Meeting Sia


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'Are you sure?' Mia asked. 'He might be disappointed that he doesn't have a young pretty girl to look after him, but an older woman.'

'Firstly, I am not a 'young pretty girl,' Mia. I am almost forty years old. Secondly, you sell yourself short, you are in excellent shape, and you are extremely beautiful. I've seen the way men look at you. I'm sure Peter will be very happy.'

Later that day, Peter received a text message. Dear Peter, I am so sorry I cannot make our appointment tomorrow. I have a meeting that I must attend. So, I have asked my mother, Mia, to stand in for me, don't worry Peter, Mia is a master of acupuncture, as I think I explained to you before. I am sure she will look after you, perhaps even better than me! LOL. Same time, same place, sorry for the short notice. Xoxo Sia.

He read the message again, Mia... her mother, he thought. Mama Mia! and Sia Later. OK stop that! he chided himself, show some respect. Even so, he couldn't help smiling at the reference. And the Xoxo? He thought, what is that about? Oh well, a treatment by some old lady wasn't as appealing as it was with Sia, but the mother was a master, whatever that means.

'What are you smiling at?' his wife asked, as she walked past him.

'Oh, just a message from Sia, she can't make it tomorrow, so she has arranged her mother, Mia, to take over my treatment. I was smiling at the name, Mama Mia.'

'And you think that's funny, why?' his wife asked. 'Wait, don't bother explaining it, you'll only give me a headache, in fact, I feel one coming on now. I'm going to lie down for a while.'

He looked at his wife, frowning, 'These headaches of yours seem to be getting more frequent, have you talked to the doctor about them?'

'You're right, they have been getting more frequent, and more intense, I have an appointment next week to see the doc. I'm sure it's something simple though, we'll see what she says next week.'

'Off you go, lie down, I'll bring you some iced tea and some paracetamol.'

'Thank you, darling. Oh, don't use that lame joke when you meet this Mia, she might not appreciate your weird sense of humor.'

Probably good advice, he thought, closing the message app on his phone as he went to make tea.


--ting, ting, ting, ting--

Again? he thought, he had made a specific effort to stay awake, after Mia had inserted the needles. He remembered her soft touch on his back and buttocks, the slight sting of the needle in his groin, but that was all. Must be the fragrant oil burning in here, a subtle smell he could not identify. Mia was withdrawing the needles. He counted ten again, as he had with Sia. Her smooth hands soothed the site of the needles, rubbing in some slick lotion.


He had arrived at the usual time, feeling a little twinge in his back as he walked down the path to the house. As he pulled open the screen door, the front door opened. He found himself looking at a very attractive Asian woman, who stood about five-six in bare feet; she had high cheekbones, brown, almond-shaped eyes, her eyebrows were perfectly shaped; her hair, worn up in a messy bun on top of her head, and secured by what looked like an ivory chopstick, was dark and glossy and tinted with the faintest reddish streaks. She had the fullest, most-kissable lips. He could see the family resemblance to Sia, the apple certainly hadn't fallen far from the tree, if possible, she was more beautiful than her daughter.

She reminded him of yet another Mystique girl, Leanna Scott. Why do all the women I meet remind me of models from Mystique, he wondered, well not all, just the very attractive ones. That waitress he met this morning, looked a bit like Deanna Merryman; and one of the tellers at the bank reminded him of Jennifer Korbin. He shook the thought off.

Mia smiled, revealing slightly uneven teeth, which rather than detract from her beauty, seemed to add character. She was dressed in a pair of loose, white, three-quarter-length, linen pants with a matching linen V-neck, pullover top.

'Peter, welcome, come inside, it's so hot and humid out there,' Peter followed her into the lounge room. She walked like she was floating on air, very graceful. She turned and extended her hand, 'I'm Mia, Sia's mother.' He took her proffered hand in his, it was soft and cool, her grip firm, her nails short but manicured; light pink. They shook lightly and she released her grip. 'I'm so sorry Sia could not make your appointment today; hopefully, you will not be too disappointed.'

'Mia, it's lovely to meet you, Sia has spoken about you, and no, I'm not disappointed at all. It's hard to believe you are her mother, you don't look anywhere near old enough.'

'Ha, ha, that's so nice of you to say, Sia said you are quite the charmer. Please sit, I will get your tea and we can have a small chat together.'

Peter sat, as Mia disappeared into the kitchen. She had a presence about her, although small in stature, she carried herself well, seemed very confident and self-assured, he felt.

Mia returned with the tea, and placed the cups on the coffee table.

She took a sip of her tea, and gestured for Peter to do the same.

'Well, you have had two sessions with Sia, how are you feeling today?'

'Hmm, mostly okay, I guess, although my back gave me a little twinge as I walked down the path. A bit of a warning, I think.'

'Good, I mean, not good that you got some pain, but good, that it gives us some feedback. The pain is a good thing. It reminds you to stop, slow down, do something different. I'll have a good look at you in the treatment room. Now, how about sex?' she asked.

Peter almost spat out his mouthful of tea, but recovered in time to say, 'Yes, Please.'

Mia realized her mistake, and smiled at Peter's instant joking response (or was it joking?) 'No, sorry, I meant how is your sex life? You are married yes?' he nodded. 'Sia mentioned that you produce a copious amount of semen during the "happy ending" and we wondered about your sexual relations at home.'

Peter thought for a second, it seemed a very personal subject to broach, but, he felt comfortable with this woman for some reason, even though he had known her for just a few minutes. He started, 'Well actually, there has been a bit of a drought in that area of late, you see my wife... Dani, gets these serious headaches, and, just the thought of sex... well, she hasn't been very keen lately.'

'Oh, I am so sorry to hear that, is she seeing a doctor about it?'

'Yes, next week she has an appointment. I don't think it's too serious, and neither does she, probably blood pressure or something,' he ventured.'

'Well, perhaps she should come and see Sia; sometimes natural remedies and acupuncture can help with severe headaches.'

'All right, I'll mention it this afternoon, when I get home,' he said.

Mia looked over at the clock. 'Come, let us begin your treatment.' She rose from the chair and led him to the treatment room.

He noticed that the treatment bed that Sia had used, was pushed against a wall. In its place in the middle of the floor was, what looked like, a large yoga mat. Mia noticed his confusion. 'You are wondering about the massage table, yes?' she said, 'I am not a fan of all the motors and gears in those contraptions, I prefer a much simpler approach.' She indicated the mat, 'this is a Japanese tatami mat; it uses igusa, which is a Japanese rush, it is much more comfortable than it looks. If it's okay with you, I would prefer to use this mat rather than the table.'

"No that's fine,' Peter said, 'just a bit unexpected, that's all.'

Mia pulled a clean, white sheet from a cupboard, and spread it over the mat, tucking the corners in tight.

'Peter, please get undressed, then put on this underwear.' She indicated a pair of paper underpants on the chair. 'Oh and take off your watch. You can leave your things on the chair. I will return in a moment.'

Mia left the room, so Peter undressed, put on the paper knickers, and placed his clothes on the chair. Mia returned with a couple of white towels. 'So, Peter, let's see how you are progressing. She motioned him to move and stand on the mat. She stood behind him and placed her hands on his hips. 'Now, Peter, can you please try and touch your toes for me, lock your knees as you do it.' She held his hips as Peter attempted the move. He got part the way down and groaned, then stood back up. 'Very good, now move your torso from side to side, keeping your hips still.'

Peter did so this time without complaint. 'That's fine. Please lie face down on the mat, and you can remove the underwear, they will only get in the way.' Peter pushed down the knickers then got gingerly lowered himself down the mat. He found it surprisingly comfortable, it seemed to mold itself to his body shape. Mia picked up the knickers, and placed them in a bin. She busied herself at the sideboard in the room and approached the mat, kneeling down and sitting on her heels. She spread some lotion and gently massaged his lower back and buttocks, humming to herself as she did so. 'Peter, I am now going to begin with the acupuncture, let me know if you feel any discomfort.'

Peter thought he felt one or two of the needles going in, but they were the faintest of pricks on his skin. Soon Mia let him know, 'All done, I've set up an infrared lamp, it should not get too hot, but if it does press this button.' She pushed a small remote control into his hand.

'Thank you,' said Peter. This was new, a lamp, he thought. He heard her footsteps on the floor and the door closing behind her as she left. The scent in the room was pleasant and tantalizing.


The last of the needles tinged into the bowl, Mia glanced up, and saw that he was waking. She took the remote button from his hand. 'Welcome back, Peter. You were in a deep sleep,' she said, as she pushed the bowl of needles to one side. She stood, and poured water into a cup, then bent and handed it to him. He drank half the water in one gulp.

'Thank you, I was quite thirsty. Mia, this happens every time, the needles go in, and a couple of minutes later, I am out like a light, why is that?'

'Well, its partially the tea, also some of the needles are positioned to relax your muscles. Also, I think you are not sleeping well at home, perhaps the stress. I think you are more worried about your wife's health than you care to let on.'

'Hmm, I think you could be right, I do feel a bit guilty being here, and not at home looking after her.'

'Relax, you are here to get your back fixed, you will be much better placed to look after your wife when you have freedom of movement. Also, don't feel guilty, this treatment, including the so-called "happy ending," is essential to get you back to full health, perhaps you could think of it as part of your therapy; I must tell you that we do not offer this option to just anyone, you should feel very special.'

'Thanks, Mia, I guess when you put it that way...'

Mia was all businesslike once again, she maneuvered his arms down by his sides, and started to massage his lower back.

The time flew by quickly. Peter's feet, arms, neck, and back all received a workout under Mia's strong hands, elbows, and knees. As she worked, he asked, 'I've been meaning to ask Mia, where are you and Sia from? I mean what country?'

"We are from Singapore, we moved here to Australia a few years back. Sadly, Singapore had too many bad memories for us.'

'Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry.'

'That's all right,' she paused, her hands stilled as if she were thinking. 'You see, my husband died in an accident, he was a customs inspector at Singapore port. He was driving in the port when a lorry with a large box on the back, not a box but a...'

'A container?' he offered.

'Yes, a container,' she continued, 'anyway the lorry turned suddenly and the box, um, container was not secured, it tipped off the lorry and landed on my husbands' car. He was killed instantly.' She sniffed, then, her stilled hands started massaging again.

'It was his birthday,' she told him.

Ironic, he thought, getting killed on your birthday.

'It's ironic don't you think,' she continued, 'getting killed on your birthday?' What! He thought, had he said it out loud? No, he reasoned, just a coincidence, although he had a feeling there was a connection there between them. He'd just met this woman and somehow, they were thinking on the same wavelength. He realised it had gone quiet, Mia expecting an answer. 'Yes, it is,' he said, 'I was just thinking the same thing.'

'I was working as a stewardess, a flight attendant, as they are called now, for Singapore Airlines. Singapore Girls they called us,' she added whimsically. 'I had taken the day off to prepare a special meal for his birthday, Sia was also going to join us.'

'Mia, I am so sorry, I should not have asked. Are you okay to continue?'

'Yes, of course, it was a long time ago.' She was kneeling now, straddling his thigh, one knee between his legs. 'Yes, I miss him a lot, but now we are Australian, we have a new life here.'

Peter felt her knee dangerously close to his crotch, he felt a stirring down there and admonished himself, now is not the time to get an erection. He said, 'thank you for sharing that with me, Mia. Now, I do really feel special, and although it was a long time ago, I am very sorry for your loss.' He thought, down boy.

Peter wondered what had led Mia to change career directions, it seemed a long stretch from air hostess, to acupuncture and massage specialist.

'Thank you, Peter, that's very kind of you to say. You must be wondering how I made the transition from being a Singapore Girl, to acupuncture practitioner.'

'Well, I was actually,' he said. Could she be reading his thoughts?

'I was on a trip to Taiwan, one of the passengers was an acupuncture master. We got talking about holistic medicine and he invited me to his clinic in Tainan, which is south of Taipei. I went, and fell in love with the practice. I loved the natural simplicity of acupuncture and holistic medicine for healing. I gave up my job, and trained with him for some years. I started to train Sia, she finished her training with the same master in Tainan,' she finished.

'What a great story, I feel even more privileged to be here.'

'Thank you, Peter; now, we will do some stretches on your back. Can you please stretch your arms down your side, Sia told me she did this stretch yesterday, how was it for you?' she asked, as she took his hands in hers.

'It was okay, a bit painful, but not too bad. Like banging your head on a wall, it feels great when you stop,' he joked.

Mia pulled back gently, 'Just try to relax; we shall see how far you can stretch, call out if it hurts too much.' She kept on gently pulling back, then stopped and let him return to lying down, she rubbed his lower back; as she did, her knee moved closer to his groin, he felt her hands massage his buttock, then her knee retreated as she moved over to the side. 'How was that?' she asked.

He replied, 'Just a bit painful, but not too bad.'

'Good, now, let's get you to turn over and we'll try some stretches of your hamstrings.' Peter hesitated, aware of the beginnings of a woody. Mia had turned her back to reach for a lotion bottle; when she turned back Peter still had not moved. 'Is everything okay?' she asked.

'Yeah, all good, it's just that, um I....'

'Oh, you have an erection, that's normal and expected, didn't Sia tell you that?'

'She did, and it was fine, but... sometimes, well, it's like it has a mind of its own.'

'Just roll over, it's fine, really.' Peter rolled over, his cock, as he suspected was on the way to getting fully hard. Mia looked at his cock as he lay on his back, she moved to place a pillow under his head. 'Quite impressive,' she said quietly into his ear. 'A nice shape, and circumcised too, I like that,' she offered.

Peter relaxed, and let his head sink into the pillow; he really couldn't think of an appropriate response, and the moment seemed too intimate to make a dumb joke. Mia had placed her hand on his chest, as she spoke to him; now, it was trailing down over his stomach, pausing just short of touching the head of his cock.

She moved around between his legs and knelt back on her heels once more. She lifted his leg from behind the knee and placed his calf on her shoulder. This was the same position as Sia had him in yesterday, he wondered if she, too, would use his cock as a handle, the so-called pleasure-pain maneuver.

'Just try to relax, I'm going to push forward on your leg now.' She pushed through, stretching his thigh, he looked at her face as she did so, was that a smile? It was extremely easy to look at her, he decided.

She pushed once more, then let him relax, lowering his leg to the mat beside her. She repeated the process on his other leg. Peter felt a little disappointed that she had not used the same technique as Sia, but he guessed every masseuse has a different approach.

Mia moved around to his side, picked up the lotion bottle. 'Your treatment is all finished for today; you have been a very good patient. The only thing left now is your happy ending. This is a special lotion; not oily, but water-based and very slippery. It has a dual function; we use it as a massage lotion and a lubricant, it doesn't get sticky like some of the other lubricants available.'

She pumped a generous dollop into her hand as she moved closer to his side. Her face was close to his, as she took hold of his cock and started to swirl her hand up and down the length. The lube was cool, and, as she had suggested, felt very slippery.

'Try to last as long as you can,' she softly said, her lips inches from his ear, 'see if you can beat your time from yesterday, Sia told me you lasted quite a long time.' Her hand was moving rapidly up and down his cock now, and she moved back to his middle. She squeezed another dollop from the pump pack.

He resisted the urge to thrust his hips up into her hand, and tried to relax. Both her hands were slippery with lube now. She slipped one hand between his legs, and gently squeezed and massaged his balls. 'How does that feel, Peter. Do you think you can hold on for longer?'

He could not believe this woman, she had to be nearing sixty, was this skillful at cockplay, 'Ungh, I'm trying as hard as I can, maybe you could ease off a bit, while I get some control back.'

'Of course.' Mia slowed her ministrations on his cock and concentrated her efforts more on his ball sack which she was pleased to see had tightened nicely. 'Why don't you ease your legs apart a little, so I can play a little with your anus, you did enjoy that when Sia did it, didn't you?'

Did these two tell each other everything? he thought, as he eased his legs apart. 'Yes, I did enjoy it,' he said, as Mia's fingers brushed over the pucker of his anus, 'and I'm loving your touch now too, Mia.'

Mia's hand had continued to spiral up and down Peter's cock, alternating between holding it in her fist, using her soft palm to caress the head, and smoothly rubbed the sensitive underneath of the head with her thumb.

'I think I'm getting close now,' he said, as Mia's middle finger gently probed his anus. As she did so, she increased the tempo on his cock, she could feel his balls twitching and retracting, getting ready for his release.

'That's okay, Peter, you can let it go now.'

So Peter did. He raised up onto his elbows to watch, as the first spurt of semen rushed up his cock and leapt into the air, followed by another and another that landed on his stomach. Mia's small, skillful hand continued to stroke his cock, 'til, finally the stream stopped and just a trickle of semen oozed out of the head of his cock, coating the back of her hand.