Max Burnage Ep. 03: A Time To Burn

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Cheated and abused husband gets justice, Saddletramp style.
13.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/05/2020
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Max Burnage Ep. 03: A Time To Burn

The following is the third episode in a my series, "Max Burnage." Each episode can be read as a separate story, but you may want to read the first installment to understand the full context.

The following was inspired by NTRMaster's three-part 2010 story, "Reunited." In that story, a wimpy husband is cheated on by all three of the women in his life, who were taken from him by an old schoolmate who does much more to the husband than simply take the women.

The names have been changed in this story, but the initial premise remains the same. Adrestia Rhamnousia is featured in my series, "Cheater's Gallery" and Elijah Jones is featured in "Justice." Camp Rollins was first introduced in my series, "The Camp."

As always, constructive comments are always welcome and appreciated. Please refer to my profile for more on my personal policy regarding comments, feedback, follows, etc. (Yes, I do moderate comments.) And remember, this is a work of fiction, meaning that it is not real in any way, shape, matter or form.

On a final note, no nuclear warheads were abused in the writing of this story...


Introduction, by Max Burnage

My name is Maximilian Burnage, but you can simply call me Max. I was born Maxwell Burns, but changed my name after my wife and her cohorts targeted me in an illegal scheme that included a plot to murder me. With the help of two incredible individuals, namely, a Civil War veteran named Elijah Jones and an immortal goddess named Adrestia Rhamnousia, I was able to reclaim my life and get a measure of justice from those who sought to do me harm.

I spent three months at Camp Rollins, a facility in north Idaho set up to help men in situations like mine. After my return, I was, for all practical purposes, a completely new man. Adrestia bestowed upon me a gift, something she called a "command voice" that allows me to make anyone do anything. With her guidance and Eli's tutelage, I have learned to use that gift for the good of those who seek my help.

After I dealt with my now ex-wife and her accomplices, I started the Burnage Agency to help people deal with cases of extreme marital betrayal and infidelity. Both Eli and Adrestia have lived up to their promises, providing me with the tools and the guidance to do my job. Adrestia even provided me with the software and systems I would need to monitor anyone, anywhere on the planet.

And for those who are wondering, yes, Adrestia and I are in a fully-committed exclusive relationship. It's a bit difficult to explain -- maybe I'll do that in an upcoming episode.

I'm an accountant by trade, and not a writer, so I am grateful that Saddletramp1956 accepted my invitation to shadow me on some of my cases. This is just one of my stories. At my request, the names of those involved have been changed to protect the innocent.


Max walked up the flight of stairs to his wife's office, opened the door and looked inside. There she was, sitting at her desk, going over a file as video played on the large monitor mounted on the wall. He admired her beauty for a bit before he walked inside.

A petite woman, long wavy blonde hair cascading over her shoulders, framing the face of an angel, sat at the desk that took up much of the cluttered and crowded office space. To most, she appeared to be somewhere in her mid-20s. But Max knew better. In reality, she was as old as the human race itself. Perhaps a bit older.

He knew her as Adrestia, although she had been given a number of names over the years by a number of different cultures -- Tye and Nemesis being just two of them. Well-meaning men had crafted statues of her, wearing a long robe and wielding a double-edged sword. But try as they might, they never did capture her true beauty, which Max knew transcended her lovely form. She smiled as she looked up at him.

"Admiring me from afar, my dear Max?" she asked.

"I love looking at you, dear," he said as he came in the office and closed the door. "Sorry I'm late, sweetheart," he added as he gave her a kiss. "Traffic on the Interstate was horrific."

"I saw that," she said.

"So, I got your message," he told her. "I got here as soon as I could. What's going on?" She handed him a thick folder as he sat down, then poured them each a cup of hot tea -- a special blend she crafted just for the two of them.

"A new case," she said as she handed him a cup of tea. "It's actually not new, but today was the first time I've been invoked."

"What's the story?" Max asked as he took a sip of tea.

"The victim is Terry Engels, a self-made entrepreneur who has since lost everything. He's been married three times. His first wife humiliated and left him for his high school bully. He met his second wife as he plotted his revenge. He even sought help from a mercenary.

"His second wife left him for the same bully, screwing him out of much of his hard-earned money, so he switched tactics. That's how he met his third wife. She also left him for the same man" she said.

"In fact, she just informed him that she was leaving him. That's him, crying on the floor of his apartment."

"What's all that mess on the floor?" Max asked.

"Lasagna, broken dishes... and semen," Adrestia said.

"What?" Max asked, shocked.

"Semen," Adrestia repeated. "You know..."

"Yeah, I do, but how did it get there?" he asked.

"Courtesy of his wife and the bully. The bully provided it and she put it in Terry's lasagna."

"That's just sick," Max said.

"I agree," Adrestia said. "It's not the first time something like that has happened. It's all in the file."

"Sounds like a stalker, this bully," Max said. "What's his story?"

"Name is Tim Johnson. He's some kind of a jock. Played college ball, then went on to the pros. After an injury, he went into business for himself. Not much upstairs, but he does have a big dick and uses it to his advantage whenever he can," Adrestia said.

"And you've seen this bully's dick?" Max asked.

"Yes, I have, but you know that's not what impresses me," she replied with a smile. "At any rate, the woman who just left told Engels she's been putting Johnson's semen in his food and drink for some time. Says he gets off on it."

"Sounds like a whole bunch of sick freaks to me," Max said.

"Yes, they are," she told him.

"So, why not just zap them off into the outer darkness somewhere," Max asked. "Put them all in one of your portraits and hang it on the wall or something."

"I thought about it," she said. "And I still might. It's just..."

"Just what, dear?" he asked her.

"Either one of us by ourselves could deal with these dirtbags without even breaking a sweat," she said. Max was impressed that she used the term, "dirtbag." He had used it often enough in her presence. "But Engels has been screwed over by every single person he's associated himself with. Even if we made them all disappear or fed them all to the dogs, it wouldn't change things for him one bit."

"What are you suggesting?" Max asked.

"Perhaps we should change our strategy a bit," she said. "I'm talking a complete restoration. It'll take a bit longer, but I think it would pay off in the long run." They looked at the monitor and watched as Terry got off the floor and headed for his closet. Once inside, he opened a safe that had been placed in the wall. He pulled out a gun, inserted a magazine and chambered a round.

"Oh no," Adrestia said, grabbing Max's hand. "We need to intervene, right now." The next thing Max knew, they were standing in Terry's bedroom. Max saw Terry cock the semi-automatic pistol and start to place the barrel in his mouth.

"Put the gun down," Max ordered, using his command voice. Terry jumped when he heard Max speak, and felt a strange vibration in his head. Feeling that he had no choice, he obeyed and put the pistol down on his bed. Max grabbed the pistol, cleared the round out of the chamber, ejected the magazine and put it on safe. He set the pistol and the magazine down on a nearby dresser.

"Who... who are you people?" Terry stammered. "How did you get in here? Where did you come from?"

"My name is Max," Max told him calmly. "This is my better half. You can call her Dr. A. We're here to help you, son."

"Help me?" Terry asked, tears falling down his face. "Really?"

"Really," Adrestia said. "Come with us. No one will ever hurt you again. Trust me." She took his hand, then took one of Max's hands. The next thing they all knew, they were standing in Adrestia's office. Terry looked around, shocked.

"What just happened?" he asked, confused. "Where are we? How did we get here so fast?"

"We're back in my office," Adrestia said. "Here, sit down. You're probably feeling a bit of vertigo. That's normal. Let me make you some tea. That'll help you feel better." Terry sat down in the chair Max set behind him as Adrestia turned on her tea pot.

"I still don't understand," Terry said. "How are you going to help me? And why? I can't afford to pay you anything."

"Don't worry about money," Max said. "We're not going to charge you anything. Adrestia and I are in the business of helping people in situations like yours."

"Adrestia?" Terry asked. "Are you two married or something?" Max smiled and looked at Adrestia.

"Yeah, you could say that," he told Terry. By then Adrestia came around the desk with two cups of tea. She handed one to Max and the other to Terry. Terry sniffed the tea, then took a tentative sip. His face perked up as he swallowed. Max laughed.

"Her tea does that to me as well," he said. "Go ahead, drink up. It'll help clear your head." Terry took another sip before setting the cup down.

"That's... delicious," he said. "I've never had tea like that before."

"I'm glad you like it," Adrestia said. "It's my own special blend. How are you feeling?"

"Better," Terry said. "Thanks."

"Listen, Terry, why don't you relax and finish your tea," Max said. "I need to talk with my wife for a few seconds, okay? Everything's going to be just fine."

"Yeah, sure," Terry said. Max pulled Adrestia to the side and spoke to her quietly.

"I've got a couple ideas, but I really need to take a look at his file first," Max said. Adrestia nodded her head.

"Okay," she said. "You want to keep an eye on him overnight? I have a gallery showing in Baltimore at 7 pm tonight. I should have that situation under control in a day or two. Will that give you enough time to go over everything?"

"I think so," he said. "But you know how much I hate it when you're gone overnight." She smiled and took his head in her hands.

"You know I'm always with you, even when I'm not physically there," she said as she kissed him.

"I know you are, dear," he said. "It's just... I miss feeling you next to me in bed."

"And I miss you too," she said. "You know all you have to do is close your eyes and think of me."

"I know," he said. "I just love you so much."

"I love you too," she said. "By the way," she added after a few moments, hoping to change the subject. "I've included some video in Terry's file if you want to review it. I should warn you, it's pretty disgusting. I've also got a trace on Johnson and his harem. That should help a bit."

"Thanks," Max said. "Appreciate the heads up." They kissed one last time and Max stood by Terry. "You ready to go?" he asked. Terry nodded his head.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"My place," Max said. "You'll stay with me for the time being, at least until we have a strategy in place."

"I'll need a few things," Terry said.

"Already taken care of," Adrestia said. Terry looked between Max and Adrestia, confused.


"Don't ask," Max told him with a smile. "C'mon, let's go." He gave Adrestia one last kiss before he headed out.

"I'll be in touch," she said quietly.

"Okay," he said. "Be careful out there." She chuckled at that. She thought it was sweet the way he looked out for her well-being. Of course, he knew there was no force on Earth that could harm her. Still, he remained concerned for her safety.

"I will, my love," she said. Max and Terry walked out of the office and headed to his car. Terry looked at Max as he pulled out.

"How is your wife going to make it to Baltimore by 7? It's already after 5:30 now," Terry said.

"Trade secret," Max said with a smile.

"Oh," Terry said. "So, your wife is a doctor?"

"Yes," Max said. "She has doctorates in a number of disciplines."

"She doesn't look old enough to be a doctor," Terry said.

"She's a bit older than she looks," Max said. By a few thousand years, he added to himself.

"So, how are you going to help me?" Terry asked.

"Not sure yet," Max said. "I'll be going over your file tonight. I'll have a better idea in a day or so. Don't worry, we'll get your situation under control."

"You have a file on me?" Terry asked, suspicious.

"Of course," Max said. "Dr. A has a file on every marriage. It's part of her job."

"I... see," Terry said quietly. Confused, he wondered just who this mysterious Dr. A really was and why she would have a file on him. Finally, they pulled into a driveway and Max turned the engine off after entering the garage.

"Help yourself to whatever you need," Max said. "There's some munchies in the fridge and the cupboard, and of course, you can make yourself some tea if you wish. Your stuff is already in the guest room. Upstairs, first door on your right. You can watch television down here, or up in your room. There's a bathroom just down the hall to your right if you need to use it. I'm going to grab a beer and head into my office for a bit. Let me know if you need anything."

"Okay," Terry said. "Thanks."

Once certain that Terry was settled for the evening, Max went into his office. He pulled a beer from his small refrigerator, lit one of the cigarettes he got from Eli and began scanning the nearly 100-page long report.

From what he could glean, in high school, Terry could best be described as a "nerd," the stereotypical "98-pound weakling" who seemed to invite abuse by his mere presence. Naturally, Johnson, being a major bully in high school, was one of Terry's primary antagonists, repeatedly beating him up and tossing him in a dumpster outside the school building.

Donna, Terry's first wife, was one of Johnson's many girlfriends in high school. Terry had a crush on her, but never seemed to get anywhere until he went to college. That was where Terry shined. He became a whiz in computer programming and business and developed a software package that ultimately made him a multi-millionaire before he even graduated from college.

He started a company with one of his classmates and the two of them got even richer as time went on. Donna married Terry, having convinced him that she loved him. For a few years, everything seemed to be fine between the two of them.

Then came his 10th high school reunion. That was when Johnson cuckolded him with Donna and left him in the old dumpster at their high school. Donna confessed that she had been screwing his business partner -- a man Terry considered a friend. She also confessed to screwing everyone else in Terry's close circle, including the attorney who handled his business affairs.

The divorce was ugly and cost Terry much of his hard-earned money. On top of that, he ended the partnership and lost over half of what he had earned. The business went belly-up and Terry was forced to start from scratch.

It took three years for him to recover enough of what he had lost to start over. He met a new woman -- Kayla -- and planned his revenge against Johnson. He went so far as to consult with a mercenary, but ditched that idea.

He spent some time seeing a therapist and that helped, but he didn't stick with the therapy and soon found himself falling for Kayla. He decided to go after Johnson's business, thinking that would be the ticket to bringing the man down.

But his plan backfired when Kayla, who worked for a bank, met Johnson in person. She was immediately taken in by him and his giant cock, and turned on Terry. At the meeting in which Terry was supposed to take Johnson's assets -- much of which had come from him to begin with -- he was faced with the spectacle of his second wife screwing Johnson.

But there was more. Not only had Johnson -- with help from Kayla -- turned the tables against Terry, he had somehow forced Terry to actually drink his semen from a coffee cup. The incident was recorded and on the DVD for his review. Just reading the entry made Max throw up a bit in his mouth.

Having been done in twice by Johnson, Terry was homeless and on the verge of suicide. About a year later, he met his third wife, Amber, at a church where he went for food, shelter, and the occasional period of relief from his now-destroyed life.

Amber helped Terry get back on his feet -- not by giving him money, sex, food or shelter. Instead, she gave him emotional support and friendship. He finally got a job as a paper boy, then later began working at a paper mill, where he finally earned enough to rent a small apartment.

She encouraged him to face Tim one last time, which he did. During that encounter, Amber saw just how evil Johnson and Terry's two previous wives really were. Unfortunately, that did not stop her from being drawn to Johnson.

They got married, and were happy -- in every way except for one. One day, when Terry came home from work, he caught Amber and Johnson in his bed. He heard her call him her master while begging for his cock. He heard Johnson talk down to her while demeaning him as he always did.

When he went into the bedroom to confront Johnson, he slipped on a puddle of cum and urine on the wood floor and went down, hitting his head. Johnson used that opening to assault Terry, tying his hands and feet with electrical cords from the bedroom lamps he broke.

After tying Terry to a kitchen chair, Amber admitted she had been screwing Johnson ever since the first day she saw him. Devastated, Terry finally decided to let her have her fling with Johnson, hoping that it would pass and he would win her back.

But it didn't work out that way. One day, Amber called to tell Terry she wasn't coming back to him. Johnson said she was now part of his harem and would be staying with him. On that day, Terry had pulled some leftover lasagna from the refrigerator and was eating it when she called.

That's when she informed him that Johnson had her put his cum in whatever she made for him.

"I'm sorry," she said. "Well, not really. Tim likes me to do this little thing to you. He liked to have me put his cum in your food and your drinks.

"And you know what? I thought it was funny, too. He would give me containers of his cum to put in things I made for you. It was even in your wedding cake. Sometimes, when he was at our place he would masturbate directly into whatever I was making for you. I think you've probably swallowed as much of his cum as I have."

"By the way," she continued. "How's the lasagna?" That's when Terry realized what she had done. The written report ended at that point. Max knew that was where he had walked into Adrestia's office. He pulled out a DVD that was in a plastic sleeve in the binder and popped it into his computer.

He briefly scanned through the video files, but was so disgusted by the depravity he turned it off after just a few moments. Sickened, he made himself a cup of tea, then stepped out back to smoke a cigarette and think. His heart went out to Terry and he felt an overwhelming urge to personally rip Johnson's heart out.

What Johnson had done over the course of about 15 years was bad enough. But he had help -- lots of it. The three women Terry had invested his love into had all turned on him in ways that made him sick to his stomach. They all had to pay. But how?