Marrying the Man I Love

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Wife cheats, he takes the long game for revenge.
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Copyright © 2020 - This is an original work by Zeb Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.

Author's Note: There is a little sex in this one but not much. It is about a cheating wife and how the husband deals with her infidelity. There is only one reason he did what he did. No, I'm not going to tell you.

Marrying the Man I Love

William ~~~~

I stood there with my little girl, only she was 22 years old. She was beautiful in her wedding dress. Her hair done just how I liked, her face was a mask of beauty and joy. She was my little girl and always would be, even after today.

"Why are we doing this again?" she asked.

"You don't think your mother deserves to be treated this way?"

"Yes, but Josh..."

"This is for his father, not for him."

"You're right, you're right," she said as we waited to walk down the aisle.

~~~~ ~~~~

I was rushing home from work. Carla had called, she was having our baby and needed to get to the hospital. I was only five minutes away from home. I would get there long before any ambulance would. As I pulled up in the driveway, Carla was standing there, smiling, but I could tell she was in pain. I rushed to her side and helped her into the car. She had her go bag with her.

"Are you doing okay, darling?" I asked scared out of my mind.

"Yes, dear," she said through gritted teeth. "The contractions are still eight minutes apart. We have plenty of time."

"If you say so, darling." I was in a panic as I backed out of the driveway. I knew she was right, yet, this was our first baby.

"Calm down sweetheart, we'll be there in plenty of time... oh my god!" she shouted the last. "That was a big one. Oh god, here comes another... oh god! Go, go, go... the baby wants out, now."

It only took us fifteen minutes to get to the hospital. Carla had called ahead and they were waiting for us at the Emergency entrance with a wheelchair. It only took them a minute to get her out of the car into the ER. I had to go park the car. I ran back to the ER. A nurse was waiting for me, to escort me up to the delivery room. That was the new thing at this time in our lives. I was going to be able to not only witness the birth of our child but also, help my wife by being there with her.

"Oh god!" I heard Carla shout. "Where is my husband?"

"I'm here baby, I'm here."

I stood by her side holding her hand as she had another contraction. It would seem that we had made it to the hospital just in time.

"Oh my god!" I shouted as Carla crushed my hand in hers as she shouted in pain from another contraction.

For the next hour, Carla cried out in pain and crushed my hand to an unrecognizable mass. Our daughter was born at 3:55 pm. She was pink and screaming. Carla was exhausted yet was anxious to see our daughter. She cried as the nurse handed our beautiful baby daughter to her.

"Oh my god, oh my god, she's just beautiful," Carla wept.

"She is that dear. She sure is beautiful, just like her mother," I whispered as I kissed Carla on the forehead.

Carla and our daughter, Denise, were in the hospital for four days making sure they were both healthy and pampered. Meanwhile, I had to go to work and get the house ready for their homecoming. I did drop by the hospital during my lunch break and after work. They usually didn't kick my ass out until an hour after visiting hours were over. Then I would go home and just fall into bed, exhausted. That short period was the happiest time of my life. For the next twenty-two years, it was touch and go. Sex with my wife stopped after the birth of Denise.

Not completely. If she got drunk on one of the rare nights we were together, she would fuck my brains out. Then curse me out the next day for raping her. I was suddenly in a loveless, sexless marriage. The problem was that I loved Carla and Denise, well she was my pride and joy. I could never leave her. And in a divorce without cause, there was no good part for me at all. So I hung in there, although I didn't enjoy my wife's company all that much unless she was drunk, I certainly enjoyed the company of my daughter. For the next 22 years, I forced myself to be the daddy she deserved.

~~~~ ~~~~

It was in my junior year in college when I literally tripped over Carla DuMonte. She was squatting in the quad, picking up some papers she had dropped, when I bumbled into her, falling head over heels, to be laid out, on my back, looking up her short skirt as she glared down at me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" she screamed.

I just smiled up at her.

"Enjoying the wonderful view," I said softly.

She huffed and walked off cursing under her breath. I didn't see her again for two days. Then once again, in the quad, we came face to face. No, we didn't run into each other. I was just standing there watching her as she walked purposely up to me.

"So, pervert, did you enjoy the view the other day?" she asked harshly.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied smiling and looking into her bright shimmering eyes.

"What's your name," she growled. "No one here seems to know who you are."

"Oh, there are a lot of people who know who I am. I guess you just don't know the important people around here."

She huffed, turned and almost ran away. I just smiled. It would seem she was interested in me. I was certainly interested in her. I asked around and knew exactly who she was. You couldn't help but know who she was. Her last name was on three buildings of this college. I was amazed at that. She seemed to be a bright young woman, yet she dressed as if she came from a middle-class family. Then I learned the money was her grandmothers, not her fathers. When grandma died, she left all her money to the college to which her granddaughter would be going. Lucky her.

Two days later, Carla confronted me on the quad again. It would seem she really wanted to get to know me. Once again, she stood in front of me, looking down at me with a smile in her eyes and a frown on her pretty face. I just looked up at her, reached out, pressing on her right hip, and pushing her out of my light. She stomped her foot.

"You, Mister William Franklin Hanley are an exasperating man," she said stomping off as I watched her cute little butt sway.

My buddy, Mark, came over and punched me in the shoulder.

"You sure are making her angry. Why don't you just give her a break and talk to her?" he asked.

"In due time, Mark, in due time," I said softly as I read my textbook.

The next time we met, it was I who approached her. I was standing in her light in the quad looking down at her pretty locks of bright blond hair. She looked up at my face, squinting at the bright sunshine. I moved to her side and sat down. Her face was so pretty and her eyes were stunning. I just sat looking at her until I saw the smile in her eyes. She was frowning, but her eyes were smiling.

"What do you want to know about me?" I asked.

Her mouth dropped open with surprise. She quickly gathered her books and papers, stood glaring down at me, and stomped off. I heard Mark laughing behind me. I just shrugged my shoulders as I got up and followed Miss Carla Patricia DuMonte. When I caught up with her, I just walked alongside her, not saying a word. She stopped I stopped. We looked at each other, then she was kissing me, passionately. I kissed her back. From that point on, we were a couple. We married a year after we graduated from college. I went to work for my father who owned a construction company. She went to work for her father who owned a bank in town, several actually. I was surprised she didn't dress a little better, but I liked the way she dressed. It was quite a bit later in our relationship that I found out her father wasn't all that well off.

~~~~ ~~~~

They were coming home today. My wife and our daughter. I was just so happy as I walked up the hall to Carla's room. It took about an hour to sign all the papers and for all the doctors and nurses to not only check out Carla but Denise too. Then we were on our way home. We got Denise in her crib and I then helped Carla to the couch where she would still be on home rest until the end of the week. She had decided, over my objection, to go back to work at her father's bank. We had argued a lot about that the past few days. It was truly a bone of contention between us.

Well, I had to go to work so we could pay the bills aid, so I kissed Carla, she turned her face away from me at the last minute and I got her cheek. I growled at her, she just smiled. I went to work. The weeks rolled on as did the years. My little girl was growing and my wife was becoming more and more distant. There were times about once a week that she would intentionally get drunk and fuck the shit out of me. She always seemed to enjoy it, yet in the morning, she would call me a rapist. I would just laugh at her and tell her it was all her idea.

It was a Wednesday. I was out and about for work when I thought, I was close to home, and I should stop in and see Denise. We had a nanny who stayed with her during the day. As I drove down the street, I saw that my wife's car was in the driveway. There was a strange car next to hers and it wasn't the nanny's car. As I got closer and closer to the house, my blood started to boil and my stomach started to churn. The bitch was cheating on me. I stopped the car. No use going off half-cocked. I would fix her cheating ass but now wasn't the time. The bitch would pay in the end, as would the asshole she was fucking, probably in my bed.

I turned around and headed back to work, there were plans to make. Things to do and things to check. When I was back in the office, I called two of my best friends. They both agreed to come to my office. I had to be here in case the bitch decided to check up on me, which she had been doing quite a bit lately, now that I think of it. Karen was the first to arrive. Kevin followed shortly after her. Closing my office door, we had a long, long conversation about what I could do to protect my daughter and myself, from the piece of shit too which I was married. Karen then asked a question I hadn't even thought about. Was Denise mine? Karen was a lawyer. A family law lawyer. Kevin was a tech-geek. He knew a lot about everything.

"You do know, if you divorce her now, she gets half of everything and custody of Denise?" asked Karen.

"Damn it, I do know. But I have a much longer plan in mind."

"Don't tell me if it involves hiding assets," said Karen.

"No, it doesn't involve hiding assets. Nor does it involve divorce, not until Denise is old enough and on her own. Then the bitch goes down as does her lover or lovers."

"How are you going to do that? Won't she notice you hate her guts?" asked Karen.

"I already hate her guts. She quit being my wife right after Denise was born. For the past three years, we haven't had sex, except when she gets drunk and I guess full of guilt then forces herself on me. Then the next morning she accuses me of raping her. So, I really think I can pull this off. I may even take several women on the side. She's so involved with herself she will never know."

"And if she does?" Karen, ever the lawyer asked.

"First things first. Kevin, I want you over to the house tomorrow morning with all the equipment you will need to wire the whole place. Cameras, recording devices, phone tap. The whole nine yards. Got it?"

"Sure. No problem Will," Kevin replied.

"Careful with what you do, Will, you could get into some gray areas with phone taps and such."

"I know what I'm doing. I own the landline and cell phones. She does have a cell phone for work, but it's in my name too. Why? I don't know. I will bet that's the one she uses to talk with her boyfriend. Kevin, apps to record phone calls on the cell phone and any texts she sends or receives."

"Sure, no problem. Where do you want cameras?"

"Front door, back door, patio sliding door, bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dining room, bathrooms, every room in the house gets one, even Denise's room at least until she..."

"Understand. This is going to cost you."


"Four grand to start," said Kevin.

I picked up my phone and buzzed June my PA.

"June bring your pad please?" I hung up.

June came in and sat down looking intently at me. I smiled at her.

"June I need a check for ten grand payable to Kevin Slotnek here for services to be rendered."

"How soon, William?"

"Now, please."

June nodded getting up and leaving the office.

"You can do that?" Kevin asked surprise on his face.

"Yep. Now Karen how much for your services today?"

"Consider this your free consultation. And remember I was never here," Karen said smiling at me.

Karen was a good friend as was Kevin. We all met in college. If I hadn't met Carla, Karen would have been my first choice. Now to put the plan together. I knew the bitch was cheating on me, I just didn't know who, but soon would. Now, for the question, Karen asked... was Denise mine. I could solve that tomorrow with a DNA test. But did I want to know? Would it change the way I felt about her? I didn't think so. I loved her with all my heart. It would eventually be nice to know who the father was though. Maybe that could wait until the endgame.

~~~~ ~~~~

Over the years, the evidence mounted against her. Video, audio, texts, and phone calls. She was a real bitch. I just settled back and raised my daughter. Carla didn't seem to be interested in doing that. She was more interested in fucking her boyfriend every other day of the week and twice on Saturdays. I quit pestering her about our sex life and just helped her get drunk when she felt guilty about what she was doing. There was at least that. She felt guilty, yet not enough to stop. There were conversations upon conversations with her lover about how much she hated me and how much she loved me. She had a strange way of showing her love though.

Me, I couldn't stand the bitch. When she got drunk and allowed me to have sex with her, I pounded into her until she was almost bleeding. I fucked her pussy and her ass and her mouth. The trifecta of sex holes. She would still accuse me of raping her, but not as vehemently as before. Carla went to work, came home around noon with her fuck buddy twice a week. On Friday nights she would go out with 'the girls' to unwind. Of course, she expected that I stay home with Denise while she was out all night fucking that asshole she worked with at the bank. I knew who he was and what he did and who he was married too and how many children they had... one, a boy.

I also found out that Denise wasn't mine. I did find out she was that asshole Carla was fucking. I just kept my mouth shut while I compiled an extensive collection of evidence against her. Some might say that I had collected enough after the first month. As far as I was concerned, no amount was enough. Besides, the minute I filed for divorce I would no longer be able to see Denise. Even though she wasn't my biological daughter, I was her daddy. She called me dad and daddy and papa. Of course, she also called me 'hey you' but that was just a joke between the two of us.

She grew up fast and beautiful. Denise was a precocious little girl and a headstrong teenager. She grew up to be much better looking than her mother, to Carla's surprise. So it was just after Denise graduated from college and announced that she was in love that I had to tell her about her mother. We sat looking at each other on one of Carla's night out with 'the girls'. Denise cried and shouted and screamed bloody murder. I held her and consoled her and finally talked her out of killing her mother. Instead, I explained what I had planned for twenty-two years. I also broke her heart that night.

Finally, she agreed with me, that what I had planned would destroy her mother and her mother's lover. It was time. Time to wreak my revenge on the fucking whore I was married too, but not much longer.

~~~~ ~~~~

The groomsmen had everyone seated and the ring bearer and the flower girl were ready. Everyone was upfront, the bridesmaids and the groom. I was calm as could be. As was Denise. The music started. We looked at each other. Denise pulled my lips to hers and kissed me with passion. I pulled back looking at her surprised. She just smiled stood ready to walk down the aisle. Nodding, I took the first step to a long ugly day with my baby on my arm.

When the minister asked who gives this woman to the groom. I stood there and in a loud clear voice said, I did. I then went and sat next to that whore I was married to for not much longer. The minister went through the ceremony. When he came to the part asking if there was any reason that the two of them shouldn't be married, I stood to the gasps of every person in the church.

"I do," I shouted.

The minister just froze. He didn't know what to do. He looked at me and started to stutter.

"Why... why... why do you object?" he finally got out.

"Because they are brother and sister?" I said loudly.

Another gasp went around the church. Carla shrieked collapsing onto the pew behind me. The groom's father just sat there stunned while Karen rose and calmly walked to him telling him he was served. She then walked over to Carla handing her, her papers as she was just coming too, telling her she was served. Karen next handed paperwork to Carla's father, telling him, he had been served. I just stood there smiling looking up at my darling Denise. Karen then left, she had a lot more paperwork to dole out.

Denise turned to the groom, whispered in his ear, then turned and came down off the altar platform. She came up to me and kissed my cheek. She grabbed my hand and pulled me down the aisle and out of the church and into the limo waiting there. The limo drove away. I started laughing. Carla's father was paying for everything. I had told Carla we couldn't afford a big wedding. She had screamed at me asking where all the money went. I told her, she had spent it all. I even had the receipts. Of course, all the money, my money was in a Cayman Island bank, shifted there a long time ago and over the last twenty-two years.

~~~~ ~~~~

Denise ~~~~~

As I led my dad out of the church, I was elated. He had already told me that he wasn't my father. He had told me, Josh was my half brother and that we both had the same father. I looked at him and started to cry.

"You're not my father?" I asked tears streaming down my face.

"No, I'm not. But I'm still you Dad," he said.

I just looked at him with surprise. He... yes, he was still my dad. The only one I had known in my short twenty-two years. Suddenly, my mind exploded with thoughts I would never have had in the past.

As the music started, I pulled his lips to mine and kissed him with a passion I didn't know I had for him. He was surprised. I was even surprised at the feelings I now had for this man holding my hand. The only man left that I still loved with all my heart. All my soul. My whole being. I was suddenly very, very, happy. I wanted to share myself with him for the rest of our lives.

What happened during the ceremony was exactly what everyone involved should have had happened to them. Except for Josh. I felt sorry for him. He really loved me. When I found out he was my brother, I broke down, knowing I couldn't marry him. Maybe if we lived in Alabama I could, but not in upstate California. I was sad for him the way I used him to help Dad to get revenge on the scum that was my mother's family and the scum that was Josh's father.

I knew what Dad was going to do. Divorce my mother. Sue the shit out of her father and his bank. Sue my father for back child support and give all the evidence to his wife if she wanted to divorce the scum-sucking asshole of a cheating husband. I was giggling, as each person was served. I giggled the most when my mother screamed. She was still screaming when Dad and I walked out of the church. He was smiling and now had a bounce in his step. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and ideas. The honeymoon was supposedly paid for in advance, courtesy of my grandfather.