Mean Girls of Maplewood Ch. 23


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"This was taken right before the school year started; uhm, sorry for her shameful attire." Hannah apologized still wringing her hands nervously.

"Well, there you are April." Mother and daughter were pictured in one of those old school family portraits with a somber blue background.

It was the type of family photo that had gone out of style with the advent of digital media. Hannah Betty Miller was dressed in the frumpiest old lady dress she could find expertly hiding her charms while her daughter visible from the abdomen upward, wore a simple long sleeved pink top with a very slight V-neck. It wasn't a plunging neckline, but the teen's obvious inherited charms were on full display in grandiose fashion through no fault of her own.

Although her cleavage was visually hinted at with a single deep line emerging from that muted neckline, her bust overpowered the lower portion of the photo. The dyed inky hair on her head framed a roundish cherubic looking face starkly devoid of makeup. Both women wore strained, manufactured smiles strictly for the camera.

"I just wanted a nice picture I could put on the mantle for this living room, but she had to go and ruin it. She was probably already the devil's concubine when we took that for all I know. I don't have any other children, just a criminal and a godless sodomite for a daughter. I guess God is punishing us both, huh officer?"

"I can't speak on it ma'am; perhaps you should try to find some compassion. I think that's in the bible as well; I've gotta go find your daughter on the streets. Don't you think she's scared? Maybe we can help her out with some kind of family services. I'm gonna call up Ms. Robby, she's our social service person. You're welcome to participate if that's what you really want."

"YOU THINK I DIDN'T TRY TO HELP MY DAUGHTER?!!" Hannah suddenly exploded in a fit of rage, more ashamed than angry at the man standing in her living room.

"Hannah, I wouldn't presume a thing, but there's been too much going on around here and now the law is involved. One troubled girl is already dead, and did you even stop to think about the toll that's taking on her father no matter what you might think of her? Sheriff Reed lost his kid and his job, nobody got no compassion for him either Hannah." Deputy Jimmy hadn't meant to lecture the woman, but the words seemed to flow naturally as a visceral reaction to her disdain for her own child.

"I love my daughter, but she's a monster."

"Yeah right, okay I'm going now. We'll call and set you up for an interview down at the station. Do you even want to know when I arrest your kid, or not?"

"She's legally an adult."

Hannah tightened the sash about her waist, folding her arms across her own huge bust averting her gaze as he left the house through the front door. Moments later, she could hear his patrol car speeding off in pursuit of her only child.


Her beat up Gremlin skidded to a stop reminding Treena that her wayward boyfriend failed to fix her breaks like he'd promised almost a year earlier. Her backseat was full of stuffed boxes filled with the remainder of her belongings packed but never brought into his home since the day she'd moved herself into his place. Some discarded clothing and tattered boxes containing some plastic toys tumbled over the front seat into her lap. Treena scoffed in monotone fashion tossing these things aside before retrieving a chintzy eyeshadow pallet from her glove compartment.

"I'll fix you butthead; I'm gonna fuck the stuffing out of this guy and tell you all about it. Then we gonna make up and you gonna eat my pussy." Strains of "Loving You" by Minnie Riperton flowed from her radio as Treena touched up her makeup in the rear view mirror.

Repeatedly being called another woman's name by Deputy Jimmy had finally worn the tall former athlete down. Sometimes she told herself he was a means to an end keeping her out of her mother's house which freed the twentysomething of the nonstop barrage of acidic parental advice that continuously flowed from her parents.

"Damn cheater, I'll show you a thing or two." Treena reached into the garbage stuffed glove compartment pulling a half used vial of lipstick coating her lips with too much of it internally goading herself into action.

With no one else to vent to, Treena retreated to her online clique with her relationship problems excoriating Deputy Jimmy in such epic fashion that she received obvious crap advice to cheat on her wayward boyfriend in retaliation. Of course her friends were pranking her, but Treena ever the proverbial dim bulb, took the advice to heart. One of her online associates, some guy named DJ hit her up on Discord feeding her disenchanted narrative until it became apparent he was auditioning for the part of her lover.

The tall, willowy woman managed to work up the courage to send him a few pics of her bra covered breasts and a shot of her butt partially fueling their late night overtures into a fever pitch. Deputy Jimmy's verbal fopaa of calling her Flora Bell that morning, was the verbal trigger she needed to pursue comfort elsewhere.

"I'm gonna fuck this guy all day and tell you all about it; might even let him get the butthole, too."

Treena pulled a small bottle of mouthwash from the floor of her car chugging and swishing it about as she rolled her window down spitting it out on the street. She facepalmed realizing she was on a residential street noticing an elderly man mowing his lawn a few feet away. They exchanged stares for a few moment as he nodded obviously thinking her trash.

"Uhm, sorry." Treena apologized through her open side window. The old guy didn't acknowledge her picking up some hedge clippers starting to trim a bush in front of his modest track home.

Treena sat there hunched over listening to the rest of the song letting Minnie Riperton's soulful singing lull her into action. She was nervous about the prospect of sleeping with another man despite his obvious cheating. She'd squeezed into this tiny crop top with "Angel" written on the chest, the kind with the halo over the "A" coupled with a single cartoonish skate paired up with these words, spewing flames.

A tiny pair of cutoff denim shorts barely covered her longish, lean looking butt while she wore some knee length athletic socks matched with a pair of blue stiletto heels. DJ, her online potential lover spoke often of his love for women in socks and heels, so she was obliged to live up to his fantasy.

"Uh shit, guess I gotta do this." Now, it was time to put up or shut up.

Treena looked through her passenger side window at the modest white home with the well-kept lawn. There was a sprinkler watering the grass and a flowerbox under the front room window. She noted the condition of the home before looking at his pic sent to her on her phone. DJ was at least a year or two older but possessed a boyish charm that reminded the tall woman of a Harry Styles or some other teen heartthrob. He'd only sent two photos, but her favorite was him pictured sitting on a boat. DJ promised her a ride on the boat someday.

"Yeah, I'll worry about it later."

Treena slowly got out of the car leaving the windows finding the elderly neighbor across the street watching again. They exchanged glances for a few seconds before she realized he was looking at her salacious attire. She was instantly forced to do a reverse walk of shame rounding the front of her vehicle tugging down on the back of her cutoff shorts knowing the old man was watching.

It made her feel like a prostitute as she walked briskly up the walkway noticing a discarded big wheel on the lawn near the front door. Treena rang the doorbell more times than she intended wanting to get inside before anybody else happened along. She was surprised when a stern, hardened looking woman in a denim house dress and flowery apron answered.

"CAN I HELP YOU?!!" The woman yelled pointblank in Treena's face also noticing her shameful attire.

"Uhm, I uh, was looking for DJ?" This woman had some especially harsh features making peering at her problematic because it was something akin to looking at the stone faces on Mount. Rushmore.

It was like staring at a brick wall as she glanced over to her immediate right. Treena followed the trajectory of her gaze finding a boy standing there in a red hoodie and some cargo shorts with a ballcap backwards on his blonde head. This kid was walking by with a freshly opened bag of microwave popcorn in his hands. He stopped on a dime looking at the woman and Treena in the half opened doorway.

"CATFISHING AGAIN CHARLIE; I'M GONNA WHIP YOUR ASS GOOD THIS TIME BOY!!" Charlie's eyes went saucer wide as he broke out leaving popcorn everywhere. His mother slammed the door in Treena's face with enough force that her ears were left ringing.

"Damn, I'm stupid."


"Well ain't this an unsuspected shit show." Deputy Jimmy sat behind the wheel of his patrol in gridlocked traffic behind two cars and a semitrailer.

He considered turning on the siren but relented deciding to rest there in place as he glanced over noticing the photo of April on his passenger side seat. After dealing with his newly estranged girlfriend, his partner's sudden promotion and the drama surrounding the former sheriff, Deputy Jimmy settled back in his seat listening to some country music.

He picked up the photograph intently staring at the two women pictured. He took stock of mother and daughter respectively finding a tragic beauty in both. The elder Miller had done nothing to deflect from the shadow of her bad parenting making the deputy wonder about the mental condition of her only child. The woman's demeanor screamed of some sort of sexual trauma to the deputy.

The car directly in front of him shifted to the left seeking the furthest lane leaving him witness to the further deluge of cars and trucks that seemed to shifting off in the opposite direction. Deputy Jimmy moved forward into the vacant lane earning an angry honk of the horn until the driver in that vehicle realized he was the local law. He smirked noticing the other car decelerate a little.

He went back to the picture trying to figure out its siren call checking out Hannah for a few seconds before looking at April more intently. There was something about the forced smile on her face that spoke volumes. Both women were well endowed with huge busts, but the daughter far surpassed her mother. His eye settled on the muted line that appeared at the end of her v-neckline.

"Shit, are you kidding me?" A van was trying to pass him on the driver's side lane.

Deputy Jimmy waved off the impatient looking man behind the wheel incredulous that he would try to pass in front of a patrol car. Most people tended to linger behind until he moved onward, but this guy looked agitated for a few seconds before remembering himself.

"Where's the fire, hombre?" Deputy Jimmy asked himself noting another vehicle tailgating him as he glanced at the photo admiring the expanded busts of both women. The other vehicle eventually shifted over to the far lane which was less crowded as a dusty looking Chevy nova pulled into its place.


"FUCK YOU JIM; ITS MY CAR AND YOU GET OUT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT!!" Two teens were sitting behind the wheel arguing within earshot of Deputy Jimmy. He glanced over for a few seconds before leaning forward to turn up his radio.

"WELL IF YOU KICK ME OUT, I'M NOT PAYING AND YOU CAN STAY A FUCKING CHERRY!!" The pimply faced teen retorted ruefully as Deputy Jimmy paused listening more intently.

"THAT'S MESSED UP JIM, I THOUGHT WE WAS BOYS AND BESIDES, I SAW THOSE HOOTERS, FIRST!!" Deputy Jimmy perked up straight in his seat looking at the quarreling duo who noticed and decelerated appropriately.

"Fuck me."

He glanced down at the photo looking directly at April realizing he was driving down hooker's row, a stretch of road that led right out of Maplewood. The gridlocked traffic suddenly made sense. He had been on his way towards Happy's to pick up some takeout oblivious to that fact.

He caught himself before the siren could be switched on, instead driving a lane over riding the curb. He didn't want to draw attention to himself figuring out the cause of the afternoon gridlock. Deputy Jimmy glanced over out the passenger side of his patrol car finding the sidewalk bordered on the opposite side by a wooded incline. He bit the bullet and pulled up onto the sidewalk stopping the car. The photo was snatched off the seat as the deputy hoofed it up the stretch noticing a few daytime working girls several feet ahead.

They scurried in to the brush some of them while others stood their ground already jeering surprised when the deputy bypassed them his target already in sight. Deputy Jimmy kicked himself inside recalling that brief sighting a night or two ago that stayed with him. She was a walking spectacle that first night and nothing had changed between then and now. To some in this small hick town it was worth the price of admission just seeing her.

"You've found me." April stood there beside a pickup truck, two stuffed backpacks at her feet.

The short curly hair formerly blonde was now jet black shortened ringlets framing her pale cherubic features. Heavy mascara framed the bluest of eyes almost a feline mask about her face while her lips were painted a deep rich hue of burgundy. She was short, somewhat stout but the attraction was her massive bust barely hidden behind a tattered black wifebeater with the slayer logo on its front.

Her breasts bulged obscenely through the rips and tears squeezed into the smallest brassiere she could fit into underneath. A worn denim miniskirt, ankle socks and chucks covered the rest of her figure with bangle bracelets on one arm, a cheap studded band on the opposite wrist. Deputy Jimmy held up the photo finding a perfect match in the smiling teen.

"April, that's your name right?"

"If I say no, will you leave me alone?" The smile on her face was somewhat unsettling. Deputy Jimmy glanced down at the dual backpacks.

"Going somewhere?"

"I guess that depends on you, huh?"

She wasn't fazed in the least as he took out his cuffs amid a midday cacophony of honking horns and jeers from passing vehicles. A contingent of the male populace of Maplewood wasn't keen on losing the newest star attraction on hooker's row. April even obliged Deputy Jimmy, turning around so that she could be cuffed looking at the lost john sitting behind the wheel of his pickup truck glaring at them both.

"I'm gonna call your mother and let her know we found you April."

"I didn't say my name was April and I'm nineteen for your information. That means I'm legally an adult so why don't you let me know why I'm handcuffed?"

"Besides solicitation, I've gotta growing laundry list of shit to run you into the station for, little girl."

"Did you pick me because I stand out in a crowd, or what?" He realized this young woman definitely wasn't playing it cool as he picked up her meager belongings slinging one bag over his shoulder. April offered no resistance walking beside him back to the patrol car.

"Well let's see how much you stand out in the police lineup April."

"There's that name again; sure you got the right girl deputy, eh Jimmy?" April glanced at his nametag while he did his best not to repeat the same mistake made with her mother earlier. Her breasts had a life of their own however jiggling all over her chest while traffic slowed to a crawl because of her presence.

"This picture says otherwise, I'm sure your mother will identify you once we run her down to the station." He leaned April against the outside of his patrol car placing her bags on the hood. Her demeanor shifted when she got a look at herself in the photo.

"Shit, I don't wanna see that bitch." He raised a brow at her venomous aside still failing not to look at her bustline.

"Can't take the competition?" It was a dig at her inherited charms, but April chortled.

"There ain't no competition; besides, you'd never close the deal with her even with a signed permission slip from Jesus himself."

"So, you're admitting that you're April Miller, right?" It was a redundant question as he'd been going through one of the backpacks coming up with her state identification which he also held in front of her face. She smirked looking in the opposite direction.

"Who is it; enquiring minds wanna know?" April enquired about her victims wanting to know if Leslie was reporting her.

"You tell me."

"Not without a fucking lawyer."

"Ms. Miller, you've just told me; you have the right to remain silent, and to have a lawyer present during police questioning. Ma'am you are being detained and arrested on suspicion of sexual assault." April snickered as she was read her rights unnerving Deputy Jimmy who continued on looking through her bags.

He suspected the short busty misanthrope was presenting a poker face but couldn't be sure as she leaned there watching him going through the backpack containing her sparse clothing and unmentionables. She'd jettisoned a lot of the stuff initially brought to her temporary motel home along with a meticulously disassembled laptop computer she'd used to dox both Patricia Clark and Leslie Anne Kennedy.

As he went through her bags there on the side of the interstate, April suddenly recalled the small bag containing the thumb drives an archive of her activities online as well as proof of a multitude of her crimes. This started the beginnings of panic inside her monumental bosom.

April was a quick study of people which was a boon to her newly assumed profession as a prostitute. She could take one or two looks at a person, their slightest movements and body language and determine whether or not she could manipulate the person. It was a skill she'd picked up on during her last days with Melissa Reed aka Red.

The final test was her own mentor the last night they slept together. April had been determined not to falter as she demanded a seat at the intangible table between them. She'd managed to roll right through one of her lover's rage attacks nearly being strangled to death before emphatically taking the redheaded psychopath in a torrid one sided ravishing.

Just thinking about the look of defeat on Red's face made her wet as she watched Deputy Jimmy come up with one of her brassieres from the backpack. The bag containing the thumb drives sat off to the side on his trunk unnoticed. She focused on his face as he held the large underwire up staring more intently than likely intended biting her lower lip as her head rolled about on her shoulders. She looked away back towards the direction she'd come, Maplewood proper. It was her decision to work her way out of town never looking back. There was nothing left there anymore, and she wasn't going back hell or highwater regarding her captor again with a smile.

"40N." She informed whimsically.

"Huh, what?" Deputy Jimmy realized his focus on her brassiere quickly dropping it onto the hood in the growing pile of her belongings as the jeers and honking horns continued in the background. The gridlocked traffic had become a blur to the curious deputy.

"My official size Jimmy; say, is that your last name or first, a girl's curious you know?" Her rounded cheeks were ruddy, a knowing smirk on her face.

"Uh, my first; I hate my last name, so I got my first on this here nametag girl."

"You've got a captive audience; what's your last name Jimmy?"

"That's a secret April." Her demeanor, relaxed posture and warm smile put him at ease making the deputy doubt himself a little.

"Hey, I told you my secret; I've never disclosed my actual bust size because I used to hate my fucking tits. So I would tear all of the tags out of my bras, sometimes I'd paint on them until my mother whipped my butt for it; she's a total nutjob, you know Jimmy?"
