Me and Danny Ch. 02


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"I love you" he finished, cutting me off.

I couldn't say anything to him. What would I say? Yes, I did love him too, but I knew what he was talking about. He wasn't telling his Aunt that he loved her; he was telling a woman he desired.

When I didn't answer him, his dejected voice said, "Well, I just wanted to tell you that. I'll leave you alone now."

With that, his footsteps walked away, leaving me a bawling mess on the floor.


Morning sunlight spilled into my room. I rolled over, wildly swinging my arm over expecting it to wrap around my husband's firm, sleeping form. Instead, it hit an empty spot of sheets.

Confused, I fully opened my eyes and looked at what should have been Martin. His spot didn't even look slept in.

My mind went backwards to last night's argument when he left me to go back to work. Did he really spend the night at his job? What the fuck?

I rolled out of bed, slipped a robe on over my panties and braless tits, and went to leave my room. It was then that I was met with the surprise that my door was locked.

"Oh yeah..." I thought to myself as I retracted my hand like the doorknob was hot. Remembering the locked door also made me remember why it was locked.

Danny. That kiss. His declaration of love.

I shook those thoughts off and went downstairs. I took the back way that led directly into the kitchen. Had I gone through the living room, I probably wouldn't have been surprised to see Martin sitting at the island in our kitchen sipping a cup of coffee. I would've seen the rumpled blanket and pillow on the couch, like it was slept on.

He looked up over the brim of his cup as I entered. His eyes followed me, silently marking my movements. It was eerie. Could he see the guilt on my face? Did he know what happened in this very spot I stood not even 12 hours ago?

His voice cut through the silence with, "Ronnie...we have to talk."

"Oh shit. He knows!" I thought with horror. My heart dropped to my knees as I wondered what my life was going to be like without him. Would he divorce me right away, or draw it out for maximum torture?

"Martin, I..."

"Let me get this out." He cut me off with. There was snappish irritation in his voice. I could hear it, loud and clear.

Oh my god! This isn't happening! No! No! No!

I shut up, though I was on the verge of hyperventilating as I had my anxiety attack. When he saw he had my undivided attention, he said, "We both know the nature of my job. We talked about it before I took it, just as we always do. We spent days discussing it. After what we went through when I was in the Marines and you were pregnant with Chris, we thought this would be a cake walk. Now, I know it sucks when I have to leave suddenly, but we both signed on for this. Didn't we?"

I could hear him, but I wasn't understanding what he was talking about. Where was the yelling? The slut-shaming? Telling me to get my incestuous ass out of his house?

I guess I didn't answer him fast enough, and he got even more annoyed with me. He growled and shook his head as he said, "So, you have nothing to say? You lock me outta my own room because I have to go to work, and you're just gonna stand there and not even apologize?"


A wave of relief washed over me so hard that it almost made me shiver. HE WASN'T TALKING ABOUT DANNY! He was angry because he thought I locked him out!

I gathered myself as I came to terms with the actual situation, and not the nuclear explosion I was imagining. A part of me wanted to run up to him, throw my arms around him, and just kiss him for being my husband.

But instead, I said, "I know I was being irrational last night. I was in my feelings because we haven't really been spending much time together. I hardly get to see you during the school year. But I know you're an extremely hard worker, and you do it for your family. It's one of the things I love about you. So, I'm sorry Martin. I'm sorry for being such a needy bitch."

The surprise that he looked at me with would've been funny if I wasn't wrestling with such immense guilt. I knew why. My ability to apologize wasn't one of my better virtues. On the RARE occasion that I'm wrong and he's right, I've found two things that work just as well as any apology:

An enthusiastic blowjob or slathering his thick dick with lube and letting him stick it in my tight anus.

I think he was prepared for a fight, or at least for me to defend my position of locking him out of our bedroom. But my guilt found me humbled in his presence, on bended knee, issuing him a heartfelt verbal apology.

"Uhhhh...okay." He said, the anti-climax of our discussion leaving him speechless.

I gave him a small smile before walking around the island to him. With my arms around his neck, I pulled him into me. From where he was sitting, he was eyeline with my breasts, so his face was buried into my soft pillows when I hugged him.

"You know..." he said, his voice raspy with lust. He grabbed the lapel of my robe and pulled it open a bit, exposing one of my naked breasts to his lustful eyes. He then looked up at me with a mischievous grin and continued, "If you really wanna make it up to me..."

I threw a nervous glance over my shoulder and looked around the kitchen before whispering, "But Danny..."

"Danny?" He asked, his grin growing hungrier. He exposed my other breast before saying, "You didn't let that stop you last time we were in here. You remember that?"

Of course, I did. I remembered looking into Danny's eyes as I swallowed Martin's cum. But how do I tell him what changed without outing myself?

My robe was flipped from my shoulders. I could've caught it, but I didn't. I allowed it to fall to the ground behind me, leaving me topless in my kitchen. My tits were out, with their nipples quickly hardening, in all their glory. The only protection of my modesty was the small, white, cotton panties that covered my pussy and bum.

As if reading my mind, his fingers hooked into the waistband of those. Within seconds, they were pooled around my French-tipped pedicured toes. At any moment, my nephew could walk in here and see me completely nude. And Martin couldn't have cared less. Right now, his caveman brain only knew of one thing, and he wasn't going to be denied.

What he did was grab me around my waist with his big hands, lift me up as if I were nothing but a light child, and plant my ass on the edge of the countertop of our island. My ass was sitting where he was just drinking his coffee.

"This time, it's your turn." He said, his impish smile telegraphing naughty intentions. With that, he sank to his knees, pushed my thighs apart, and buried his face between my legs.

Honestly, I was beyond wet. I passed wet when he opened my robe. I was at drenched when he lifted me in the air. Now, I'm surprised he wasn't swimming in my juices.

His fingers indented the meat of my thighs as he held them apart to get at my waiting pussy. I felt his tongue gently lapping away at my slit. Then, his thumbs peeled the lips of my pussy apart and opened them like twin doors, exposing my now vulnerable clit.

Like the expert he was at my body, he put his magic tongue to work. A quick flick with the tip of his tongue on my bud sent electricity through my body, like it was waking my nerve endings up. I felt it in my upper thighs, my tummy, my nipples, and my toes.

Now that he had my attention, he put in the real work. He began lashing my helpless rosebud with learned technique and muscle control.

I, on the other hand, lost ALL restraint. I wasn't ready for this assault. My hands had to clutch the edge of the countertop just to stay upright. My head was thrown back as I moaned loudly. The fact that Danny could probably hear me no longer mattered.

Martin continued what he was doing, his fucking amazing tongue making my stomach quiver with an impending orgasm. He had to be drowning down there. I was flooding his mouth uncontrollably, my knuckles white with how hard I was grasping the seat I was lewdly perched on.

When I finally opened my eyes and looked straight ahead, I saw him. I don't know why his presence surprised me. I was practically calling his name to come watch with how loud I was moaning.

Our eyes met. I looked down, and saw his hand rubbing his crotch and squeezing the bulge there. I could see the imprint of his cock through his sweatpants. It was erect and hard.

My mouth locked open as loud wails escaped my trembling lips. I watched Danny watching me. I watched his hand massaging that bulging imprint, and something inexplicable came over me.

I wanted to see it. Not the imprint; the cock itself. I wanted my nephew to pull out his cock and stroke it for me.

I don't know why. It was wrong. So wrong. And yet, I wanted it.

I communicated with him in our secret language. Just a nod was all I needed. He heard me. His hand pulled down at the waistband, and his erection bounced out like it was eager to play. He then gripped it in his fist and started to pump it, looking at me as he did so.

And I...fucking...lost it.

My explosion was hard, and forceful, and violent. My entire body tensed, my thighs quivered uncontrollably, my toes tightened into fists and something loud and animalistic forced its way from my mouth as I yelled out, "MMMRRRRRROOOOOOOHHMMMYYYYGOOOOOOOODD!"

Martin, the awesome lover that he was, ate me out through my orgasm. This only made it extend longer, causing me to grind his face with my sopping wet vagina. And being the greedy bitch that I was, I grabbed the back of his head and held him there, exploiting his face for all it had to offer.

The funny thing about this was, even though it was Martin's tongue between my legs, it was Danny's cock between my ears. I never took my eyes off it, even when my body was racked by the most intense orgasm I'd ever experienced. It wasn't that he had some ginormous battering ram, it was just that it was...his. I liked seeing Danny's cock.

I finally started to come down from my high and was breathing easier when Martin stopped eating me out. Much to my horror, he started to rise to his feet. This scared me because if he so much as turned his head, Danny was through. There was nowhere for him to hide; no way to recover in time. His pants were down around his thighs, and he was furiously masturbating.

So, when Martin was on his feet, I grabbed the back of his head and cradled his face into my neck. Then, with my other hand, I found his thick, hard dick and grasped it in my small, dainty hand. My manicured nails wrapped around that meaty phallus served as a contrasting vision. This was truly a case of beauty and the beast.

He kissed my neck as I guided him home. I could smell myself on his breath; feel my wetness on his lips. I placed him right at my entrance, and I left it up to him to do the rest. With a flex of his powerful hips, he punched through the soft flesh. My vagina spread to accommodate his invasion, the viscosity of its wetness giving him no resistance. He probably could've slid his fist into me with no problem.

"Uunnngh! Fuck!"

I grunted as he pushed himself balls deep on the first stroke. I love this feeling; the sensation of the first penetration. A man is literally inside of me, and my body is wrapping itself around him, accommodating his length and thickness. That first full feeling is...heaven.

My legs closed around his back, locking him inside of me. I felt his breath brushing across the nape of my neck. He braced himself, his hands planted on the counter on either side of me for balance and leverage.

He was ready to fuck me. And boy, did he fuck me!

The width of his hips kept my thighs apart as he slammed into me. Each time he did, the lewd sounds of wet skin colliding mixed with my gasps and moans as he penetrated me again and again.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

He paused, but only to scoop his hands underneath my thighs. This not only forced my legs even further apart, unlocking my ankles from behind him, but practically bent me in half. My feet dangled in midair on either side of his shoulders, leaving my pussy completely vulnerable to whatever he wanted to do to me.

Martin started his assault again, this time with more force and fervor than before. At this angle, he was now pushing even deeper into my cavern. My feet bounced each time our bodies crashed together, like they were dancing to the tune of the wet slaps.

This entire time, my eyes were focused on Danny. And his cock. And his masturbating.

"I want you to cum for me. Cum hard for me!" I yelled out.

Martin sped up his pace, thinking I was talking to him. But I wasn't. I was talking to the person I was staring at; the person I was secretly fucking inside of my head.

Danny had to put his hand over his mouth as he used his other one to increase his speed. He was really going at it now.

"That's right! Cum for me, baby! Cum for me!"

"Oh god!" Danny cried out, though he was talking to me through my husband's mouth. Just like he was fucking me with my husband's cock.

"Ronnie, I'm about to cum!" Martin yelled out.

"Aunt Ronnie, I'm about to cum!" Danny also yelled out using our secret language.

"Give it to me!" I goaded both of them on, wanting my men to shoot their loads.

And they did. Martin let out an "Ohhhhh Fuuuck!" as his body went rigid. The thick cock inside of me, however, pulsed like it had a heartbeat. I felt it throbbing as he released his seed into my womb.

At the exact same time, Danny threw his head back and gritted his teeth. I got to witness gobs of white spunk shooting out of him.

It was almost like Danny was coming inside of me. I felt Martin's body and saw Danny's face as they simultaneously busted their huge loads.

You already know what that did to me. It was so fucking hot! Feeling Martin cum inside of me at the same time as I was watching Danny cum all over my floor was too much for any girl to bear. I hugged Martin/Danny tight as I screamed and gave up my second orgasm of the night.

It took the three of us a minute to recover. Me and Martin leaned against each other, Danny leaned against a wall. He gave me a tired smile, though it was more radiant than any other one he's ever given me.

With a wink, he turned and quietly slipped away before Martin even knew he was there.

"Wow!" Martin said to me as he tried to catch his breath. With Danny gone, I was able to devote my undivided focus on my husband, who was now looking like he needed a cigarette. I giggled as I grabbed his face by both cheeks and kissed his wet, pussy-tasting lips.

"How did I ever get so lucky?" he asked, looking me deep in my eyes.

With a smirk, I jokingly answered, "By fucking me like that."

We both laughed. Then, we shared another loving kiss. And another.

"I smell like pussy." He stated when we finally parted our lips. "I'm gonna go shower."

With mock hurt, I asked, "Are you so quick to wash me off you?"

He shrugged before answering, "I was actually hoping you'd join me."

I nodded, giving him another giggle. "You start. I'll meet you up there."

One final peck on the lips, and he was gone the backway out of the kitchen to head upstairs. I waited until he was gone before letting out a sigh.

What just happened was amazing. There's no other way to describe it. I knew I was supposed to stop this thing with Danny. But after that...whatever it was that just happened... I couldn't. I couldn't even bring myself to feel guilty about it anymore.

I closed the robe over my naked and well-fucked body. Then I tied it with the sash. I started to follow my husband upstairs the way he went, but something on the floor caught my eye.

It was my white panties, rumpled and thrown to the side.

After grinning to myself, I scooped them up and headed upstairs. Only now, I didn't go the way my husband went. I took the front way, which would have me pass by Danny's room on the way to my bedroom.

I knocked on his door, like I always do after we have an episode. He swung it open and just looked at me.

We stood there silently staring at each other for a few moments. The very recent memory of me fucking stood between us. Unfortunately, last night's memory was also there.

After a bit of internal debate, I grabbed his hand from his side and raised it in front of me, palm up. He looked at me with confusion, but his eyes lit up with realization when he felt the soggy, cotton material I put in his hand.

He lifted it to his nose, breathed in the aroma, and smiled. With a wink, I turned on my heels and went towards my bedroom to shower with my husband.

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x_pac6969x_pac6969almost 3 years ago

You have to write chapter 3 if you havnt done so allready.

We want to read what you and Danny get up to in the future..........................01/08/21

booty77loverbooty77loverabout 3 years ago

OMG you made me nut WOW 100% HOT

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Very Good!

'Love your story! But there's just one thing, when you said "inferring that Danny was some type of puppy to be trained to do tricks", you meant "implying". "infer" is not a synonym for "imply", "infer" is a synonym for "surmise". I'm sorry, 'can't help it. I'm just a grammar, (and diction), geek.

BoytitsBoytitsover 3 years ago

Still loving it going for part 3 *5* again !

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Amazing!!! Please continue the story.

Please continue

AlwaystabooAlwaystabooover 3 years ago
Masterfully crafted

Very well written feeling Danny in her when it was Martin

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Totally believable and exciting.

Is there anyone writing better than this on this site?

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 3 years ago

As the train crest the hill and starts to gain speed, if only we didn't already know about the turn at the bottom. Exciting and sad all at the same time - well done! 5*

daylilygardenerdaylilygardenerover 3 years ago
Can't Wait for More

Wow...such a lucky gal...Martin is great at pussy eating...and you have a voyeur nephew. So looking forward to more...

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