Maximum Badonkadonk Ch. 14


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Zoya locked her knees taking it for a few minutes before getting impatient enough to start pile driver slamming her butt into my frenetic thrusts. The resultant clash of movement was the stuff of legends as I pounded the stuffing out of those deep coffee colored cheeks. The motion ripples were fucking amazing, but I was still just keeping up.

Zoya decided at that moment to do me one better burying her head in the seat arching her back into a kneeling fetal position. Her huge butt began drubbing the living hell out of me literally forcing an orgasm from the primitive rutting alone. It was bestial and savage guaranteeing that I'd never look at her the same way again.

I was outclassed out of the blue as she just flipped a switch going into another gear. I wondered if this was the reason Abayomi noped out on this crazy wench for Canada. Her butt felt like twin boulders thumping my pelvis with back breaking force. My thighs tightened up as Zoya reared up looking back at my pending orgasm face.

"COCK UP ARE WE?!! LOOKS LIKE I'M GIVING YOU A BELL!! I'LL HAVE MINE ON ME BUM THANK YOU!!" There was an excessive amount of saliva in her mouth making her already thick UK accent almost indecipherable. I couldn't believe how much of a sex fiend this woman was as a bit of drool ran from her mouth.

Zoya's head disappeared down between her shoulders as I pulled out right at the beginning of my orgasm shooting waves of milky cum all over her cheeks. This should've been a bucket list event, but it felt more like the finish of the Boston marathon as I slathered spunk all over the enormous heart shape derriere before me.

Not to be undone, Zoya reached up between her legs managing a hand around my shaft jacking out more semen. I slapped at her hand out of necessity because it felt like she was trying to rip my dick off.

She righted herself into a kneeling position staring at my endowment, then turned momentarily cupping the underside of my balls with a smile. It felt like she was stunting not even looking at my face as she stuffed her tits back into her brassiere.

Zoya looked about recovering her skirt stepping into it chuckling to herself like I wasn't even there. She still wasn't looking at my face as she shook and shimmied back into the skirt leaving her torn panties on the hardwood floor.

"HELLO?!" I heard myself yell as she zipped up adjusting the skirt to her delectably wide hips. Zoya flinched at the sound of my voice, coughing a bit then chortling.

She smiled and turned walking a few seats over retrieving a purse I hadn't noticed before. Zoya removed a phone looking at its face as I pulled my pants up, brow furrowed. She gradually glanced at my face.

"Right now, that was a proper snog, excellent but I'm running short on time, take care."


"Take care, cheers, buh-bye!!" Zoya hurried towards the exit adjacent to the aisle not realizing the bottoms of her cheeks were scandalously peeking out from the hem of her skirt. She'd put it on in a hurry wanting to fuck and run.

"HEY, YOUR BUTT IS SHOWING!!" Zoya was already gone.

I found myself hurrying after her down the unfinished corridor on the opposite side of the student theatre. My heart started thumping as I hurried after her through the hall which turned at an angle. Up ahead, I heard the loud heavy metallic slam of the door which left behind a prolonged echo.


I hit the door almost stumbling down the short brick stairwell into this chubby middle aged woman with a bowl shaped pink hairdo that wasn't doing her any favors. She was a fellow TA who didn't respond to my earnest apology along with a few other associates congregating in front of the fire door smoking. I got the most disparaging looks before being alerted to a car coming up the adjacent driveway.

A Tesla pulled up beside me affording me a few precious seconds to peer inside.

Steven and Zoya were inside torridly making out like animals. I noticed his arm positioned in a way that told me it was between her thighs. His hand suddenly appeared as they broke the kiss giving me another static shock for the evening as he licked his fingers clean then stuck them in her mouth. I was unsure if I'd let off a shot or two inside her snatch but my boss was licking the bowl clean for lack of a better term.

My stomach turned as they sped off into the night never noticing me.

"Sick motherfuckers."


I turned back towards the fire door finding Ed the custodian sweeping up the cigarette butts left behind. Part of me was glad to see a friendly face, but I felt like a piece of crap.

"Old boy and his wife; that bitch got hella body, but both of them are into some sick shit. Last semester Steven paid off this guy to keep their crap under the table. Hell, last year he bought this guy a new car so he wouldn't get in trouble for fucking him in the ass. They like to open dude's noses with his wife, and then next thing you know, he's up in a brother's poop shoot. Hey man, don't get hooked up with those two."

"I didn't know that was his wife."

"Yeah, she graduated from one of them ivy league schools; but hangs around here pretending to be a student looking for dick for both of them. I'd fuck the shit out of that big ass, but not if I gotta do the husband too. Yeah, they into all kind of shit on the low, cuckholding, swinging and shit. Bad motherfucking female, what a waste."

My stomach was turning.

"Hey man you okay; you don't look so good?"


Despite our seemingly amicable agreement, I didn't hear from Charity for a day after that and was perfectly fine with her part of that decision. I could've called but thought better of it allowing her to work things out with her father and perhaps get it on with ex-boyfriend Jayson Stello unimpeded. I found myself feeling better about things getting some much needed rest.

My covertly degenerate boss Steven gave me a few days off which I was thankfully intent on using to rest and catch up on my side hustle. My clips were still very popular particularly Auntie Esther's and a teaser featuring Ms. Hate. I'd been too busy to fully edit a scene together since the shoot.

"Son get up out that bed." I was laying face down on my mattress partially napping after a morning of self-imposed yardwork when my mother appeared in my bedroom doorframe.

"Hey ma, you need me to do something?" I stirred finding her there slinging her purse.

"Yeah, get up and come with me; we need to do a run."

Twenty minutes later I was sitting beside my mother listening to some oldies as she stoically focused on the road ahead. I was getting weird vibes from her because she wasn't scolding me like she usually did when we were in an enclosed space together.

My father employed the same practice to much the same effect as I'd become adept at internally blowing them off, but it was different with my mother because she was my primary caregiver growing up. There was a good five year gap after my parent's divorce where my father was missing from my life, before popping up again until the modern day.

"How's that job of yours?"

"It's cool, I like it a lot but you know how it is with some of the usual crap coworkers. I mean, it's a dream and I get credit towards my majors besides a paycheck."

"Oh, so you gonna start hitting me up with that rent money?" I bit my lower lip making a face for a second caught off guard.

"Uh, yeah mom."

"You could save your money for a security deposit on your own place too; know what I'm saying?"

"Yup, but until I find a place; how much do you want?"

She looked over at me studying my face but made sure to keep her eyes on the road. Her feelings were right on the money considering all I'd gone through in recent months. I'd be starting college earnestly and juggling a job and side hustle, so it made perfect sense to strike out on my own.

Still, it hurt a little being casually shown the door. We stared at one another on and off as I glanced over looking out the passenger window at a magnet high school. We were on a side of town I rarely frequented and it struck me curious.

"Well, I'll let you know son; you're getting to be a big strong man and you know what that means. A man has got to have his own place in the world, his castle. That's what I want for you son; besides, I'm starting to worry that I'll have to hang a sock on my door knob when Gene is over. Maybe, you should hang a sock on your door when you have a lady friend over until we figure things out."

"I haven't had anyone over recently; not inside anyway."

"Oh yeah, you hear from that Vicky girl lately?"


She glanced at my face again looking away when I returned the gaze. Strains of "You Gotta Believe" by The Pointer Sisters filled the car as we tooled down the triple lane road headed towards the affluent black part of town.

I settled down feeling the burn as she took a sharp right down a street that elevated up into the hills with a number of impressive homes on display. I had absolutely no idea where we were going and was reticent to ask fearing the prolonged screeching dress down which was my mother's specialty.

"I was gonna whip both of your tails and chase that big ole girl up outta my house." Mom admitted.

"Oh, why didn't you?"

"That girl looked so scared laying up with my baby boy; she apologized for being there without my permission and introduced herself as your girlfriend. But honestly, while she was talking, I was looking at her hand on your chest. I knew deep down if I swung my belt, she'd jump on top of you and take that beating."

I felt something run through me, almost electrical.

"I can't believe I slept through that." I was feeling something at the corner of my eyes but didn't want my mother to suss it out. When it came to Vicky Stone, fate had tossed a brick into my face in the form of a pyrrhic decision placed before me by Mr. Van Allen.

"You two were so cute together; I just turned the light back off and went about my business."

"Sorry mom."

"What you sorry for boy? I thought if you two got married, I'd have some pretty grandbabies." She palmed the back of my head caressing it with a reassuring smile.

"Pretty grandbabies, huh?"

We sat there enjoying the music and chuckling as I glanced out the window enjoying the view. This was the kind of picture perfect street put onto Christmas cards very photogenic. I was still feeling it with images of Vicky Stone from that fateful morning before everything went up in flames.

My brow furrowed as I thought of Ms. One, aka infamous baby mamma number two known by her slave name, Renee Kelly. My internal theatre recalled a prophetic dream, more of a nightmare that dictated my immediate future. The choice had already been made.

"Where are we going mom?"

"I told you boy; just running an errand!" She sounded edgy making the hairs on my forearms stand up as we pulled onto a particularly fetching block that looked like something out of a John Hughes movie. I was utterly clueless as she parked putting the car in drive instead of turning it off.

"What is this?"

"Son, I signed off on that Vicky girl even though she's Tressie's cousin; I didn't sign off on none of them other disrespectful women sneaking into my house when I was at work. You know Miss Birdie watch the house for me boy! I know you wanna be acting out like a grown man and everything; but my HOUSE ain't NO HOE HOUSE!!"

"Miss Birdie tricked on me?!!" My nosey neighbor was exposed. I knew about the house watching, but never thought my mother would confront me so directly.

"Don't you worry about that! Now I ain't signed off on none of them heifers coming around my boy with their tails all hot and everything!!" Whenever my mother was pissed, her southern roots reared themselves in a down south accent.

Wait a minute." I raised a finger.


"Now I do recall you signing off on one Charity Gilbert when we went shopping that time, mom." I was trolling with humorous intent.


"Yeah, why do you think she joined our church?" I was chortling not taking anything serious at this point. Things shifted as my mother turned down the radio staring pointedly at me. It was at this moment that I knew I fucked up.

Luckily her handbag was used to pummel me senseless for a minute or two. My mother was incensed with my behavior as I remembered myself and the fact that I was her son.

"I didn't raise you this way to be all hot in the pants with these loose bob tail girls! We're gonna discuss this later, but you're gonna fix the shit you broke!"


"Tressie Fisher."

I made the connection looking out my passenger side window at the colonial two story home nestled on both sides by lush trees. It was truly deserving of a spot on some architectural magazine cover with a nice post style mailbox out front. I was looking at the Fisher homestead immediately understanding my predicament before turning back to my mother.

"Look mom, I haven't been hooking up with Tressie; she had a boyfriend and they uh, broke up. I know she came over to the house that time, but nothing happened, okay?"

The expression on my mother's face told me she didn't believe one word out of my mouth. My pinched ear solidified that fact as she leaned in uncomfortably close to my face.

"Miss Birdie tells me different; said that girl was sitting on my steps waiting all day and half the night for you to get home. She told me you took that girl round the back of my house and got mannish with her in that alley!! DON'T YOU LIE TO ME BOY!!"


"OH YOU CURSING ME NOW?!!" Her purse reappeared ready to bludgeon me again, but I parried it with my hand explaining myself further.


"YOU TAKE THAT GIRL IN THE ALLEY?!!" She demanded scaring the shit out of me.

"Yeah I took her in the alley, but we were just talking! I didn't know she was gonna be there and I didn't want Miss Birdie snooping!! So we went in the back and hashed it out!! I AIN'T NEVER SLEPT WITH TRESSIE IN YOUR HOUSE MOM!!"

I'd given myself away in that moment and we both knew it. Technically, I wasn't lying but I looked like a serious fuck boy to my mother. She let go of my ear sitting there contemplating everything said.

"Damn, I'm ashamed of you."

"Mom, please."

"That girl is messed up bad son; she ain't doing much of nothing and you know what she means to our church. They gotta find people to take care of things while she's on the mend from your dumb ass! You just used her like some goddamn toy!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS SHIT!! WHERE DID I GO WRONG WITH YOU?!!"


"You act like your father."

Her hand shot out slapping the left side of my face but I rolled with it knowing I wasn't the culprit in any case. Tressie Fisher was way more than she appeared and no delicate flower by any means. My mother would never believe any actual truths told in regards to the "Angelic Sunday School Teacher" or that she'd tried to take me out. I looked ahead through the windshield trying to control my emotions. I could feel her glaring at the side of my face.

"Son, you are going to ring the doorbell and apologize for what you did to Tressie and her mother too. I'm gonna be staying over Gene's house for a week or two and you ARE NOT ALLOWED to have FEMALE COMPANY or you'd better have your bags packed when I get back. Since you wanna be funny style about it, MISS BIRDIE WILL BE WATCHING!! And finally, you are DONE with MY CHURCH!!"

"Mom, you don't understand."


I was unceremoniously ejected from the family car standing there as my mother sped off. Tressie's home loomed large before me imposing considering what had been asked of me. Nobody seemed to be out and about but there were no real parking spaces signaling some sort of gathering however unseen.

My mother tossed me from the car by the scruff of my neck with explicit instructions to carry out without question. I hesitated on the sidewalk hands in pockets gauging my chances of navigating the situation. In the end I simply rang the doorbell. I gulped hearing someone approaching from the other side.

"Uhm, good afternoon Mrs. Fisher." Tressie's mother answered the door.

She was shorter than her daughter with a stern authoritative look on her face that told me her daughter took after her father visually.

Her scowl enhanced the prominent cheekbones and downturned nose making it look as if she were wearing an invisible stocking over her features. Oddly enough, Mrs. Fisher was wearing a vintage dress that looked like something from the fifties, fashion wise. Her hair was short curls cut close to her narrow pate. Her figure denoted a lineage that included Tressie, but subdued.

"What're you doing here?"

"Uhm, I came by to see how you guys are doing, and uh, apologize for not being there for Tressie." I tried to remain vague and still adhere to my mother's orders.

"What're you apologizing for?"

"Uhm, I'm friends with your daughter, on the youth council and I, was told she's not feeling well ma'am. I was hoping, rather thought I might be able to offer some help. My uhm, mother drove me over here to do, good works ma'am."

Mrs. Fisher didn't respond right away glaring at me through the locked screen door. I knew I flamed out with my shaky delivery struggling to keep her daughter's clandestine activities under wraps.

"Are you sleeping with my daughter!"


"Then it ain't none of your goddamn business and I'll thank you to never come here again young man. My daughter Tressie does not receive gentleman callers under any circumstances."

"UHM, IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO FOR YOU BEFORE I GO MA'AM?!!" I worked at keeping some dialog trying to figure out a way to gain her confidence but Mrs. Fisher scoffed rolling her eyes, mouth open like I'd suggested something indecent.

"You're fifteen years too late for that!"

The heavy wood door slammed in my face with a pronounced echo throughout the street. I was caught unawares at the double-entendre from the elder Mrs. Fisher walking down the stairs hands in pocket.

I glanced back a few times at the front door feeling as if she were looking at me from the tiny window inset. I looked up finding two elderly women from our church walking in my direction from a parked Cadillac across the street. I got some disparaging looks from them measuring my steps in the opposite direction as I fished out my phone. One was carrying some Chinese takeout in a cardboard box.

Both of them knocked at Mrs. Fisher's door gaining immediate entry.

"Guess they got a fucking gold ticket."

I strolled further along the block catching myself from dialing up my mother. We needed a timeout and I knew things would never be the same again. My mother saw me as some lothario sleeping my way through the young women of the church and my stupid sense of humor didn't help matters any.

I scrolled through my phone noticing some text messages from Yoli that I immediately deleted. I hesitated getting a car back home worried that I'd run into my mother there when I was disturbed by a honking horn.

"Fuck me, again?!"

Demon was sitting behind the wheel of his Monte Carlo glaring at me. This time I wasn't intimidated in the least having already fought the man even though I lost. I walked up to his open passenger side window getting a whiff of marijuana.

"What the fuck you doing over here at my house?!"

"Wasn't my idea Demon; moms dropped me because she thinks I was hooking up with your sister. And before you ask, she don't know shit so I'm taking it on the motherfucking chin nigga. I've been banned from going to the church too."

Demon started laughing his albino ass off making me bristle. He knew the truth along with his sister and nobody else would ever find out how innocent I was in the scheme of things. I noticed a extinguished joint inside an empty Snapple bottle.
