Meanwhile, in the Multiverse


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We've given you everything, and this is what you do?!

"You've given me orgasms, that's about it," she replied, pounding the Virgin again and again. "Oh, wait. Almost forgot all the agita..." The sound of the clangs rattled her teeth, but Gwen would be rid of this evil fucking thing if it killed her, and with each punishing blow and bellow, she felt lighter, until she just couldn't push past the pain anymore...

I loved you, Gwen... was the alien lifeform's last lowly lisped lie before it was gone and she passed out naked.

The trip home should have been the world's worst and weirdest walk of shame -- she tried to stick to the shadows, but without her web-shooters, she was down to wall-crawling and leaping until she finally broke down, giving a gracefully generous homeless dude the thrill of his life when she shuffled into his alley to beg for a blanket. It was scratchy as hell and smelled like wet dog, but that was just fine. As humiliating as that should have been, Gwen felt great. She'd taken a bad turn, but she'd straightened herself out, and she'd done it her way.

Or so she had thought. Finding out later that this was something that happened to so many spiders across the Web of Life almost cheapened it somehow. It had all seemed so dramatic and random and earned when it went down. Now it was like it was always supposed to play out that way, and for the one Gwen Stacy in the known polymultiverse who hadn't been the victim of fate, that grated. Because she'd never believed in destiny before.

Gwen had heard a lot of Peter-616's weird stories before she'd joined the society, because back on the bus, Miles had told her exactly what Peter's mentorship had entailed so far. "He made me buy him a burger, and then he just rattled off a bunch of crazy shit that's happened to him," Miles sighed. "And none of it made any dang sense. He once had six arms! The Doctor Octopus in his dimension was a guy who almost married his aunt! And there was something about some deal with the devil, but even he seemed confused about the details on that one..."

"You're right," Gwen had told Miles back then. "None of that really has anything to do with being Spider-Man." But now that she knew about the Canon, she had to wonder. So many of the things that happened to Peter had happened to her. None of the insanity Miles had mentioned, but Gwen had been pursued by the Punisher. She'd been buried alive by a deranged hunter. And she'd obviously bonded with a living costume. Was she gonna grow four extra arms some day? ** Don't worry, Quackheads! We'll get to six-armed sex one of these days. -LBD **

But no one else at the Symbiote Support meetings mentioned this sick sexual component to the whole shebang, so Gwen never did either. But she had to wonder... Did any of those Peters ditch their slick black suit under the unrelenting clamor of church bells because his costume kept tickling his balls and gaping his asshole while he was fighting the Sandman, but he just was too embarrassed to talk about it?

"I want you out of that costume," Miles told her, finally pulling his tights off his feet. Again, his concern remained focused on what she was wearing right then, so Gwen followed suit.

"You mean you don't want to fuck me while I'm wearing it?" she challenged him. "I hear it's just, like, so tight."

"You are hilarious," he deadpanned. He twirled her around, nudging her face-first toward the wall.

"What are you doing?" she asked, looking back at him.

"If you really don't know, I assume you'll figure it out," he smirked, running his hand up her back to that little zipper just under the hood of her costume.

"Ah, good memory," she murmured while he slowly drug the zip down, exposing the milky white skin of her back. She stiffened when she felt his soft, moist lips at the nape of her neck. She had such a sensitive neck. How did he always know? Miles kissed each bump of her spine as he peeled her suit open just down to the top of her bottom. His big hands mashed her rump as she slid the costume off her shoulders, and she gathered the loose fabric just at her breasts. He twisted her around to face him.

As mentioned, she hadn't gone looking for this, but it'd be a complete lie to say she hadn't prepared. She didn't always wear a bra under her spider-suit, and when she did, it wasn't usually the periwinkle push-up with matching hipsters she'd picked up during Jess' naughty baby shower on Earth-69. **That was actually Earth-17538, the sexiest world in the multiverse! But the Spider-Society called it Earth-69 because so many of them love bad jokes. (Wonder what that's like.) Ironically, the actual Earth-69 was the home of the Dutch Amish Spider-Mennonite of Lancaster County, who declined their half-heartedly offered invitation to join. -LBD **

Gwen kind of wished she'd gone with the more risque lingerie set she'd picked up on that trip, this black, too-adult-to-be-cute demi-cup that barely covered her nipples paired with an open thong she'd been too timid to even try on when she knew she was going to Earth-1610. She'd gone conservative because she'd been telling herself she wasn't going to do this with him -- Again, Jess was gonna be so pissed! -- and she hadn't wanted her undies to scream, "I'm just the horniest strumpet." But now she just hoped that they suggested that Miles Morales could fuck her like one. The nice thing about the black bra, other than sheer thirstiness, was that it opened in the front, but Miles reached around, unclasping that plain periwinkle pushup with a deft confidence that amazed her.

Unbeknownst to Gwen, she was the beneficiary of some diligent instruction from his dear Uncle Aaron. "You get them tatties out, you're halfway there," he used to say. "So you don't want to fumble the catch, little nephew."

"Halfway to what?" Miles had been all of thirteen at the time of this little life lesson. It's possible his parents had been absolutely right that the Late Great Mr. Davis was a bit of a bad influence.

"You'll know it when you get there," his uncle smiled. "But you're gonna wanna study up. Sometimes, they fasten in the front, but nine times out of ten, 'specially with them young-ass shorties you'll be fooling around with, you're working with a hookup in the back..."

"Thanks, unc," Miles murmured after his swift success with Gwen's frilly undergarment. The spider-powers had helped. Sticky fingertips had so many everyday uses.

"What did you say?" Gwen asked. He drew the straps down her shoulders with this featherlight touch that cast goosebumps all along her collarbone. Just where she still clutched her costume for the moment.

"Don't worry about it," he said. "Let me see?"

It was her turn to blush. How was she still so nervous? She took one shaky breath, then pulled her suit down to her waist, letting the bra fall to the floor. His eyes drank her in, and Gwen fought the urge to look away. She wished she had some bodacious, spectacular rack like Mary Jane Watson, but she knew they weren't that big. Hell, fucking Cindy Moon's almost middle-aged boobs had more heft, but Silk was saggy and old.

"You are just perfect," he whispered.

Peter Parkers across all creation gazed at her like she was some unrealized gossamer dream they'd lost long ago, which had nothing to do with Gwen as she was. Miles Gonzales Morales devoured her with those big, light brown, almost almond eyes of his and just saw her as Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy, the dumbest, loneliest spider-girl in all the known worlds.

But he still looked at her with want. With longing. With a need she'd never feel worthy of. Because he still had that same glint that had been in his eye since the day they'd met. A gleam like she was his favorite person, and Gwen Stacy, Spider-Woman, wasn't anyone's favorite person. Not anymore. That's what really got Gwen all shook about the way he looked at her -- The Morales Gaze. It was the way she'd always wanted to be seen. And what was worse was, the more she got to know him, the more she wanted Miles to be the only man who'd ever see her that way.

She didn't believe for one moment that look could ever change. Maybe not even if she told him the truth. But Gwen wasn't going to do that. She was screwing this mission hard enough as it was.

"You can touch them," she said, stepping toward him. "Please touch them, Miles." He seemed happy to do so, both of his huge hot hands falling onto her breasts.

"Dang, they're so soft and springy," he marveled, teasing her coral-colored buds with his thumbs. His fingers felt so good, the tips sticky and tingly and solid as they played along her nipples. "Tienes una pechos suave..."

"Yip!" she yelped at this flickering pulse through her tender peaks. He was shocking her with those freaky bioelectric powers of his. Gwen wasn't even sure if he knew was doing it. Miles could do some weird shit, and the electricity seemed like a cheat. Spiders didn't electrocute people. And if they did, Gwen was pretty sure they didn't do it like this...

His mouth was on them before she even had to ask. "Sorry," he said before closing his mouth on her freshly tased teat. "Can't control myself..."

She knew what he meant as he nursed on her nipple. He was still charging her boobs, but it wasn't as sharp. "Miles, that tickles," she giggled, while he was kissing and licking her tits. "Shit, just -- Ah! -- Just squeeze them," Gwen begged. He crushed them into his palms. "Yeah... Yes! Just like that," she purred. "Y-You can keep sucking them, too." She reached down to feel his rod. He was warm and rock hard and she loved it. She just held him while she let him suck and lick and nurse until she'd almost had her fill.

It was a game of sideways sexual Twister stripping off the rest of their clothes. Right foot bookcase carried them upward. Left foot, bedpost -- she'd worked off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. Right foot, desk was this silly upside-down kiss Gwen enjoyed more than she expected. Left hand, white board -- he was drawing the lower half of her suit off while peeling her panties up and off because she was upside-down again at that point, and he was wall-crawling over her, his mouth ready to meet her freshly bared sex once more.

"Still so fucking juicy," Miles mumbled between her thighs. His dick brushed her lips briefly, but no. If Miles Morales wanted to jizz in her mouth, he'd had his chance and blown it. Or refused to. Whatever. Gwen wrapped as much of her fingers around him as she could instead. One lovingly tender squeeze around this fat monster and a kiss at the base. That was all for now. It didn't stop him from tonguing her cunt. From jamming his muscle into her sex.

They really didn't have time for any more of that. Gwen flipped herself to the ceiling over the bed. "Come up here and fuck me, Spider-Man." She'd been sure to put her watch back on. She'd heard a rumor that glitching during sex could be interesting, but Gwen was wandering far enough into the unknown as it was. She didn't need too many more surprises.

"I... I've never really done this before," Miles admitted, following her up. "I mean, I got jumped by these bad, bad girls who could blow shit up and--"

"It's okay," Gwen shushed him. "You don't have to tell me." If he really wanted to talk about it, she'd listen, but she didn't get the impression that was the case. He hadn't asked her if she'd done anything like this before. Whether that was because he couldn't care less or was afraid of the answer didn't matter. Gwen was just glad she didn't have to explain. Like she said, things were different with Hobie. He didn't believe in commitments, so a little thank-god-we're-alive hand stuff on a night she barely remembered because they'd both been dosed by some horned-up Mysterio's goofy gas wasn't that big of a deal, right? Gwen wasn't exactly worried about explaining stuff about Hobie with Miles, but that didn't mean she wanted to. And then there was the symbiote. There was no way she was going to tell him about that. She'd gotten off with a thing. It was like having a vibrator, right? A vibrator that you never got a choice about using... "All I need to know is if you want me."

He'd perched himself up, and his man-meat was just hanging down like a beefy stalactite. "What do you think?"

"I think we've waited long enough," she said, climbing under him to hitch her slit under the tip of his dick. She was flipped upside down all over again. Was this gonna be a thing with them? Well, no. It couldn't be. This was a one-time, first-time thing. It had to be. "I really want this, Miles." And to prove it, she didn't even wait for him. She just thrust up as far as she could and he was inside her at last.

"Oh, shooooot!" they cried in unison as they were joined.

"And I thought your costume was tight," he quipped.

Gwen chuckled, but it came out a sob. "St-stop making me laugh," she sniffled. "I-- I'm trying to focus. You feel enormous..."

"Ain't nothing I can do about being big and black," he shrugged with a shudder as she slipped down his length.

"P-poor baby," she pouted sarcastically, drawing herself back up till she was flush with his trunk. She leaned up to kiss him in victory.

They started out slow and easy at first. As big as he had been in her hand and her mouth, he was this behemoth cramming her cunt. Gwen glanced down at her pale pink pussy lips pierced by that thick, dark dick. He was stretching her out in ways a certain gob of goo never dared. She realized then that for all its bravado, she'd been holding her symbiote back... It'd never been this big or this deep. Those four-inch, half-dollar-thick tendrils had seemed unwieldy back then. Gwen had no idea she could fit this leviathan inside... "Our bodies strrreeeeetch," she remembered, pushing up into him. "They fllleeeeex..."

Gwen forced herself up into every delicious bit of him, doing something no other Gwen Stacy had ever done before, and for a brief moment, she worried she was breaking Canon. Then she realized how little she cared. Because she now knew that nothing with that silly symbiote suit counted. Not really. None of that had been sex, broken hymen be damned. What was happening now? With Miles? Being with someone who actually knew her, and not just some evil fucking voice in her head? The symbiote had always felt like this cold and clammy lump of living clay. Miles' member, by contrast, was just so hot and so hard. This was sex!

"Jeeesus St. Christopher," she mumbled. "I had no idea it'd feel this good..."

"Bet," he grunted, hammering down into her ascent. "Woo! Feels like silk..."

"Oh, gaaawd, don't say thaaaat..." she begged. "Say anything else..."

"You're so god dang snug, Gwen!" But it wasn't just that. Her pussy was gripping his meat, squeezing and pulsing. Was she doing that with her powers? Or was this just how great fucking was supposed to feel? "Tu coño se pone cada vez más apretado..." her favorite Spider-Man muttered.

"I -- hah! -- I have no idea what that means, but it's so fucking hawt!" she shouted. "You're getting a B in Spanish?"

"I miss a lot of class," he confessed.

She tipped back, worried briefly she'd fall before she found purchase on the ceiling behind her, but his grip on her ass kept her rooted in place as she rode the Black Panther. "That's right, Miles, fuck me," she groaned. The upside-down thing was a trip. Blood was rushing in every direction. Bouncing on a dick without getting her hair in her eyes/face was probably an advantage, but her sweat was rolling along her belly in a strange direction. And she felt vindicated. If Gwen had let Miles jizz on her face, there'd be this pearly glob on her chin that'd be splattering into her eye right now, she just knew it. Gwen had never put her mouth on Hobie, and it ended up messy...

This was still closure, right? Even if Miles was stretching her open, this was about turning a page and ending a chapter, wasn't it?

"Pinch my itsy bitsy titsies," she whined before pitching forward to shove her tongue in his mouth.

Miles didn't shock her this time, but that was okay. She didn't need it. Her cheeks flushed as a fiery tremor seared straight through her down to her fluttering fingertips and tingling toes and Gwen came unglued. Her eyes rolled back as her powers faltered, sending her tumbling from the ceiling in a blazing blissful daze, slipping free of Miles' thick, wet meat with a syrupy reverse slurp before she flopped onto the top bunk.

The mattress was surprisingly comfortable. Nice and firm, just how Gwen liked it. And she could tell it was Miles' bed. The sheets smelled like coconut butter and his sweat. She'd just straightened herself out when there was this sudden weight on chest and he was on top of her, straddling her ribcage.

"Still wanna suck me?" he asked, kissing her lips with the wet tip of his dick.

She barely got the chance to nod before he was stuffing her mouth and she was licking her juices off his hard cock. It wasn't just her. Again, Gwen knew how she tasted all too well. There was this flavorful tang that was distinctly his. He'd grabbed the back of her head as he made her mouth his, seizing her hair in his fist.

It was literally the cockiest thing anyone had done to Gwen ever. She knew she should have been pissed, but she was just so turned on instead. But what was really freaking her out? Miles had done all of this while he was invisible. Apparently Fuck was a factor in his Fight-or-Flight response, but she could come up with pithy remarks about that later.

"Urk! -- Glurk! -- Gurk!" she gagged as he fucked her face.

"Shit, Gwen, I'm sorry," he groaned, pulling out. "I'm outta control..."

"Fuck, you had me choking!' she gasped. It was this high, lightheaded giggle.

"You don't mind?"

She shook her head no. "I trust you," she said. Gwen loved the way they'd been feeling this out. She'd webbed him up and he'd just gone with it. And she knew he'd never hurt her any more than she wanted to be. "Do you want to finish on my face or do you want to fuck me some more?"

She'd hardly gotten out the words before her invisible lover was roughly prying apart her trembling legs. Gwen closed her eyes and just let it happen, wrapping her arms and legs around his cloaked torso as he reclaimed her. Gwen was just so wiped and fuck if he wasn't working her up again with each lustful thrust. If she was surprised the bunk bed had not so much as squeaked at her landing, she was astounded that it was barely creaking at his relentless pace as he used her soaked, sloppy sex. What was this mass-market bed frame made of, some vibranium-adamantium alloy?

Gwen was focusing on the furniture because she was getting nailed by a guy who wasn't all there. She'd been trying not to think about it, but she couldn't stop. When she opened her eyes, she wanted to be able to see him. Right now, the only visual evidence that she wasn't alone was when she glanced down to see a ring of her pearly cream streaming around a translucent cock tearing into her tenderness. "Ghost-Spider gets railed by the Invisible Man" sounded like one of those sex stories she found while browsing her Peter's web history that time she borrowed his laptop. **Smuterotica is one of the other three constants in my multiverse. -LBD **

Besides, Gwen had spent enough of her sexual awakening being manipulated by unseen forces...

"Miles, it's like you're just this... voice in my head," she whimpered. That fleeting concern flew out the window when he spun her by the hips, flipping her onto her face. "Oh, that's right," she mumbled. "Bend me over, baby." All Gwen could see were his pillows as he pulled her ripe rump up to meet him, so it was a little easier to make up the mental picture of Miles Morales taking her from behind. Especially with those big hands on her ass, kneading her cheeks.