Marion's Story Ch. 01

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Marion a young man forced to dress by his sisters.
11k words

Part 1 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/06/2020
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


Thanks to my friend Em Kay who helped with the editing and story. She is a great friend and better writer.


"No, no, no... It has to be D sharp, I can't get the high notes in E, plus I like the way it sounds using the capo."

"Jesus fucking Christ Mi, just stretch those vocal chords a little."

"No if you can't work with me, we may as well not do it, let's play something else."

There was a tense standoff as the other girls in the band all stared at me, the only guy in an all-girl band. Cindy muttered. "Fuck just do it Mel... We aren't going to get anywhere fighting."

"No fuck it." Mel snarled. "It sounds better in E listen to this, it is the riff I worked out last night." She played a really funky chord sequence that was similar but different. Mel was the original singer guitar player Jasmine the bass player started tapping her foot and soon had a fat bouncy descending bass run that fitted as tight as a glove. Once Jasmine had the bass line Cindy the drummer picked up the rhythm and fell into a really tight groove with her. I could hear it instantly and my heart rate went up a notch, the hairs on the back of my neck quivered, but it wasn't the same song I had written. She didn't see it, she never did. What she was playing was not the same song, but fuck I had to admit it was cool.

I pulled up my guitar, stomped on my distortion pedal... Hmmm I love my big muff pedal. The surreal tones it gives are awesome. I followed Mel's riff and as I played a staccato guitar melody line over the top of her riff I hummed along and the real melody started to form. I strutted up to the microphone and started. I screamed out using my best Beth Hart imitation bringing some dirty gravel.

A few words began to formulate in my mind. Mel stared at me as the lyrics flowed and a huge grin spread across her face. She also stepped up to the Mic and added a hummed harmony as I made up the lyrics on the spot. It really worked and Cindy screeched along. "Yeah bitches that fucking rocks"

At the end of rehearsals, we sat down with a six pack and a hug. "Mi babe that was fucking great. I love the new song." That was high praise from Mel, she was the hardest nut to crack. She never wanted me in the band in the first place but it was the others that convinced her.

Mel and my girlfriend, yes I have a girlfriend were close friends and she had played her some of my songs. She is a sneaky bitch when she needs to be, anyway once Mel heard them, she played them to the others and they liked them, and it all started from there. They took a while to come around but in the end, it was Jasmine who pushed my case until the fighting seemed to wear them all down enough to say 'Ok we can at least give it a try.'

How did it come to this? Me the weird outsider nerdy guy trying to fit in. Well at least that's the way it feels sometimes.

I guess for you to understand I need to go back to the beginning, it's probably where I should have started anyway.

I grew up in a little Midwest town called Dodge City... A shitty little town in the middle of nowhere USA. It sits slap bang in the middle of tornado alley, and what's it famous for??? Absolutely nothing, sorry just thought I would quote a song... Anyway, Dodge is the archetypical small American town, with no redeeming features except its history in the great American story. In its heyday it was notorious for gunfights and cows and of course cowboys, and yes today it's still the same, the heart of the American beef industry.

Well that's me, that's where I was born and grew up. The only son in a four child family, yep three sisters and to make it worse I was the youngest. Living in a house full of females was painful, just me and dad versus them. Hard work doesn't do it justice.

I was at constant war with my sisters and they ganged up against me all the time, I couldn't win at anything. Damn it I hated them all!

When I was ten my father took pity on me. We had a big ole Cotton wood tree in the back yard and he decided to build me a treehouse. It was one of my fondest memories growing up. I helped him build it and we worked together over several weekends building it.

We weren't a rich or even well to do family, Dad was a manager at O'Leary's hardware store so I guess we were blue collar?

Anyway, when we finally finished it he laid down the law to my sisters. The treehouse was my territory and they had to stay out. I took a lot of pleasure painting the sign that said 'NO GIRLS'

Mom wasn't all that pleased with him, as the girls felt like he sided with me, which is probably true.

I loved the treehouse, every time the girls picked on me or made fun of me, I just snuck up into my hidey-hole and peace descended over me like a blanket.

That treehouse was a fond memory because it was one of the last memories I have of dad. He was killed in a car accident not long after that and it hit me pretty hard. Mom fell apart, she really did, she loved him like no other and if it hadn't been for Grandma, she would have completely lost the plot.

Grandma's arrival only made my plight harder, now I had five women living at home and she was hard, hard on me anyway. I was expected to pick up all the chores that dad did plus all my regular ones, I was now the man of the house. Thank god for the treehouse, it was my one safe spot.

Because I struggled after dad passed, My mother decided I was to go to a Christian camp for a couple of weeks. The camp was mostly for boys who were running off the rails or boys that were struggling and I guess that was me. After dad passed I got really angry with the world, and I guess I turned into a bit of an angry sister hating smart ass.

The camp although Christian was fun and it did help. I was a weedy little runt, I was athletic without being football material, I loved the Table tennis which I was actually pretty good at. At the camp we played all sorts of games which I usually stayed away from. I had never been comfortable with the football or basketball crowd at school basically because I was too small and got hurt and besides the bullies made fun of me. At the camp I got to play everything, the other kids were friendly and the counsellors made sure we were all included and comfortable, and that made it easy to fit in.

By the time we were all shipped off for home, I was feeling a whole lot better about the world. That unfortunately all came crashing down. Arriving home, I found Mom and Grandma baking enjoying some peace and quiet, the girls were nowhere to be seen. We shared hugs and kisses and they fed me on fresh biscuits before chasing me off to my room. As I was putting away all my stuff, I heard the girls laughing and fooling around but it was faint.

I decided to go out and check on the treehouse and that's when my world as I knew it ended.

The girls had taken over and moved in. I climbed up quickly and they were in there with a couple of their friends reading magazines and talking fashion when I burst in, they laughed but I screamed and yelled trying to push them out which caused a fight, fierce hair pulling and wrestling ensued, I was holding my own flailing wildly as the three of them ganged up on me. When I started throwing punches Sue the eldest screamed "Mom help Marion's causing trouble."

Mom yelled for me to get down and dragged me inside and gave me a whoopin. "Marion, those girls are allowed up there and if you want to go up there you are going to have to behave. Them being up there outa the way has given me the most peace I have had in months, so if ya don't like it lump it. But you cause one more fight and I will wail on your ass like never before are you listening to me boy?"

"But mom dad built it for me and he said it was mine."

She grabbed me by the ear as if she was trying to unscrew it from my head and twisted painfully. "Marion dear daddy ain't here anymore. You have to learn to share, now those girls are hurting just like you. They miss their daddy just like you so behave and have some sympathy damn it."

So that was it I stormed off to my bedroom where I cried for ages. The fact that they made fun of me and mocked me at the dinner table when mom wasn't watching didn't help, I hated the sneaky bitches.

My only solace was my guitar which Grandpa had given me before he died. It was another sticking point with me and mom I wanted guitar lessons but she convinced dad that I should learn piano. What it meant was I taught myself. At least the piano lessons helped me understand music theory and that did eventually help with guitar.

Of course, I was not going to be kicked out of my very own treehouse! I decided I would just barge on in and eventually they would get sick of me being there and leave. It sounded like a good plan, but the moment I climbed the ladder and crawled in the talking all stopped and the girls stared at me. Sue moaned. "Get out Marion, you aren't welcome here." The others all tittered along with her as she stood over me.

"This is my treehouse, dad built it for me, so I ain't going nowhere." I hollered at them.

Instead of getting in a huff and leaving which is what I hoped for Sue snarled. "Fine then you can stay, but not dressed like that, this is now a girl's clubhouse." She jumped on me and pushed me over on my back sitting on my chest. I went to scream but Beverly jumped in and jammed her hand over my mouth muffling me. "Get his clothes off Sue barked at the others who all started pulling at my shorts and shirt. Pretty soon they had me down to just my boxers.

They all cackled like chickens. Beverly sorted through the pile of clothes and pulled out a dress, it was a gingham shift style dress and as hard as I fought, they held me tight until they had slipped it over my shoulders.

As I sat upright, they all laughed Beverly giggled. "He doesn't look half bad, a little makeup and you would never know."

Sue giggled evilly. "Let's see what he looks like with some lipstick."

I went to scramble away but Sandy jumped me and held me back. "Just relax its only lipstick."

The others all shrieked as she held me tight. April appeared with some lipstick and started to apply heavily on my lips. "Marion if you squeal, I am gonna beat your ass so hard, now stop fidgeting around or I will mess it up."

She smeared on a thick layer as she squeezed my cheeks tightly pursing out my lips. Once she had the lipstick finished Sandy pushed me away until I was kneeling in the middle of the floor.

"Wow Marion you look cute as a girl. Sandy sniggered; let's try some mascara and eye shadow."

Beverly laughed. "We may as well, see if we can make something outa this sows ear."

So, they set to me with real gusto and before I knew it, I was covered in powder, blush lipstick you name it I had it pasted across my face and they were having a ball. They had their very own little live Barbie doll and they loved it.

I was that traumatized I could barely move. I was scared shitless that mom or someone else would see.

Once they were finished, they went back to gossiping and talking their favorite topic boys... Scared and embarrassed I sat in the corner afraid to even move as they talked over the merits off every boy in their class.

Sandy was the worst she wanted to know everything.

Soon Mom called out to the girls to help with dinner. They all scrambled off leaving me to figure out how to get out of all the goop they had plastered over me. I used the dress they had me in to wipe off all I could.

As I wandered inside I headed straight to the bathroom to check I got everything off, the girls all laughed and Grandma had to yell at them to leave me alone.

At dinner Mom said. "Well I am glad you kids sorted out your differences. Marion did you have fun with the girls?"

April giggled. "He fit right in Ma, he was a cute little angel."

Mom reached over and ruffled my hair. "That's nice to hear, see I told you son, you'll have loads of fun."

I just tucked in and ran for it, anything to get away. It wasn't long though before grandma was calling out for me to do dishes. When we were alone, the girls teased me mercilessly about what they would do next time.

My heart raced and I blushed I could feel it, which only made it worse.

The feelings were weird... and they scared me. The next few days I stayed in my room and played guitar.

Mom a little worried came into my room and sat with me. "Honey I thought you enjoyed playing with your sisters?"

I nodded. "It was Okay."

"Well why don't you go back out and play with them some more, they are going to be gone soon, off to college, so you should take every chance to spend time with them before they're gone for good."

She hugged me and ruffled my hair. "Go on honey dad would be proud of you looking after them and joining in."

She gave me a shove and pushed me out the door. As I climbed the ladder, I noticed my 'NO GIRLS' sign had been replaced with "GIRLs ONLY" one. I could hear them giggling and laughing. The moment I poked my head in the door the talking stopped and they all locked eyes on me. "Oh no you don't Marion, if you want to come in you have to join in and that means wearing a dress."

April asked. "Well do you want to come in or not?"

I nodded and waited. ""OKAY come on in, but you have to get rid of those boys' clothes, Bev threw me a pale blue cotton dress, it was one of hers and much closer to my size, the one I wore the other day was way too big.

As I reluctantly stripped off they were already planning what makeup to apply. I got down to my boxers and reached for the dress but Sandy shook her head. "Oh no I have some panties that you have to wear."

They all giggled as April, ordered. "Now sit down over there so we can do your makeup."

I pulled up the white frilly panties and lifted the dress up over my shoulders. Little electric shocks tingled all over my body as the dress slid down over my skin.

Once the dress was on the girls teased me ruthlessly while Sue started applying the makeup. It was weird the smell and feel of the powder as she worked it into my cheeks and then the mascara and eye shadow and yes of course the lipstick even at that young age it gave me a hard on. Sandy noticed and smirked. "Sweetie you looks cute, you're a pretty little thing."

They all laughed before April found a pair of her pantyhose and made me pull them on.

The girls were back on their favorite subject boys and I was shocked to hear Sue talking about the boy she had been seeing."

Beverly pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit up. I shrieked. "Holy shit you're gonna get it, mom is gonna kill you,"

She smiled. "Shut up little girl. You keep your mouth shut or we are gonna tell everyone about what a cute little girl you are." Sue joined in. "Yeah let's get some photos."

I tried to run and I was half way out the door when I remembered what I was wearing. "Yeah that's right little girl where are ya gonna run to."

I walked back in to the chorus of their laughter as they all made fun of my predicament. The girls took great pleasure in making me pose in different poses while they took photo after photo.

As the camera flashed, they made me change dresses, Sandy adjusted my makeup as Sue snapped away.

The conversation changed quickly back to boys, kissing and how far they had gone with their separate boyfriends. April my youngest sister huffed. "I haven't even kissed a boy yet I am just so nervous."

I noticed Sandy wince at Aprils comment, it was like it hurt her in some way. As the conversation rolled on it was obvious that neither Sandy nor April had any experience with boys, they were however the odd ones out. Bev and Sue seemed to have plenty.

It was the secret glances between Sandy and April that confused me, they were always staring at one or the other if they thought nobody was watching.

As the gossip floated around Sue snarled. "You keep your mouth shut about this you little shit or you will be so sorry."

I cowered ashamedly like a dog, how could she be so mean, I was playing their stupid game.

For the next little while I locked myself in my room after school, never once venturing back to the treehouse. They teased me relentlessly at the dinner table, Mom always asked if the girls had been looking after me. Sue laughed, "Course we have ma, we made him part of the gang and he really liked it didn't ya sport."

Ashamed I just nodded my head.

Mom remarked. "Well I don't know what you girls get up to in the treehouse, all the giggling and cackling, but you better look after Marion, if you are picking on him I am going to be very upset, why haven't you been going up there lately Son?"

I shrugged. "Just playing guitar, homework, you know the usual."

"Marion it made me so happy when you were playing with the girls, it wouldn't hurt to spend some time with them. Sue is going to be gone in a couple of months so you should make the most of it."

Sue sniggered. "Yeah C'mon squirt we miss you, we promise to be extra good to you, won't we girls!"

The others joined her sniggering comment. "Yeah come on back I have something special for you."

After dinner we all started clearing up but the girls disappeared leaving me to do the dishes by myself. When mom walked back in and saw me doing them, she cursed. "Those damn girls, I swear they're getting lazier every day."

I stayed locked in my room playing every day, all my favorite songs over and over until I knew them off by heart. I loved the feel of the guitar, I loved everything about it but I wanted an electric one. Every day I walked down Gunsmoke Street, past Brier and Hales store peering in the window at their range of guitars and of course my favorite the natural wood finish Fender Telecaster. I had played it a few times and Mrs. Brier never minded in fact she often used to sit and listen, she was very encouraging. It was my dream but a waste of time. Mom was saving every cent for Sue's upcoming departure to college and there was no spare cash. Every night I listened to her and Grandma whispering and fretting about how they would make ends meet. Even my piano lessons had stopped because we couldn't afford it.

I had been mowing lawns and yard work for all our neighbors scraping together what I could but it was never going to be enough.

Mom was worried that I was locking myself in my room and she started pushing me to go and play with the girls. "Go on Marion the girls tell me how much you enjoyed spending time with them giving me a big sloppy kiss on the cheek she pushed me in the back. "Go on sweetheart you get out there but don't let them push you round."

Reluctantly I climbed up into the treehouse to be met by a round of cheers before being stripped and made to wear a dress. Sandy clapped her hands as I slipped into the red satin dress. It was so tight I had to wriggle and squirm to fit into it. "See I told you it would fit." She laughed.

The girls fell on me en masse working on my makeup and it was caked on as they each tried different styles and different lipstick colors. I was like their test pad. Afterwards Sue announced. "April you better make sure you use some of that lip gloss."

April did as she was told and sat beside me. "You better put some on as well squirt."

She applied a thick layer of strawberry flavored lip gloss. Sheesh it even tasted like strawberry and I couldn't help running my tongue over my lips as I licked it off.

The conversation soon turned to boys again and it was obvious they had all been busy testing out their make out skills. Sue being the oldest seemed to have gone the furthest but she was being very coy with the details.

They seemed to take even more pleasure than usual in making fun of me. Sue liked to humiliate and tease me until I was ready to cry... Today was an extreme example of her desire to make fun of me. Every time I tried to get away she pushed me back in and then it all started over again. The makeup got thicker and thicker, the more ridiculous I looked the happier she became. It was only mom calling out that forced her to disappear and April took pity on me and helped me wipe the makeup off my face, she gave me a light kiss on the cheek. "Sorry short stuff we shouldn't have let her go so far, are you ok?"