Meimei Pt. 02


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I did, kicking off my shoes and stripping away my socks.

"You didn't tell him, An Shan," Mama said. "I'm surprised at you."

"Tell me what?"

An Shan sighed miserably. "You're being inspected as Rights of the Daughter's Family."

"Take off your pants," Mama said.

"Wait--what?" I asked An Shan.

"Rights of the Daughter's Family. You're a nominee. It's a Taiwanese thing--a really, really old Taiwanese thing that virtually nobody does anymore!" An Shan's voice rose, and her last words were directed at Mama.

Mama smiled calmly. "Your pants," she repeated.

"What does it mean this 'nominated' thing?"

Mama unbuckled my belt. She unfastened my pants. She unzipped me.

An Shan said, "When you are nominated as a potential mate, a potential son-in-law, the daughter's family has the right to inspect you."

Mama dropped my slacks, getting on her knees to pull them free off my feet.

"Inspect me how? Like this? Wait--who nominated me?"

"You did when you told Mama about us," An Shan replied

I looked at Mama. She nodded.

"And how am I inspected?"

An Shan sighed. "However the daughter's family sees fit to determine your worthiness."

Mama rose beside me. I was in my underwear, only. "Is this typical?" I asked.

"There is no typical," An Shan responded.

Mama hooked her fingers under the waistband of my boxer briefs.

"Mama, don't," An Shan urged.

"Uh. Do I get any say in this?" I asked both ladies.

Mama slid my underwear down to my ankles. I was naked.

"Talk to me, someone," I said.

Mama completely removed the last garment and turned to An Shan.

My meimei cringed apologetically, muttering, "I'm so sorry." Then, she answered, "By tradition, it gave the prospective bride's family a chance to ensure that the nominee was worthy, whole, and true. Nominees were expected to allow this or the prospective bride's family could deny the match--therefore, the 'Rights of the Daughter's Family.'"

Mama stepped behind me. "He is strong," she said. "Very strong." Her tiny hands touched my shoulders, my back, and the backs of my legs.

"Mama, why won't you talk to me?" I asked.

"For Rights of the Daughter's Family, you are not my son. The family is not expected or required to explain anything to a nominee," she replied.

"She's right," An Shan added.

"So, you knew this was going to happen?"

"I hoped it wouldn't, but--," An Shan didn't finish.

Mama did. "An Shan knew," Mama explained, "that my fumu inspected her baba before we were engaged, and his family did the same to me. An Shan knew our families held to the practice for generations. She should have expected this and explained it to you."

"I'm so sorry," An Shan offered.

"So what do I do?" I asked. "Nothing?"

"Nothing," mother and daughter replied together.

"Was it typical for the--the prospective bride to be present during the inspection?"

"No," Mama said, "but it is the Right of the Daughter's Family, and I wish An Shan to be here." Mama stepped in front of me. Her hands explored my chest and armpits, my arms, and then my face.

Then, she knelt in front of me. "Uh, Mama?" I turned to An Shan in desperation. Mama reached out and cupped my balls.


"Shush, child!"

She rolled her thumb over and around each of my testicles. Then, she felt my scrotum, rubbing her fingers against one another through the flesh almost everywhere. Finally, she raised my limp cock, scrutinizing it and running her thumb gently along its length. Letting me free, Mama rose and turned to An Shan, saying, "Now the Rights of the Husband's Family. Take off all of your clothes, An Shan."

An Shan shot to her feet. "What?!"

Mama nodded.

"But, you said--!" An Shan pointed at me. "You said he was not your son for this--which means I am your daughter, which means--!"

"When I was representing the daughter's family, yes. Now I am representing the son's family. Do you think it is fair for him to be inspected, but for you simply to be assumed worthy, whole, and true?"

An Shan open and shut her mouth--twice. Nothing came out until she sighed in resignation. Her shoulders slumped.

"Mama?" I said.

She turned to me.

"May I take off her clothes--as your agent?"

An Shan's eyes shot toward me. Hope was there in them. She and I awaited Mama's response.

Mama smiled. "Yes, you may."

I went to her and whispered, "An Shan, ni mei de lihai." (An Shan, you are fiercely beautiful.)

She smiled.

I helped her take off everything down to her bra and panties. Sitting in the chair, Mama said, "Go on."

Walking behind An Shan, I unhooked her red lace bra. Then, I drew down her matching panties. Out of Mama's sight, I kissed An Shan's ass softly.

My cock, already lengthening, began rising. I stood behind An Shan. The tip of my cock lodged itself, still growing, in between the two thick spheres of her butt.

Mama rose.

"What do you wish me to examine, Mama?"

She gave me a naughty-boy smile, saying, "Very well. You may examine her breasts and nipples."

I gently scooped them into my hands.

"Feel for imperfections. Feel for fullness," Mama said.

I squeezed them, rotating my fingers and moving from the foothills of her chest to the peak of her nipples.

Again, I squeezed them. My cock throbbed in her ass.

An Shan sighed beautifully.

"Check her nipples," Mama said, "to see if they are suitable for breastfeeding."

I released her pendulous breasts and gently curled my fingertips around An Shan's nipples. Leaning to one side of An Shan, I raised her breast and bent around her toward it. My cock slipped from her butt as I craned down and took the nipple into my mouth, sucking tenderly and rolling my tongue around it as if it were a nugget of soft candy.

An Shan let out an almost imperceptible moan.

I released her nipple and repeated the process for the other side, savoring the texture of the rigid nipple surrounded by a thick, lush field of supple flesh.

"Are her breasts adequate?" Mama asked.

Hiding behind An Shan, I kissed the back of her neck, squeezing her tits again. "They're perfect," I said.

"Good. Now examine her hips and buttocks," Mama told me. "See that she has the fullness and strength to bear a child."

I slid my hands from An Shan's waist, over her hips, and down to her thighs. I spread my fingers wide and ran them up her body but with greedy force. My cock was like the leg of a piano, jutting almost vertically from my groin and purple-red with raging blood. It grazed An Shan's lower back as I groped her hips. Her silky hairs caught in my stubble when I kissed her shoulder, her back, and the back of her neck.

Sliding my hands behind her, I clutched her ass and groaned. An Shan hummed sweetly, airily.

Mama asked if An Shan's body was suitable.

I told her it was.

She nodded and instructed me to examine An Shan's womanly parts--"to see if all is well and as it should be."

Sweeping An Shan's long, jet hair away from her neck, I brought her body against mine. My cock rode up her spine. With one hand, I clutched her tit. I laid the other flat, firmly on her sleek tummy. Sucking her neck in full view of Mama, I slid my hand down, down between An Shan's legs.

An Shan moaned.

I curled a finger under her, found her wet clitoris, and drew circles around it while my other hand stroked her breast.

An Shan held her breath when I snaked my finger inside of her pussy and began to massage her there.

"Is she a whole woman?"

"Yes, Mama," I uttered, fucking An Shan with my finger and hearing her moan without inhibition.

"Can her body lubricate a man?"

"Yes. Easily."

"Show me that she is desirable to you."

I drew my hands from An Shan and stepped beside her, putting my body on full display. Mama looked at it. She rose and walked to us.

Standing in front of me, Mama took my cock in her hand. She stroked me once, watching her hand glide back and forth. My first feeling was shock. I was going to say something, and An Shan was, too.

Mama released my erection, stepping to An Shan. In the wake of Mama's touch, I felt a kind of thrumming, warm pleasure. It lingered, but not in a fading way. The pleasure grew stronger for several seconds before dying like an echo. Gasping, I was astonished. An Shan surely read it in my face, heard it in my breathing.

I had never felt such rapturous pleasure on my cock from a simple touch.

Suddenly, An Shan flinched. I spun to look. Mama's finger was inside of her daughter's pussy. Mama's wrist gyrated; she did something inside of An Shan. My meimei sucked in her breath and let it out in a long, deep moan. Mama drew her hand free and took a step back.

An Shan's legs were shaking. She blinked at Mama in astonishment. Then, Mama spoke such rapid, hushed Chinese to An Shan that I could barely understand it.

An Shan nodded.

Mama continued.

I picked up words and phrases, but it ended before I could make anything of it. Something about the time and woman. I think I heard the Mandarin word for penis. Mama said something about majesty. That could be right.

An Shan nodded again.

Mama smiled. She looked at both of us and said, "I have seen, and you are both worthy, but there is one last duty as An Shan's mother I must perform."

Mama went to An Shan and led her to the bed, helping her climb onto it. An Shan didn't argue; she seemed to be glad of the help. Mama positioned An Shan near the edge of the bed on her hands and knees. Beckoning me, I went to Mama. She urged me onto the bed behind An Shan. Then, she held my cock and brought it to An Shan's pussy.

"Go ahead, Jian Dao. She is as ready for you as she can be, and I wish it."

"Mama, wait. Is this part of the rights thing?" I asked.

"No, this is part of being a mother to a Taiwanese daughter."

"I don't understand."

Mama sat back. She said, "The two of you have been dutiful in not having sex, but I have seen the two of you now. I know your urges will not be suppressed for long."

"We won't--."

"Quiet, son. You will."

"And you want me to do it here? Now?"

"Yes, and it is not at all uncommon for Taiwanese mothers to be present at this moment to help their daughters through their first time."


"Go ahead, son."

Taking An Shan's hips and staring down at her beautiful ass, I urged my cock forward.

Mama watched closely.

Her body parted for mine. The knob of my cock sank inside her. An Shan cried out, and I stopped.

"No," Mama said to me. "Be firm. It is better for her to get it over with than to delay, my son. Trust me in this." She turned to her daughter. "Steel yourself, An Shan."

"Mama," she gasped. "Bu neng. Tai duo." (I can't. It's too much.)

"Neng!" (You can!)

"Rang wo!" (Help me!)

Mama climbed onto the bed. She laid her hand on the bed near An Shan's. My meimei grabbed Mama's hand and held it tightly in hers. Mama put her other hand on An Shan's back, stroking her gently. An Shan kissed Mama's hand.

"I know, daughter, but it will be over soon, and you will forget this suffering and only remember the sweetness."

An Shan hummed nervously.

"Yes," Mama said. She looked at me and nodded. "As deeply as it will go, son, and when the pleasure causes you to give her your seed, do not concern yourself. There is no egg to fertilize at this time."

Holding An Shan's hips, I buried myself in her pussy with one firm shove. An Shan howled. Mama whispered into her ear, caressing her back.

An Shan hollered again. And again. Mama kissed An Shan's head and whispered into her ear. Momentarily, An Shan's panting settled, and she huffed that it was better. She thanked Mama.

Turning to me, Mama said, "The difficult part is over. Enjoy one another's bodies as lovers." She let go of An Shan's hand and began to rise.

"Stay, Mama," An Shan pleaded. "Stay with me through this." She reached for Mama's hand.

The old woman glanced at me, and I couldn't speak. An Shan's pussy was like a song that drowned out the rest of the world and made me feel thrillingly alive.

Mama knelt beside An Shan and took her hand; I started fucking.

At first, An Shan grunted at every thrust, but gradually, those sounds diminished, being replaced by deep breaths and sweet moans. Finally, she huffed, "It feels so good, Mama."

"Yes, dear child," Mama said. "Remember that he is hard and strong for you. It is you he desires, and no other."

"Yes!" An Shan cried.

"Let him love you, An Shan."


"Give your body to him completely," Mama urged. "Surrender to the pleasure his body gives yours."

An Shan moaned deeply, finishing with a gasp. I grunted at the new, higher pleasure awakening within me.

Mama turned to me. "Yes," she said. "You're body pleases him, An Shan. Can you feel it?"

"Yes, Mama! I feel him!"

Suddenly, I was no longer in control. My hips forcefully fired into An Shan, but the music of her body swept me away. It was as if An Shan's body commanded mine.

An Shan hollered that she felt it. It was here.

"Let go, both of you," Mama calmly uttered.

My meimei cried out. Dizzy, I wanted to stop. I needed to freeze and just cum in her, but I still couldn't. The sound of An Shan's climax drove me onward, compelled me to fuck her all the way through it. I did, and the satisfaction reached levels higher than I ever dreamed.

An Shan's pussy began to throb deep inside of her. My cock felt the deepest part of her tightly embrace the shaft, and An Shan hollered wildly.

Control never came back to me until it was over, I clutched An Shan's ass and came in her pussy, still fucking, but so hyper-sensitized that each thrust was more of a convulsion of my entire core than a drive of my hips.

An Shan was sprawled before me. Her knees were wide. Her back arched as if to present her pussy at its most lurid, pornographic angle. Her breasts squashed against the mattress, creating two beautiful bubbles of flesh poking from either side of her torso. Her head was up and she moaned toward the headboard as I continued firing volleys of semen deep inside of her.

As the feeling ebbed, I was reminded of An Shan's piano playing--how she poured herself into the emotion of every piece. Fuck, yes, she had, I realized. She had poured herself into getting fucked by me. It was spectacular and gratifying at the same time.

Mama whispered, "Be together with her now. Comfort and love her gently." She rose and left.

"Mama?" An Shan sighed.

Mama turned. I was surprised to see that now Mama was the one looking nervous.

"Thank you," An Shan whispered.

Mama's face relaxed. She smiled, nodded, and walked out the door.

I pulled my cock from An Shan and slid onto the bed beside her. Her body deflated into the mattress, and she turned to me, pink and perspiring. "It was so beautiful, JD," she sighed.

I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her deeply. I told her that she had been magnificent.

She circled me in her arms, and we laid together that way, coming down from heights only the song of the body could reach.


I showered quickly; An Shan followed. When I came into our little family room, Mama was there, reading a book. She put it down and gestured for me to sit with her.

I didn't know whether to feel embarrassed or not.

She seemed unfazed. "My Mama--your grandmother--stayed with me on my first time with your Baba. An Shan knew this. Don't be ashamed; I'm not. It is family duty."

"Jiating zeren."

"Yes, and you did well," she said. "Now, listen carefully. I have researched the matter. There are forms you must complete to legally sever yourself from our family. Another government form will return to you the name given to you by your birth mother--Viktor Deripazhkin. You must complete these."

"Mama--what? No. I am proud to be your son--to belong to the Lee family."

"Your Baba would weep to hear these words from you, Jian Dao."

"They're true."

"Of course they are," Mama said. "I know this, and I thank you for saying them, but your next family duty is to give up your family. You do not have to be Viktor, but you must at least be J.D. Deripazhkin. Your separation from the Lee family must be complete. Only then can you marry An Shan."

"Get married already?"

"Did you not hear her? She told me so. Her heart belongs to you."

"Back in the bedroom before--?" I didn't finish.

Mama nodded.

I said, "You spoke so quickly and quietly. I didn't understand."

"You must practice your Chinese more often, Jian Dao. In any event, I will send you the links to the forms. Once everything is settled legally, we will bring you both home where you can ask Baba's permission."

"Baba's permission for what?" It was An Shan, wrapped in towels, smiling, and looking fresh and beautiful.

"Baba's permission for Jian Dao to marry you."

An Shan's smile vanished. She turned to me. "Does he--? Do you--want to? Marry me?"

"I do."

An Shan screamed in joy, jumping in the air. When she landed, she had to catch her towel before the weight of her breasts tugged it free.


Mama was on a plane back to Minneapolis. An Shan and I were in bed together.

"What else did you and Mama whisper about?" I asked.

"You've probably already figured out that she wanted to know if I was ovulating."

"Yeah. What else?"

An Shan laughed.


"You may not like it," she replied. "It's weird."

"What? Tell me."

"Mama told me you had a kingly penis."

"Oh, geez. Kingly?"

"Or majestic, depends on how you translate it," An Shan explained. "Anyway, Mama said I mustn't ever take such a penis for granted."

I laughed. "She could have just as easily told me you had the body of an Asian goddess, and I couldn't ever take you for granted."

"Maybe, but here's the thing: I would like to not take your kingly penis for granted right now," An Shan suggested with a grin.

"How would you like to not take it for granted?"

An Shan pushed the covers of the bed down. She stripped off her nightshirt, exposing those beautiful, surging tits. She said, "Well, I was thinking about our names."

"Our names?"

She nodded. "Jian Dao, as you well know, means 'Way of the Sword;' An Shan, of course, means 'Peaceful Mountains.' So, what if the way of the sword went through my peaceful mountains?"

An Shan cupped her mountainous breasts and drew them together with a grin.

I climbed over her and lowered my erection into the cleavage she created, sighing.

"Maybe later, An Shan," I said, "my way will take me between other peaceful mountains."

She laughed.

It would be another spectacular duet--a lifetime of them lay ahead for us.


End Note: Thank you for taking the time to read this story. All errors I must apologize for and hope they didn't pull you out of the narrative. Thoughtful feedback is always welcome. -FS/Mr. Squeeze

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Amazing story. Not gonna lie, I was kinda hoping mama might take him in her mouth for a minute lol. Very well done.

oldgraycatoldgraycat7 months ago

What a wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago
555 stars

soooo good

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved everything about this story. Except the end. Everything was so believable and innocent. Not the ridiculously unrealistic crap many write about. (maybe the anal was a bit unlikely) but that ritual at the end pulled me completely out the story. It was uncomfortable, weird and not at all sexy.

However, the rest of both chapters was excellent and I really enjoyed it overall.

wish_thinkerwish_thinkeralmost 2 years ago

Meimei... was such a wonderful story of love. You are soo talented and I sincerely hope you are publishing somewhere else that can reward you monetarily. You deserve that.

ChloeTzangChloeTzangabout 2 years ago

What a wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Totally awesome! Parts 1 and 2 together - almost unbelievable quality for Literotica. Not only your command of Chinese, but the smooth way you wove it into the narrative is impressive; it always strengthened, never slowed, the story. The characters are believable and appealing. Your knowledge of relationships, adoption dynamics (I know!), cultural dynamics - all are impressive. And the writing is engaging - like, hard to put down. One of the best I've read in Literotica. Excellently done! Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I actually surprisingly enjoyed this story a lot, the erotica was well-written for the most part, and the attempt at Chinese was at least respectable. However, as I got to the last part here (with the strange ritual), I had to do a double take. Being Chinese with some knowledge of Taiwan as well, the strange turn to exoticism knocked me out of immersion and everything ground to a halt. It's probably obvious to most people that the ritual is a work of fiction, but with everything else matching up relatively well with a "Chinese family", this was really quite jarring. Still, credit where it's due, the story was overall fine.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fantastic! Thank you. Thank you especially for sharing, describing her beauty, her spirit, your thoughts and feelings. It is an intensely beautiful story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Really great story with strong descriptions, painful character development, and illuminating sex scenes. I appreciate the love and family devotion showed by the family and their traditions. Definitely looking forward to a next installment. 5/5

DarkkBrothaOneDarkkBrothaOneover 2 years ago

Very well done! Bravo! Please give yourself a thunderous amount of oats on the back for this! I read both stories and have to say, this is by far, one of my top 3 stories I have EVER read on Lit... included my own!! It ebbed, it closed, it had great characters, great story, great emotional depth and an awesome ending. It wasn't a quick in and out. Nor a meandering ramble. While I cannot speak knowingly of the different cultural differences; they seemed nonetheless well thought out and explained. You have a new fan for life if the rest of your offerings are this good! 5 stars easily! And that's ONLY because you can't have more!!!

JReadmoreJReadmoreover 2 years ago

A very well written love story. the plot was well laid out and flowed nicely. It was interesting blending the German boy with the oriental family. There was never a hint of what the second part would entail. I thought the mothers traditions were interesting. Lastly, I love happy endings.

Frankie1952Frankie1952over 2 years ago

Fantastic, love this story to bits and want to read what happens from here please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The whole "drop you head first into a bunch of language and cultural barriers thing" seemed contrived, and frankly a reduction in the potential heat level of this story. I don't know why race is such a huge component in some many stories on this site. The eroticism comes from motivations and behaviors, not skin tone or accent. I would have rated it a lot higher without constantly being thrown out of the immersion by the clinic the author tried to put on with respect to a particular culture.

pcman1950pcman1950over 2 years ago

What's the oft-heard expression, "I guess you had to be there." That's rather how I feel after having read this story. As a Caucasian with only incidental knowledge of Chinese – or other Occidental – customs, the concept of honour is "foreign" to me and, I fear, so much of the western world's population. Hence, the conflicts experienced by your protagonists only became comprehensible as the dialogue unfolded. My feeling of being jarred at the reversals (An Shan's rage, for example, when JD asks for clarification) was, perhaps, appropriate and in synchrony with the emotions both felt as their relationship unravelled. All of that aside, I enjoyed the story immensely; in part because of its unusual premise, but also for the empathy I felt for all four of the fully-developed characters, Many thanks for a wonderful read. 5 stars and a favourite rating.

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