Meet Me In Memphis


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"Seriously?" She commented then laughed.

"Hey, I'm going to Memphis, so I figured why in the hell not?" They both chuckled as Sam pulled away from the curb and began the hour and a half drive north on US 1.

Eric's Coach ticket was waiting for him at the counter. He was wearing his uniform shirt less the epaulets and a pair of navy blue slacks. The man behind the ticket counter studied him intently as he waited for the printer to finish spitting out the coupons.

"I've seen you around here before."

"It's possible. I used to work for this Airline several years ago."

The agent snapped his fingers then pointed at Eric. "Manning! No, Moore! No,...Matthews!"

"Eric Martin"

"That's right! I remember you. It was my first month here and I screwed up really bad. But you helped me fix my mistake before my supervisor found out! Dude! You saved my life, bro!"

"I'm sorry that I don't remember," Eric answered. "But I'm glad that I could help you out. All in a day's work, right?"

There wasn't another customer in line behind Eric, so the agent stepped out from behind the counter and gently took Eric by his elbow. He led him over to another door with a sign that read 'Employees Only' and they stepped inside. The agent then led him to the Pilot Lounge and ushered him in. There was a pilot standing at a computer terminal obviously checking weather, NOTAMs, and other pertinent preflight data.

"Hey, Eddie. You've got the 4222 today, right?"

"Yeah," Eddie responded before looking away from the screen and turning to face the pair. A sudden look of recognition washed over his face. "Well, I'll be a sunuva bitch! Eric Martin! As I live and breathe!"

"How 're you doin' there, Eddie?" Eric inquired as he extended his hand for a shake.

"Of course, you do know that the most popular rumor out there is that you got swallowed up by a Black Hole or sumthin'" Eddie chuckled.

"You want the truth?"

Eddie simply nodded.

"It was a woman. Erin ditched me to go play Indiana Jones. So yeah, I dropped off of the face of the earth."

"Isn't it always a woman? So what brings you to the Luv Bird today?"

"A woman." Eric said. The three men suddenly broke out laughing. As he was catching his breath, he managed to spit out, "I've got something waiting in Memphis to attend to."

"Make sure that you refund his ticket." Eddie said to the agent. Then turning to Eric, "Come with me old man!"

Eric was ushered past the security screening with his duffle. The agent had already tagged and loaded his suitcase for the baggage bay. When they boarded the Boeing 737-8, Eddie whispered into the head stewardess' ear. She politely took the duffle from Eric and stowed it in a compartment next to the entry door. Eric was then shown into the cockpit and ushered to a jump seat. The First Officer arrived shortly afterwards. Noticing Eric's attire, nothing looked out of place to him so he shook hands and then eased into the right-hand seat.

The flight to Atlanta was uneventful even though weather was building in. It was precipitating a drizzle at Hartsfield-Jackson when they touched down. After they were parked at the gate, Eric thanked both pilots for their courtesy and slipped out of the cockpit.

Another surprise awaited Eric when he reached the bottom of the gangway. A beautiful redhead in a Southwest Airlines Sport Coat uniform was standing at the exit looking for him. She ushered him to a Golf Cart where Eric dropped his bag in the rear seat and climbed aboard as instructed. She drove him through the airport to the Gate where his connecting flight would depart. She whispered a few quick words to the gate attendant there before shaking hands with Eric and driving away.

Eric was dozing lightly in the executive lounge when he heard his name called out over the public address system. "Would Passenger Eric Martin please report to Gate C Ten for immediate boarding. Passenger Eric Martin to Gate C Ten please! Thank you."

Eric walked around the corner and was greeted by the same attendant that he had seen earlier.

"Thank you for coming so promptly! This way, sir!"

She ushered Eric aboard the empty plane and directed him to be seated in the first row of first class on the starboard side of the cabin. The Captain was only a few seconds behind them. He and the attendant danced around each other as they both tried to pass through the cabin entrance at the same time. Looking over at Eric, the Captain greeted him.

"So you're our special VIP passenger today! Welcome aboard. I'm Captain Baldwin. They tell me that you are 737 type rated."

"Yes sir. But I don't have a medical that is current."

"Well fortunately for you," Captain Baldwin joked, "a current medical is not required to be a First Class passenger! Just relax and enjoy the ride!"

Chapter Seven

It was raining heavily in Memphis when Captain Baldwin set the Boeing down on the main runway. He shook hands with Eric once again before they parted ways. Eric made his way into the terminal and headed for baggage claim. His suitcase was nearly the last piece of luggage to slide onto the carousel from the conveyor belt.

Eric asked the taxi driver to take him down Beale Street and Union Avenue before they turned south on US 51. The Driver slowed as they passed the gates to Graceland, but Eric was more interested in the Convair 880 parked across the street on the plaza. There probably wasn't a commercial pilot in North America that didn't know something about the 'Lisa Marie'.

They continued on through town and pulled up to the cottage house at the address that Eric had provided. As he stepped out of the cab and collected his bags, Eric admired the home in front of him. He slipped the driver a $20.00 tip and thanked him for taking the extra trouble by following the circuitous route that Eric had requested.

Erin had been pruning her rose bushes in the back yard when she heard the noise of the taxi pulling up to the curb and the slamming of the car doors. With her curiosity getting the best of her, she rounded the corner and stepped through the carport and into Eric's view.

'My God!' He thought as he dropped his bags on the front lawn. 'She is still just as beautiful as she ever was!'

Erin had tears forming in her eyes as she immediately recognized her former fiancee. The pruning shears were the first thing to fall from her hand and tumble to the driveway. As she took a few more tentative steps forward, she quickly pulled her gardening gloves off of her hands and tossed them to the ground as well. She broke into a hard run and crossed the distance between them in record time, leaping into Eric's arms.

"I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!" Erin bawled over and over as she planted kisses all over Eric's visage while in a full-blown emotional meltdown.

"It's okay, baby. I'm here now. It is going to be okay."

"You came!"

"I'm here."


Eric and Erin were married a month later. Eric had reached into his pocket that first day on Erin's front lawn and pulled out the little cube shaped box that contained her original engagement ring plus the other pieces to the wedding set that she would later wear. She didn't hesitate for even a split second before it was back on her left hand.

Once they had gone inside the home, Eric unzipped the duffle bag and brought out the next gift that he had secured. The matching Tee Shirts that he had commissioned. Each shirt was a Navy Blue and featured two diesel locomotives coupled together at their 'B' ends. The make and model of the locomotives was General Motors Electro Motive Division "E-7a" painted up for a passenger train known as 'The Texas Special'. Below the picture was a caption that read simply "Twin E's".

Erin's mother got together with her best friend and together they threw a new wedding in record time. She even managed to track down Luisa Morales nee Hernandez for Erin. Erin had requested that she stand as Maid of Honor if she could be found. Luisa had not hesitated to accept the position eagerly. Nick, Sam, and Dave all received round trip tickets to William P. Hobby airport.

Eric had placed an application with FedEx in Memphis and been quickly hired as a First Officer. His next move was to locate a Rockwell 1000 Aero Commander in excellent condition for sale. He picked up his friends from Florida with it and flew them from Hobby down to Scholes Field in Galveston, where the wedding was to take place. Nick stood as Eric's best man when the couple was wed at The San Luis Resort.

When asked about the property in Memphis, Erin had responded with the story of a spinster Aunt who had recently passed away without any direct heirs. In her will, she had directed that the eldest child of her favorite sister be given the property. Erin had attended the funeral and was told to remain in town for the reading of the will. She had no idea what was coming. After receiving her property deed, she realized that she had not accomplished anything productive in all of her travels other than getting to see how the rest of the world lived. She had had enough and it was time to put down roots.

Over the course of the next twelve years, Erin bore six children for Eric. Donovan (Donny), Danielle (Danny), Desiree (Desi), Daniel, Dixie, and David. Eric decided to indulge one more time when an opportunity arose to purchase a B-26 bomber. He kept it restored and in good flying condition, often taking time off from work to perform in certain airshows around the country. Erin eventually got her own pilot's license, commercial multi instrument and a type rating for the B-26. With a last name of Martin, it was fitting that they flew an aircraft built by Martin® together. Flying the airshow circuit with her husband was plenty enough to feed Erin's wanderlust.

She never again strayed from Eric's side. They both lived to be 88 years old surrounded by children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren who all loved them dearly. Eric's heart finally gave out and he passed peacefully in his sleep one night. Erin only lasted about 9 months longer before she too was gone. Her own heart couldn't take the loss of her soulmate. They chose to be buried side by side in Hitchcock, where it had all began.

{The End}


Lyrics by Jimmy Buffett

[Verse 1]

He's holed up down on Ramrod Key in the Tavenier Hotel

Livin' out his loneliness like an oyster in a shell

By days he pulls the trap line

By night he lives alone

Don't really feel like company it's just him and his fridge and his phone


Meet me in Memphis (meet me in Memphis)

That's where I'll be (that's where I'll be)

I'm by the river (oooh oooh) please come back to me

Meet me in Memphis (meet me in Memphis)

My wild days are through

And nothin' replaces (oooh oooh) me next to you

[Verse 2]

He's been there since she ran away

She said she needs some space

Occasionally she still calls collect

From some god forsaken place

Then one day a letter came

Postmarked Tennessee

And the envelope scent

And the postage spent

Well it lit up her old memory


Meet me in Memphis (meet me in Memphis)

That's what she said (that's what she said)

Too much for a letter (oooh oooh) please come here instead

Meet me in Memphis (meet me in Memphis)

My wild days are through

Still nothing replaces (oooh oooh) me next to you

[Verse 3]

I know she could break my heart again

But I'm gonna play and I'm gonna win

Where Otis would play

Da da da dock of the bay


Meet me in Memphis (meet me in Memphis)

That's where I'll be (that's where I'll be)

I'm by the river (oooh oooh) you're by the sea

Oh please, meet me in Memphis (meet me in Memphis)

My wild days are through

Still nothing replaces (oooh oooh) me next to you

If something feels a little bit off about the first time that Eric and Erin kiss, it is because the story had to be changed to satisfy the Literotica Moderator. For some reason, Lit views simple kissing between teenagers as sexual activity. Personally, I think that you have to go beneath the clothing before it becomes sex. The story has a lot more meaning and depth if they fall in love at the age of 16 instead of 18.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

There’s no need for the copyright mark on each and every item, nor do you need to specify what cast iron skillet or pen the character is using. Not like those companies are going to contact you for an endorsement deal.

Eric is/was an idiot to take her back. She went and showed her wild oats while he was devastated by her betrayal. I don’t care how many kids they had after the fact, she should have to work to regain his love not just write him a letter summoning him to Memphis like a servant.

ScottishTexanScottishTexan10 months agoAuthor

@ Stacnash.

I appreciate your comments and while I disagree with some of them, I accept your critique. However there's no need for two identical posts, so I'm deleting the most recent one. No offense intended.

StacnashStacnash10 months ago

This was a fine effort.


Your biggest strength is your dialogue, which helps flesh out the characters and makes the whole experience of reading this more immersive. It felt to me like you’ve put a lot of work into this and it’s an above-average piece.


There were plenty of issues, but none of them really stand out from the rest. There’s no heat in this story, but it’s intended as more of a romance. On that basis, there needs to be stronger connections between your characters which leads to better chemistry.


The story flowed nicely in parts, due to it being well written, but the actual story you’ve told here is quite dull. I was bored throughout. Some of the dialogue slipped into a territory where it was a little wooden, which didn’t help. At the end, you were a little too specific with wrapping everything up. Don’t be tempted to answer every conceivable question the reader may have about the future. Learn to leave a little on the table, which adds mystique and intrigue to your work.


Beyond that, there were a lot of technical errors and you need the assistance of a copy editor. Problems with missing and inconsistent numerals, alongside random capital letters, were observed. Just so you know, your author’s note was quite bad and almost put me off reading this. Bragging about having beta readers is a common trick on the site to suggest that your work carries the requisite sophistication to warrant them. You’re not there yet. Also, you apologised for droning on within your own preface section and didn’t edit it out.


Overall, this is above average and you’ve got certain strengths as a writer that impressed me. This was a solid effort, but it wasn’t arousing and the romance angle wasn’t executed strongly enough to act as an acceptable substitute.


59/100. ⭐⭐⭐

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Huh. I felt like I was being whipsawed between a Popular Mechanics article and Young Adult fiction. Still waiting to find the erotica in this one. Also, if she is so eager to have him back, she makes him take a cab from the airport?!? Selfish beyatch...

teedeedubteedeedubalmost 2 years ago

You should try 'He went to Paris'. In Romance.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanalmost 2 years agoAuthor

@Mrfriendly8181 and any others who have the idea that Eric takes Erin back without any hesitation whatsoever:


There are two critical parts of the story that you have totally glossed over and ignored. The first is the following paragraph:

"He sat back in his chair and thought about all of the different ways that this could play out. In his mind, Eric knew that she could easily break his heart again. But he also knew for himself that deep down inside, there was really only one choice to be made. Rin had made up all of the rules from the very beginning. All he could do was play the game. But, he was resolved to win it this time around. She would either marry him and be his forever this time around or he would cut her completely out of his life for good."

The other one is Samantha's warning that she will hurt him again. He has carefully read Erin's letter and because they have known each other for so long, Eric knows her ways in communication. He points out to both Nicholas and Samantha the key words in the letter that are Erin's "tells" exposing her true inner thoughts.

There is also the matter of the written conclusion that says that they remained faithfully together until parted by death. I'm so glad that you, as a reader, chose to write your own ending instead of accepting the one that I wrote. 😉

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nope! He just takes her back without question or even a thought of how she destroyed him before. It is sweet but naive. Would like to see more of them having a conversation about what she did and what would change this time. Instead it reads as a lonely man who will take her back no matter what she does or did to him.

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfirealmost 2 years ago

Hi, ST, I really enjoyed the story and apologize that I didn't have time to read it in advance. Eric was well developed as a character, while Erin could probably have used a bit more work to explain her motivations beyond what we read in the letters and their limited discussion about it. Still, it was great to see a case where a character realizes a mistake, admits it, and tries to make amends. In this case, the epilogue tells us of their success in the long term, which was a very nice touch. Will send you an email with a few more comments.

Very nice work.

Davester37Davester37almost 2 years ago

I enjoyed reading this sweet story. I especially like all the details in the settings and history. The MC is well-developed and certainly likable. From one railfan to another, well done.

Thank you for writing and thank you for sharing your work.

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