Mating Rights

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Single woman makes deal with repairman.
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All characters are over eighteen. This is set in an alternate version of society where it is socially acceptable for a woman to voluntarily offer to trade mating rights in exchange for something of value if they wish. If you don't like this, please leave now.

Please try to leave feedback in the comments section. Constructive criticism is invaluable to every author. I encourage everyone to vote and leave ideas for future stories as well. Finally, I would like to thank my editors for their time and help.


There are few things that suck more than the air conditioning breaking on a hot summer day in Houston. I wished for me to be fucked as much as mother nature for doing something so utterly stupid as moving out of my apartment.

When I called, I found out I wasn't the only one having problems with their AC. The earliest appointment was at the end of the day. All I could do was try to keep my boiling frustration out of my voice and endure it.

It wouldn't have been so bad if it was a weekday. At least then I could've gone into the office. As it was, I was adding Saturdays to the list of things I wished would be fucked.

I tried everything I could think of to distract myself. Video games. Reading. Catching up on my email. Everything just served to make me wonder how our ancestors managed to live without the marvel of air conditioning.

The only thing that came close to working was thinking about how to satisfy my raging libido. As a professional millennial, I was used to dry spells, but my pussy was reminding me I hadn't so much as touched my vibrator in far too long. Worse yet, the oppressive heat made me horny while also filling me with that inexplicable desire to remain still. Eventually I managed to force myself to get up and shower to make myself presentable.


Not a moment too soon, I heard a knock. I bolted across the room and opened the door before there was a second one.

"Hi. I'm Zack."

The first thing I noticed was that the repairman was easy on the eyes. He had a strong-looking face with dark-brown hair and a five-o'clock shadow. It appeared he was decently built, and with his dark blue uniform, he did look rather handsome.

"Nice to meet you," I said. "I'm Kristy."

I gave myself a mental slap, telling myself that my hyperimaginative cunt was seeing things. For all I knew, this guy was married.

"Come in."

"Thanks," he said as he stepped inside. "Your air conditioning needs repair, correct?"

"Yes," I said empathicly. "I've been dying all day."

Zack laughed. "Yeah, you aren't the only one. Let me just ask you some questions so we can speed things up. That should resuscitate you a little quicker."

I actually laughed for several seconds before responding. Mostly he asked what I'd seen or heard and what I'd done to help narrow down the problem. When he was done, he asked me to show him some of the equipment, which I did.

As I turned around and gestured with my arm, I noticed his eyes glance up quick. A little too quick. Any woman who's ever been the subject of male attention knows what that meant: he was staring at my ass.

When he walked past me so he could begin his inspection, his vision was fixed firmly ahead: a familiar sign he was trying not to stare at my cleavage. Once I remembered what I had on, I realized I could hardly blame him.

After my shower, I'd simply picked the lightest clothes I could find without thinking about it. A denim miniskirt that barely covered the bottom of my panties, and a pink tube top that displayed more than it hid my tits. With my shoulder-length dirty blonde hair, every part of me must've screamed, "attractive single woman."

Such was the state of my frustration that I flashed him a flirty smile instead of reprimanding him. I hadn't spotted anything that looked like a wedding ring, and that was all the permission my panties needed to grow rebellious. I could practically feel them trying to fly off while my thoughts grew increasingly lustful.

Zack went about his work, traveling to and from his van outside, leaving me with plenty of time to consider my options. On the one hand, making a move on the repairman would be incredibly cliché. The kind of thing that could get me a well-deserved reputation as a slut. I met him because he'd been randomly assigned to my house, not because we'd been paired by one of those dating apps that had a higher success rate than couples who met in real life.

On the other hand, fuck what everyone else thought. I was the one who decided what to do with my life, and my cunt, for one, knew all it needed to know: my potential lover was attractive, respectful, and an all-around nice guy. Not exactly a difficult choice, so I decided to see how things played out.

Zack still found time to make small talk, which only reinforced my opinion of him as funny and affable. He managed to get me to talk about myself easily enough. Where I came from, where I worked, what my job was like, and so on. He seemed genuinely interested, like he wasn't just doing it as a formality.

He also kept checking out my tits whenever he thought I wasn't looking. I was more than happy to pretend to focus on something else every time he was nearby.

"Hallelujah!" I cried when I heard the telltale sound of fans spinning moments before a shot of blissful cool air blasted me in the face.

Zack reappeared moments later, looking just as sweaty as I was. "It's finished. It was a bit harder than I expected, but it should be fixed. Was there anything else?"

"No," I answered. "But can I tempt you into staying a bit longer for a drink? I think I'll actually die if it goes out again right after you leave."

"Sure," he said. "This was my last appointment of the day anyway. And like my uncle always says, 'The customer comes first.'"

"Thanks," I said, trying to silence my raging pussy as I handed him a glass. "But since my card is already on file, I'd like for us to forget about business and just talk like two adults. You know plenty about me. What about you? All I know is your name is Zack, you're a few years older than me, you're a repairman for a company that involves your uncle, and you don't have anything you'd rather get back to after work."

He laughed for several seconds. "Very astute of you, Kristy. Yes, my name is Zack and I am thirty-three. My uncle isn't just involved; he actually owns the company. That's why I work for him."


"Yeah. His best mate died fairly unexpectedly. Since he didn't trust any of the other eggheads to run the company after he was gone, he asked me if I'd be willing to drop out of college and come work for him instead. I said yes."

"You sound happy," I noted.

"I am. It doesn't hurt that my uncle pays really well. That's why he wants me to take over someday. He wants someone who'll maintain the spirit of the company but is still smart enough to make sure people don't take advantage of him."

"Sounds like you've got everything you want."

I watched Zack's face fall for the first time. "No, actually, there's still one thing. My ex."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Thanks," he said. I noted that he hadn't said, 'Don't be.' He continued, "She was angry I dropped out of college. Even though my uncle paid better than anything I would've gotten after graduation, she said it wasn't 'prestigious' enough."

"Was that out of concern for your reputation or because it made it harder for her to brag?"

Zack sighed. "I know it was the latter, but that didn't change the fact that I loved her. I thought we were about to start a family. Four years later, and my heart still isn't in it whenever I try going on a date."

That was all the invitation I needed. Time to put my offer on the table. "Do you want kids?"

He nodded.

"In that case," I said, finally letting the seductive smile inside me out. "I think I can help."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Would you be interested in mating rights?"

I didn't need to explain more. Every woman has the right to offer a male access to her womb in exchange for something of value. It was as natural as marriage.

"Really!?" he exclaimed in surprise.

I nodded. "Sounds like your problem is that you have enough money but not enough time. Mine is the opposite. I have enough time but not enough money yet. If you're willing to help me out, I think we can work out a deal."

Me and my pussy were hoping he would say yes. Besides the fact that he was hot and I was horny, Zack was objectively the best genetic mate I could realistically hope to find. He was handsome, reasonably intelligent, healthy, and trustworthy. I actually remembered reading several books when I was a teenager recommending all those traits when looking for a mate.

Ultimately, it was up to him. It would require a real investment on his part, and I didn't want him to think I was just seducing him for money.

"I'd be honored," he said, his grin slowly widening as he realized I was serious.

With a flirtatious smirk of my own, I stepped forward until I was well within his personal space. "Some women like to draw up whole contracts," I noted. "Are you interested in the fine print, or do we trust each other to be honorable enough so we can just head over to my shower?"

"Definitely," Zack nodded.

Leaning in, I purred in his ear, "Then why don't you hand me that outfit so I can throw our clothes in the washer while you get started on that shower?"


Zack turned out to be a very handsy lover, not to mention the best kisser I'd ever met. He knew how to use his tongue, but he also knew how to simply press his lips against mine, letting me feel his passion, desire, and lust as if they were my own.

All the while, he never stopped roaming every square inch of my body. Long after he'd finished soaping and washing me, he continued caressing me, stimulating my favorite spots without breaking our kiss. He squeezed my ass and my tits often enough, like any guy would, but he seemed to enjoy simply touching me.

Our kiss went on long enough that it gave me an insight into Zack's personality. He was a man who was deeply hurt by the loss of his love. He'd been looking forward to having kids and was devastated by the prospect that he might never have them. My unexpected offer filled him with a special kind of hope he'd all but given up on.

His arousing motions continued until his fingers inevitably brushed my pussy. That simple touch sent a jolt of electricity down my spine that made me instantly wet. Zack seemed to sense the change, because he finally pulled his lips away and spun me so he could pull me against his chest. One hand remained bound to my upper body while the other headed straight for my crotch.

"Yes!" I hissed as I felt him stroke his index finger across my pussy lips, pumping it vertically without penetrating until I was wet enough. Then he slid inside with considerable ease.

My hips buckled and squirmed as he finger fucked me like a pro. He managed to locate my G-spot, and from then on, he made sure to hit it every few thrusts. I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensations Zack was intent on delivering to my body.

I grinned as I felt his hand leave my waist and instead kept me in place by gripping one of my tits. Turning my head in his general direction, I asked, "You like my tits?"

"Fuck yeah!" he said. He proved it by giving the left one a powerful squeeze. "They're so beautiful."

"You know I caught you staring at them, right?" I said with faux innocence.

"How could any man not stare at these?" he fired back. "Especially with that shirt you had on."

I giggled. "For the record, I didn't pick that outfit on purpose. It's just a happy coincidence that it got you nice and hard."

"No complaints here," he said as he continued playing with pussy.

"Mmm... Are you looking forward to making them bigger?" I moaned.

Zack groaned in my ear. "More than you know, babe. More than you know" He followed up by kissing me. "In fact, I'm hoping this won't be my last visit. Even if I don't get to see these tits again, I'd still love to visit you for a long time."

I grinned. "I think we can work something out in our terms. First, though, you need to actually fill my pussy with your cum. How are you planning on doing that?"

I'd expected a response, but I was still unprepared for when he pushed me against the wall. My eyes flew open as he pressed his cock against my folds and slid in with a single stroke.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed as Zack settled in my depths. I could feel him pressing me into the wall, leaving me unable to move as he prepared to claim me.

Even with my eyes open, I couldn't see Zack in the position I was in. That didn't stop a powerful shudder from running down my body as I heard him growl in my ear. Zack had been as patient as could be expected from a man, but his animal instincts were still there. After pausing only to draw in a deep breath while he savored my walls wrapped around him, my repairman got to work.

Using the natural improvisation from his job, he adjusted himself so he could thrust freely while still keeping me pinned against the wall. I moaned as I felt him stretching me the way only a real cock could. He took that as permission to seek a harder and faster pace, and soon I was babbling as he fucked my underused pussy.

Focusing on your career is fine, but there's nothing like having an unprotected cock inside you. That raw, primal feeling of doing things the way nature intended, unimpeded by any human inventions. It created a wonderful sense of detachment as I allowed myself to go with the flow and take my pleasure.

The wetness of the shower was no obstacle for Zack. He managed to shift himself and plant his legs so that he could thrust as hard and as fast as he wanted. The only downside was that I was repeatedly sandwiched between the cool shower wall and my hot lover, reminding me of his power every time I felt myself being compressed.

I could only compare Zack to a well-oiled machine, driving deep into my pussy and battering my defenses, bringing me closer to a toe-curling orgasm with every stroke. From his deep panting, I could tell he was enjoying my body as much as I was enjoying his. Knowing a man was taking his pleasure from you is one of the most intensely feminine feelings any woman can experience.

"Have you ever done this before?" he grunted. "Let a man cum inside you?"

"No," I groaned. "This is my first time bareback."

Zack chuckled. "Does it turn you on? Finally acting like a blonde slut?"

I had to admit it did. It was true I had a career and a social network, but I was still very much a blonde. Leaving all those other things at the door and embracing what my body was built for made me wail, the tone and pitch of my voice contrasting with the quiet exertion of Zack as he prepared to seed me.

His legs pressed against the back of my knees as I narrowed around his invading manhood. I knew we were both going to cum; the only question was whether my overly eager cunt would set him off before I could reach my own peak or whether I'd feel his cock twitch and pulse inside me while I was coming down from my own delusional high.

The way I couldn't respond with anything more than desperate cries and shouts every time he whispered something erotic in my ear told me he was winning. I was going to cum before him. I held myself back only so the fizzle inside me could build into an uncontrolled explosion. Every impulse in my body begged me to let go while my mind fed on the growing conflict between the two until my hunger grew too great.

Grateful for modern construction, I allowed the shower to contain my orgasm as I never could. Thanks to the combination of how hot Zack was and how turned on I was at the thought of him cumming inside my unprotected pussy, I came harder than I ever had in my entire life. Colors dissolved. My ears registered nothing but static as I allowed my brain to memorize every sensation from the day I took a bare cock like the blonde slut I really was.

I distinctly registered Zack's presence inside me from the way my cunt kept squeezing him. The uneven catches in his breath and the slightest tremor in his legs told me he'd be joining me soon. I surrendered myself to the tired pillow of bliss and granted him permission to use my limp body to fulfill his urges.

Instead, he spun me around and kissed me. My arms instinctively wrapped around his neck for support, but I kissed him back, powerless and unwilling to deny him anything he wanted.

I thought I didn't have an ounce of energy left, but he guided my arm to a spot I could grab for support. He then took one of my legs and wrapped it around his waist, allowing me to put all my weight on one foot which he offset by lifting me by my ass. To my surprise, it made us stable enough that he could resume thrusting up into my molten pussy.

"Stay with me, baby. I wanna look into your eyes when I cum."

Any doubts that Zack was the ideal father for my baby vanished. He wasn't some selfish jerk using me to get what he wanted. He was a man who cared about his woman, and as I looked into his dark eyes I could see that I had replaced his ex-wife as his woman. I'd helped him finally let go and he was preparing to repay me by giving me his offspring and the money I needed to raise it.

In our new position, Zack couldn't batter my cunt with the same speed or force as when he was fucking me doggy style, but his thrusts felt more paced, more controlled. He was no longer a crude machine but a well-trained man.

"Oh, God!" I cried as he hit my G-spot.

"Feel good?" he smirked.

"Yes," I moaned, forcing myself to look at him so I could draw him in for another deep kiss. "I never thought I was the kind of girl interested in older men, but after this, I might be addicted to guys five years older than me. I want a man who knows what he's doing."

Zack gave a long, genuine laugh that made my stomach warm. "I can live with that."

He kissed me again without pausing. I could tell from his subtle movements that he was fighting himself just as I had. Gravity wanted him to let us fall into a heap on the floor, but it was negated by his desire to fill my cunt and plant a piece of himself inside me. His arms strained and his legs would occasionally wobble, but he refused to listen to the laws of physics.

"You gonna cum?" I purred.

"Yes!" he grunted.

"Are you looking forward to knocking me up?" I teased. "Like a blonde bimbo?"

I would've loved to have taken him in a position where he could spend as much time as he wanted inside me, but in this case, pushing him over the edge was for the best.

"Knocking me up the way your wife should've let you years ago?"

I could feel the tension in his lips as he kissed me. Behind the tender gesture was a bomb every bit as powerful as my own.

"That's something every man wants, right? To cum inside a blonde slut when she's off birth control? To make her big tits even bigger? To be able to look at her swollen belly and say, 'I put that baby in her?'"

Zack growled.

"I know I want it," I said.

"Oh, fuck, Kristy," he moaned.

"That's it," I grinned, my tits pressed against his chest. "Do it! Cum inside me!"

The poor guy could hold back no longer. With a roar held back only through sheer force of will, he looked into my eyes and fertilized my waiting pussy. He tensed as he fired his first load, his stretched muscles and tight grip betrayed by the ecstasy in his eyes that we were creating a life.

I counted each time his cock flexed as it strove to fill me with as much cum as humanly possible. Each one had the potential of being the one to impregnate me with Zack's child, and my eager womb accepted everything he had to give.

His legs were ready to collapse, but I'd recovered enough strength to stand on my own feet again. He affectionately held my face in his hands as we looked into each other's eyes as we allowed his cum to settle into my womanly depths. Contrary to what idiots think, it is possible to get pregnant standing up, and the sheer volume of Zack's cum inside me guaranteed that it would be happening.