile of so when he saw a lady on a horse coming towards him followed an Indian leading a second horse. As he came closer he managed to make out the face of the lady as that of Mrs Sinclair, the wife of Captain Sinclair, a company commander in the first battalion. As they came abreast they both pulled their horses up and greeted one another.

"Good morning Mr Marchwood," Mrs Sinclair called out. "That is a remarkably fine animal you are riding, has Captain Markham lent her to you?"

"Indeed no Mrs Sinclair. She is now mine I won her in a game of cards," Marchwood explained.

"A lucky win indeed," she replied. Marchwood peered beneath the brim of Mrs Sinclair's large hat which was protecting her from the sun which was already beginning to beat down hard. Her dazzling blue eyes sparkled at him and a faint smile played around her mouth.

"Did you have a pleasant ride ma'am?" Marchwood asked.

"Alas no," she replied. "Unfortunately my syce's horse threw a shoe so we have been obliged to return to camp almost as soon as we have set out," she replied.

"Perhaps I may be of service ma'am. I would be happy to escort you if you wish to continue your ride and the syce may take his horse to the farrier," Marchwood suggested.

"That is a very kind offer sir," Mrs Sinclair replied. "But I do not wish to incommode you, I am sure I should not be able to keep up with you mounted on such a magnificent beast."

There was something vaguely suggestive about the way Mrs Sinclair mouthed the words magnificent beast.

"I would be happy to proceed at whatever pace is most convenient to you Mrs Sinclair," Marchwood replied with a smile.

To his amazement Mrs Sinclair turned to the groom who was standing holding the reins of the other horse and addressed him in fluent Hindi, instructing him to return to camp. The syce made some objections but then gave up when he realised that this mistress was not to be persuaded. With a shout of "Let's go", Mrs Sinclair wheeled her horse around and trotted back in the direction she had come. Marchwood quickly dug his heels into Coraline's flanks and sped after her.
