Max Burnage Ep. 02: Ryan and Jessie


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"Okay, Max," he said. "You're right. So, what do I need to do?"

"You work with Ralph and let Mike put together your divorce paperwork," Max said. "No matter what happens, you're going to stand up for yourself and dump the cheating bitch."

"Alright," Ryan said. "I'll do it." Max nodded his head and stood up. He pulled out a tablet and handed it to Ryan.

"What's this?" Ryan asked.

"This tablet contains video of every 'training' session you've had with Jim," Max said. "Use those videos to refresh your memory. Ralph will work with you and show you what you need to know."

"How did you get them?" Ryan asked, confused.

"Trade secret," Max said. "You can thank my better half."

"I will, if I ever meet her," Ryan said. Max smiled and nodded his head. He turned to Ralph.

"You have this under control?" he asked.

"No problem," Ralph said. "We'll get started right away."

"Thanks," Max said. "Don't forget to give him a cup of tea three times a day."

"Don't worry, I won't," Ralph said. Max nodded his head.

"Thanks," he said. "I'm heading home now. Call if you need anything."

"I will," Ralph said. Max left the safe house and headed home.


"I had an interesting visitor today," Jim said after he arrived at Ryan and Jessie's house.

"Oh?" Jessie asked.

"Yeah," Jim said. "Some guy who looked like he crawled out of an old movie. Never did give me his name."

"What did he want?" Jessie asked.

"You're not gonna believe this," Jim said. "He actually got me to agree to face off against your wimpy husband next Friday." Jessie snorted at that.

"Seriously?" she asked.

"Yeah, can you believe it?" Jim asked. "By the way, where is the limp-dick little brat?"

"I don't know," she said. "He wasn't home when I got here, but he was here earlier. A lot of his clothes and things are gone. I called his work and they told me he took off for vacation. He left this on the dresser," she added, showing Jim Ryan's wedding ring. He looked at it for a second before speaking.

"So you have no idea where he is?" Jim asked.

"No, none," she said. "I tried calling but all I got was his voicemail. Do you think maybe we pushed him too far?" Jim laughed.

"Nah," he said. "Your husband's a wimp with absolutely no backbone whatsoever. Hell, I can beat him with one hand tied behind my back. Trust me, he's a glutton for punishment. Guys like him live to be pushed around. Now, why don't we adjourn to your bedroom and have a bit of fun?" She giggled as he moved in on her.

"Okay," she said. "I've been thinking about this big cock of yours all day. But it won't be as much fun without wimpy here to push around. I was looking forward to pissing in his mouth and making him drink it."

"You are a nasty girl," Jim said.

Disgusted, Max shut down the tablet and looked at the blonde goddess sitting next to him.

"I must say, my love, I like your style," she said with a slight smile. "What made you think of doing this?"

"There's an old saying," he told her. "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." She nodded her head as she thought about it.

"I can see the logic in that," she said. "Do you think Ralph can really make a difference?"

"I do," Max said. "Ralph has been trained by the best. Ryan's body already knows what to do and what not to do. His mind just isn't convinced yet. Ralph can help in that regard."

"Do you think Jim will actually perform seppuku if he loses?" Adrestia asked.

"He'll do it," Max said grimly. "Trust me. He's a legend in his own mind and the disgrace of losing to Ryan will be more than he can bear. And I'll be there to remind him of his deal if he hesitates." Her smile grew wide.

"You're a man after my own heart, my love," she said. "Now, come here and make my day." He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her.

"As you wish, my goddess," he whispered as he showered her with kisses.


The next afternoon, Max stopped at the safe house to check on Ryan's progress. He went to the basement gym where Ralph and Ryan were working out. Ryan wiped the sweat off his face with a towel as Max walked in.

"Well, how's everything going?" Max asked.

"We're making good progress," Ralph said. "I think our boy here has grown a whole new set of balls. Now if I can only get him to breathe right we'll be in good shape" Max smiled and looked at Ryan.

"How're you feeling?" he asked. Ryan nodded his head.

"I'm tired and sore, but I'm actually learning something," he said.

"Good," Max said. "Just remember to follow directions and you'll do just fine. How are the divorce papers coming along?"

"Mike is taking care of that," Ryan said. "The plan is to file them Friday morning and you can serve them to her Friday when we get to Jim's place."

"Sounds good," Max said. "Did you remove the battery from your phone like I said?" Ryan nodded his head.

"Yeah, I did that first thing," he said.

"Excellent," Max said. "Alright, I'll get going. If you need anything, give me a call," he told Ralph.

"Will do, boss," he said. Max headed home and looked at his tablet to see what Jim and Jessie were up to. Jessie had stopped by the gym after her shift was over and the time Max looked in on them, they were naked in the ring with Jessie riding Jim's cock cowgirl-style. After he ejaculated inside her, she climbed off of him and lay on the mat, her legs spread wide.

"Too bad wimpy's not here to clean me out," she said. He laughed at that. "So, are you ready to face him on Friday?" she asked. He snorted at the idea of preparing to face Ryan.

"I don't need to prepare," he said. "He'll probably trip over his own feet when he climbs in the ring like he did the first day he showed up. Hell, all I'll have to do is stare at him hard and he'll go running to his mother crying like a baby. I can see it now. 'Mama. Mama, I need my diaper changed'," he said, mocking Ryan's voice. Jessie laughed at Jim's impersonation of her husband.

"You really hate him, don't you?" she asked.

"Yeah, almost as much as you do," he said. She nodded her head.

"Yeah," she said. "I used to love him, but I lost all respect for him the day I got raped. I've never forgiven him for that. I'm just afraid that maybe we pushed him too far." He snorted at the idea.

"Guys like him deserve to be treated like shit," he said.

"I guess you're right," she said. "Wait, that gives me an idea."

"What?" he asked.

"After you kick his ass Friday, why don't we make him do it?" she asked.

"Do what?" Jim asked.

"What we've always wanted to do," she said. "You hold him down and I'll take a dump on him." He laughed at that.

"Seriously?" he asked.

"Yeah, why not?" she asked gleefully. "It'll be the ultimate humiliation."

"You're on," he said.

Max ended the video surveillance and turned his laptop off. He couldn't believe people were capable of that kind of cruelty.

"They are capable of that, you know," Adrestia said, handing him a glass of wine. She was good at that -- responding to his thoughts. "I've seen it all, and believe me, they are very capable of that kind of cruelty." He shook his head in disbelief before taking a sip of wine.

"I don't know how you've handled that all these years," he said quietly.

"It hasn't been easy," she said. "That's why I need your love. I don't know what I'd do without you to remind me that there are still people with a sense of justice and humanity." He set his glass down and took her in his arms. She was so petite, so soft and warm. So much power in such a beautiful frame. He kissed her face and held her close.

"And I'll always be here for you, my goddess," he said quietly. "I'll always love you."

"And I love you, Max," she said, kissing him back.


The next few days went as Max predicted. Ryan was getting stronger and more confident under Ralph's tutelage. Jessie and Jim met every day to have sex and plot even more humiliation for Ryan. Finally, Friday rolled around. Mike had filed the divorce papers and handed Max the copy to serve on Jessie. Max went to the safe house and collected Ryan and Ralph.

"Are you ready?" he asked Ryan. Ryan, already dressed in a white gi, nodded his head, a look of determination on his face.

"I'm ready," he said. Max looked Ryan in the face.

"Listen to me and listen carefully," he said. "Follow Ralph's instructions to the letter. Don't speak to Jessie -- at all. I'll serve her the divorce papers. Jim will probably try to psyche you out. Ignore him. Just do as Ralph says and you'll be fine. Understand?" Ryan nodded his head.

"I understand," he said.

As they drove to Jim's place, Ralph whispered instructions to Ryan. Ryan followed Max's directions and absorbed everything Ralph told him. When they got to the gym, Max parked and they got out. Max put on a pair of leather gloves and picked up the envelope Mike gave him earlier.

When they went inside the gym, they saw Jessie sitting in a chair close to Jim's corner. She smirked as Ryan walked in, but her expression changed when she saw the look on Ryan's face. Something about him was different, and she began to get concerned.

Max walked up to Jessie, holding the envelope with the divorce papers and a restraining order.

"Jessica Davis?" he asked. She nodded her head.

"I'm Jessica Davis," she said. He handed her the envelope.

"You've been served," he said before walking away. She glanced in the envelope and saw the petition for divorce and the restraining order. A tiny part of her felt guilt, but that soon went away.

"Well, let's get this little show on the road," Jim shouted from his corner of the ring. Ryan stepped into the ring, looking more determined than ever. Both Jim and Jessie were surprised, but Jim's cockiness never wavered. He never had any respect for Ryan, and it showed.

"Let's see what you got, little boy," Jim said as he danced around the ring. Ryan took the stance Ralph showed him, presenting as small a profile to Jim as possible. He looked Jim in the eye and waited for the older man to move. Jim chuckled and took a swing at Ryan, but Ryan suddenly wasn't there. Somehow, he had turned in a way that perfectly countered Jim's swing and in the process, kicked at Jim's lower right leg, breaking the bone.

Jim fell down in pain, grabbing his right leg. He looked up at Ryan, who was standing still, presenting only a side profile. Ryan eyed the older man and waited for him to rise and make his move. Jim got up slowly, favoring his one good leg. He knew he would have to take Ryan down with a single move. Unable to kick, he tried to close the distance between them. He hoped to get close enough to punch Ryan in the throat, then the solar plexus.

Ryan's face showed no fear, only determination, as he waited for the older man to move. Sure enough, Jim struck out with his right fist, but Ryan had moved again, and kicked Jim's lower left leg, breaking that bone as well. The older man went to his knees, shouting in pain.

"Ryan, stop it, you're killing him," Jessie shouted from her chair as she stood up.

"SIT DOWN!" Max roared. Jessie sat down as soon as he spoke.

Ryan wasn't finished with the older man and lashed out with a devastating kick to Jim's throat. Jim was in too much pain to block the kick and went down on his back, trying to catch his breath. Ryan stood back, out of Jim's reach and waited for the older man to get back up on his knees.

Finally, he managed to get back on his knees and looked at Ryan. Who was this man who had managed to defeat him, he wondered.

"Do you accept defeat?" Max asked. Jim looked at him for a moment before slowly nodding his head. "SAY IT," Max roared.

"I... admit... defeat," Jim said slowly. Max picked up the wakizashi, still in its scabbard, and tossed it in the ring. It landed right in front of Jim.

"You know what to do," Max said. Jim felt that strange vibration in his head again. Without thinking, he opened his gi, picked up the short sword and pulled it from its scabbard. As they watched, he performed the ritual as the ancient samurai had done.

As he lay dying on the mat, Jessie screamed and tried to get up, but Max's last order prevented it. She cried as she sat in her chair and looked at Ryan.

"Why?" she cried. He looked at her with hard, unloving eyes. He glanced at Max, who nodded his head. Looking back at Jessie, he spoke.

"I once loved you with all my heart, Jessica," he said. "I admit, I was weak, scared, and didn't know how to defend you when you were raped. That was the absolute worse day of my life. For that I am truly sorry. But I sought help and I had hoped that I could learn how to defend you. But you shit all over my love with this piece of crap. And I can never forgive that. Right now, I hate you with every fiber of my being and I wish to God I had never met you."

"I'm truly sorry," she said, his words stinging her to the core. "Is there anything I can do to make you not hate me?" He looked at Max and Ralph for a moment before turning back to her.

"Eat shit and die, cunt," he growled before stepping out of the ring. He walked to the door with Ralph. Max looked at Jessie with sadness on his face.

"You heard the man," he said before turning away. They walked out of the gym as Jessie sobbed in her chair.


Ryan, Ralph, Max and Adrestia sat in the front room of the safe house and watched the news. Two people, a man and a woman, were found dead at Jim Carter's gym. Police said both deaths appeared to be suicide, providing no details. According to the report, the woman apparently killed herself shortly after receiving divorce papers. The unnamed man, the report said, was named in the divorce.

"Are you okay?" Max asked Ryan. Ryan nodded his head, tears falling down his cheek.

"Why did she do it?" he asked. Max shrugged his shoulders.

"Hard to say why people do the things they do," he said. "Best thing you can do now is move forward with your life. There's lots of women out there. I'm sure one day you'll meet someone and fall in love all over again." Ryan shook his head.

"I don't know," he said. "I don't think I could go through something like this again. But I know one thing."

"What's that?" Max asked.

"No one will ever call me a wimp or a pussy ever again," he said.

"Well, don't let it go to your head," Max said. "Look, you have my number and you know where my office is. If you need to talk, I'll be here for you. Take some tea with you -- it'll help you relax and clear your head. Right now, I think you may want to head on home. I suspect the police may be stopping by. Tell them you were here with me discussing your pending divorce. I'll corroborate your story." Ryan nodded his head.

"Okay, thanks," he said. "For everything." He shook everyone's hands, gathered his clothes and left for home. After Ryan left, Max turned to Ralph.

"Thank you for all your help," he said.

"My pleasure," Ralph said. "You really think he'll be alright?"

"I think so," Max said. "In time. This whole episode has been very hard on him. I'll keep an eye on him for a while just to make sure." Ralph said his goodbyes and headed out. Max turned to Adrestia.

"What do you say we head home, my dear?" he asked. She smiled and wrapped an arm around him.

"Lead on, my love," she said.



As Max predicted, officers stopped at Ryan's apartment a couple hours after he got home. There were two uniformed officers and a detective wearing a dark suit. The detective, who introduced himself as Detective Frank Greene, asked Ryan to accompany him to the police station. Ryan, seeing he had no choice, went with him.

Greene showed him the pictures of Jim and Jessie. Ryan didn't want to look at them, but Greene forced the issue. He saw Jim laying in a pool of blood, the sword still in his hands. Jessie was hunched over a toilet, her face in the bowl. He could see something on her face and wondered if she had actually tried to do what he said.

Ryan sat in the room for two hours, telling and retelling the story of how Jim and Jessie had abused him for the last year. Greene seemed sympathetic but was clearly trying to get him to confess to killing them. Ryan finally sat up and made his demand.

"I want an attorney present," he said. "I told you where I was, and I told you what had been going on. That's why I filed divorce papers. Either charge me or let me go." Greene considered him for a few moments before relenting.

"Alright, Mr. Davis," he said. "I'll check out your story. I may have to bring you back, so don't go anywhere, you got me?"

"I got you," Ryan said. Greene spent the next few days checking out Ryan's story. He spoke to Max, who corroborated Ryan's alibi and looked over all the forensic evidence. Nothing pointed to Ryan, but Greene wondered how Carter's legs got broken.

Greene knew in his heart that Ryan had to be involved somehow, but there was no evidence to support that theory. Eventually, the case was finally ruled a double suicide.

Ryan went back to work and began to pick up the pieces of his shattered life. He refused to claim Jessie's body, so her parents stepped in and made arrangements for her funeral, which he refused to attend. He let them take whatever they wanted of her possessions and gave the rest to Goodwill. He replaced the bed that Jessie and Jim had used to torment him along with any other piece of furniture that reminded him of Jessie.

He spent the next two years alone, but eventually met a girl at a company function and the two began dating. At her insistence, he started seeing a counselor who diagnosed him with a mild form of PTSD. He enrolled in a martial arts class, and is determined to never repeat the mistake he made with Jessie.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Jessie's end was a bit overdone, I think. You see, she had a genuine grievance against Ryan because of the way he wimped out at her rape. After that it is doubtful if any woman could have any respect for her husband or forgive him. It is probably quite harsh for a man not used to or capable of fighting. Still that's life. Yet she probably went too far in fucking Jim in his presence and humiliating him without trying to understand that all men are not Muhammad Ali or Bruce Lee. So for her actions she deserved the divorce, but probably not death and the way she died. That was probably too much.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good one, โ€˜Tramp, thanks.


RanDog025RanDog02510 months ago

Another 5 BIG ONES!

Norseman123Norseman123about 1 year ago

Good but not one of your best 4****

Enygma7Enygma7about 1 year ago

Crap story..Max and his crew knew why Jessie did what she did.Max was watching when she said it but he yold Ryan nobody knows why people do things they do@!!!!!!....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

4 Stars on a Good Story , Sadly when I was in 4 grade I was the Runt of the class . I got beat up a lot and No it was not fun . Thanks to My Dad who took me to a Dojo . By the time I graduated college I was 6 feet tall . After High School I never had any real problems other then our crooked Sherriff's .

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 1 year ago

I know I've read this before, because I left a comment, but I have absolutely NO recollection of her literally eating shit.

Diecast1Diecast1over 1 year ago

Nice chapter, AAAA++++

WrickettsWrickettsover 2 years ago

I do believe she had more of a case since she was raped and he couldnโ€™t protect her. However she was wrong for abusing him and cheating. I just think killing herself might be over the top.

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