Mary's Date

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Mary wants a "Cinderella" date. "Honey we have to talk".
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First, of course, the obligatory disclaimers. All persons having sex in this story is above age 18. In fact, there is no sex in the story at all. So, for those who chase that, move along. Also, it is written in classic American English. Therefor, a boot is footwear and a bonnet is something to grace a ladies curls at Easter.

Mary's Date

Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I, Thomas Crowl had just come through the back door from the garage and started to set my brief case down in its usual resting spot. And there stood Marriane, Mary to her friends, and as her hubby I counted myself among her friends.

My loving wife instantly hit me with those fatal words, "Honey, we need to talk."

She simply launched right in with," I have a date Friday night and don't expect to be home before Saturday morning or evening, depending on how things go. Hope you understand. Bill from my office has been after me for months and a half and I think it's a great idea for us now that we're more mature to experience others. We need to expand our horizons and enjoy the rest of our lives."

"In fact, honey, why don't you get a date too, I'm certain you can find someone if you try", she said. "You know we have only been with each other all these years. Dating someone else will increase our appreciation for what we have together, It will make out marriage even stronger so we can focus on the emotional side of our relationship and just being together. I am going out with Bill Thompson. And it will be my Cinderella date like when we were young. All the excitement of what's new. Being with someone new, try it honey."

She had mentioned this Bill character only a couple of times before in that they had worked on a few cases in the past. I was unaware that they had anything going on other than work.

There was instantly frost in the air. She knew my feelings about fidelity. We'd been over this when close friends of ours divorced. Tom Snider had cheated and was caught when he came down with the clap. It was a nasty, ugly affair with nobody really winning and two friends and two kids much worse off than only unhappy. We agreed then cheating was intolerable, apparently not so much now.

I finished setting down my briefcase and went to the fridge and took out a soda and went to my office. I had no words for her. Dinner did not happen that night. Mary was in the family room watching TV as if nothing had happened. I quietly moved some of my clothes from my closet into the guest ensuite and closed the door. I had nothing more to say to her. I would be damned if I was going to sleep next to that woman of my love, the woman of my life, while she plotted to cheat, not just on me, but on our marriage all for the sake of the fun of do someone different. Apparently I was no longer exciting enough for her.

Marriane and I met in college as a huge number of couples do. I was an aerospace engineering major and she was studying business and law. We just clicked together as a couple. We discussed it, each felt we needed to remain celibate until after the wedding. And we did.

Marriane was far more outgoing than I was socially. She had been the Head Cheerleader in High School and a member of the university cheer squad when we first met. She gave the cheer squad up to spend more time with me and her studies. We were happy with just one another.

I immediately hit it off with her dad. He was a tradesman and worked in cabinet making. Mom was another story. She thought Marriane was dating at least one or two levels below her. Her parents were quite well off. Not rich, mind you, but comfortable. A huge white wedding was thrown for us and we had a ball.

Our first night together as man and wife was one we both will remember forever. The honeymoon went off on schedule and we began our life as a couple. We were the perfect Yin and Yan. We often completed each other's sentences we were so compatible. Our sex life was active and adventurous. We were both open to anything as long as it included only us. We were the perfect couple.

I hired into an aircraft manufacturing company and Marriane took a junior position in a local law firm specializing in corporate law. We went about our lives as all couples do. Having agreed before we married that kids were not in our future. We added all the material stuff we needed and some we didn't and were well satisfied with our "stuff." At least until that Tuesday I thought we did.

Then came that Friday. I came home early knowing full well my spouse was primping herself for her soon to be new lover. Little did I know she'd taken a personal day off work and had spent the day, and half the family fortune at the spa. She had also hit the dress shop and the lingerie salon too. Everything new, just for him.

Promptly at 5:30 she came down the stairs dressed to the nines. Her hair was done meticulously her nails shaped and polished. I could see her toenails through the straps of her new "fuck me" high heeled sandals with four inch heels. The dress itself was new too. I'm no expert on ladies wear but it was a strapless cocktail dress that clung to her shape like a coat of paint. I have never seen her dressed so sexy in all our years together. She was clearly putting herself out there for him.

She looked at me like extra baggage, grabbed her keys. Blew me a kiss and opened the door and turned towards her car in the driveway. Now it was my turn. Without raising my voice I told her in no uncertain terms that if she crossed the threshold she shouldn't bother coming back. She gave me that I dare you look and went out to her car without even glancing back. No "I love you." She drove off to her Cinderella date. That's what she'd been calling it that week when we spoke at all.

I just turned around and headed for the kitchen. I had bought me a frozen pizza and a six pack of Corona along with all the other precautions that I'd been taking all week long in expectation that I wouldn't be able to persuade the silly bitch to not destroy our union. Well, I ate and opened a beer, turned on the TV, swallowed the beer, then another and sat down to boring entertainment. Even the 6 O'clock news was a bummer. I guess I fell asleep in my recliner since I hadn't slept well since last Tuesday.

I sat bolt upright at about 9:14 or so. The garage door was closing. A few minutes later my faithless wife came through the door. She was an absolute wreck compared to how she went out. Her hair was a tangle. Her makeup was in streaks where she had been crying and mascara smeared down her cheeks. Even her new dress, the one she bought just to fuck him was torn, wrinkled and rumpled. She proceeded to the stairs leading to the master bedroom and quietly said: "I didn't do him, that slimy bastard. I'm going up to wash him off my skin. I'm throwing this dress in the trash. I was going to use it to seduce you tomorrow, but it's garbage now." With that she went up the steps and an instant later the shower came on.

Twenty minutes later she came down the stairs wearing her white silk kimono robe with embroidered dragons. It was clear she was nude under her robe and bare foot. She got to the last step and opened the robe to show me she was naked underneath. She held the robe open and told me she had come to reclaim her husband. I just walked past her. I was done, she had thrown our marriage away and there was no going back. I just walked past her and up the stairs to the guest room and went to bed sleeping soundly. I made certain to totally avoid her for the entire weekend. We did not meet, we did not talk, we did not touch, and most of all we did not have sex.

Now it was Monday and it was my turn. I got up and left for work since I'd been off all last week. I had a meeting at 9:00 with the chief engineer to discuss a problem we were having with a wing strut and I was to recommend we redo it using a heavier gauge material.

Marriane had just stepped into her office and set down her valise when her firm's personnel director stepped in the office. Behind her was a gentleman at her elbow. The man approached her and asked if she was Ms. Marianne Crowl. She said she was. He handed her a manila envelope and told her she was served and took a snapshot with a mini camera he had around his neck. The Personnel Director, Marinka Pavlov snapped at her "You know the firm is being sued and you and Bill Thompson will be in the CEOs office in half an hour. The man who had served her also let slip that he was on his way to pass the pictures of their date to Bill's wife. The firm was being sued for violation of the corporate nonfraternization clause of their contract. Bill as her supervisor was told to clear his desk by noon and be out of the building or face removal by security. Marianne was being kept as one term of possible settlement with one very pissed off husband.

I dropped the lawsuit after verifying that Mr. Thompson was no longer a practicing attorney at the firm. Marriane was crushed and moved back in with her parents. To say the least her dad was seething and her mom more than just upset. The divorce was to proceed as scheduled but Marriane was intent on fighting it since she'd no had sex with the asshat. She hoped there was some way she could save it. She still loved me even if I seemed to not care if she lived or died.

Then a ray of hope for Marriane, the judge in all his classical liberalism ordered the couple to attend counselling, four sessions to determine if the marriage could be salvaged.

In the very first session the counselor asked Marriane why she thought that the marriage was salvageable. Marriane proceeded to tell what happened on her date.

She left the house and drove straight to the restaurant where she was to meet Bill. After she parked her car she went in. He was in the lobby of the hotel/restaurant. He was there and clearly ready for the date and had on a cologne that simply made her head spin. He took her in his arms and for the first time kissed her on the lips. It made her head spin with desire. She could feel the tiny thong she was wearing start to moisten.

Dinner was simply the best she thought she'd ever had and romantic beyond belief. She compared it to the dinner her parents had bought for her wedding reception. Dinner wine was superb and perfectly matched with the lobster. After dinner they moved to the lounge for an after-dinner drink and a dance or two. After a bit, Bill suggested they go across the street to another lounge. Bill described it at the hottest spots in town where they could get a little closer.

Once there, the place seemed a little dark but she was on a lark. So, no sweat! They were escorted to an even darker enclosed booth further at the back of the dance floor. No sooner had the waiter left when Bill pushed her down against the back of booth and crawled on top. He forced his face to hers and began kissing her with far more passion than she was ready for. His hot tongue was pressing her lips. One of his hands found the top of her strapless gown and pulled it down and with the other grabbed her hair and pulled it back. At first Marriane was really turned on but soon realized Bill had pulled her skirt up and was making his way toward her now soaked G-string. She began to struggle. This was not her Cinderella date. This is not at all what she'd bargained for. Then Bill got even wilder, grabbed at her G-string and pulled it down to her knees. He forced his fingers into her kitty and started moving them around as if this was going to ease her resistance and raise her libido. It hurt. She no longer felt turned on, just scared. At this point the bar tender and bouncer showed up. Bill was removed from the club and informed he was no longer welcome there.

Marriane was scared and shaken running to her car across the street at the hotel. Jumped into her car and sped the whole way home praying she could still get in. Not once did she consider attracting police.

She then related how she had tried to seduce her husband into forgiving her and fully confessed that she had been stupid beyond belief and begged Tom to forgive her. He did, but he also did not forget.

To make a long story longer, ten years later Tom remains suspicious with possibility that she might some day decide she would like another Cinderella date. The incident is never discussed but you can be sure it remains in the back of everyone's mind. The request for Disillusion of Marriage is in a glass case on the mantel above the fireplace. Trust, but verify!

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trucker1965trucker196517 days ago

we go from going to a marriage counselor to 10 years later and no way told of how we got there. I guess it just happened and no need to tell us how it got there.

EdKing8667EdKing866718 days ago

It had potential, but lacked depth. The first half was a story, but the second half read like it was just a summary.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Sketchy. Not at all well written. A Mercy Three stars.


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

need some writing lessons..............

SexecutionerSexecutioner5 months ago

Obviously no grey matter was used in this RAAC bullshit....

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades5 months ago

Story could have been s little smoother with a little more polish. Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What a poorly written pos. Almost as if once the writer had got past the cut and paste stage they ran out of inspiration or ability to either finish it or come up with something original.

Sick of hearing about cucks trying to sue companies, that it's a law firm and they didn't just laugh the clown out of the building is just beyond belief.

Rocky62Rocky626 months ago

Bdsm that slut, by a bondage bench and a cross to strap her down

trucker1965trucker19656 months ago

Well that turned into a nothing story real fast. We go from a decent plot line to a what the fuck was just happened with the story with a visit to a therapist.

phill1cphill1c6 months ago

"The request for Disillusion of Marriage is in a glass case on the mantel above the fireplace. Trust, but verify!"

If my wife EVER did some crap like that, we would be finished.

It's a dick move by a dick. I'd be like, "fuck you!" I made a mistake and you can either move on or forgive me. The divorce threat is not something I would be giving a shit about! Get a divorce!! You suck in bed anyway!

James G 5James G 56 months ago


This fell apart fast.

mattenwmattenw6 months ago

Idiotic. If her lover hadn't been so stupid, she would have committed adultery! So why should he take her back?

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19696 months ago

it was doing fine until "He did, but he also did not forget." Then it felt like you pulled the cord to deploy the parachute and out a few over-used cliches.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Very incomplete and rushed story with so many pieces missing. We got whiplash being rushed through it!

Please take your time and develop the whole story and treat you trying to be valued readers to something of substance.

This wasted what little time we actually spent on it.

You can do so much better!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Thanks for read

A mediocre story at best.

What's with all the pairing of wine. With lobster? Lobster is bare!y edible soaked in butter. What wine "pairs" with butter? I pair everything with scotch, so fuck off.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Very poor. The story starts off being narrated in the first person but somehow ends up being recounted in the third person. No real explanation is offered up for the wife's U turn in respect of her attitude to sex outside of the marriage and I refuse to accept that any woman would tell her therapist that "I could feel the tiny thong I was wearing start to moisten". The author put the bare minimum of thought and effort into writing this and deserves a score that reflects this. One solitary, lonesome star.

michaellajonesmichaellajones6 months ago

Looks like you wanted to end this story just as it was getting interesting, rushed with no real ending.

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