Marian and Ray Ch. 01

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Businesswoman finds bliss with black lover.
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Marian pulled up in the hotel car park and checked herself in the rear view mirror. She rearranged a few loose strands of her short brown hair and removed a speck of mascara from beneath her eye. Satisfied with her appearance, she picked up her bag from the passenger seat and exited into the midday heat.

A man loading a suitcase into the trunk of his car gave her an appreciative look as she walked past and she rolled her hips for his benefit. 'Still got it', she told herself. Her outfit, a dark blue jacket and knee-length skirt worn with a red blouse and matching heels, managed to be both formal and flattering. Marian had never subscribed to the notion that a woman had to tone down her femininity in order to be taken seriously in business. Her own stellar career in Real Estate was proof that it didn't have to be so. Now aged 43, she had, through sheer graft and force of will, become Regional Manager of her Company's operations but she also believed that her unwillingness to compromise her principles had played a significant role.

Ray had not arrived yet so she took a seat in the lobby and rang her husband. Dan sounded as distant as usual and Marian only stayed on long enough to tell him that she would probably be late. She snapped her phone shut in annoyance. If she didn't come home, would he even notice? She was fully aware that this was the price to be paid when a couple prioritized their careers above all else and acknowledged her own culpability in the poor state of affairs that prevailed in their relationship; but she was still a woman and still retained a woman's need for the kind of intimacy that had been absent from her marriage for as long as she could remember.

'Is this seat taken?'

She looked up and smiled. In her preoccupation, she had neglected to notice Ray's arrival. They shook hands and he sat down.

'So, what's this I've been hearing about rationalization?' Ray said. 'There's only so much bad news a man can take, you know.'

Ray was Director of one of the Company's local offices and a rising star. A former College Track and Field star, he had brought to his business career the ruthless determination to succeed at all costs that had served him so well in his days as an athlete and as a result, was both the youngest Director in the Company's history and the first African-American to hold such a position. Marian had spotted his potential early on and had championed him in spite of fierce opposition from above. As such, she took great pleasure in his ensuing success and not only because she had been vindicated. She genuinely liked Ray as a person as well. He was a good guy with a great sense of humour and a straight shooter, qualities sorely lacking in the majority of men she had dealings with.

They got down to business which, unfortunately, involved Marian being the bearer of bad tidings. Ray had heard correctly. Rationalization was on the way but it was too early to tell, as she explained, how it would play out in terms of numbers.

'As things stand, your outfit is in pretty good shape anyway,' she said. 'From a cost effectiveness point of view. It might be that the shitstorm will pass you by.'

'Fuck it. I have to go back and tell those people what exactly?'

'Sit tight for now,' she said. 'I'd say there's no point in unduly panicking the troops.'

Ray snagged a waiter and ordered two Evians. Marian noted with approval how the fabric of his suit jacket strained against his broad shoulders. Still agitated from her non-conversation with Dan, she found herself, not for the first time, entertaining thoughts of Ray that were less than pure. She liked to think of herself as liberal and immune to the reductiveness of racist stereotyping; yet each time she met Ray, she found herself speculating as to whether there was, in fact, any truth in all those myths about black men and penis size. She had never slept with a black guy although it was something she had often fantasized about. Her friend Sue, who was married to one, was discreet about the subject and Marian was too polite to ask. She watched Ray sip his drink and felt the desire she was normally able to keep under control overwhelm her.

'Anyway, I can rest assured you've got my back up there?' He raised his eyebrows hopefully.

'Huh? Oh sure, sure.'

'You okay Marian?' He leaned forward, his brow furrowed in concern. 'You're looking a little peaky.'

'I'm fine.' She took a mouthful of water. 'Maybe the pace is getting to me.'

'Miss fuckin dynamite. Little or no chance of that,' he said and laughed.

'Thanks for your concern.' Without thinking, she reached out her hand and placed it on top of his. 'I'll always have your back. Always have and always will.'

She watched, with a skittering heart, the slow evolution of the smile that crept across his features before he began to speak.

'When I started in this game,' he said, 'People, and I'm not naming names, they went out of their way to let me know I wasn't welcome. That college tie shit, you know what I mean. But you were always there for me. If it wasn't for you in my corner, not to mention busting my balls, but in a good way, you know?...I need you to know that I appreciate all you've done for me. I don't know if you know how much I do.'

Marian felt a flush and a chill blossoming on her skin simultaneously. She entwined her fingers in Ray's and squeezed. When she looked in his eyes, there was no mistaking the desire for her she saw there.

'I have an hour before I'm due back at the office,' she said. He nodded.

'I'll get us a room,' he said.

Marian's legs were unsteady when, a few moments later, she followed Ray into the elevator. As the doors slid shut, she leaned back against the mirrored wall. Her lips peeled apart as he walked towards her and embraced her with an urgency that shocked and excited her in equal measure. Marian maintained that it was possible to tell everything about a lover's potential from the way he kissed and as Ray's practised mouth explored hers with increasing boldness, she knew she was with a man who understood what a woman liked. There was nothing of haste in his kiss or in the hands that felt their way along the length of her back. Yet there was also a mad intensity discernible within him, one that corresponded to the sensation she felt in the pit of her stomach, now radiating outwards to every fibre of her being.

They parted as the elevator slowed to a halt. Ray took her hand and led her into the quiet hallway and thence to the door of their room. Marian entered ahead of him, stopping in the centre of the room, shutting her eyes in anticipation of his approach from the rear. His arms encircled her waist and she felt his warm mouth at her ear; heard the obscene cadence in his breathing. She pushed her buttocks against the hollow of his groin and tilted her head back to kiss him, moaning into his mouth as his hands slipped up her belly and cupped her heavy breasts through her blouse. His fingers undid her buttons deftly, then pushed her breasts free of the cups of her bra.

'Let me see you,' she said, turning to face him.

He bent his head to lick her swollen nipples while she stripped him of his shirt. His body was darker than she had imagined and the most wonderfully smooth thing she had ever touched. She massaged his biceps and pectorals, searching for a flaw in his apparent perfection but could find none. The brute physical strength of his body filled her with awe yet also frightened her. Marian was by no means a physically insubstantial woman but she realized, as her hands adored Ray's torso, that if he so desired he could tear her to pieces and that she would be powerless to stop him. The dim light of the hotel room cast one side of his face in shadow; the eye that gleamed in the visible half was bestial, a predator's peering from the undergrowth. He hooked an arm around her waist and carried her to the bed as if she was a rag-doll.

On her knees upon the bed, she unzipped him, her tongue moving in small circles upon the hard muscle of his abdomen while he caressed her shoulders and breathed soft words of encouragement. His cock sprang out from the vent of his boxers, quivering when she touched its dark glossy head. Her pale ruby-tipped fingers explored its monstrous girth. 'Oh my God...' was all Marian could think. Exhaling heavily, she pulled down his boxers and ran her hand along the length of his shaft.

She looked up at Ray who was smiling.

'What's that look about?' he said.

She lay back and pushed her skirt over her hips. Spreading her thighs, she pushed her thong to one side.

'How will that fit into this?' she said.

'Oh, you'd be surprised,' he said, climbing on to the bed. He lay next to her and kissed her, bringing his fingers to her mouth for her to moisten. 'You'll be good and ready.'

Marian leaned into the kiss, her tongue slipping languidly over his. She lifted a stockinged thigh, whimpering as she felt his wet thick fingers at her probing at her vulva. She arched her hips to allow him access, her soft murmurs becoming louder as his thrusting fingers assumed a rhythm, touching and kneading her all over with practised dexterity. His cock was hot and slippery in her fist, his mounting excitement, evident in the increasing volume of his exhortations, feeding hers. She bent her head and flicked her tongue at the smooth tip of his glans. When she leaned in again, he thrust his hips with a long drawn out groan of affirmation, filling her mouth with his bulbous tip. She jerked upwards on the shaft, slowly and steadily, feeding it to herself, muffled cries escaping her as his rampant fingers brought her closer to the orgasm she felt fast approaching.

'You're gonna come honey, huh? Let me hear you come, baby...'

'Oh fuck, yes...'

Marian's breath was sucked from her body as the force of the spasm overtaking her pushed her forward on to her knees. Shuddering with aftershocks, she pressed her cheek against the bedsheet while Ray, now on his knees at the rear of her, applied his mouth to her twitching labia. Gluttonous for further pleasure, she bucked her hips slowly against his face, trying to work in time with the strokes of his tongue. Ray teased apart the soft flesh concealing her vagina with his thumbs and moved the tip of his tongue about the sweet fissure he had created. She snaked back a hand and touched his lapping face, her thumb dabbing at her clit. His tongue upon her scrabbling fingertips was as good as it was on her pussy.

Ray got up and Marian heard his heavy breathing over the slickness of a condom being applied. She readied herself for his entry, her fingers pooling in the exquisite ooze his mouth and fingers had reduced her to. He laid the tip of his cock at the apex of the cleft between her buttocks and eased himself downwards towards her open cunt, entering her with caution but with obscene relish. Gazing over her shoulder, her mouth agape, Marian backed her body on to his, letting him know with her eyes that she could take it. Emboldened, Ray pressed on, inch by blissful inch.

In a mirror by the bathroom door, she watched in fascination the reflection of their coupling bodies. Ray's hands moulded the flesh of her buttocks, his eyes cast down upon the elegance of his movement into her and the willing surrender that her pose suggested. Her fringe was smeared against her forehead, her pupils black and dilated. Again he pulled himself entirely out of her and then, with a sigh, let himself be sucked back in by her avid cunt. His wet thumb palpated the flesh about her anus, the latter mouthing an O as he pushed deeper into her. He touched her shoulder and she understood, turning on to her side and pulling her knees up to her chest, her cunt elevated.

'Fuck me deep,' she said.

Marian watched the cock sink into her, felt the stretch of her pelvis more profoundly than she ever had done before. When she came for the second time, it was less dramatic than before but infinitely more deeply felt. He kept every inch of his cock inside her trembling body, stooping forward to kiss her, apparently deriving as much pleasure from making her come as she was feeling from coming. Aside from physical pleasure, she felt awestruck at discovering that intimacy of this degree with another was actually attainable and not the stuff of melodrama. His shaft completed another slow intrusion into her, through an aperture which, to her enraptured eyes, now resembled a ravaged heart. If she could have given him her heart to fuck, she would have. She wanted him everywhere, in every possible hole, in her blood, in her viscera.

Ray withdrew his cock and she swung her body around. She divested him of the hateful sheath and slid her mouth down his chest. He took her free hand in his, gasping as she ran her tongue from the root to the tip of his cock. When she took him into her mouth, Marian could almost taste the hot blood that engorged him. She took as much of him in as she could, coating the black meat in the thick saliva that his presence at the back of her throat brought forth. Her tongue caressed the gnarled vein at the base of his glans and she felt the consistency of its tension change. Cooing softly, her eyes gravely gazing up into his, she worked the cock with a firm and steady hand, enjoying the sensation of being the regulator of his impending frenzy. At the last possible moment, she again surrounded his glans with her lips. She tasted a trickle of salt on her tongue and felt his hand claw at the back of her head as his come spurted her mouth and slipped down her throat like the hot yolk of a newly laid egg.

The thought of his seed coming to rest in her belly pleased Marian enormously. She would bring it home with her, kiss Dan with the mouth that had coaxed it into the world, eat dinner across the table from him with it fermenting inside her. But the little she had in her, she decided, was far from adequate. She would have to procure some more.

She leaned over the side of the bed and fished her phone from her handbag.

'Diane? Hi. Listen, something's come up and I'm going to need you to cancel all my appointments. Thank you, honey...Uh, huh, see you in the morning.'

She looked up at Ray who was laughing and shaking his head.

'Now,' she said, pulling him down to her. 'Where were we?'

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Good story. Very often the black man/ white woman tangos here on Lit, the woman's first time is in her 40's or 50's. I met my first black lover when I was 38, married, kids but in a funk that time and not exactly looking forward to an exhibition at McCormick Place in Chicago. His booth was near my company's space, I could sense him checking me out or was he sensing me watching him? He came by our booth, I scanned his badge and made small talk about the show. We bumped into each other at the Hyatt Arc bar, after dinner, it was still booming from the show, we had a few G&Ts, many looks, finally he cut the tension, mentioned he had a great city view. Wow was it a great view! I mean his cock, it was long, hard and straight, and black, my first. We were soon naked and fucking, I remember looking out at the city lights as he fucked me from behind, my tits swinging free. It was a great view.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great hot story. I had a few flings with well endowed black men while on a business trip. My eyes beamed holding their heavy black cocks and I always mused, as you wrote, "How will that fit into this?" Sometimes it was quite the stretch. Thank you gentlemen.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
My 53 yr old HOTWIFE.

A very very well written encounter. There are a lot of mature women who by chance experience all the incredible physical mental and emotional feelings this lady has and often just by chance. And good for her!!! The experience of her life indeed. And certainly not her last by any means. She is now hooked forever. She has now become a bbc slut without a doubt. Just as my mature white wife after her very first encounter that I arranged without her knowledge. It was incredibly arousing for me and incredibly wanton and overly satisfying for my wife. She orgasmd squirted and gushed on her young black studs huge uncut cock like she never had in her life!! Now she herself is a self proclaimed bbc slut for much younger black stallions. And has swallowed more black seed over the past 7 years than she had in her entire life as well. Extremely hot and amazing to see as she is taken for hours at a time ravaged by black horsecock and often 3 or 4 at one time. Very hot indeed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Two Cheaters

Good story if you are a fag, black or a slut, I am none of those, I won't read anymore.

bettylusvitbettylusvitabout 14 years ago

Really turned me on, waiting for more

kathy2b46kathy2b46about 14 years ago
loved it

very hot and good, so real i loved it

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiabout 14 years ago
More Chapters please

You have a very good start to an IR story that has two intelligent characters. There is a place for the gangbanging thuggary often found in IR stories, but to think that is all there is is depressingly racist. I love the idea of two mature and intelligent people finding themselves together for maximum sexual pleasure.

I hope there are many more chapters in this vein.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Loves those big nigger stories.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 14 years ago
A well written first post

A good character build and the storyline is believable.

Erotic and hot.


AnthonyTAnthonyTabout 14 years ago
Very good as far as this genre goes

Interracial stories have a tendency to get raunchy and abusive. This was one of the better ones. I hope you write a sequel. I saw a few minor grammatical corrections needed but overall quite good.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
What Kind Of Gay Fuck

Writes this shit.

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