Me and Patti Anne


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I know it will sound stupid after the way I left you, but I wanted to have something of yours with me and your name was all I could come up with."

"You have never said, but how did this captain you didn't love but really liked become an ass wipe?"

"He played around on his overnights and brought me a case of gonorrhea. We worked through it and he swore that he would never cheat again and nine months later he brought me home another STD and that's when I called it quits."

Two weeks later I met Roberta and Rachel. They were identical twins and I could barely tell them apart. They were cute little girls and fairly well behaved for three year olds. I took an immediate liking to them and they seemed to like me.

Patti Anne and I reconnected and our seventh date ended up in my bedroom. I remembered all of her buttons and managed to push them and she remembered mine. After that night our dates on my nights off always ended up in that bedroom. We rarely got together when I got off work at eleven-thirty because Patti couldn't find a babysitter that could stay that late.

At the sixth month mark the inevitable happened and I asked Patti to marry me and she said yes and we set a date.

In her divorce Patti had gotten primary custody of the girls and her husband got ample visitation rights. He did care for the girls so he did take them often even though he had to fly in from Minneapolis to do it. He got them for one weekend a month, every other holiday and for three weeks during the summer although Patti let him have them whenever he wanted them.

"You know how flight schedules used to be for me" she explained, "and he has the same limitations so a set schedule to take the girls isn't possible."

He would fly in, take the girls for three or four days and then he wouldn't see them again for maybe a month. Patti somehow managed to get him to take them for two weeks so we could honeymoon in Cabo San Lucas. We had a glorious time and hated to head back home.


We settled in and began our life as a married couple. It was great! I loved waking up with Patti next to me and as with most newly weds we made love like a couple of very horny rabbits. She would be waiting and ready for me when I got home from work and three or four times a week we would wake up in the morning and go at it again.

Things went along smoothly and then the twins were old enough to start school. With them gone Patti looked for a job that would allow her to be at home when the girls got home from school. She found one and the next five years slid by.

North Central was a union shop and one of the things that the union had worked into its contract was overtime rules. The way it worked was that a list was made up in order of seniority and when overtime came up it was offered to the first man on the list if he accepted it or turned it down he was charged with the hours and the next time that overtime came up it was offered to the next man on the list and then so on until the last name on the list worked overtime and then you went back to the top of the list and started over. This kept the overtime equal between everyone.

Overtime wasn't a regular thing and the airline tried to avoid it since it was time and a half for the first four hours and double time for anything over four. While it was avoided if possible there were times when they had no choice. One day I got a call at home. I was on my first day off and I was next up on the overtime list. One of our Convair 580s was on the ground at Traverse City and needed an engine change. Traverse City was not a maintenance station so a crew was being sent from Detroit. I took the overtime, packed a quick bag, left a note on the kitchen table for Patti and headed for the airport. I'd be gone overnight and would get back on the 3:15 flight the next afternoon.

The truck with the engine and the engine and propeller slings had already gone and would be there by the time I and the other two mechanics got there. I took my camera with me so I could take some pictures to show my dad. He was a bit of an aviation buff and I thought he might like to see how an engine change went.

It was a problem free engine change and we were done with it by eleven that night and the three of us checked into a motel. At six the next morning I got a call from the station manager (I was senior so I was the acting lead). The Convair had been scheduled to fly to Minneapolis, but a change had been made and it was going to go to Detroit Metro instead. If we got to the airport by seven-thirty we could fly home on it instead of waiting for the afternoon flight. I called the other guys and they opted for the quick trip home and at seven thirty-five we were in the air.

Patti would be at work and the kids would be in school so I would have a quiet morning when I got to the house. It was about eleven in the morning when I got home and I was surprised to Patti's car in the driveway and a rental car parked behind it. I walked into the house and didn't see Patti so I walked toward the kitchen and as I walked through the kitchen door I looked out the kitchen window and saw Patti and her ex out on the patio. They had their arms around each other and were locked in a passionate kiss.

I saw Jim paw one of Patti's tits through her blouse and when he did it she laughed, unbuttoned her blouse, unfastened her bra and let her tits fall free. Her ex bent his head and took the left tit in his mouth as he pushed his hand down inside of her skirts waistband and went for her pussy. Patti spread her legs to give him access and he took his mouth off of her tit and said something. Patti smiled and shook her head yes and then she headed for the door to the kitchen with her ex right behind her.

I'm not stupid and I knew what was going to happen so I quickly ran to Roberta's bedroom which was right across the hall from our bedroom. I left the door open just a crack so I could see across the hall and into the bedroom. I still had my camera with me and I checked the flash to make sure that it still had enough juice left in the batteries.

The two of them walked into the room hand in hand and then they slowly undressed each other. I was surprised when I saw the size of his cock. It was two or three inches longer than mine and I had always thought that at seven and a quarter inches I was fairly respectable. I had no idea that Patti didn't think I was enough. Once they were both naked there was another passionate kiss and then Patti knelt in front of him, leaned forward and took him in her mouth. As her lips closed around him he said:

"Oh God baby, you have no idea how much I look forward to this every time I come back to town. She kept sucking his cock and after a couple of minutes his hips flexed and Patti's head stopped moving and Jim hoarsely said:

"Swallow it baby, swallow it all" and as near as I could tell she did. There was enough light that I didn't think I needed the flash so I took a couple of shots of Patti on her knees with Jim's cock in her mouth.

He pulled her to her feet and told her how great she was and he was sorry he only got to see her when he came to get the kids or bring them back. Patty giggled and told him that she missed his cock as much as he missed her mouth.

"I love Bobby, but I still miss your big cock and wish I could have it more often. I wish you could move here."

"I don't think I can sell that one to my wife. Why don't you try and talk Bob into transferring to the maintenance base in Minneapolis? There are always jobs opening that he could bid. Get him to bid the next Lead Mechanic opening in Minneapolis."

"I can try, but I think he likes it too much here."

While they were talking she was fondling his dick and pretty soon he was erect again. She lay back on the bed, spread her legs wide and told him to hurry up and fuck her. He moved over her, pushed his dick in her, her hands grabbed his ass and pulled him to her and then they fucked. He fucked her hard and after about five minutes she had an orgasm and soon after he got his nuts off. He pulled out and the lay there catching their breath and then Patti moved down and took his cock in her mouth and went to work to get him up again.

I watched and took a couple of shots as he fucked her for the second time. They both came again and rested for a bit. He asked her if they had time for one more and she looked at the bedside clock and said:

"Bob won't be here for another five or six hours and I don't have to pick the girls up at my mom's until four. That give you enough time?"

"I have a flight to catch at three so I only have time for one more. Can I have your ass this time?"

"No you can't and you know it. Only Bob gets my ass."

"You used to let me have your ass all the time."

"That was back when I was yours. I'm Bob's now."

It was too good of an opening and I couldn't let it go by so camera clicking I walked out of Roberta's bedroom and into our bedroom as I said:

"Go ahead and give him your ass Patti because you damned sure aren't mine any more. I'm going to leave now and I want you gone when I get back."

I turned and headed for the front door. I heard Jim say "I've got to get that fucking camera" and then the sound of him running after me. I stepped around the corner into the kitchen and as soon as I heard him near the corner I stepped out and hit him in the middle of his face with all two hundred pounds of me behind the punch. Blood exploded from his nose and he went down like a heart shot deer. Patti came running up.

"Oh my God Bobby, what did you do?"

"Stopped the asshole from getting my camera. I know I told you to be gone when I got back, but I think you owe it to me to at least clean up the blood before you go."

I turned to leave and then as an after thought I turned back and kicked Jim in the nuts as hard as I could.

"You had no call to do that Bobby. He was already down."

"Just thank God my momma raised me right Patti Anne. She raised me to never raise my hand against a woman, but I got to tell you that right now I'm having a damned hard time trying to follow her teachings. I'll be back in the morning. Be gone!"


I had to decide what to do. Go to a motel or go stay with my folks. Mom and Dad thought highly of Patti and I didn't really feel up to telling them why I wanted to spend the night so I decided on a motel. I pulled into the first one I came to and checked in for a night. There was a Meyer's just across the street so I went over and got myself some soft drinks, snacks and a couple of magazines to read and then went back to my room.

At six I headed over to the Town and Country for a bite to eat and then since it wasn't far to the Landing Strip I headed over there to have a beer or two. There wasn't anyone there that I knew except for Karen behind the bar and the two cocktail waitresses Gloria and Marsha. Gloria had gotten married about eight months after Patti and I tied the knot and Marsha hadn't started until just a month or so ago.

As I drank my beer and watched Marsha walk around I considered trying to get something going since I no longer considered myself a married man, but then decided that even though I considered myself not married I actually still was and going after Marsha would make me no better that Patti and her ex. I would be taking steps to get a divorce and once I had it I would give Marsha a try. I finished my third beer and then headed back to the motel where -- surprisingly -- I had a good nights sleep.

The first thing I noticed when I walked into the house the next morning was that the blood that had been on the floor where I had dropped Patti's ex was gone. Then I heard a noise from the kitchen. When I got there Patti was sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of coffee.

"I didn't see your car" I said, "And I expected you to be gone."

"I parked a block over so you wouldn't see it and drive on by and I'm still here because we need to talk."

"Talk about what? What I walked in on yesterday was pretty self-explanatory."

"That's what we need to talk about. Yesterday wasn't what you thought it was."

"Oh? It was just my imagination that you were on our bed fucking your ex-husband?"

"Of course not, but that is all I was doing. I was fucking him, not making love."

"And that distinction is supposed to mean something?"

"Yes. I love you Bob and I always have. Even when I married Jim you were always in my thoughts. I couldn't stay away Bob. When Jim and I divorced you were where I came. The last six years have been the happiest of my life. I love you and you know it. Yes, what I did with Jim was wrong, but it has been going on for five years and it hasn't hurt us."

"Five years? Am I that bad in bed?"

"You are marvelous in bed Bobby. You ring my chimes every time we make love. What I did with Jim was not because of anything you did or didn't do. To put it as simply as I can what Jim has is size. He is bigger than you and he fills me up like you can't. Jim isn't better Bobby; he is just different and I like the different feeling I get when he does me. I never realized how much I missed that feeling until he started flying in to pick up the girls. Every time I saw him I thought about it and every time I saw him he tried to get me to go to bed with him. I finally gave in. Other than the physical he means nothing to me Bobby."

"So now that you have told me that what are you expecting? That I'll say that it is okay for you to keep doing him when he comes to town? That I'll accept that it is just physical and you don't love him and will always be mine? I'm supposed to say have fun sweetie and it is okay as long as you always come back to me?"

"Of course not Bob. Now that you know it has to stop. What I'm hoping for is that you will accept my explanation, forgive me, and let me show and prove to you just how much I love you and want to grow old with you."

"I'm sorry to have to say that you are out of luck Patti. I'm just not made that way. I'm old fashioned I guess. My wife is supposed to be mine and no one else's. I seem to remember that there was even a part of our marriage vows that addressed the issue. Something about "hold only unto him" and as I recall you did say yes to that. Then there is the other thing."

"The other thing? What other thing?"

"How the fuck could I stay with a stupid cunt that plays Russian roulette with my life."

"Russian roulette? What does that mean?"

Remember the story you told me about why you divorced old ass wipe? You told me that you divorced him because he kept bringing venereal diseases home to you or was that a lie?"

"No, it was the truth."

"And yet here you are happily fucking the ass wipe and opening yourself up for more disease which you would then pass on to me. No thanks Patti; don't want none of that. That reminds me. One of the things on my 'to do' list needs to be getting myself tested to find out if you have already given me a gift."

"That's not a worry Bob. He swore to me that he had stopped playing around."

"He did did he? This is the same guy who promised you that he wouldn't ever cheat on you again and then nine months later gave you another disease? And you believed him this time? You ain't too bright Patti. I believe that I'll still get myself tested."

"Give me a chance Bobby. I love you and you know I do. Please give me a chance to make it up to you. I'll never do it again. I promise I'll never do it again."

"I gave you a chance when you first came back here Patti and look how that turned out. Sorry Patti, but one time was once too many."

I left the kitchen and headed for the bedroom to change my clothes and I was standing naked at the dresser getting a clean pair of briefs when Patti walked into the room naked except for high heels. She struck a pose and said:

"Are you sure that you don't want this anymore?"

There is just something about a sexy naked woman in 'come fuck me' heels that gets to me so I immediately went stiff.

"I thought so" Patti said as she walked over and went to her knees in front of me. Her hot mouth surrounded my cock and she went to work. I let her blow me for about two minutes and then I pulled her up and pushed her to the bed. She fell back on it, spread her legs wide and smiled up at me as she waited.

Our normal way of making love was for Patti to start sucking me and then I'd go down on her for a while before sliding my cock into her, but this time I just moved between her legs and speared into her. I fucked her as hard as I could until I got my rocks off and along the way she did have a climax. Once I'd cum I pulled out and moved up so that my cock was at her mouth and she opened it and took me in.

It took her a bit to get me hard again and when she did I told her to get up on her hands and knees. She did it and I moved behind her and put my cock against her asshole.

"Aren't you going to use some KY and get me ready?"

"I heard you tell ass wipe that your ass was mine and I want it now" I said as I pushed hard.

She gave a cry of pain as I drove myself into her, but I ignored it and started fucking her. He whimpered for a bit and then she started pushing back at me and moaning. I'd just cum in her cunt so it took me almost ten minutes to reach the point where I was ready to blow. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back as I said:

"Here it comes slut!"

I drove hard into her and erupted. When my cock went soft I pulled out and then did something that I had never done before. I still had her hair in my hand and I pulled her head around. As she opened her mouth to say "Ouch" I shoved my shit and cum covered cock into her mouth and said:

"Suck it clean slut!" and I held her head on me until she did it. When I was satisfied I let her hair go and she pulled back, jumped off the bed and ran for the bathroom and I smiled as I heard her tossing her cookies. I was dressed when she came back into the room.

"God damn it Bob; why did you do that? That was disgusting."

"That's the way you treat whores Patti and cheating wives are whores as far as I am concerned. Now would you please pack your shit and get out of my house?"

"But we just made love."

"That wasn't love Patti; that was just me getting a piece of ass since I don't know how long it will be until I can hook up with a woman again. Now please get out."


It took seven months for the divorce to become final and for seven months I got two or three phone calls a week from Patti asking me to stop the divorce and take her back. I do have to admit that a time or two I remembered her standing there in the bedroom in her 'come fuck me' heels and I almost weakened and gave in, but I didn't.

I did take a shot at Marsha and kept taking them for maybe a month before she gave in. It was another month and a half before I scored and then we went at it hot and heavy for two months before she told me that it was over.

"My fiancé will be home from Spain next week. You were my final fling -- my last wild oats -- before I get married, settle down and start having babies."

At the same time she cut me loose she stopped working at the Strip and I found out later that she had given two weeks notice. In a way I was glad that I hadn't known that. Being with her and knowing that I would be history in two weeks would have sucked big time.

Three days after Marsha dropped me I came into the Strip with three guys from work and we took a table back in the corner as far from the juke box as possible so we could talk without shouting. I had my back to the dance floor when a familiar voice behind me asked:

"What are you having guys?"

I turned and saw Tina standing there. She looked at me and winked and I said:

"I'll have a PBR and an order of FWB."

She smiled at me and said, "You got it."

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Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 1 year ago

I liked it, but how stupid does he need to be to have sex with her right after talking about the risk of disease?

RuttweilerRuttweilerover 2 years ago

One might almost think you have a “story generator” program that you simply pop in a few names, a career or two and out pops a JPB story, just like the others.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

As stupid as most of JPB stories. So a moment ago he told her didn't want to play Russian roulette with his life and the next he was fucking her!! No wonder she cheated on him for five years, your MC is not very bright.

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

I think JPB, when he was younger and wasn't writing old geezer stories, was too much into dating bar maids and similar easy women so his female characters are always semi-retarded.

It is amazing how many things he keeps on repeating all the time like "she stood there only in her heels" or "my ass is only for you" or "I am red blooded and I could not refuse" or "my cock went instantly(!) hard" or "she would never give me he ass" ... and so on. And what is this with ass obsession? Hidden homosexual? What is so exciting to get your dick coated in shit?

The rest of you really believe that women drop in front of a big dick immediately and start blowing them? Do you get hard-ons on moments notice?

This level of juvenile stuff is in 90% of JPB stories, it just looks like so moronic that I wonder about the IQ of the author who needs to drivel this repeatedly.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesabout 3 years ago

OK, stupid, idiot, sucker. When will you ever learn?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

One thing you can always rely on with a JPB story is all the main characters being morons.

shalpa64shalpa64over 3 years ago

Damn, some people really never learn...

Sorry, but he deserves what he gets, including the STDs. And on that note, bitching at the soon to be EX for exposing him to STDs and then fucking her again makes him even more stupid...

secretsalsecretsalover 3 years ago

Not sure why Patti left her husband. She uprooted her kids, downgraded her lifestyle, but continued to give almost the same privileges to her ex (with all the risks that entailed), all because she was carrying a torch for his dong? Might as well have done that in relative luxury.

lee5456lee5456almost 4 years ago
Don't you just love whore stories


AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
And he thinks Patti is stupid?

One of the reasons he throws her out is his fear of diseases. Yet he goes right ahead and fucks all of her holes, without protection, and thinks nothing of it? THAT is the definition of stupidity. And then he compounds his stupidity by going after Tina? He needs to either move to another facility and start his life over, or change the places he hangs out. Bad ending Bob, BAD!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Well where is the rest?.Without follow this is a nothing story.

tazz317tazz317over 5 years ago

but Bobby Boy takes the cake for being a glutton, TK U MLJ LV NV

etchiboyetchiboyover 5 years ago
So they’d been married now 5 years. The twins were 3+ when they got back together.

So the twins, Roberta and Rachel, are ~8years old.

I AM NOT saying Patti and Bob should stay together - at all. For crying out loud, cheating the entire 5 year marriage is unforgivable. But there is no mention of the twins. They’ve been with Bob more than half their lives, and as far as the story is concerned it’s like *poof* no kids. I assume he loves them, and them him.

Of course divorce, but SOMETHING needs to be said about the kids.

Oh, and Tina still working at the club/bar after 5+ years? In any decent sized town some of the fastest job turnover rates I know are in the food service industry, unless they are somehow deeply vested in the business. Now, if it turns out Tina is now 20% owner...? Or at least a manager of some sort now? Else, it’s not a credible twist to the story.

Elsewise, a typical good JPB story. I’m wavering between 3 and 4 stars here.

InsigniaInsigniaover 5 years ago
Check out Bob's First

Its a dangler and there is no Landing Strip. But its obviously Bob. 15 years ago I would have dropped 5 * if I had heard of this site. Today probably a 4. I went with 2003 Bob. Not every Tomasina, Desdemona and Harriett waxed the beave back then, dial up modems and buffered porn ruled the web and my address was a hotmail account. 700+ offerings later JPB is truly a legend. I would take his class.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
This guy is an idiot.

After telling his slut wife he's worried about a disease, he fucks her again, anyway???

Then he falls into bed with a woman that's engaged to another man then he gets back together with another woman with a questionable sexual history. He must like playing Russian Roulette. Idiot.

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