Martyrs of Santa Inez Ch. 02


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Elena could not resist the urge to turn and put her face between Gloria's legs again. She was nuzzling Gloria's pubic hair with her nose when the first orgasm hit her. Elena reached around and clutched Gloria's ass hard, burying her face even deeper into Gloria's crotch. Gloria continued licking for a short while, and pulled back to allow Lupe to experience the taste of Elena.

Lupe was more aggressive. She pushed Elena's knees farther apart, and put her whole mouth around the vagina, sucking harder and harder. Elena didn't hold back, crying out into Gloria's cunt and pumping her hips against Lupe's face.

Three orgasms waved across her body before she collapsed and laid back, limp and satisfied.

Gloria looked at Lupe, then at Elena. "I like that much more than I thought I would. I enjoyed it almost as much when I was watching Lupe suck on you. Oddly, I like the taste of you, even with all that cum in you from before. When you exploded in my mouth, that was the best part. Your juices were very pleasant tasting. I think you are right; we should try this once when we are clean so we can taste our juices without any other in there. Maybe we would like it even more then. Right?"

"I do want to try it again, with or without other cum." Lupe chuckled and rolled over, laying flat on her back and allowing the sun to once again warm her tits and thighs; she especially liked how it heated her black pubic hair. "That was good, Elena. Like you said, I thought we should try it once. But it was better than I thought it would be. Much better. I still prefer penises, though. Lots of them, in fact."

They started laughing together, and scrambled off the rocks to the pool below. Shadows now covered part of the canyon; the water was cooler than expected. The women whooped and splashed and frolicked like they did as girls. None of them would ever forget what happened with Lopez and his men. They could spend an hour or two remembering what life was like before the three of them volunteered to take the town's message to the outlaws.

Dusk was settling as they made their way back to the town, to their homes, allowing the still warm desert air to dry them as they walked through the quiet streets. Lupe and Elena hugged Gloria in front of her house. Elena fondled Gloria's crotch one more time as they separated. "You're still wet! Is that from the water, or is that you?" They laughed easily, and parted.

Elena and Lupe walked a dozen houses down and turn left on the next street. Another three houses, and they stood together in front of Lupe's small cottage. She shared it with her son and his family. They embraced before Elena moved on toward her own home where her daughter and grandchildren waited. Like Elena, her daughter Linda was a widow, left with a son and two daughters.

Maria and Luisa, 17 year old twins, and Cesar, 15, were asleep when Elena quietly entered. Linda was sitting on the floor in the candlelight. She looked up at her naked mother, not knowing what to say or do. Even in the dim light, she could see that her mother was still very attractive at the age of 50. She had large tits; not as large as Linda's, and nowhere near the size of Lupe's, which she had seen for the first time today with the rest of the town.

Elena's hips, thighs and rear end were larger than Linda's; something to be expected with age. Her dark triangle still glistened from the water; it was as though her pubic hair sparkled in the candlelight.

Elena broke the silence. "I am alright. We were not harmed. As the Padre told everyone at the church, we had sex... many, many times... with many, many men. But we are safe; we are all safe, for now. The Padre must return to Lopez within two weeks with the town's answer. Linda, you are a widow, too. Married women and widows must decide if they are willing to submit as we did."

She sat on the floor next to her daughter; they hugged and cried together for awhile. Elena held Linda's face in her hands; looked into her eyes. She was a beautiful 34 year old mother of three, still well-built enough to attract a suitor. None had come forth since Linda's husband died, however. "You saw what they did to us. We had to walk through our own town, naked and covered with men's seed. If the town votes to accept the proposition, you may be one of the women selected. You might have to decide whether to have these men... fuck you in front of the whole town. Or we must leave; take our family somewhere else. I fear we would not be able to survive in another village where no one knew us and we had no jobs or money. What little funds we have set aside would only buy enough food for a week; a week and a half at most."

Linda's lips trembled as she looked up at her mother. "Most of the women in this town have little experience with... sex. We know what is required to get babies, and how babies come out and how they get fed. Most of us rarely know more than one man all our lives; only those who remarry would have more experience." There was a long pause as Linda gathered her thoughts. "Mother, what would happened if I were chosen, or any of the others, and we could not go through with it. We would bring shame and risks to the town; they would probably make us leave anyway. It would seem there is no way out, no alternative. Either we... fuck, as you say, countless men in front of our neighbors, or we flee with our children to unknown destinies."

"Linda, we worked out the estimated number of women who may be affected. It would be almost 50 per year, or 250 over a five year period. Padre says there are over 1,700 married or widowed women in town today who could be selected as one of the 4 every month. You may not be chosen for many years. Or, you could be in the group of the second month. That part of the arrangement is what makes it most acceptable to the townspeople. The odds are greatly in favor of someone else's wife or sister being selected; the risk to individuals is perceived as low."

"Mother, if I were to be selected, men and women I have known all my life will see me naked, and having sex with bandits in the town square! What if I can't handle it? What if I panic and refuse to cooperate?" Linda was worried.

"Then the Padre has told the town that you, or others, would be punished for placing the town in jeopardy. I do not think that will happen. The idea of doing it in front of the whole town was to get their support and understanding, so they would more appreciate the offer they have been given. The town would know of the sacrifices we, the women here, are willing to make to save our families. In truth, if the bandits came, many of us would be raped anyway, and possibly killed as well. It could happen in front of our families, even the children. Do you want Cesar and the twins to see them doing that to you? They are too young to know about such things." Elena reasoned with her daughter.

"This way, they may never see it happen. Or if they did, they would be old enough to deal with it. Our plan would have the virgins, and all children under 18, in the church courtyard during the whole... fiesta. Your children, my grandchildren, would be safely away from whatever takes place each month. To me, that is worth the risk alone. And our friends and neighbors will no longer be in danger of being killed. Lopez has also agreed to leave us with food; they won't wipe us out like they have other villages. Is it worse to be killed or to watch everyone starve around you?"

Linda looked away with tears in her eyes. "I am afraid, Mother. We did not have sex very often when my husband was alive. I have never done the things you and Gloria and Lupe told the crowd they made you do. I would be disgraced in front of everyone I grew up with. Even the Padre would be watching. What if I get pregnant?"

"Pregnancy is one of the risks we considered. It is a chance we must take. And we would not be shamed in front of the townspeople. We have discussed options with the Padre. Our plan would place the selected women in a position of honor; they would be admired for their sacrifices and their courage. We know what we are asking is very, very hard. But it is for the good of all of us."

"We asked the Padre for time alone so we could discuss between the three of us what happened, and how we felt about it. I know it is very improper to say, but we all enjoyed what those men, and the whores, did to us. At first it was startling. But all of us had... orgasms like never before. It was very exciting to have people watching us... get fucked. They stood around us, looking and talking while men stuck their penises in our asses... in our cunts and mouths." Elena paused to gauge Linda's reaction to this shocking disclosure. "At the pool tonight, the three of us agreed we would like it to happen again. We want to be fucked, out in the open with an audience. It was an unbelievable sensation."

"Only four women a month would be exposed in such

a way; they may like it as well, perhaps as much as we did. Every woman is different; some may be terrified and resist. Others may relax and let the men do as they wish. It is actually quite pleasurable if you just calm down and accept what is going to happen whether you want it or not. The alternatives would be much, much worse. Think about the children; tomorrow the town must vote on the plan. I hope you will see things differently by morning." Elena stood and reached for a worn cotton dress to put on. She went to her own matt, covered herself with a torn blanket and went to sleep.

Linda waited until the candle burned out, then crawled to her own matt to continue crying much of the night.


Elena left just after breakfast to meet with the Padre, Lupe and Gloria. Together they would decide how to present their support of the proposal to the town. They had to convince the majority of its merits; and of the dangers and consequences of allowing the outlaws to raid as they had done elsewhere. It was important to persuade the women the experiences were not unpleasant, at least not as much as one would expect. They also had to win over the men; it could be their women, their wives and sisters and mothers, who might be on display for the rest of the town.

It was time to ring the bell and gather the town together. The three women joined him at the top of the church steps. They watched as the abuelitas (little grandmothers) and the older children led the younger ones into the large courtyard built onto the church. The Padre waited for the gate to close before addressing the crowd.

"Citizens of Santa Inez. I must take your answer back to Lopez. He told us he would give me a fortnight to return. However, the women and I agreed that the sooner we sent back an answer, the more credible it would appear. But if you decide to reject the proposal, I will wait until the end of the two weeks to return. That should give you enough time to leave town and seek refuge elsewhere." Padre looked in the eyes of the people in front. "You must understand, they are coming. If we approve the proposal, Lopez has agreed to abide by the terms. Otherwise, you will all be at the mercy of him and his men. Their only terms then are destruction and killing."

"Now, Elena will review the conditions of the proposal given to Lopez so there can be no misunderstandings. Once you decide, there will be no going back. You must all abide by the decision of the majority, or be banished from this town." The Padre stepped back as Elena moved forward.

"As you can see, Lupe, Gloria and I have returned to our normal appearances. Yesterday, we stood before you totally nude, and dirty. While we will not forget our experiences with those men, we have decided to get on with our lives. All of us have children and grandchildren to care for, just as most of you." Elena turned to the other two for reassurance; they both nodded agreement.

"Last night we had time alone to reflect on what happened. We decided to tell you women that we, all three of us, actually got pleasure from being... being fucked repeatedly." Gasps surged through the crowd. Elena looked out among the crowd, focusing on women who knew her best. "Each of us discovered we... enjoyed being watched while they were doing it to us. Not all of you might feel the same way; you may be frightened or disgusted. It is hard to know until it happens to you. But no one here has the right to judge us until it has happened to you." The noise quieted down, and she started to notice nods of concurrence from some of the women.

"You are being asked to participate in a lottery. The names of four women will be drawn from a jar by the Padre each month. Those four women will be taken to the town square, and the outlaws will do the same to them as they did to us. The rest of us will prepare and serve food to Lopez and his men for the two days they are here. Only the four women will be... fucked. Only married women and widows must participate; the virgins will remain in the courtyard, and help the little grandmothers care for the children."

Elena took a deep breath and continued. "The four women will be expected to do everything they are told. There can be no exceptions, no resistance, no refusals, or you will be punished severely. You and your family will be banished from our town; you cannot jeopardize the lives of the rest of us. Is that understood?"

There were nods of agreements, as well as looks of disbelief. The Padre stepped forward. "You have had several days to consider the proposal described for you after we left to see Lopez. You saw what these three looked like upon our return. It is time to decide. I only advise you to consider your children, your families. What will be best for them? Can you keep them safe if you choose to leave? Where would you go? Decide, please. I will take your message to Lopez." He walked down the steps; the crowd parted as he approached. Padre made a line in the dirt with the edge of his sandal, stretching back to the last of the gathering. He turned and made his way back to the top of the steps.

"Before you make your decisions, the women must be sure they understand what is being asked of them. And men, you must be willing to accept the women chosen each month could be your wives or sisters; perhaps your married daughters, or even... your mothers or grandmothers. Only the abuelitas and the virgins caring for the youngsters will not be included in the lottery. May God be with you and guide you as you make this very difficult decision." Padre raised his arms to the assembly below. "Those of you who are willing to abide by the proposal, please step to this side of the line," pointing to his left. "If you are not in agreement, please move to the other side."

Elena and the others watched from the top of the steps. There was hesitation and quiet discussion among the crowd. No one moved in either direction for at least five minutes. She turned anxiously to look at the Padre and her two friends. "Nothing is happening!"

Padre pointed back to the townspeople. "Look now, Elena. They are starting to make their choices. I believe we will know very shortly who will support you, and who will not. If they reject the proposition, it may be wise for the three of you to take your families and leave. Find relatives elsewhere who might be able to take you in. I do not think it will be safe here otherwise."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

The authors stories are among the very best here at Literotica. But I hope there is more to come. I'm too far into the story now, and I keep dreaming up possible endings but only MLG52 knows what is going to happen next. Please keep writing MLG52!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
More, Please

More chapters please. This is a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great story

Keep on going :-)

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