Mariel's Magic Pt. 01


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"What about an adult with magic?" asked Jonathan.

"Who's to say?" said Jennifer. "People are born into this world with magic, and as adults have done many things, such as healing the sick, making healthy people ill, or knowing the future. Many things."

"And what will my child do?"

"Your child is now infused with your energy and will be guided in what it does by that energy for some time to come. I can't tell what path it will take when the child is parted from you, but that path will depend a lot on what you teach your baby. We'll talk about this more. Right now, I must rest, and you both have a lot to adjust to."

"Wait," said Adriana, "one more question. I was never good at drawing. Never in my life did I display any talent at all. Shortly after I became pregnant, I could suddenly draw like a professional. Could this be because of the child?"

"Most certainly," the mystic replied. "The child will share its magic with you for a while, and you'll have some new abilities because of that."

"When the child is born, then, will I lose my talent? I kind of enjoy this gift and would hate to lose it."

"There is no way to know. Is it important to you, this gift?"

Adriana thought for a moment, then said, "Probably not, I guess."

"One last question," Adriana said. "Sorry. I believe that the father of this baby is not Jonathan; I'm pretty sure he is, anyway. I never noticed anything magical about that man. Was he some kind of wizard and I didn't know it?"

"Adriana, dear, this baby may have come from the man you mention. But I've met your husband, and I've met you. In this baby, I sense only the energies of you two. I cannot tell, now, the nature of the other man. However, I believe that neither of the parents who physically create a magical child need to be magical themselves. Sometimes these babies just come."

They waited quietly together until their ride came, and then Jonathan and Adriana rose and hugged Jennifer. "Thank you so much, I want to talk to you again soon. Is that OK?" asked Adriana.

"Of course, dear. You're going to have a lot of questions."

"Thank you, Jennifer. Thank you very much," said Jonathan.

They walked down to the car, and then both waved to Jennifer, who was standing in the doorway.

"What do you think?" asked Jonathan when they were in the car.

"No idea. I mean, I feel something, but every mother feels something -- weird dreams, emotions, physical sensations. It's just that, my dreams were so real, and they changed my mind about the baby. Right now, I can't even think of terminating. I'm having this baby."

"I know, OK, so, we wait and see. Jennifer talked about things that are... kind of unbelievable, but I don't think she's nuts. She's not a scam. She believes what she says and all we can do is wait and see. But now we know that we should look out for things that are unusual. If we see potted plants suddenly rise into the air, well, then we'll know the reason. Right?"

"Right. Well, let's just see."

A few nights later, there was another dream. It was the baby again, calling to her to follow, once again through the misty woods. She followed for what seemed like hours and came to another patch of glowing flowers, this time yellow. She inhaled the fragrance, which was so sweet it made her dizzy."

She woke up then and moved to hold Jonathan. She held so tight that he woke up.

"What?" he asked.

"Another dream."

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

Adriana paused, thinking, "No, I want you to make love with me."

She kissed him tenderly, feeling an urgency to be close to him and even half asleep, he felt the same need and responded. Adriana clung to him, stroking his bare chest while they kissed, and then he reached for and cupped her breast.

"I need you so much, Jonathan, never leave me," she said as she lowered the straps of her nightie.

"You know I won't. Oh God, Adriana," and he took her breast in his mouth as she reached into his shorts. They caressed each other as the heat between them intensified. Then, as their bodies joined, she sensed an unusual energy and a soft buzzing noise surrounding them.

Afterward, she said, "I don't know what happened. I had this dream where I was following the baby through the woods, then smelled this yellow flower, and woke up desperately needing to make love to you."

"Adriana..." he started but had no idea what to say next. They held each other, finally falling asleep.

This same kind of dream came, with the same result every three or four days. Neither complained because their sexual union was so loving and complete, even though very strange. They talked about going back to see Jennifer but dropped the idea -- not convinced that she could tell them anything.

As she entered her second trimester, Adriana started having urges to spend time in Golden Gate Park. She wanted to connect with the natural world and would wander for hours down the different paths, among the trees, and especially the ancient cypresses. Flowers seemed to her more vivid than ever in her life, and perhaps she was imagining it, but seemed to turn toward her as she passed.

Jonathan often came with her, and they held hands as they ambled, aimlessly. They were unconcerned with the direction they took because once they got tired all they had to do was pull up the app and wait for their ride to show up.

One afternoon they walked all the way to the west end of the park, by the old windmill at Queen Wilhelmina Garden, surrounded by cypresses. They found a quiet spot back from the street and settled down on some rocks to meditate. They had done this before after walking for a while. They were close enough to the ocean to hear a whisper of the surf, but the predominant sound was the wind in the trees.

Adriana closed her eyes and immediately fell into a waking dream. She was standing on the shore, looking out to sea, and saw ships with black sails coming toward her. She was afraid. She knew these ships from long ago when they had come for her in the past. Now they were coming for her baby, and she did not know how to stop them. She looked for Jonathan and saw him sitting on the sand beside her, his eyes closed, seemingly oblivious to the coming menace.

"Jonathan!" she called, but he did not stir. "Jonathan!" she called louder.

"What, Adriana?" he answered, but he was no longer beside her on the sand. He was back sitting on a rock in the garden, and so was she.

"Oh, Jonathan," she sobbed, "they're coming for my baby."


"I don't know, ships, black sails, from the sea. They're coming."

Jonathan looked at her, worried, and pulled up the app to call for a ride. At home, he made her tea to calm her nerves. Then she lay down and fell asleep. A few hours later she was herself again, and they ordered Chinese food. To distract her they watched old episodes of "Friends" until they were both ready to sleep.

They decided to have a session with Jennifer a few days later. Adriana told her about the dreams that made her need to make love with her husband, and then the dream or vision in Golden Gate Park. Jennifer quietly listened, asking questions only to elicit more details, making Adriana go back into her memory to reexperience and describe everything she saw and everything she felt. Jonathan sat quietly watching, and as Adriana spoke quietly, he began to see and feel the same things she did.

Finally, Jennifer spoke, her eyes closed as the words and emotions presented themselves to her mind. "The dreams that lead to lovemaking are meant to bind you two together, so that you are of one mind, one heart, one soul, and one body. Your lovemaking creates bonds between you, and the more intense the lovemaking the stronger the bonds. You need to be tightly bound together to survive what is to come. Your baby knows that you need to be one to have the strength to protect it."

"The vision in the park is telling you that they know you are carrying this child. They want it, the child, because they want the magic it carries." Then she was quiet, with her eyes still closed.

"They? Who?" asked Jonathan. Adriana had the same question but was suddenly afraid to speak it out loud.

Here, Jennifer opened her eyes and began to talk. She was no longer speaking about Adriana and the baby, but about magic, and the forces of magic. She told them of dark forces and light forces, which currently stir in the world; of legends from eras forgotten by time, and the whisperings of sages long dead; and of stories from modern times, and the words spoken by living sages who walked in the shadows.

Her words painted images of timeless beings, dark mages, and even demi-gods, who carried the power and sought the power. Some had great magic and some not. They walked the Earth, living among ordinary humans, but not living like the rest of humanity. Their daughter could be such a one, and as she grew, she would seek out others of her own kind.

"I'll have a daughter?" Adriana cried, surprised.

"Yes, a girl child is growing inside of you," Jennifer said with certainty.

While Adriana sat, bemused and pleased by the knowledge received, Jennifer continued.

She said that they must help their daughter and guide her as she sought out those who lived in the shadows and were generous with their power, knowing that none, even themselves, could be happy in a suffering world. These were beings who sought to lead humanity to the light; and whose homes were said to be the celestial realms. They often walked among humans as teachers and healers, hoping to find those willing to learn of love, kindness, and compassion for others.

There were others, though, who nurtured the dark energy held in their souls. These were beings, human beings mostly, who craved experiences that brought them personal gratification, often at the cost of misery for others. They loved to see humans pitted against one another and fed on the pain that resulted. Anger, lust, greed, and hate were what they sought and encouraged in others, as well as adulation, subservience, and worship. Some said these beings came to this world from realms where only such dark feelings existed.

The light and dark forces, Jennifer said, have engaged in a battle that has continued through the ages; and the forces were so evenly matched that one could not vanquish the other. We humans do not see this battle for what it is, but instead know only the results. Evil people arise, bent on destruction, and good people arise who try to promote peace. Both the light and dark forces possess magic that they use to influence what humans do. Sometimes a baby is born carrying these magics, and the magic may be used for good or evil, depending on how the child is nurtured.

"As I said, your baby may be such a one," Jennifer said to Adriana. "I myself have only the smallest part of the magic your child may carry, but enough that I felt the need to seek my own kind. I have always served the light. Dark forces know of your child already and will seek to nurture the darkness that exists in her and in all of us. You must help her nurture the light."

Adriana and Jonathan gazed at her, stunned and confused, because her words rang true, especially for Adriana. They sat in silence for several minutes, absorbing what she said. The room felt heavy, as if the air itself carried the weight of the ancient struggle she described. Adriana's hand instinctively moved to her belly, a protective gesture that did not go unnoticed by Jonathan, who reached over to gently place his hand over hers.

"What can we do?" Jonathan finally broke the silence, his voice laced with a mixture of fear and determination. "How can we protect our baby from these... forces?"

Jennifer looked at them with a kind expression, but her eyes reflected the seriousness of the situation. "The first step is knowing that you may be involved in this battle," she began. "You have to be aware that there are forces, unseen, that may be trying to influence you. Your baby is aware, so listen to the messages you receive from her. As they say, knowledge is power."

Then, choosing her next words carefully, she said, "The love you share can be your greatest defense. The dark forces win by sowing division and strife. You must be one. Your baby knows and encourages you to strengthen your bond and create a shield around your family. Your daughter has sent dreams to you, encouraging you to renew and strengthen your physical bonds. The physical act of love has, through the ages, helped bond us to one another. Use it."

Adriana squeezed Jonathan's hand, seeking reassurance. "And our baby," she whispered, "how do we protect her from the dark?"

Jennifer closed her eyes, trying to see the words, then said, "As I said, create a tight family bond, and shelter her within it. Then, teach your child the ways of light and love. A heart filled with love and compassion is impervious to the darkness. It is you, Adriana, who has the closest bond with the child, and you can have the strongest influence on her. Help her to know the light. The dark forces cannot use her magic unless she is drawn to their dark ways. Also, let her see and know the loving bond that you and Jonathan share. Let her experience the joy of love, and she will seek it in others."

She stood up, looking very weary, and signaled the end of the session. "I will help you, and try to give you guidance on this journey. Remember, though, the strength you need is already within you, and within your family. Hold onto each other, and never lose sight of the love that binds you."

As they left Jennifer's place, the world outside seemed strange and unfamiliar. They believed that Jennifer spoke the truth, but how would they know? Also, how could Adriana teach the child that was growing inside her? When they got home, they held each other for a long time, half afraid to go outside.

That night, Adriana dreamt of the flowers again and woke up with an overwhelming need for her husband's body. Wishing to be as close as possible to each other, Adriana removed her bedclothes and so did Jonathan. They threw off the blankets, and despite the coolness of the room, they were warm. It was dark, but they could still see each other.

"You're glowing," said Jonathan, as he gazed at her naked body.

"I think you're glowing a little, too," she said, smiling at him.

He took her hand and held it over her belly, his hand on top of hers, and they both sensed the strong presence of a new life growing inside.

"I'm so worried," said Adriana. "I feel like I need you, all of you, close to me, inside of me, and surrounding me. And I need to be part of you."

She put her arms around him, pressing her swollen breasts against his chest as they kissed. Jonathan reached behind and held her buttocks, pressing her hips into his, until there was no space between their bodies. Needing to be even closer, she urged him with her body to join with her, and as they made love, their bodies glowed in the dark. Then their joined forms rose from the bed and, weightless, curled around each other, merging in their passionate desire for closeness until they were both spent. As the passion ebbed, they gently drifted back onto the sheets. Cold now, they pulled the blankets tight around themselves and slept.

Her dreams at night were still vivid, and she saw the dark ships again. This time, as she stood on the sand, Jonathan stood there as well, his hands and hers both held out before them, palms outward, in a gesture of denial and a warning to stay away. She began hearing languages in her dreams that were unknown to her. Also, during the day, while Jonathan worked, she had daydreams about lives that she may have lived in the past.

She ordered books on Buddhism and studied the subjects of love, kindness, and compassion, reading everything aloud, and hoping her daughter was listening. She found videos and did guided meditations, trying to bathe her body, and her growing child, in the golden light of Metta, which was what some Buddhists called love and kindness.

She dreamt of being alone on an island with her baby, with no help in sight, and knew that she and Jonathan were not doing enough to strengthen their bonds of family. They talked about it the next day, not knowing what else to do, and Jonathan decided that he would take a leave of absence from his job, so they could spend more time together. Now, Jonathan was doing Buddhist meditations along with Adriana. The dream of the island did not come again. But the dreams of the flowers did, and their late-night lovemaking continued.

One night, in the third trimester, as she lay awake, she felt the kick of the baby. She lowered the blanket and raised her nightgown to look at her swollen belly, and the baby kicked again. This time she detected a brief glow at exactly the spot where she felt it. Then her entire belly seemed to have a faint glow. To her eyes, it was like an aura that seemed to change colors slightly. She wondered what was happening but sensed that it was not bad. When the dreams came to her, they seemed to assure and comfort her, as if the baby was calming her fears.

Also, during the third trimester, it seemed that the baby was starting to use her power in other ways. As Adriana was crossing a street, a car jumped the light and was heading straight toward her, but at the last instant, another car crashed into it and stopped it only feet from her. Then, while walking in the park, a gust of wind came up and broke off a large tree limb directly above her. Before she could think to move, a man, who happened to be jogging near her, was able to grab her arm and pull her out of its path. Being saved in these ways would not appear to be magic to anyone else, but Adriana knew. The baby was protecting her, and in so doing, protecting itself.

Chapter 5: Michael

Adriana was still six weeks from her due date and was walking to the little Japanese market, with a craving for something salty and sweet. Jonathan was at home and offered to walk with her, but had not yet showered, and she told him it was not necessary. The night before, she had had a disturbing dream but felt safe enough walking the three blocks down the busy street. She thought they were doing what they needed to do, to keep both themselves and the baby safe.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp jab in her arm, and all was dark. A man had come up behind her and injected her with a strong sedative that immediately made her unconscious. She collapsed in his arms, and he picked her up to carry her to a waiting car.

"What happened?" asked a bystander.

"She fainted," said the man, "my wife, she's pregnant, and has done it before. Lucky my car was right here."

The bystander opened the car door for the man, who gently laid Adriana on the back seat. Seemingly satisfied, the bystander walked on as the car pulled away. The man got into the driver's seat and headed west. After a few miles, he pulled into a commercial garage, parked, and then lifted her out of the back seat and carried her to another car that was parked nearby. He placed Adriana in the back of the other car and then left the garage. He crossed the Bay Bridge and drove to a small house in the Oakland hills, where he carried Adriana out of the car, into the house, dressed her in a nightgown, and put her into a bed.

Adriana woke with a headache an hour later, wondering where she was. She got out of bed and discovered she was wearing a long nightgown. Woozy, she staggered to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. She walked over to the window and looked out but could see only the blank wall of the house next door.


When Jonathan got out of the shower and dressed, he made coffee and scrolled through the news on his phone. He expected Adriana to return any minute, and when she did not appear, he got anxious. He called her cell, but there was no answer. Then he walked up to the market, and into the market, not seeing her. He called again and still no answer. He then went into the mall, thinking she was browsing the shops and had her phone on silent. She was not there. He went back to the apartment, hoping she had returned, but the place was empty. He kept calling and texting, with no response. Then he just paced back and forth in the living room, frantic, his gaze shifting from the clock on the wall to the window, now showing a darkened city. It had been 12 hours since Adriana left their apartment, headed on a three-block walk to the store.